wrath of the Sea Queen (53 page)

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Authors: Cynthia Woods

BOOK: wrath of the Sea Queen
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Well, perhaps you can.
  The captain
out of the steering
room and walked up behind them, overhearing Salma's last comment.

What do you mean?
  Ben asked.

I need to talk to you two.  We have a minor situation at the dock.  As you can see, there is a large group of
s near the end of the

Apparently, t
hey are all fired up about the work you've been doing, Dr. Erickson.  The harbor master sent precautionary warnings to all
arriving ships

My work?  Why would they be protesting vaccines and
  Salma was shocked.

I couldn't say. 
ve yet to see a new development, good or bad, that didn't have someone t
rying to stand in its way
.  But that's not the point. 
his group has also been picketing outside your hotel.  When they found out that you were one of the survivors returning with this ship, they moved from the hotel to the dock.  It has been a media circus down there ever since
, a
nd you are the main attraction.

Oh dear.  Should we stay on board then?  Wait for everyone to leave?
  Salma asked.

No, that would never work.  They would outlast you, and I
ve to get this ship on to the next port.  I've made other arrangements for you and the folks traveling with you,
the captain explained. 

guard unit and the police have
the harbor. 
They have a secure departure route cordoned off for you. 
They've got a helicopter patrolling to keep the news teams from getting a
view of your immediate
.  When we dock, the four of you will go down the ramp and get into a black van waiting
.  The driver
, a member of the guard unit,
will know you by
you will wear around your neck
.  He will
see you securely to your hotel

All that trouble just for us?  Don't get me wrong, Captain
I appreciate it.  But
do you really think there will be trouble?
  Ben thought it sounded like a lot of effort
to avoid a crowded arrival.  It made him wonder if there was more going on than they
were being
The cop side of him
wondered if the
threats against Salma. 

Probably not, but you never can tell.  It only takes one lunatic to spoil the party
, and your hosts feel like Dr. Erickson has endured enough chaos for one day
  The ship pull
up alongside the p
er even as they spoke
, and
Ben hear
helicopters flying overhead. 

I need to get back inside.  Come in and get those tags, then you can go below and inform your friends.  I wish you the best of luck in all this.
  The captain turned and walked toward the steering room.  Salma moved to follow
the captain
, but waited at the door.  Ben stopped to look up at the aircraft overhead.

Don't wait on me.  Grab the tags and come back.  I
d like to see these if you don't mind,
Ben said when he
Salma waiting patiently.  He was curious about the sound
of more than one

The captain distinctly said there was one helicopter on patrol. 
Ben hoped to
be able to determine
if the other aircraft was really a news chopper or not.

Ok.  I'll be back in a minute.
  Salma went inside and collected four bright orange ID tags that were laminated and attached to long lanyards.  She placed all four of them around her neck for convenience and turned to leave the steering room.



Over the intercom, the captain's voice announced th
eir safe arrival in
port and
the order to
begin disembarking
.  He gave instructions for all the passengers and the guardsmen who would be working in this region to come out on deck and wait.  Everyone
not injured
would be taken by bus to the arena.  The captain also let those who were still below deck know that they could see activity on the upper deck and on the p
er by viewing any of the monitors positioned in the mess hall, the infirmary, and a few other locations around the ship.

The man at the end of the table was awakened by the announcement.  He walked over to Max
who was still sitting near Vin, sipping the last of his milk
and chatting about his adventures at the amusement park

Vin, this is my Papa,
Max introduced the man.

Hello.  I'm Apela.

Max has been telling me about your

You've got a fine son.
  Vin stood up as he shook hands with the man, clearly a native to the island
.  Vin observed that Max must have inherited the majority of his fairer-toned looks from his mother.
  He didn't
resemble his father at all.

Thank you.  He is my life and quite a handful. 
I see
talked you into giving him some more food. 
is not shy in that department.  The boy has a healthy appetite and good skills of persuasion. 

Yes.  He
s quite the conversationalist,
Vin concurred
with a smile

ou were not on the plane. 
So that means y
ou must have arrived with the ship. 
Of course,
I remember now!  You were at the rail helping pull everyone to safety. 
hank you for that.

Yes, that was me and my friend, Ben.

Ben is t
he doctor's husband.  I met him earlier.  Nice fella. 
If it weren't for you two and the other lady I met on the plane, Max and I might not be standing here now.

It sounds like there is a
n interesting
story in those words. 
Which lady
should I ask to tell me about it,
eli or Salma?
  Vin knew they were the only two women on that flight
, and he suspected he already knew the answer.

I'm talking about the younger lady,
Salma was helpful, too, but C
saved my son and worked a small miracle on a leak that would have been a huge problem without her intervention

now I remember your name
I can see by the way her eyes light up when she looks at you that you must be her husband.

eli finally returned and
up behind Vin, still looking a bit pale.

Yes Apela.  Vin puts up with me,
she answered
with a smile
, having heard the last part of Apela's

Given that he is here
with you
instead of on his fishing trip, I doubt that
s how he would phrase it. 
Your wife is a special woman. 
You are a
lucky man, Vin.

Yes, I am,
Vin agreed
as he put his arm around her.

eli blushed at the flattery and rested her head against Vin's shoulder as they stood there.  Apela could see that C
eli was not feeling well and
graciously took his leave of the couple.

Well, I think Max and I have imposed on you two long enough.  We are going to gather our
and head up top.  Remember, C
eli, my offer stands.  My hotel is not too far from where the convention is being held
, and I have plenty of room. 
I would love to have you stay with me. 
It was nice to meet you, Vin.
  Apela carried Max off to the next room.  The boy waved over his father's shoulder as Apela walked away.

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