WrappedAroundYourFinger (9 page)

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Authors: Fallon Blake

BOOK: WrappedAroundYourFinger
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“A bottle of water,” he told her and she went rushing off.
Indie hadn’t missed the flash of disappointment on the girl’s face.

“Submissive servants?” Indie asked Banner.

“All the girls you see in red cuffs and collars are being
trained by Jared. Those who do well are allowed to provide service for his play

Indie felt her eyebrows trying to reach her hairline.
“Service? Like how?”

“Anything a Dominant may require.”


“And they are glad to do it. Jared is one of the best at
what he does. Some of the subs he trains are brought here by their Masters.
Those who come to him on their own usually find themselves collared by the time
they complete their training. He has a waitlist longer than my reservation book
for Crave.”

Indie couldn’t imagine placing her submission in the hands
of anyone but Banner.

“We’ll do the polite thing and say hello before we head to
the dungeon. Although I’m sorely tempted to forego all the niceties so I can
strap you down and mark you in front of everyone.”

Yes please.
“I’m ready.”

“Are you now?” He reached under her dress and cupped her
pussy in his hand. She fought not to grind against it as he slid a finger
inside her. “So wet for me.”

“Yes,” she whispered. He was right. It was all for him. She
was putty in his hands, moldable to his desires and they’d only known one
another a matter of days. How had it happened so fast?

“Not yet.” He removed his finger from her pussy. He brought
it to her mouth, smeared her own wetness across her lips then kissed her with
her taste between them. He probed her mouth with his tongue, taking every bit
she’d give him and demanding more. If she could come from a kiss alone, she’d
have done it right then.

Indie was so distracted by her heightened sexual arousal
that the next twenty minutes were a blur of introductions and polite
conversation. It was strange to be discussed as if she were an object rather
than a person. She had an odd sense of detachment from it all. It was Banner’s
steady hand at the small of her back that kept her tethered, grounded.

“I think I’ve had enough of the small talk. It’s time to go
play,” Banner said, taking her hand. He led her down a hallway, through a set
of doors and into the dungeon.


The dimly lit room was enormous and well stocked with
various types of dungeon furniture. The exam table fitted with restraints in
the far corner caught her attention first. Just the thought of being strapped
down and spread open for all to see made her anxious and uncomfortable. In the
opposite corner was a contraption that looked like a giant tripod. A submissive
was currently bound and suspended from it. There were sawhorses, St. Andrew’s
crosses, a whipping post, even a set of stocks. Jared could have operated his
own private bondage club out of this room had he wanted.

It wasn’t until they were standing in the middle of the
dungeon that she was yanked back to reality full force.

A man with a very distinctive tattoo on his back was
strapped down to an angled spanking bench off to one side, receiving a vicious
paddling from a female Dominant.

No. No way.

“Does watching them turn you on?” Banner asked her.

“Banner, that’s Matt,” she whispered.

The smile that spread across Banner’s face was so devious,
Indie got a little chill. He steered her closer to where Matt was restrained.
“Rose is an expert with a paddle. Just look at that swing. And she handcrafts
each of them herself using exotic woods. I have a few myself actually,” Banner
informed her, not loud enough to interrupt the scene, but just enough to let
Matt know that someone was watching.

Indie’s heart rate picked up as Matt turned his head to look
at them. His eyes widened when he caught sight of Indie.

“What the fuck are you staring at? Frigid bitch.”

Matt’s venomous words hit Indie like a slap to the face.

The woman dressed in the PVC cat suit, wielding the paddle,
froze mid-stroke. “I know you didn’t just speak without permission and insult
another Dom’s sub.” She walked around to the side of the bench and looked Matt
in the eyes, then placed her stiletto-clad foot right on his face. She leaned
into him, digging her heel into his cheek. “Did you, slut boy? Did you just
deliberately disobey me and call another Dom’s submissive a frigid bitch?”

“Yes, Mistress Rose,” Matt whined.

“And whining on top of it. You know how much I dislike whiny
little slut boys don’t you?” Rose removed her foot from Matt’s face and turned
to Banner. “It’s always so hard to break in the new ones. You know what? I
think we should allow
to administer his punishment. Would that be
enough to make up for his nasty attitude?”

Karma was a sweet thing.

“Actually, I think that’s a damn fine idea, Rose. I’m sure
Indie would be more than willing to oblige. Indie?”

look Matt gave Indie sealed the
deal as far as she was concerned. “Whatever you think is best, Sir,” she said
giving Matt a smug little smile. This was going to be good. Paybacks were a

Rose handed her the long, slim paddle she’d been using. “It
may seem thin, but it’s Bloodwood. Trust me when I say it can take everything
you can dish out and then some. So can my little subbie here, isn’t that

“Yes, Mistress,” Matt said meekly.

“He needs ten good ones and I want marks,” Rose said as she
walked around and stood in front of Matt. “And as for you, naughty little slut
boy, after each whack, you’re to say you’re sorry. I want to hear it loud and
clear. Is that understood?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

“You may begin,” Rose told her.

Indie took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the wood in
her hand and glanced over at Banner who gave her a reassuring nod. The amused
smirk on his face let her know just how much he was enjoying this.

She rested the paddle against Matt’s buttocks testing her
aim. Her adrenaline surged as she reared back and swung. The paddle landed with
a loud smack. She’d held back some, unsure how much of an impact the paddle
would have.

“I’m sorry,” Matt barked out. A long rectangular welt formed
across Matt’s skin. He didn’t seem distressed by the strike at all and Indie
breathed a small sigh. She despised him, but she didn’t want to seriously
injure him.

“Harder, sub,” Rose ordered.

Yeah. She could do harder. She swung the paddle again with
more force this time and heard Matt grunt after it smacked across his ass.

“I’m sorry,” Matt breathed through clenched teeth.

“Much better, little sub,” Rose praised her. “Again.”

Indie did as she was directed and struck another forceful
blow, really getting into it now.

Matt was slower to speak this time. Indie could hear the
pain in his voice when he finally said he was sorry. A thrill shot through her
and she delivered the next blow without prompting.

“I think you’re submissive might have some switchy
tendencies, Banner. She’s rather enjoying this.” Indie heard Rose say.

“Of that, I have no doubt,” Banner said.

They were right, Indie thought as she swung and paddled Matt
again. She was definitely enjoying this. She couldn’t resist smiling as Matt
gritted out another strained sorry between panting breaths.

She landed the next series of blows with relish. By the time
she finished, her breathing was as labored as Matt’s. Satisfied and a little
high from the power of experiencing the Dominant side of things, she handed the
paddle back to Rose. “Thank you, Mistress.”

She got it now—the thrill, the rush that Dominants gained
from the position of control—heady stuff. Topping certainly had appeal, but she
couldn’t see herself doing it again. This was a onetime thing, but damn it felt

“Thank you for loaning me your sub, Banner. If you ever
decide to let her explore her Dominant side, let me know. I’d be happy to
mentor her,” Rose said.

“Thank you, Rose. You have no idea how gratifying that was
for me,” Banner said as he looked at Indie. There was enough heat in his gaze
to burn the place to the ground.

Maybe, just maybe, she’d get to come soon. After the huge
adrenaline rush, her whole body was tense with need—a need that was all for

Chapter Seven


Banner couldn’t have planned it better if he’d tried. He
almost fell over when Rose had suggested that Indie administer Matt’s
punishment. Rose couldn’t have known how fitting it would actually be. Indie
would regain a little piece of herself from the experience and maybe Matt would
learn to keep his mouth shut. As far as Banner was concerned, the fucker got
off light. Rose was a fair Domme, but she had a cruel streak her subs loved.
Matt was not only getting what he deserved, but likely loving it in return.

Ah, but they were all such a twisted lot. Banner hadn’t
realized how much he’d missed the scene. He was a fool to think that his career
would be enough. It would never be enough. As long as he chose to ignore this
side of himself, he’d never feel complete, whole. And while he hadn’t felt that
way when he was active in the lifestyle before, now that he’d found Indie, he
couldn’t go back to denying it. He’d know what was truly missing from his life.

His little submissive had been fierce swinging Rose’s
paddle. Watching her had made his cock so hard it fucking hurt—her skin glowing
from exertion, her breasts straining against the silk, the smug smile that
played on her lips. The need to harness and control all of that volatile
emotion almost overwhelmed him.

“Did that really just happen?” she asked in a loud whisper.

He pulled her close, planting a quick kiss on her forehead.
“Yes, it did and you were amazing. I’m so proud of you.”

He loved the way she preened under his praise.

“Tell me how it felt.”

“It felt fucking great. Did you see his face? I thought that
vein in his forehead was going to pop. I cannot believe he’s a sub, although,
that does explain a lot. I’m babbling again aren’t I?” She covered her smile
with a hand.

“Yes, but after that you’re allowed. Is topping something
you’d like to explore? I’m not volunteering, mind you.”

“Honestly? No. I’d much rather be on the receiving end.”

“Oh I think we can arrange that.”

“Was my performance good enough to earn me an orgasm, Sir?”

“We’ll see.” He motioned to another one of the service subs.
She hurried over and he sent her to retrieve his toy bag. He led Indie to the
exam table in the corner while he waited for the little sub to return. He’d
originally thought to use one of the crosses to play out their scene, but her
reaction to the exam table when they’d first entered the room hadn’t escaped
his notice.

The intimidating piece was adjustable and fitted with
restraints at the ankle, thigh and abdomen. A large O ring was attached to the
wall above the table so that the subs wrists could be locked above the head.
Jared had put enough thought into it to include a stool for the Dominant to
give it an authentic medial feel. Medical scenes weren’t Banner’s kink but this
set up would work just fine for what he wanted.

“Here?” Indie asked with a note of fear, resisting the last
few steps.

“Are you questioning me?”

“No. It’s just…I’m a little apprehensive is all.”

“Can you tell me why?”

“I don’t know,” she said irritably.

He could tell that she was not just afraid, but annoyed by
her fear. “Fear doesn’t equal weakness, Indie. Not in my eyes. Never in my

There was quite a bit of anxiety in the little sigh she
gave. Her shoulders tensed up as she folded her arms across her chest and
shrank inward as if she were attempting to protect herself. “I’ll be completely
exposed. I’m afraid of being so naked,” she said softly as she looked at the

He pried her arms apart then took her hands in his. “Look at
me, Indie.”

She slowly lifted her fearful violet gaze to his.

“You have nothing to be ashamed of. There is no part of you,
body or soul, I don’t find beautiful. And as your Dom, my opinion should be the
only one that matters right now. The other people here, not one of them will
judge you. If they do, they’ll have me to answer to. Or…you could always borrow
Rose’s paddle.”

Her laugh was loud and uninhibited.

“That’s my girl.”

The service submissive returned with his bag and waited off
to the side. He motioned for her to set the bag on the floor next to the stool
then dismissed her.

Indie made a small sound of protest when he reached for the
sash on her dress.

“Do you trust me?”

“Yes Sir,” she whispered.

“Submit. Give yourself to me. Let me take it from here.” He
finished untying the sash and let the kimono fall open.

The tension seemed to drain from her body and the fear in
her eyes vanished. Her acceptance happened that fast, as if he’d just flipped a
switch. She just needed a gentle hand, his reassurance and she was all his.

He ran a hand along the collar of her dress. As if
choreographed, she pivoted and stepped out of the silk in one graceful
movement, leaving him holding the garment, which he then folded and placed in
his bag.

He adjusted the table so that Indie would be sitting at an
incline rather than lying flat. Not one to rely solely on his own skill, or
Indie’s willingness to safeword, he wanted the ability to see her facial
expressions. What he was about to do would push her to her limits. Physically,
she’d be capable of handling everything he’d planned. Emotionally, it would
stretch her way beyond her comfort zone.

“Up on the table, Indie,” he ordered.

Indie managed to hop up onto the table. He helped her
position her legs along the extensions then adjusted them so they were bent at
the knee and spread wide. He strapped her ankles down before fastening her
thighs into the restraints.

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