Authors: Monica Luke

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      Although, extremely annoyed, obediently Enek rode with Belon without questioning why to just beyond the glens. Once there, he saw Baric, Ogorec, Laad, and Loth waiting, then just as they gathered their horses beside them, six men with two driving a wagon, two behind it, and two riding alongside it, rode over the hill.

      After looking to Belon, then to the four men dressed as priests, his curiosity now got the best of him.

      “What is this about?” Enek leaned over to Belon.

      “King Atorad sent a demand for the bones or bodies of his queen’s brothers,” Belon answered indifferent whether he got them or not. Preferring rather to have them ground into powder and scattered to the four winds, “King Baric and Aderac granted his demand.”

      Enek looked at the priests, then frowned recognizing one of them.

      “Why is Ador with long hair and a beard, and wearing priest’s clothes?”

      “It is custom that the bones and bodies of nobles be blessed and carried from place to place by only priests,” Belon answered.

      Now even more puzzled because Ador was not one to be able to bless anything, and needed blessing himself, Enek again frowned.

      “What? And you chose Ador of all men?” he scoffed certain the priest’s robe probably felt as if it burned when he put it on.”

      Belon chuckled; both knew Ador was far from saintly to wear a priest’s robe.

      “He is going with them to see they are not harmed, along with one from Worrlgen.”


      Baric rode over, and then spoke to both men and the priests.

      “Give them what they want and do not tarry,” he commanded, “And if treachery, use all your skill to defend the priests.”

      The men sent to protect the priests nodded, and while Baric spoke, Enek glanced over to Ogorec noticing his eyes already on him, and now both in the other’s gaze, neither said a word, as their minds ran with thoughts of if both were thinking of the one common to them- Ovfren.

      When Baric finished his command, all watched the men ride away, except Ogorec and Enek, who continuously purposely briefly glared at each other; then turned with the others and looked as someone rode towards them.

      Curiously, wondering who could be riding towards them unannounced they stared intently, but Belon recognized, even from a distance that it was Aderac and met him half way.

      “What are you doing out so early, and here?” he questioned when he pulled his horse alongside Aderac’s horse.

      “I woke to an empty bed.” Aderac pouted.

      “I wanted to let you sleep longer,” he said lovingly, as he mimicked his pouting expression, “But I kissed you as you slept.”

      Aderac smiled, as he looked at him, then behind him at the others now entertainingly watching them.

      “So tender, my lion can be,” he said, as he reached for Belon’s knee, and as if a reflex, Belon immediately moved his hand on top of Aderac’s hand.

      Noticing how all sat speechless now doing nothing as they looked at them, Aderac had a spontaneous idea, and seized the moment.

      “Are you now done here?”

      “Are we done here?” he yelled out, but didn’t turn his head away from his love’s face or remove his hand.

      All looked at King Baric. “We are.”

      Again, Aderac smiled.

      “I am awake at such a time, and now out,” he said smiling as the rising sun reflected off Belon’s eyes enticing him, “Can we ride the land, and not have others with us and …?”

      “And what?”

      “Do something many would blush at seeing.”

      Both laughed playfully loud, knowing if others saw even half of their private embraces, would surely blush.

      Belon leaned over to Aderac, who leaned his face closer and as both gave each other small kisses, making, “Muah,” sounds, all mouths opened watching their always-open displays of affection.

      “Yes we can,” Belon finally said.

      “My eyes shall never become used to such a sight,” Loth said aloud to them all, as they watched them, “Of Belon’s way with King Aderac.”

      “After all this time,” Baric had to add, and admit, “It is the only way I know him to be when he is with him.”

      Any able to disagree, as they rode away, Ogorec watched them until Belon and Aderac disappeared from sight.

      Envious of Belon and Aderac’s, although annoying at times, behavior when it came to displaying loving emotion with each other, he thought of Ovfren and decided any free time he had would be with him doing the same.




       That night, when Ovfren passed Enek, as he walked out of the men’s hall to go on his watch, he briefly slowed.

      “I shall ride from my watch early,” his whisper to him, as he did, “To be with my want, and trust that I shall pleasure him to near madness.”

      Enek’s chest swelled as he wrestled away a smile, and kept walking not looking to his left or right.

      “He will eagerly be waiting.”

      So filled with anticipation he could hardly lay his head still, let alone sleep until early morning. All night Enek stayed awake, laying, pacing, and sitting, anxiously waiting for Ovfren, while letting his imagination run wild of how they would embrace.

      His thoughts of being with a man consuming him, and of who would do what first, curious, yet nervous of how a man would feel compared to a woman, decided what would be, would be with them.

      He decided to let desire rule the passion of how they were with each other, but knew whatever they did would set his body ablaze.

      As dawn finally crept into the sky, now calmed slightly enough that he could stay lying down. He debated if he should wait naked in bed or stand.

      Long enduring Ovfren’s teasing, passionate kisses, and touches; elated their moment was finally at hand; he decided to sit on the edge, and let him undress him.

      When finally the sun peaked over the horizon, anxiously, he stared at the door from the edge of the bed, waiting for it slowly to open and a handsome wonder to walk through it, but when after awhile he had not; he stood and looked out his window.

      Now worried, since Ovfren was on watch, he began to wonder if someone possibly had breached his post certain he would never, not come to him by any will of his own, and dressed.

      As he sheath his sword, normally since within the walls of WorrlgenHall, he kept his knife in the chamber, but his mind set to cut down any, and all who could have done him harm, he grabbed it, then worriedly rushed out.

      His stride wide, with determined purpose he walked down the hallway; but suddenly stopped when he realized, he didn’t actually know where Ovfren was on watch.

      He considered asking others, but concerned if he did they would wonder why he changed his mind, and out of options decided to go to Belon to find out where, even though, he knew it would upset with him.

      Hastily, his stride still wide, he walked down the main hallway to go Belon, but once he rounded the corner, an unexpected sight halted him.

      It was the sight of Ogorec and Ovfren casually talking while they walked side by side, occasionally laughing at something the other said, and coming towards his direction. 

      Although, his jaws jealousy tightened, he began walking again looking straight ahead as if nothing was wrong, careful to avoid glancing over at Ovfren, as well as Ogorec.

      As each got closer to the other, as if all three walked in slow motion, unable to pass each other swiftly, not as much as a breath either took.

      When Ovfren saw Enek coming down the hallway, he felt his stomach violently knot, and when he passed him, he longed to stop to explain Ogorec’s sudden appearance wanting to spend time with him during his watch was why he didn’t come.

      He decided he would secretly go to Enek on the way back, pretending to go get something to eat, but Ogorec kept the vow he made to himself and spent every moment he could with him, and followed him so he couldn’t.

      Frustrated, Ovfren gave up for the time being, hoping Enek would understand, and while they walked, when another guild passed them and stopped to talk with Ogorec. While they talked, Ovfren discreetly turned his head to look behind him at Enek hoping he would turn, and see his anguish by the look on his face.

      When he heard talking, Enek did slow and turned his head, making sure to scowl at Ovfren, and from that scowl, Ovfren knew Enek was, instead, beside himself with anger.

      Ogorec remained near Ovfren during the day, watched alongside him at night, as well as, rode back to their cottage with him, and as days turned into weeks. Enek resolved, although difficult at first, that it was all for the best that he never made it to his chamber that night, and forced thoughts of him out of his head.

      One breezy pre dawn morning, while sleeping soundly, slowly Enek’s chamber door creaked open, which woke him, but when he looked up and saw Ovfren, he looked at him indifferent, and far from happy to see him.

      “What is it?”

      Knowing he was angry, Ovfren did not answer as he humbly closed the door, and making sure they had no embarrassing interruptions like before, locked it.

      After taking in a deep strengthening breath, he slowly walked away from the door, but Enek, still angry didn’t get up to go to him; instead, he looked at him hatefully.

      “Why are you here?” he spewed his question, and added, “I do not want you anymore. He is waiting for you. You should not keep him waiting.”

      Ovfren wisely didn’t comment on his wounding remark. He simply began to undress, and as Enek watched him, his breathing became heavy and his eyes became pleased, as each piece of clothing he removed revealed his spectacular form.

      “No,” he said, controlling himself, and remembering his resolved belief it was for the best Ovfren never made it to him that early morning, “I will have nothing more to do with you.”

      Half-smiling amused by how strong willed he tried to be, Ovfren knew his mouth boldly lied, but as his flawless form stood waiting expecting him to seize him, Enek, instead, got out of bed to go to the door.

      “Leave,” his words, as he brushed passed him.

      When his hand went to the latch to open it, Ovfren quickly turned and softly touched his shoulder, which caused Enek suddenly to hiss; then hiss once more when he felt Ovfren kiss the back of his shoulder.

      From that kiss, Enek inhaled deep as his warm lips sent surges all through him just as he touch had, and he leaned forward gently tapping his forehead on the thick wooden door tormented by his desire for him; wanting badly to resist him.

      After sighing deeply knowing it was useless to keep up the charade of indifference, slowly he turned, and as Ovfren looked up at him, he moved closer, pressing his flesh to his before putting his arms around him.

      “Dare you weaken this will I have, so strong it always has been?” Enek questioned, unable to understand how Ovfren slowly blindsided him with want and beginning love.

      “Then now be weak,” Ovfren’s whisper before he stepped back, then took his hand and pulled him away from the
door, “Just as I am weak when it comes to you.”

      Frustrated as well, Enek shook his head, as he looked at him trying to understand if he wanted him so badly, why he didn’t come to him sooner.

      “Why so long away from me Ovfren?”

      “I could not steal away,” Ovfren’s truth, while shaking his head back at him to emphasize how badly he tried, before he put his hand along Enek’s chin, “I could not steal away.”

      The end of their words, and the beginning of their first passionate embrace, Enek grabbed Ovfren. His strength just as strong as Ogorec’s, and his want energizing him even more, Ovfren got what he wanted only moments before, when Enek suddenly lifted him taking him to the bed.

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