Wordless (25 page)

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Authors: AdriAnne Strickland

Tags: #life, #young adult, #flesh, #ya, #gods, #fiction, #words, #godspeakers

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Several people were so crucial to this book, with their loving encouragement and attentive feedback, that without them I wouldn’t even have a functioning draft. So first and foremost I want to thank my personal superheroes: Lukas, my amazing husband, who has encouraged, prodded, and supported me every step of this journey; my lovely mom, Deanna, who has read a billion drafts with never a complaint and always the same amazing attention to detail; Pam and Dan Strickland, who slogged through my earliest work and yet, in spite of that, still continue to read and believe in what has come after; and Chelsea Pitcher, fellow author, critique partner, and wonderful friend, who kept me company and offered stellar advice (and margaritas!) along the way.

After the book left my hands and flew out into the world, several more people kept it from crash-landing: Sandy Lu, the agent who tirelessly represented it; Brian Farrey-Latz, the acquisitions editor who loved it and helped shape it into something better; Sandy Sullivan, the production editor who polished it until it shined; Mallory Hayes, the publicist who told everyone about it; Katie Kane, an account manager who’s selling it; and the rest of the Flux team working behind the scenes. Without all of you, my little manuscript wouldn’t be a book. Thank you so much for making my dreams come true.

I also want to give special thanks to my critique partners in Alaska—Amy Sandbak, Monica Millard, and my awesome friend Michael Miller (where is
book?)—and the Alaska community for being so supportive. If I hadn’t had such a nurturing and inspiring environment, I don’t know how I would have been able to keep writing.

Last but not least, a nod to my brother, Daniel, whose personality I may have “borrowed” somewhat for Tavin.

Much love to all of you.

© Lukas Strickland

About the Author

AdriAnne Strickland was a bibliophile who wanted to be an author before she knew what either of those words meant. An avid traveler, she spent two cumulative years living abroad in Africa, Asia, and Europe and now shares a home base in Alaska with her husband. While writing occupies most of her time, she commercial fishes every summer in Bristol Bay, because she can’t seem to stop. Visit AdriAnne online at

Watch for Book II of Tavin’s adventures,
coming Summer 2015.

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