Women After All: Sex, Evolution, and the End of Male Supremacy (51 page)

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Authors: Melvin Konner

Tags: #Science, #Life Sciences, #Evolution, #Social Science, #Women's Studies

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“Women’s Empowerment”:
The report is available at the SlideShare website, http://www.slideshare.net/Indian-CAG/young4leaders, accessed Sept. 14, 2014. Most of the information in this section, including the quotes, is based on this report, which I accessed on the CARE website in September 2013. Although it is available at this writing on SlideShare, I have found other sources for the remaining facts and quotes, as indicated below.

“A key breakthrough in CARE’s evolving understanding”:
See “Women’s Empowerment,” 3, box.

CARE’s rebranding:
V. Kasturi Rangan and Katharine Lee, “Repositioning CARE USA,” Harvard Business School Case 509–005, August 2008 (revised July 2009), at http://www.hbs.edu/faculty/Pages/item.aspx?num=36294, accessed Sept. 14, 2014; “CARE ‘I Am
Powerful’ Campaign,” special issue of
Advertising & Society Review
9, no. 1, 2008, accessed Sept. 14, 2014, at http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/advertising_and_society_review/toc/asr9.1.html.

Educating girls:
See Gibbs, “To Fight Poverty, Invest in Girls”; Gates, “Putting Women and Girls at the Center of Development,” cited above; and the Girl Effect website, www.girleffect.org, accessed Sept. 14, 2014.

Benin girls:
“Women’s Empowerment,” 6–7; Care Internationale au Bénin, “Rapport de la Revue mi-parcours: Projet de Promotion de la Participation des Communautés pour une Education de Base pour Tous,” accessed Sept. 14, 2014, at http://www.careevaluations.org/Evaluations/PROBASE%20Mid%20term%20Evaluation%20Dec%202003%20-%20Benin.doc.

“smart, engaging, and bold girls”:
“Women’s Empowerment,” 7.

CARE “Microfinance-Plus”:
For the CARE approach to microfinance, see http://www.careinternational.org.uk/what-we-do/microfinance, accessed Sept. 14, 2014. For a critique and evaluation of the standard microfinance approach, see D. McKenzie, “Impact Assessments in Finance and Private Sector Development: What Have We Learned and What Should We Learn?,”
The World Bank Research Observer
25, no. 2 (2009): 209–33.

Women on the Move program:
W. J. Grant and H. Allen, “CARE’s Mata Masa Dubara (Women on the Move) Program in Niger,”
Journal of Microfinance
4, no. 2 (2002).

“Like you, we have”
“We realized we are also human”:
quotations are from interviews described in Michael Drinkwater (CARE International), “‘We Are Also Human’: Identity and Power in Gender Relations,” paper submitted to the conference “The Winners and Losers from Rights-Based Approaches to Development,” University of Manchester, February 21–22, 2005, 4. See also “Women’s Empowerment,” 10.

Statistics on human trafficking:
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime,
Global Report on Trafficking in Persons 2012,
UNODC, Vienna; and U.S. Department of State,
Trafficking in Persons Report,
June 2013, Washington, D.C.

Kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls called slaves:
Adam Nossiter, “Nigerian Islamist Leader Threatens to Sell Kidnapped Girls,”
New York Times,
May 5, 2014, accessed Sept. 14, 2014,
at http://www.nytimes.com/2014/05/06/world/africa/nigeria-kidnapped-girls.html.

Girls’ location approximately known
: Arwa Damon, Brent Swails, and Nick Thompson, “Where Are Nigeria’s Missing Girls? On the Hunt for Boko Haram,”
June 10, 2014, accessed on that date at http://www.cnn.com/2014/06/10/world/africa/boko-haram-hunt-arwa-damon/.

Village attacked and girls dispersed:
Associated Press, “11 Parents of Nigeria's Kidnapped Girls Die from Attacks and Stress,” July 22, 2014, accessed Sept. 14, 2014, at Fox News World, http://www.foxnews.com/world/2014/07/22/11-parents-nigeria-kidnapped-girls-die-from-attacks-and-stress-hometown-is/; and Aminu Abubakar, “Boko Haram engaged in talks over kidnapped girls,” CNN World, September 9, 2012, accessed Sept. 23, 2014, at http://www.cnn.com/2014/09/20/world/africa/nigeria-boko-haram-kidnapped-girls/.

Jon Boone, “Men Involved in Malala Yousafzai Shooting Arrested in Pakistan,”
The Guardian
, Sept. 12, 2014, accessed Sept. 14, 2014, at http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/sep/12/men-malala-yousafzai-shooting-arrested-pakistan.

ISIS rapes and enslaves thousands:
Alessandria Masi, “ISIS Rapes, Tortures, Marries Captured Yazidi Women as Young as 13: State Department Report,”
International Business Times
, Sept. 12, 2014, accessed Sept. 14, 2014, at http://www.ibtimes.com/isis-rapes-tortures-marries-captured-yazidi-women-young-13-state-department-report-1687394.

The CNN Freedom Project:
http://thecnnfreedomproject.blogs.cnn.com, accessed Sept. 14, 2014.

Free the Slaves:
http://www.freetheslaves.net, accessed Sept. 14, 2014.

http://www.free2work.org, accessed Sept. 14, 2014.

Not for Sale:
http://www.notforsalecampaign.org, accessed Sept. 14, 2014.

Coalition Against Trafficking in Women:
http://www.catwinternational.org, accessed Sept. 14, 2014.

The International Princess Project:
http://intlprincess.org, accessed Sept. 14, 2014.

CSEC in Atlanta:
Bob Herbert, “Young, Cold, and for Sale,”
New York Times
op-ed page, October 19, 2006,
accessed Sept. 14, 2014, at http://www.nytimes.com/2006/10/19/opinion/19herbert.html?_r=0; and Alexandra Priebe and Cristen Suhr,
Hidden in Plain View: The Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Girls in Atlanta, Executive Summary,
a study of the Atlanta Women’s Agenda, September 2005, downloaded Sept. 14, 2014 from www.childtrafficking.com/Docs/atlanta_women_05_girls_0109.pdf. For a video, see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tv6b5YDD92o, accessed Sept. 14, 2014.

Project PREVENT:
http://schoolsafety.education.gsu.edu/research/project-p-r-e-v-e-n-t/, accessed Sept. 14, 2014, and A. Kruger, E. Harper, P. Harris, D. Sanders, K. Levin, and J. Meyers, “Sexualized and Dangerous Relationships: Listening to the Voices of Low-Income African American Girls Placed at Risk for Sexual Exploitation,”
Western Journal of Emerging Medicine
14, no. 4 (2013): 370–76.

“It’s a whole bunch of girls”:
This and other quotes in this section are from Kruger et al., “Sexualized and Dangerous,” 373.

Georgia Care Connection estimates:
http://www.georgiacareconnection.com, accessed Sept. 14, 2014.

Angela’s House:
http://www.youth-spark.org/learn/our-programs/legacy-programs/angelas-house/, accessed Nov. 4, 2014.

“Dear John” Campaign:
For background description and video, see http://shirley-franklin.com/?page_id=732, accessed Sept. 14, 2014.

“CSEC 101”:
See the webinar presented by Jennifer Felner and Amber McKeen of Children’s Hospital of Atlanta, http://www.choa.org/childrens-hospital-services/child-protection-center/prevention-and-training/training-videos#prettyPhotoVideo70715[inline]/0/, accessed Nov. 4, 2014.

National Human Trafficking Hotline:
http://www.polarisproject.org/what-we-do/national-human-trafficking-hotline/the-nhtrc/overview, accessed Sept. 14, 2014. The hotline is non-governmental despite the State of Georgia’s posting requirement.

“41 key legislative components”:
http://sharedhope.org/what-we-do/bring-justice/reportcards/, accessed Sept. 14, 2014.

CSEC milestones in Georgia:
http://bartoncenter.net/work/publications.html, accessed Sept. 14, 2014.

California recognized Georgia:
http://children.georgia.gov/press-releases/2013-04-04/georgias-statewide-response-csec-recently-cited, accessed Sept. 14, 2014.

“The deputy separated the young girl”:
http://blogs.ajc.com/atlanta-forward/2013/01/17/human-trafficking/, accessed Sept. 14, 2014.

Claude Steele and stereotype threat:
Claude M. Steele, “A Threat in the Air: How Stereotypes Shape Intellectual Identity and Performance,”
American Psychologist
52, no. 6 (1997): 613–29; and Claude M. Steele, Steven J. Spencer, and Joshua Aronson, “Contending with Group Image: The Psychology of Stereotype and Social Identity Threat,”
Advances in Experimental Social Psychology
34 (2003): 379–440. See also Steele’s
Whistling Vivaldi: How Stereotypes Affect Us and What We Can Do
(New York: W. W. Norton, 2011).

Stereotype threat in women:
Hannah-Hanh D. Nguyen and Ann Marie Ryan, “Does Stereotype Threat Affect Test Performance of Minorities and Women? A Meta-Analysis of Experimental Evidence,”
Journal of Applied Psychology
93, no. 6 (2008): 1314–34.

Seventeen years of research on threat and gender equality:
Katherine Picho, Ariel Rodriguez, and Lauren Finnie, “Exploring the Moderating Role of Context on the Mathematics Performance of Females under Stereotype Threat: A Meta-Analysis,”
Journal of Social Psychology
153, no. 3 (2013): 299–333.

Country differences in gender math gap:
Andrew M. Penner, “Gender Differences in Extreme Mathematical Achievement: An International Perspective on Biological and Social Factors,” supplement,
American Journal of Sociology
114 (2008): S138–S170.

framing has a major impact:
Emily S. Shaffer, David M. Marx, and Radmila Prislin, “Mind the Gap: Framing of Women’s Success and Representation in Stem Affects Women’s Math Performance Under Threat,”
Sex Roles
68, nos. 7–8 (2012): 454–63.

“Recent Study Shows Men and Women Nearly Equal”:
Ibid., 461. Maryam Mirzakhani won a Fields Medal in 2014.

“it is important to realize”
“more strides need to be made”:
Ibid., 462.

“Calling attention to women’s success”:
Ibid., 459.

French middle school girls did worse:
Annique Smeding, Florence Dumas, Florence Loose, and Isabelle Regner, “Order of Administration of Math and Verbal Tests: An Ecological Intervention to Reduce Stereotype Threat on Girls’ Math Performance,”
Journal of Educational Psychology
105, no. 3 (2013): 850–60.

ninth graders and college students in Germany:
Melanie C. Steffens and Petra Jelenec, “Separating Implicit Gender Stereotypes Regarding Math and Language: Implicit Ability Stereotypes Are Self-Serving for Boys and Men, but Not for Girls and Women,”
Sex Roles
64, nos. 5–6 (2011): 324–35.

Single-sex and co-ed schools in Uganda:
Katherine Picho and Jason M. Stephens, “Culture, Context and Stereotype Threat: A Comparative Analysis of Young Ugandan Women in Coed and Single-Sex Schools,”
Journal of Educational Research
105, no. 1 (2012): 52–63.

“Mathematics and Sciences Course Taking Among Arab Students”:
Hanna Ayalon, “Mathematics and Sciences Course Taking Among Arab Students in Israel: A Case of Unexpected Gender Equality,”
Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis
24, no. 1 (2002): 63–80.

Israeli Arabs not equal citizens:
See, for example, http://nif.org/media-center/nif-news/1165-the-current-protests-are-a-qdream-come-trueq, at the website of the New Israel Fund, accessed Sept. 14, 2014. My own views on Israel and its conflicts, internal and external, are complex and cannot be captured here. If interested, please visit www.jewsandothers.com. I strongly recommend
My Promised Land: The Triumph and Tragedy of Israel,
by Ari Shavit (New York: Spiegel & Grau, 2013); and
Once Upon a Country: A Palestinian Life,
by Sari Nusseibeh with Anthony David (New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 2007).

Except for one group of Jewish girls:
Yariv Feniger, “The Gender Gap in Advanced Math and Science Course Taking: Does Same-Sex Education Make a Difference?”
Sex Roles
65, nos. 9–10 (2010): 670–79.

Women at the top institutes of technology:
Amy Sue Bix,
Girls Coming to Tech! A History of American Engineering Education for Women
(Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2013).

“Before 1952, Georgia Tech had no undergraduate women”:
From Amy Bix, “‘Women Are NOT for Engineering’: How Caltech, Georgia Tech, and Other Schools Reluctantly Began Accepting Female Students into Engineering Programs,” http://www.slate.com/articles/technology/future_tense/2014/03/women_in_stem_how_georgia_tech_caltech_and_others_opened_up_to_female_engineers.html, accessed Sept. 14, 2014.

An Hour of Code:
See “4 Ways to Recruit Girls to Try Computer Science,” at https://code.org/girls, accessed Sept. 14, 2014.

Larry Summers on women in science:
Lois Romano, “Embattled Harvard President to Resign,”
Washington Post,
February 22, 2006,
accessed Sept. 14, 2014, at http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/02/21/AR2006022101842.html.

Janet Yellen beats rival:
Michael Riley and Jeff Kearns, “Summers Backs Yellen’s Debut in Fed Chair Role He Wanted,”
Bloomberg News,
February 16, 2014, at http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-02-15/yellen-says-recovery-in-labor-market-far-from-complete.html, accessed Sept. 14, 2014.

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