Words Can Change Your Brain (36 page)

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Authors: Andrew Newberg

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complainers, 31
compliments, 136, 137
and gestures, 44, 81
and pauses in speech, 69
and rate of speech, 60, 140
conflict resolution, 34, 48, 86
consciousness, 53–75
accuracy of, 87–88
in the animal kingdom, 54
boundaries of, 56
and the brain, 54–55, 56–57
definition of, 53–54
effect of mindfulness on, 15
everyday consciousness, 59–60
inner voice of, 62–69
limitations of, 59–60
of newborns, 56
and rate of speech, 140
role of, 52
speculation on, 53
constructive criticism, 180
cooperation, 77–86
among plants, 79–80
and cognitive dissonance, 82
and conflict resolution, 86
development of, 77–78
effect of, on relationships, 173
and empathy, 83–84
and expectation of reciprocation, 78
and kindness, 86
and mirroring communication, 81, 82–83
and neural resonance, 80–82
and observation, 89–90
and punishment, 85–86
social contagiousness of, 81–82
cortisol, 125, 135, 173
Crick, Francis, 54
criticism, 85, 179–80
cytokines, 179


Damásio, António, 84
dating, 166–69
Dean, Jeremy, 140
death, 113
exaggeration perceived as, 31
and eye contact, 91
and facial expressions, 135
and the gaze of others, 88–90
recognition of, 48, 178
of sociopaths, 133
effect of positive thoughts on, 27–28, 36
exercise to reduce, 66
and negative rumination, 25
and three-to-one ratio, 131
and writing in negative terms, 205
diaries and journaling, 160–61, 204, 205, 206
disturbing memories, 35
dolphins, 54
dopamine, 35, 98–99
Downs, Lisa J., 144
Drucker, Peter F., 184


education, 186, 187
Ekman, Paul
on breathing, 125
on expressing sadness, 95–97
on facial expressions, 44, 46, 92, 94, 95–96
on gestures, 44
on micro-expressions, 136
of children, 202
concealing emotions, 135–36
and eye contact, 90–92
and facial expressions, 91–92, 135–36, 138
inconsistency in expressions of, 95
and rate of speech, 70–74
regulation of, 174
sadness, 95–97, 127
and tone of voice, 138, 139
See also
anger; fear; happiness
Emotions Revealed
(Ekman), 125
effect of, on rapport, 194
and imagining a loved one, 99–100
learning, 83–84
limitations of, 84
and mindfulness, 15
and mirroring communication, 81
neurological basis of, 48
and smiling, 98–99
social contagiousness of, 81–82
and tone of voice, 139
“empty-chair” exercise, 175–77
erotic words, 33–34
everyday consciousness, 59–60, 68
evolution of speech, 42
exaggeration, 31
expressive aphasia, 51
and eliciting pleasant memories, 134
eye contact, 89, 90–91, 134
and fear, 94
and honesty/deception, 88–90
and infants, 91
Mona Lisa
smile and gaze, 99–100
and the power of gazing, 90–94
and smiling, 98
and trustworthiness, 88


effects of stress on, 10
mouth, 94–95, 98–99
and trust, 88–89
See also
facial expressions
attending to, 135
and concealing emotions, 135
eliciting, 134
emotions expressed by, 91–92, 138
of happiness, 46
micro-expressions, 9, 92, 135–36
mirroring, 97
negative expressions, 173
neurological basis of, 44–45
practicing, 46
of robots, 97
and trust, 134
See also
loved ones
fantasies, 24–25, 27
fatigue, 18–19
and eye muscles, 94
fearful words, 25–26
of rejection, 173
and smiling, 98
and trust, 88
fight-or-flight response, 25–26
finance-related values, 112–13
first dates, 166–69
first impressions, 88, 89
Fredrickson, Barbara, 17–18, 130, 190
free association, 14
frontal lobes
and abstract concepts, 49
and brainstorming, 13
and mindfulness, 38
and negative thoughts, 26
and neural dissonance, 173
and positivity, 34
and short-term memory, 15
and stress, 10
Frootko, Cheri, 108–9


(Lovelock), 80
gender, 43, 181
generosity, 38, 86
genes, 28, 32–33
effectiveness of, 80–81
language coordinated with, 46
neurological basis of, 42, 44–45
goals, 81, 206
“God,” perceptions of, 29
Golden Rule model of communication, 116
Goldsmith, Marshall, 184–85
Gottman, John, 130
guided imagery, 33


Hameroff, Stuart, 55
facial expressions of, 46
and trust, 88
as universal value, 112–13
and writing exercise, 205
Hart, Betty, 201
healing, 138–39
health-care professions, 186, 190–94
heart health
effect of emotional conflict on, 179
and marital conflict, 173–74
and staying present, 126
and talking with strangers, 160
helpfulness, 78–79
honesty, 31, 88–90
hostile language, 33, 174, 179
humor, 46
hypnosis, 36


and connecting with others, 83–84
“empty-chair” exercise, 175–77
power of, 27, 37, 57
preparing for conversations, 129–30, 131
infants, 78, 91, 98–99, 100
inner speech, 63–65
constant presence of, 62–63
control of, 127–28
and intuition, 68–69
negativity in, 64
observing, 65–66
self-criticism in, 180
and staying present, 126
transforming, 66–68
vocalizing, 75
insecurity, 26–27, 180
insight/intuition, voice of, 68–69, 144–45
insula, 48–49, 68, 100
interruptions, 142–43
intimacy, 94, 127
intonations, 58
irrational beliefs, 30
irritability, 38, 66, 98


James, William, 53–54, 56
diaries and journaling
judgment, 85


Kanter, Rosabeth Moss, 110–11
Kaptchuk, Ted, 138–39
Kelly, Spencer, 47
kindness, 46, 86, 186
Koch, Christof, 54
Kolb, Deborah, 188


language, 10, 40–41, 125

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