Wolf's Heart (Feral) (6 page)

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Authors: Melissa Jolley

BOOK: Wolf's Heart (Feral)
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She turned to see one body on the ground and Zane standing tall, fighting the remaining two. Zane’s battle had transfixed Katrina, who obviously thought Larissa’s death would be too quick to be enjoyed fully. She’d chosen to concentrate her attention on the slow, painful death of the lover who had spurned her, and indulge in the agony it caused him to watch the woman he loved die, his helplessness her reward. Larissa saw a smile flicker on Zane’s face as she took a step toward him.

“No!” Katrina screamed.

Larissa turned to see Katrina’s beautiful face in a twisted contortion of rage, but Larissa saw something else mixed in with the anger—pain. An agonizing yell ripped through the night air, and both women turned simultaneously to find the source of the noise. One of Katrina’s remaining followers dropped to the ground, at least ten feet from where he had been barely seconds ago.

Katrina’s remaining henchman stepped back warily, looking at her for some kind of indication of what to do next. He nodded at some unseen command, and his form changed to that of a very large dog; a wolfhound perhaps.

Zane sneered at the great beast, who snarled back in aggravation, as they began circling one another. “Still making stupid decisions I see. Just so you know, I’m no pussy!”

With great ferocity, the dog lunged at Zane, and knocked him to the ground. As Zane rolled over, his own feral form took shape, and the two animals snapped at each other viciously. The dog stood between Zane and Larissa, forcing Zane back toward the woods. Zane’s large black eyes found Larissa’s face, and she turned up the corners of her mouth in the smallest of smiles, giving one tiny nod of her head. The dog attacked, and pushed Zane back into the tree line. Larissa could hear the snapping and snarling growing more distant.

Katrina smiled at Larissa. “This is much better, just us girls... alone.” She placed a nasty menace on the final word.

“I don’t think that’s as good a deal as you seem to believe, Katrina.” Larissa smiled back.

“Zane is too far away to help you now, gypsy. I could snap your little neck in a second; you wouldn’t even have time to scream.”

“It’s not Zane you need to worry about. I’m the witch, remember?” Larissa placed her hand at the clasp on her locket, without undoing it.

“Why should I be afraid of a child like you? You couldn’t bind me; you’d have no idea where to begin.” Katrina’s words came thick with fury and acid.

“Oh, I have an idea, Katrina. I actually have something better than an idea. I have the power to bind you right here, right now.”

Katrina’s face blanched at the words, though she maintained defiance. “I don’t believe you.”

“My grandmother was a great story teller, most of which I didn’t believe until tonight. You see, when she gave me this locket, she told me if I was ever in danger, to open it, and it would protect me. Mala was no fool. She knew the worst threat to me and
world was people like you, and that binding was our greatest weapon. Now, what do you think will happen if I open this little locket?”

A shadow of fear crossed Katrina’s face. Larissa could see the defiance ebbing and fear instilling in her foe.

“It’s your choice, Katrina. You walk away and stop your little coup, or I open this locket and you see how nice it is to be human again. I get the impression you’ve lived for a very long time. Do you think you’ll look quite so pretty in that little red dress anymore?” Although Larissa had barely raised her voice above a whisper and her demeanor was almost pleasant, she knew Katrina would hear the conviction in her tone.

Katrina swallowed hard. “You’ll let me walk away?”

“I’ll let you
away, and if I hear you’re trying this little stunt anywhere ever again. I will not fail to hunt you down and end you.”

She glanced briefly over Larissa’s shoulder, and Larissa saw the anguish in Katrina’s eyes, far more obvious now that it lacked anger to shield it. Without uttering another word, Katrina’s form changed into that of a fox, and she darted into the trees, leaving the little red dress in her wake.

Arms enveloped Larissa from behind and she inhaled the scent of her lover.

“I told you, you could do anything you put your mind to. Even the minions have run for it.”

Though aware of their departure, thanks to her enhanced senses, Larissa still looked around to be sure she and Zane were alone once more. “Do you really think it will be that easy?”

“She’s afraid. You’re a new player in this supernatural life and you have your grandmother’s tenacity, which is going to keep her guessing. She may make another play one day, but that’s not going to be for a very long time.” Zane gave her a little squeeze and a peck on the cheek.

“I hope she finds whatever she is searching for without it involving world domination.” That last look of sadness was set firmly in Larissa’s mind. “Zane, what happens now? I mean, what is a girl to do when she’s saved the shifter world from impending cruelty and slavery?” She gave a little sigh, not relishing the idea of going back to the daily grind of waiting tables after this adventure.

Zane turned Larissa around to face him, holding her at arms length a mock seriousness came over him. “Larissa, how’s your typing?”


“Look, the show’s getting really popular, and I could use some help getting organized. I meant it when I said I don’t plan on letting you out of my sight. Why not become my personal assistant?”

Larissa couldn’t believe he was asking her to do the one thing she had dared to fantasize about. She tried desperately to keep her emotions in check and voice even, yet she failed miserably and sounded like a timid school child. “Are you serious? Spend every waking moment at your beck and call?”

Zane hadn’t been expecting such a hesitant response, and it was obviously worrying him. “I wouldn’t put it quite like that,” he mumbled.

“That’s a shame. Because that sounds like my idea of heaven, and I can’t think of anything in this world that would make me happier.” A huge smile broke across her face and then she became suddenly coy as she moved closer to Zane. “So when do I start work, sir?”

He gave her a steely, appraising look, but could not keep the corners of his mouth from moving up slightly. “You are a cheeky little minx! We start filming the new season in six weeks. I also have some friends I think you should meet; well, they’re more like family really. They’re actually the family I was taking you to now. They live near where we do a lot of the location filming, and they can help you harness and improve your new abilities. Mala sent me to them and they’ve helped me a lot.”

Larissa nodded in agreement. “I’d like that, thank you, but first I want to see Sarah. She spent my whole life looking after me. I think that deserves a thank you at the very least. I can’t imagine what she’s sacrificed to look after me. I want her to know it wasn’t in vain, and now maybe she can take a break, though I’m sure Scotland is making up for some of it.” She smiled at the idea of what Sarah would be up to.

“Agreed, but...” A sheepish grimace assailed Zane’s rugged features. “She’s not in Edinburgh.” He looked like he was waiting for a slap, which only made her smile widen. “She’s actually visiting the friends I was talking about. Since we were heading that way anyway, we might as well keep going.” His upward tone almost made it a question. This obvious dominance she had over him could come in handy, she thought deviously.

“Sounds like a great idea to me.” A mischievous glint appeared in her eyes as she once again advanced on Zane and began to snake her index finger down his torso. “So didn’t you say your friends weren’t expecting us just yet?” she asked slyly.

“Yes.” His voice was cautious, but his mouth curved up, already understanding the direction of the conversation. “Tomorrow morning at the earliest.”

“So tomorrow night would be okay?” She arched an eyebrow, daring him to take the bait.

“I think that will be fine.” Zane swept Larissa off her feet and kissed her with enough passion to set the woods on fire. As he carried her toward the picnic table again, it occurred to her that she could get very used to this.


Melissa is a proud Kiwi girl currently residing on the South Coast of the England with her young family. She embraces the lighter side of love, sex, and the paranormal and thus aims for that in her writing.

Her passion is writing men who are rough and ready for anything, and women who can usually look after themselves, but won’t say no to the right man tagging along.

She sets her stories in places she has visited and loved, with the type of people she would have a few drinks and a barbeque with—if only they were flesh and blood.

Melissa can be found in a variety of places, and would love to hear from anyone who takes the time to give her debut a chance:




or tweet her @MelissaJolley

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