Worth the Chance (14 page)

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Authors: Vi Keeland

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Worth the Chance
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Swallowing hard, my voice is throaty when I respond, “It was a good kiss…”

“Tomorrow night. I’m going to do things to you that’ll make you scream my name over and over.”

Ummm…how do you respond to that? Other than having your nipples harden and feeling the flesh between your legs swell in anticipation. “Okay,” I say softly.

“Night, Liv.”

“Night, Vinny.”

I hang up, tossing my phone into a pile of papers, and eventually drift off to sleep with visions of Vinny making me scream, rather than thoughts of the story I had to come to terms with writing.

Chapter 24


I woke today with a new outlook on life. I’ve decided the story just isn’t true. God just couldn’t be that cruel to bring this man back to me and then make me crush his only honorable family memory. One that he utterly cherishes. Lots of people have pale blue eyes and rugged square jaws. Hell, there’s a whole community of beautiful people out there that could pass for a relative of Senator Knight or Vinny.

Arriving at my office bright and early, I’m ready to dive in head first. I just need to clarify a few things with Sleezeball before I get on my merry way.

“Good morning, James. Do you have a minute for me?”

“I’ve got whatever you need. Come on in.” His dirty smile tells me his choice of words is not coincidence. I feel the need to shower at his gross double entendre. Yet I smile all the same as I take my place in the seat he motions for me to sit in.

“I spent a lot of time thinking about the Senator Knight story last night.”

“I figured you would.” Sleezeball leans back in his chair, touching his fingertips together in a praying like pose.

“What happens if I work the story for the next few weeks and, in the end, it turns out that Senator Knight is not Vince’s father? Where does that leave me with the job?”

“We’re confident we’re right with this one.” He sits up in his chair. “But no one has been able to prove it one way or the other. Bring us the proof and the job is yours. They’ve had some heavy hitters working this one for a while now, but Senator Knight has it tied up tighter than a virgin’s ass. The fighter’s our only way in…and seeing those pictures of you outside, I’m thinking pillow talking that man will be like taking candy from a baby.”

Ignoring his crude remark, I go for professional and to the point. “I’m going to need travel and expense funding.”


“I’ll also need a cover story, something to get me time with Senator Knight. I was thinking we suggest a multi-page expose on him and his family. Tell him we want to recreate the Kennedy feel in our family values article. That will get me access to his wife and son.”

“You got it.” He sneers. “I like the way you’re thinking now.”

That comment alone should scare the shit out of me.

Chapter 25


Friday night I have no desire to go out and celebrate. It’s been such a long week, I’d much rather crawl into bed in the fetal position and sleep for twelve hours straight than spend the night barhopping with Ally. But it’s her birthday and I promised her we’d have fun. I know I need to put the week of dead end research behind me and let it go for a while, but it’s easier said than done. I feel guilty for keeping my assignment from Vinny, but I don’t want to hurt him by making him question his father for no reason. A soldier he never knew, a man he always cherished.

I’m still surprised that Ally invited Vinny to join us the other night when he came to pick me up. Normally birthday celebrations are strictly girls night out. But apparently one mention of bringing a few of the guys from the gym was all it took. The birthday girl is easily swayed at the mention of hard bodied fighters with tattoos.

“What do you think?” Ally emerges from her bedroom wearing a skimpy skirt and heels so high she must be close to six feet, even though she’s normally just five foot six.

“Is that a shirt or a skirt?” I tease.

“Some of us don’t have a sexy beast ya know.”

“I’m guessing you’ll attract a beast with that outfit.” I take a sip from the glass of wine I just poured, hoping it will relax me a bit.

“Ya think?” Not catching the sarcasm in my voice, Ally takes my comment as a compliment, looking down at her outfit. Satisfied with what she sees, she continues, “Go get dressed…we need to find this birthday girl a gift to unwrap later.” She wiggles her eyebrows.

It was never a question in my head what I was going to wear. Every girl has that one outfit she loves, the one that gets more compliments than she receives in total for the rest of the year. Mine is emerald green. The simple dress is fitted on the bottom, hugging my curves and coming a little above my knee. The top blouses out after it reaches my waist, and lies draping artfully from my shoulders. From the front it’s simple, the color and fit being the most impressive part of the dress. The emerald green color contrasts with my pale skin and auburn hair, setting off a beautiful palette that people definitely seem to notice.

Although it’s the back of the dress that’s the showstopper and I know it. The same draping that shows just a hint of demure cleavage on the front, hangs on the back, only the draping extends lower on the back. Far lower. Revealing a scant hint of pale white skin from the top of my neck, down to just above the top of my ass. Like a treasure map, it leads the eyes down my back to where the emerald color gathers tightly across my ass. Something tells me Vinny is going to love the dress. I’ve noticed he seems to have taken a liking to my backside. I may pretend I don’t notice where his eyes frequently drift to as we go about mundane things, but I do. And tonight I’m dressing for him.

Pouting playfully as she sees me come through my bedroom door dressed, Ally confirms I’ve picked the right outfit. “It’s my birthday. How is anyone going to notice me when you wear


The second bar we stop in, the one we are supposed to meet Vinny and his friends at, is packed. Squeezing our way up to order our drinks, Ally wastes no time in letting the bartender know it’s her birthday.

“Two Long Island Iced Teas.” She yells over the deafening music playing from speakers that have way too much bass blaring. The thud is so loud I feel the vibration on my hands as they sit on the top of the bar, my heart jumping to join in on the rhythm.

“Make that one and a water,” I yell, and the bartender smiles and nods.

“It’s my birthday! You have to celebrate with me!”

“Someone has to take care of you. One Long Island Iced Tea and you’re going to need to be carried.”

“I’ll sip it.” She smiles.

“Heard that before.”

Half a drink later, Ally giggles through her words as we both eye a couple sitting quietly to themselves on the other side of the bar. They look uncomfortable as the woman stirs her drink and the man checks his watch.

“Last night they went out. It had been nineteen months since she got laid.
Nine-teen months
.” She drags out the last words for emphasis before continuing. “They met on Match.com. Wait, no, Churchdate.com. You know, the place where the god-fearing go to meet other people that get up way too early on Sundays to spend an hour listening to an old man preach.” Ally takes a breath, long enough to gulp down another inch from her glass before she continues her rant. “Chatted online for a month before he got the nerve to ask her out. They met at a coffee shop last night, seeing each other for the first time in person. Both were highly disappointed.”

Raising an eyebrow at her story, I point to Ally’s glass, “I’m afraid to hear what happens after you slam down the rest of that thing,” I tease.

Not deterred in the slightest by my comment, Ally continues with her story. “So Elgin, that’s the guy’s name,” her grin widens, “suggests they go for a drink. You know, beer goggles and all, everyone looks more appetizing after a few.” Another sip from the innocent looking, yet highly potent, liquid she’s drinking like it’s lemonade. “They both drink four vodka tonics. Elgin’s a big guy, but he’s a lightweight, just like Penny.”

“Penny?” I question, smiling. Ally always picks the best names. Personally, I’ve never known a Penny, but the woman sitting on the other side of the room fits the name perfectly. I wouldn’t be surprised if Penny was actually her real name.

“Yeah, that’s his date’s name. Quit interrupting, you’re making me lose my train of thought.” Sure, it’s my question and not the drink containing five shots of different, highly flammable alcohol she’s consumed that’s making her fuzzy. “Anyway, Penny and Elgin, they go back to her place. Which, by the way, contains an enormous collection of stuffed Hello Kitty’s. I’m talking hundreds of them. That alone should have sent up the warning flags to poor Elgin. But, alas, alcohol and wood in his pants kept him from seeing all the signs.” Ally sighs, as if to say she sympathizes with poor Elgin.

“So what happened in Hello Kitty land?” Sadly, I’m anxious to hear the rest of the story.

“They got into it fast. Two horny, sexually starved CPA’s going at it. Anyway, turns out, she’s a meower.” Ally empties the last of the liquid from her tall glass, slamming it down on the bar with a little too much enthusiasm.

“A meower?” Brows knitted, I’m beginning to think I’m already seeing signs of drunk, nonsensical Ally.

“Yeah, a kitty fetish. She likes to pretend she’s a kitten while doing the dirty deed.”


“Yep. Now the secrets out, they’re both sober and this,” she points to the couple still sitting awkwardly at the table on the other side of the room, “is the day after date they both feel obligated to do after kitty cat clawing, dirty monkey sex.”

“Monkey sex?” Vinny’s voice takes me by surprise, I’m focused on Ally, doing my best to follow along with the story being told by my crazy best friend.

Forgetting her story entirely, Ally lights up like a Christmas tree, throwing her arms around Vinny’s neck, giving him an overzealous greeting. “I’m so glad you came!” Yep, she’s definitely drunk. Happy, buzzed, Ally has arrived.

Amused, Vinny grins and raises his eyebrows to me in question. Shrugging, I smile as I watch Vinny handle himself with tipsy Ally. He introduces her to the three friends that he’s brought with him, one more ripped and tougher looking than the next. The tallest of the trio has a shaved head and ink sticking out from beneath the collar of his shirt. I’d bet money that he grunts and growls instead of speaking. It’s not hard to guess which one will be the subject of Ally’s attention tonight.

“Hey.” Vinny comes to me, hooking his arm around my neck and kissing me possessively on the mouth. I never would have dreamed that something so cavemanish would do it for me. Before Vinny, public displays of affection weren’t for me, especially ones with the intensity that oozes so naturally from him.


“You look beautiful,” he says, his voice low and sultry. He gazes slowly up and down my body approvingly, making no attempt to conceal his appetite. Oddly, it’s one of the things that I find so attractive about him. He’s confident, real, no beating around the bush. Pure, unfiltered honesty.

“Thank you.” Taking a compliment in stride has never been something I was comfortable with, but Vinny makes it easy…because I believe he means it.

“So who’s having dirty monkey sex?” He grins and I feel my face heat with embarrassment.

“It was just a made up story. A game Ally and I like to play.”

Motioning for the bartender, Vinny orders a beer for himself and gestures in the direction of Ally, “And two of whatever she’s drinking.”

“Ummm…I wasn’t drinking.” I hold up my water. “Water. I’m being the responsible one tonight. Someone has to carry Ally home.”

“I’ll carry you both home. Have fun. I’m not taking my eyes off the two of you in here anyway.” Surveying the room, he takes the water from my hand and places it on the bar, replacing it with the drink the bartender delivered.

Grinning, I sip the drink, “Okay, but you don’t know what you’re in for. Ally is crazy when she drinks too much and I’m a lightweight.”

Taking a pull from his beer, Vinny redirects the conversation to a place he’s not going to let me off easily from. “So. Monkey sex?”

“Not going to let go of that one, are you?”

“Nope.” His devilish grin and boyish dimples combine for a face that’s simply irresistible.

Sighing dramatically, I gulp a heaping sip of liquid courage from my glass before delving into the game Ally and I have played since we were kids. It all started at a party we were bored at in high school, but our game has morphed into something more creative over the years. “Bar Forensics.”

“Bar Forensics?” Apparently, Vinny’s not heard of our wonderful game.

“One of us picks a couple and the other has to make up their background…a story about the history between the two.”

“Who had monkey sex?”

Sheepishly, I point to the couple sitting on the other side of the room, still looking terribly uncomfortable.

“They didn’t have monkey sex, Babe.”

“How do you know?”

Raising an eyebrow as if to say “duh…” he takes a swig of beer and turns to canvas the room.

“Tall skinny guy in the black sport coat talking to the brunette wearing...,” he falters, looking for a word, “not much.” Vinny moves to stand next to me. Our backs to the bar, both of us lean casually with elbows supporting our weight. I guzzle from my glass and waste no time in developing my story.

“Brendon.” I turn my head to look directly at Vinny, a mask of seriousness readily in place. “That’s his name.”

Vinny’s eyebrows arch and he smirks, amused, waiting for more.

“Is a computer programmer,” I continue. “He was with his ex, Julie, for six and a half years. Being a computer programmer, he spends a lot of time on his laptop. Julie was feeling frisky one night…”

Vinny interrupts me, “Frisky?”

“Yes, frisky. There’s no interrupting during a forensic recreation, Mr. Stone.” I smile, arching one eyebrow, silently daring him to challenge me.

Playfully, Vinny puts his hands up feigning surrender and motions for me to continue.

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