Authors: Monica Luke

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Other than calling his name when he saved him, Ovfren said nothing to Ogorec if not commanded and it gnawed at him such that each time Ogorec saw Ovfren, he made him speak words
to him by ordering him to do meaningless things.

’s replies back to him short and cold, Ogorec began to reason why his aloofness troubled him, as ever since he came to his chamber, even though they said no words to the other, Ovfren stayed in his thoughts and everyday he began to want him more.

Such was Ogorec
’s unending thoughts he began to accept the true reason he did not go to the Eldernon Mountains with Belon had nothing to do with an oath, but instead a dread to leave the one that now plagued him.

Since they camped for a time, reasoning no better time, Ogorec set his mind to stop his unending thoughts or embrace them, and gave Ovfren watch in the latest hour by the far south end of the lake so he could speak with him well away from others.

While on watch, Ovfren sat on a rock beside his horse looking out not surprised to see Ogorec, who when saw Ovfren stand, then turn his back to him, knew talking with him would be harder than he had hoped.

If I did not say thank you,” Ogorec said, as he now approached him. His ruse to begin talking to him, “I thank you.”

Ovfren slowly turned, looked at him and slowly turned away.

“Did you understand me?” he asked, “I want to give you thaaaan …”

Ovfren spun around this time.

“I did not ask for it,” he spouted before he could finish his words.

Still I will give it.”

Now we are even,” he replied, his voice cold and unforgiving.   

His words cut short Ogorec stood for a moment and looked out; then inhaled deeply.

“I have a weakness for grand sights,” he offered a secret, hoping his openness would break through some of Ovfren’s coldness, “As I look out onto this lake it is one of them.”

Ogorec stood looking at him waiting for some kind of reaction, but got nothing.

“Your words are cold to me, yet not long ago they were filled with love for me?” Ogorec questioned, slightly chagrined, “Which is it?”

Shall I bring to mind your words that sent me away?” Ovfren’s terse answer still hurt by them, “Yet, I gather you know them well.”

Ovfren,” Ogorec said, as he now walked to his horse gathering, and actually even disappointed, that Ovfren’s want for him had quelled, yet he did not get onto it, “My words were harsh and I wish never spoken.”

When he began to get on his horse, Ovfren now looked at Ogorec surprised and so
ftened his mood. “What words?” 

All of them.”

Relieved, Ovfren sighed.

“I too have a weakness for grand sights,” his tone soft and deep, “One is before me now.”

’s words cutting deep into Ogorec, he sat for a moment confused of what he should do.

His first want to get off his horse and ravish him as one would a captive virgin, his second to get off and walk to him to kiss him tenderly as one would a lover, his head spun.

“Ovfren,” he wanted to say something profound, but could think of nothing, “Uh, uh stay vigil as you watch,” he blurted instead, as he turned his horse to ride away.

Get off your horse!” Ovfren commanded loudly, “Enough of this!”

What?” Ogorec questioned, as he quickly turned.

You put me here on the last watch well away from all.” Ovfren knew, “And it was for a reason.”

That is true,” he confessed his half-truth, “To thank you for saving my life”

Then will you have all of us gather?” Ovfren retorted, “We all saved the other as we fought.”

His words made Ogorec raise his eyebro
w amused and within him, he wanted to chuckle, something he had not done in some time, yet he controlled his face and kept it serious.

Get down;” Ovfren said again, “Enough of this foolishness. Our time is now upon us Ogorec.”

Ogorec jumped from the horse
; then walked to Ovfren.

Were your words enough of this foolishness? Ogorec questioned, still slightly amused, but chided him, “It is I who commands you.”

I spoke my words as true,” Ovfren avowed, “Enough with useless commands from you just to hear me speak. I can feel you watching me all the time. I have made it clear to you of my want, make it clear to me.” 

Now standing right in front of him, Ogorec looked at Ovfren
’s alluring face, as his desire for him began to make his heart pound like war drums.

Strong is the desire that pulls me to you?” he admitted, as his breathing became heavy while his head shook unable to understand it, “And will not let you leave my head. I ask myself why, yet I cannot answer it. ”

Then I am within you,” Ovfren said, as his heart raced, “Confess it.”

Such is true,” he confessed, “From the time you spoke of love and came to my chamber, yet another has haunted me.”

The other?”


Ovfren huffed jealously
. He put his hand behind Ogorec’s head and only for a moment, Ogorec pulled back, but as he looked at his face, he now could do nothing but surrender to his want.

What do you want from one like me; I have nothing to offer you?” Ogorec asked. His last effort to sway Ovfren away from him, “I am older, hardened, and only know how to live as a guild.”

How can you ask me such a question? Has no other spoke to you of how desirable you are?” Ovfren asked; his words filled with passion before he pulled Ogorec hard to his mouth.

’s kiss to Ogorec a hungry one, his tongue explored Ogorec’s mouth savoring how he tasted before he tried to shove it down his throat.

Are you ready for such ways?” Ogorec asked when Ovfren pulled his tongue out of his mouth to take a breath.

Confess to me you want me,” Ovfren’s eager demand, “And I shall willingly be.”

I will not deny it,” Ogorec breathlessly admitted, “I want you, Ovfren.”

Pleased to hear his words, Ovfren again opened his heart and spoke what was within him.

“Long has been this desire within me for you,” was Ovfren’s longing moan and answer to him, “From the first I saw you.”

Surprised by his confession and pleased, Ogorec confessed his weakness to Ovfren, which was his jealousy.

“Once I am in you,” he whispered as his body begging to feel Ovfren’s finally, “I will not abide you with another.”

Cease your words,” Ovfren tired of talking said, as he pulled Ogorec’s belt that held his sword loose and tossed it to the ground; then removed his belt from around his waist, “Do not make me suffer from want any longer.”

Remove your clothes,” Ogorec murmured impatiently, as his groin tightened even more, “Leave nothing on and I mean nothing.”

Quickly, both moved away from the rock while Ogorec stripped off everything and when Ogorec saw Ovfren
’s body, just as fit as his own body, he became drawn to him with an unbridled fervor and pulled him close.

Have you seen all of me?” Ovfren whispered his eager question, as he moved back again and held his arms away from his body before he turned around twice.

Rigid and ...” Ogorec spoke, as he felt his mouth moisten as if to drool and stared at him in wonderment, “Such a fit you will be inside me.”

I am glad the sight of me pleases you,” Ovfren spoke, as he fought to control his breathing, but his heart pounded rapidly, “It can be no other way but unbending when you are near me.”

Touch me,” Ogorec demanded as he swallowed, “Grasp what is rigid too and will soon be inside you to ravish and tame you.”

Just as he asked, Ovfren touched him.

“Are you ready for such ways?” Ogorec asked him once more, as he grasped the tightened skin of Ovfren’s still swelling organ.

As I watched you ride pass me and strike down that man as if nothing who wanted to kill me,” Ovfren confessed, as he turned then put his hands steady against the rock, “Never have I longed for someone so much that it sickened me.”

As Ovfren felt Ogorec
’s body press against his and his arms go around him. He hissed and responded to his very touch. A touch he had long craved to feel; then when Ogorec’s blood gorged tip nuzzled against his untouched clinched muscle, he braced and stiffened once he felt the sharp stabbing intrusion and shrieked from the pain.

Uuuuhh,” his long painful shriek before he winced and his buttocks tightened, as Ogorec now pushed deeper into him.

’s body still pressed to his, he put his chin on Ovfren’s shoulder to talk to him while he inched inside him to help ease his pain.

Is this what you came to me for that night?” he asked, as he breathed in his ear and bit his lobe, “To know well what you feel inside you now?”

Yes,” Ovfren moaned, as his buttocks unclenched and his body now began to move along with Ogorec’s spearing, “But you turned me away.”

Such that I regret,” he confessed; his spark for Ovfren now flaming like a wild fire, “And not once have you left my head.”

As both moaned deeply, Ovfren heard the sound of galloping hooves in the distance,

“Someone comes!” he groaned again wincing, as he felt Ogorec quickly pull out of him.

Both men quickly pulled from the other, and after Ogorec dressed, he
jumped on his horse and sat casually, then just as Ovfren came from around the rock dressed too, a horse rode over a small knoll.

Ogorec,” the guild said.

Speak,” Ogorec said curtly, “And with haste.”

Lord Baric had me seek you. He wishes to speak of the journey plans with you and Laad, since no one can sleep.”

Ride back ahead of me,” Ogorec said, as he fought to control his breathing and displeasure from pulling out of Ovfren suddenly, “I will follow soon.”

As the man rode away, Ogorec rode over to Ov
fren and sternly spoke.

Great is my jealousy,” his warning to him, “… only with me Ovfren.”

Knowing what he meant, Ovfren nodded.
“What about you and Belon?”

I will not speak of him.”

Then I see,” he said, in a low disheartening tone and looked away.

ensing Ovfren’s unhappiness, Ogorec didn’t ride away. “You knew from the first what was between Belon and me. I have not deceived you.”

I confess yes,” he admitted, the tone still revealing his unhappiness, “And I confess as well, a desire to be now the only for you.”

I will not speak of Belon.”

Looking up at Ogorec on his horse, Ovfren inhaled disillusioned from believing Ogorec would suddenly want only him.

“Then I give you another confession before you leave me,” he added, “I have been inside no woman or man, touched no other, nor had a man inside any part of me.”

You spoke words of this in my chamber long ago.” Ogorec remembered, “You are old enough to know such pleasures and have been under the king’s command long enough to have taken women who swoon over marching men.”

I have the will to wait for my desires,” Ovfren said confidently and proudly, “And now have who I want.”

You are young,” Ogorec teased, “So your will to wait has not been very long.”

I am old enough,” Ovfren retorted, and again averred, “And now have who I want, which is you.”

You feel you have me?” Ogorec questioned, as he raised his brow and slightly laughed.

I am sure of it,” Ovfren said with confident certainty.

Ogorec sighed unsure what to say, but deep within, he knew Ovfren
now had a strong hold on him. “Again this night I will put you here.”

Put me on watch always as we journey if you will come to me in the night to make me moan,” he said at once.

The way to you speak to me pleases me,” Ogorec voiced hard to believe Ovfren’s words had such an effect on him, “And stirs me more than I can put to words.”

Ovfren smiled; then crossed his arms.

Ogorec looked at him when he crossed his arms. His mind so set on whom he wanted, a proud feeling overcame him that he chose and only desired him.

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