Worth the Scandal (4 page)

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Authors: Karen Erickson

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Worth the Scandal
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Alex didn’t seem particularly interested, either, despite the fact the woman was certainly his type. Tessa had seen enough photos of him in the tabloids and fashion magazines, usually with a gorgeous, extremely thin but big-breasted blonde model on his arm wearing the most stylish gowns money could buy and the biggest smile on her face. Not that Tessa could blame one of them for the smiles.

Oh, she would give anything to be one of those coveted women, her arm curled through his or perhaps his arm around her waist, his fingers burning into her side. Her smile would light up all of Manhattan if that were ever to happen…

The plane moved, starting forward with a jolt that caused Tessa to jerk in her seat, spilling coffee all over the front of her blouse. “Oh, no.”

Tugging the front of the drenched, suddenly hot shirt away from her, she gazed down at the stain, embarrassment making her cheeks heat. She’d packed well, of course, but she had no idea where her suitcase was or if it was easily accessible, especially now that the plane was in motion and most likely preparing for takeoff.

“My God, are you all right?” Alex shoved the table back into its slot and reached for her, plucking the mostly empty cup of coffee out of her hand and handing it to Lora. “Why didn’t you help her?”

Lora wiped the smirk off her face and took the cup with a solemn nod. “I’ll get some napkins.”

Tessa pulled the shirt away from her as best she could, tried to keep the coffee from seeping into her bra or onto her skin. She felt a sticky mess, completely embarrassed Alex would see her like this. A man so impeccable, who demanded perfection everywhere he turned. What would he think of her with her stained shirt and klutzy ways?

He stood, taking the proffered bunch of napkins from Lora, not remotely affected by the moving plane’s increasing speed across the tarmac. “Get a wet washcloth,” he demanded. She hurried away to do his bidding, and Tessa watched with complete amazement as he knelt before her and started to wipe at the front of her shirt.

“I’ll take care of it.” She tried to jerk away from his ministrations but he reached out, his fingers locking around her shoulder, strong as steel and completely immobilizing her.

“Let me help you.” His eyes were a potent mix of blue sky and gray smoke, his fingers gentling about her shoulder. “You didn’t burn yourself did you?”

She shook her head. That he was concerned touched her deeply. “I don’t think so.”

With his free hand, he rubbed the bunched napkins across her stomach, her belly fluttering at his impersonal touch. He never, ever touched her, minus the first time they met when he had shaken her hand and earlier when his knee had brushed against hers.

She wasn’t sure she’d be able to take it much longer. It was completely impersonal, meant absolutely nothing besides offering his help. Yet she’d never reacted so strongly, had never wanted a man to touch her as much as she wanted him.

It was the most ridiculous, most futile thing she’d ever wished for in her life.

“The coffee was hot,” he murmured, his gaze dropping to where his hand rested on the bottom of her shirt, his index finger flicking at a button. “You should check for burns.”

If he unbuttoned her shirt, she didn’t know what she would do. “I’m fine, really.”

His gaze met hers once more, smoldering with an intensity she’d never noticed before. “You brought a change of clothes.” It was a statement, not a question.

“Um, I don’t know where my suitcase is.” She shrugged, held her breath when she felt his fingers again messing with the last button on her shirt.

As if he wanted to undo it.

Lora appeared with a damp white washcloth and handed it to Alex, the look on her face contrite. “We’re preparing to takeoff within the next ten minutes. I suggest you sit in your seat and get your seatbelt on, Mister Worth.”

“As soon as we find Tessa’s suitcase,” he answered, removing his hands from Tessa so he could turn and glare up at Lora. “Where is it?”

She visibly swallowed, her gaze cutting to Tessa briefly. “I’ll grab it.”

The plane slowed, rounding a bend that caused Tessa to sway in her seat. She still wasn’t buckled and she fumbled for the seatbelt, clicking it into place. Alex reached and undid the belt. “That won’t be necessary.”

She watched with disbelief as he stood and offered his hand. “Come with me.”

“Where are we going?”

“I’m taking you to the private bedroom.”

Her jaw dropped. “This plane has a private bedroom?”

“You can change in there.” He thrust his hand in front of her. “Come with me, Tessa.”

Come with me, Tessa.

She did as he asked without another word, settling her hand in his warm, firm grip, letting him pull her to her feet. She forgot about the spilled coffee, the stained shirt, the moving plane, the spiteful flight attendant. Allowed him to walk her to the back of the plane where Lora waited, Tessa’s pitiful, cheap Wal Mart suitcase in hand.

“Here you go,” Lora said snidely, handing it over.

Tessa took it, saddened when Alex released her hand and opened the door to the small yet cozy bedroom. “Change in here,” he commanded. “And hurry. We’re about to take off.”

With her heart stuck in her throat, she darted into the bedroom and shut the door, tossing her suitcase onto the bed, zipping it open quickly. The plane was picking up speed, it would probably take off soon and she didn’t want to be stuck in the bedroom when it happened.

Flipping open the top of the suitcase, she grabbed the first top she saw, a red sweater made of thin yet warm, finely knit cashmere. With shaking fingers she undid the buttons, yanked the ruined shirt off and let it fall to the floor. Her bra wasn’t stained thank goodness, most of the coffee had spilled below her breasts and she glanced around, wondering where she could put the still sopping wet shirt.

The plane accelerated, seeming to hurtle down the runway and she gripped the mattress for balance, settling herself on the edge. Still clad in her bra, she bent forward, glancing out the small window, watching the buildings whiz by at breakneck speed. Her heart lurched and her fingers curled around the luxurious fabric of the bedspread. She glanced toward the closed door, paralyzed with fear when she realized the plane was about to lift into the air.

And she was perched on the edge of a bed without a seatbelt.

Closing her eyes, she whispered a quick prayer, asking for forgiveness in her foolishness. Who else would be stupid enough to fly for the first time ever in their life without a seatbelt on?


Her lids snapped open and there he stood. Alexander Worth in all his glory, his jacket shed, his tie askew and his shirt rumpled.

His intense gaze locked on her chest.


Alex’s fingers gripped the edge of the doorframe so hard the cool metal cut into his skin. His mouth had gone dry, his heart thundered in his ears and his cock came to life at the sight before him.

A fearful Tessa sat on the edge of the bed, clad in black pants and the sheerest, most delicate bra he’d ever seen—and he’d witnessed more than his fair share of beautiful lingerie over the years. Lacy cups of the palest cream barely contained her breasts, which spilled over the top of the bra in voluptuous abandon. He caught a glimpse of rosy pink nipples through the fragile lace just before she crossed her arms over her chest in shock at his unexpected entry.

“The plane is taking off,” he said rather stupidly.

She blinked. Her dark brown eyes were so wide he felt as if he could drown in them. Her hair was neatly pulled back, but a few wild wisps curved about her face. Her skin was pale, her hair and eyes so dark the contrast was striking.

Tessa Crawford was his every sexual fantasy come to life.

She reached for a soft pile of red fabric sitting next to her on the bed as if in slow motion, shaking it out before attempting to pull the sweater over her head. He let go of the doorframe and shut the door behind him—entranced by the shape of her arms, the dip of her waist, the way her breasts rose high, pert nipples revealed above the lace for the quickest moment before she tugged the garment on, covering her beautiful body, much to his disappointment.

At the same exact moment the plane lifted into the sky, Tessa stood, tumbling forward as the plane tilted up as it gained air. She fell into his arms, a bundle of soft, warm, fragrant woman, her hair brushing against his face when she tried to right herself.

“I’m so sorry. I’m such a klutz, I don’t know what’s wrong with me.” Her voice was jittery, her entire body shook and he wrapped his arms around her waist, holding her steady.

Holding her close, just to say he had. She felt so good, her curves fit neatly against his body almost like she was made for him and he breathed in deep the sweet scent of her hair, closing his eyes.

“Calm down,” he whispered, wanting to soothe, needing to comfort. “The plane needs to ascend. Once we reach the proper flying altitude everything will even out.”

“Y—you probably wanted to get some work done. And instead you’re stuck babysitting me.”

If she only knew how ridiculous that statement was, she would be shocked. The very last thing he thought of Tessa was as her babysitter. “Don’t apologize. If you must know, I’m not particularly fond of flying either.”

She pulled away from him slightly so she could meet his gaze. “You aren’t?”

“No.” He was used to it only because he’d been doing it for years and years. “I’m never fully comfortable in the air. It sets me on edge.”

“It sets me on edge too.” She blew out a shuddering breath. “My stomach doesn’t feel well.”

He tensed. “You’re not going to be sick are you?”

“Oh, no.” She shook her head, more tendrils of dark brown waves escaping and falling around her face. “I’ll be fine.” Tessa offered a shaky smile in reassurance.

Without thought he reached out, brushed the hair away from her face. Her cheeks flushed pink at his touch, her gaze dropping so she stared directly at his chest. He wished he knew what she was thinking, what she wanted.

“We should go back to our seats,” she finally murmured, her gaze still fixed on his chest.

“Of course.” Reaching behind him, he turned the handle and opened the door, then stepped to the side so she could walk through. “After you.”

She glided past him, her steps light, her spine straight. She fumbled a bit when she walked by him and he reached out, grasping her elbow so he could help her while she found her footing.

Her entire face flushed, she whispered her thanks then scurried to the seat, collapsing into it just before she strapped the seatbelt around her and clicked it into place.

Slowly he approached his seat, settling into it as if a man with all the time in the world. Lora started to approach but he waved her away, thoroughly disgusted by her earlier behavior.

When they arrived at their first destination, he would make a phone call and deal with Lora. He wouldn’t have her out and out fired, but she certainly wouldn’t work on their personal private jet any longer. She’d dismissed Tessa as if she hadn’t mattered, had flirted with him so overtly it had been downright uncomfortable.

Tessa deserved better than that. She mattered.

At least, she mattered to him.

Resting his elbows on the armrests, he pressed his palms together and steepled his fingers. He observed her, his gaze roaming over her delicate dark brows, the thick sweep of her lashes, her eyes downcast. The curve of her cheek still carried her flush of embarrassment, and the lush swell of her dark pink lips drew him. Filled him with the urge to kiss her. Lick and nip at her voluptuous mouth.

The red sweater lovingly clung to her curves, reminded him exactly how exquisite her body was. Fresh memories flooded him, of her beautiful breasts overflowing the delicate lace cups of her bra, the flat plane of her stomach.

The memory heated his skin, and he inhaled swiftly. What was it about her that made him feel this way? For some inexplicable reason he wanted to protect her. Teach her everything he could, hold her close, kiss her senseless, give her so much pleasure she’d never look at another.

Only want to be with him.

It was ridiculous, these foreign emotions swirling inside him. And also disconcerting. He’d never been so aware of a woman, so—afraid to make a move, give a sign that he was interested. He couldn’t make any sort of move on Tessa. She was his assistant. He was her boss. What he wanted to do to her, what he wanted from her was wildly inappropriate, considering their professional relationship.

Yet late at night, when his wicked dreams were filled with nothing but her, he thought of nothing else but calling her into his office. Ask her to shut the door. Demand she stand before him so he could bend her over the sleek, cold expanse of his desk and flip up the staid skirt she always wore. Slip inside her, hear her gasp of pleasure, followed by his moan of approval at the first sensation of her tight, wet heat…

“I’m sorry.”

Her sexy sweet voice pierced his thoughts and shifted in his seat, desperate to ignore his burgeoning erection. Every hair was in place, sleeked back from her face once again. Her eyes were wide, expression full of worry and those beautiful, lush lips that filled his fantasies on a nightly basis literally trembled.

“For what?” He crinkled his brow, confused at her apology.

If she could read his mind, he should be the one apologizing profusely.

“For what happened earlier, when I spilled the coffee. It ended up putting us into a—inappropriate position.” She pursed her lips together and blew out a loud breath, and she darted her gaze to the window.

He envisioned her pursed mouth dropping a delicate kiss on the tip of his cock. Then her lips would part, taking him into her mouth one excruciating inch at a time…

Alex cleared his throat and sat forward. “Inappropriate position?”

She nodded.” I hope you don’t think I was trying to make a move on you.” She bowed her head, as if afraid to look at him.

“It was an accident, Tessa.” He kept his voice purposely even, not wishing to cause her any more discomfort.

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