Wray (33 page)

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Authors: M.K. Eidem

Tags: #love, #family, #commitment, #sci fi, #strength, #tradition, #romance scifi, #loyal

BOOK: Wray
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"You are saying the Emperor had cause..."

"You just said he did nothing without it, so
what do you think."

"If this is true, then you need to inform
your manno to be extra vigilant with this female.”

“She is the Empress, and you will address her
as such!” Tora said and Thangavelu suddenly realized Tora was
taller than
was. He could argue that no non-Tornian had
ever been Empress, but he could see in the eyes of the Prince that
it would not be received well.

“I meant no offense but he needs to
understand…” Thangavelu looked around them, making sure they were
alone and still lowered his voice before continuing. “That here on
Vesta, she is at extreme risk. Fala and Gyula are very well thought
of and if she is the cause of their disgrace…”

“They caused their own disgrace.” Tora spat
out. “With their own actions.”

“They do not see it that way, nor do many
others. She needs to be kept close.”

“I will pass on your concerns to my manno.”
Tora turned then paused, looking back over his shoulder. “Thank you
Thangavelu, this will not be forgotten.” He said then continued
across the grounds a new urgency in his step.


∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞


Kim paused to look up at the sun, letting its
heat warm her face. Smiling, she looked down at her toes. Her bare
toes, that were peeking up at her through purple colored grass. She
was outside… outside in the sun and it felt wonderful.

Turning, she found Caitir silently watching
her, a puzzled expression on her face.

“It just seems like it has been forever since
I’ve been outside in the open air.” She told her shrugging.

“You do not like space travel?” Caitir asked

“No. Not really.” Kim said, shaking her

“I understand.” Caitir glanced back at the
three guards that were following them. They maintained their
distance, but their eyes were constantly scanning for threats. She
knew the Empress and Emperor had argued about them taking this
walk. The Emperor had planned to accompany the Empress, but
received a request from Lord Reeve at the last minute and had
wanted her to wait. The Empress hadn’t wanted to. She’d insisted
she needed to get out of House Reeve for a while. Finally, the
Emperor had agreed but only after she agreed to have Caitir and
three of his warriors accompany them.

Caitir couldn't really understand why the
Empress needed to be outside. On Auyang, the external conditions
were so harsh that most only ventured out when absolutely
necessary. It was a habit Caitir had yet to break, even in a place
like Vesta, she felt safer within the walls than she did outside.
Apparently, this wasn’t true for the Empress.

“This seems silly to you.” Kim’s words had
Caitir’s eyes returning to her.

“Unusual.” Caitir corrected. “For an Empress
is never silly.”

“Of course she is. You just don’t tell her
she is.” Kim's smile had Caitir smiling softly back. “I just needed
to be out of there,” Kim gestured to House Reeve, “for a while.
Since I was taken from Earth I’ve been restricted. First by the
Ganglians, then on Pontus by the storm, on the Searcher and now our
chambers here on Vesta. I just need some space to move and

“Feel…” Caitir prompted.

“Like I can breathe,” Kim finally admitted.
“Like I’m not a prisoner. I’m used to being able to come and go as
I please and now I can’t. It’s going to take some getting used to

“Even on Tornian you will not be able to…”
She searched for the words the Empress had said. “Come and go as
you please.”

“I know, but Wray said there are secure
gardens there that I can walk in without being followed.” Kim gave
an impatient look at the guards behind them.

“I have heard that is so and that they put
this,” Caitir gestured to the area they were in, “to shame.” Caitir
caught the look Kim gave the guards. “They are here to protect

“I know.” Kim said and started walking

“He does it because he cares for you.” Caitir
said quietly. “Deeply.”

“I know that too.”

“It is very unusual.”

“What is?” Kim asked, linking her arm through
Caitir’s as they walked.

“A male actually
about a
female. Even the Emperor.”

Kim raised an eyebrow at her. “Is there truly
no Tornian female that has ever stayed with just one male?” Kim saw
Caitir hesitate. “Caitir?” she prompted.

“I have only ever heard of one, but she is an


“Because her male has not had to strip his
planet of all its resources for her to stay with him. She has given
him four male offspring. All fit and worthy.”

“And you find that strange.” Kim said.

“Yes. As I said, she is an anomaly.”

“On Earth she wouldn’t be.”

“What do you mean?” Caitir asked.

“I mean that on Earth it is common, even
expected, for a female to stay with the male she has offspring


“No. Not always but the majority of the time
they do. We have females that are like Tornian females, but they
aren’t common. Most females want to be with their offspring. They
want to stay with the male that…” Kim searched for the word. “Sired
them. My parents did.”

“Your… parents… those are the ones that
produced you?”

“Yes. My mother and father… manno. They were
together nearly twenty-five years before they died… together.”

“Lord Oryon and Lady Isis have been together
at least as long.”

“So Tornian males
care about a
female and vice versa.”

“As I said, it is rare.”

“What about Auyangian males?” Kim asked as
they entered a woodier part of the garden.

“What about them?” Caitir asked, eyeing the
woods warily. One never knew what was in them.

“Do they have feelings for their

“No.” Caitir said sharply.

Looking at her new friend Kim realized her
question had hurt her. “I’m sorry Caitir I shouldn’t have

Caitir sighed heavily. “It is I who am sorry.
I forget that you are not familiar with our many worlds and are
only asking so you can better understand, not to be hurtful.”

“Why would anyone want to hurt you?”

“Because I am Auyangian.” She said

“But you are female. Tornians need

“They need females that can present fit
offspring. Most offspring Auyangian females present from
non-Auyangian males do not survive. It has been this way since
Emperor Lucan.”

“I’m sorry.” Kim said softly.

“It is not your fault. It is the will of the

“Perhaps she is trying to change that.”

“That would be doubtful.”

“Why do you say that Caitir?”

“Because what happened can never be

“No, you can’t change the past, but you can’t
live in it either. You can’t punish the child for the sins of the

“Most do.”

“Then they are wrong.”


A grunt followed by the sound of something
hitting the ground had Kim turning to see one of the guards on the
ground while the other two were reaching their necks before slowly
following him.

Caitir’s gasp had Kim’s eyes flying to her
friend to see a small dart sticking out of her neck, her hand
desperately trying to dislodge it before her eyes rolled to the
back of her head and she collapsed.

Kim reached for her just as she felt a sting
in her arm, looking down, she found a dart and felt her knees give
way as her vision dimmed.

“Wray…” she tried to scream, but it was only
in her mind.


∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞


is the 'vital' information you
felt I needed to see
Lord Reeve?!! Wray demanded
tossing the report to the floor.

“It is
sire!" Reeve said between
clinched teeth, his eyes traveling to the reports he’d spent the
night fabricating on the food shipments. “It proves the ships were
full when they left Vesta. That it is the Kaliszians that are
shorting them enroute.”

“Their records do not agree with these Lord

“They wouldn’t if they were lying

“You are saying the Emperor Liron would bring
something to my attention that he was lying about? Why!”

“I am not saying that majesty. I have no
knowledge that Emperor Liron would do such a thing, but perhaps
someone beneath him is. Someone he trusts and would never consider.
A family member maybe.”

“There is someone you suspect?” Wray asked,
revealing none of his thoughts.

“I have heard that General Rayner has taken a
special interest in the food supplies, even though they are not
part of his duties.”

“General Rayner…” Wray’s tone held none of
his disbelief. “You accuse the Emperor’s cousin, the General in
charge of securing his Empire’s defenses?”

“I accuse no one majesty. I am just telling
you what I have heard.” Reeve replied.

“I see.”

“Majesty.” Veron’s voice had Wray’s hard
eyes, leaving Reeve to look to his Captain entering the room. Both
missed Reeve jolt at seeing him.

“Captain.” Wray said.

“I have that information you requested on the
survival packs.” Veron told him.

“Survival packs?” Reeve asked, frowning not
understanding the change of subject.

Wray ignored Reeve and spoke to Veron.
“Proceed, Captain.”

“After a thorough inspection of all the
survival packs on board the Searcher it was discovered that nearly
every pack is deficient in some way.”

“Every one?” Wray growled angrily.

“Yes, majesty. None were as incomplete as the
pack you had on Pontus, but none had all the necessary supplies.
Half of the portable repair units were missing.”

“What!” Wray surged to his feet angrily.
Those units were absolutely essential for the survival of a wounded
warrior! “I assumed the one from my pack was missing because it was
used to treat Kim on the Ganglian ship.” Wray told him.

“No majesty, that one came from a different
pack, in fact, that entire bag was brought to the Ganglian control

Wray growled, his displeasure. The unit
should have been there. What if Kim or I had been injured in the
crash… on the surface... he could have lost her.

“Who is in charge of inspecting the bags
Captain?” Wray growled. He would have their heads.

“Warriors Fala and Gyula were Majesty.” Veron
told him and saw Reeve’s mouth drop open in shock.

“Fala and Gyula…” Wray voice deepened as his
eyes pinned Reeve. “Two warriors trained by
Lord Reeve.
are you training them to do?”

“Majesty!” Reeve stuttered. What had those
two idiots done now? He has already set his plans in motion, by now
the Empress should be in their hands and on her way to the pleasure
house. He needed Fala and Gyula back into the Emperor's guard so he
would know where the Emperor is at all times. It was apparent
Bertos' male was incompetent. If they were stealing survival
supplies and were stupid enough to be
Wray would
never take them back.

“Where is Captain Veron’s proof!” Reeve

“You question my Captain’s honor?” Wray asked

“No majesty, but he is questioning the honor
of two of mine.”

“An honor they have already shown they do not
possess.” Wray growled at Reeve. “I want you to find them and have
them brought before me to answer these charges.”

“I… Yes, majesty.” Reeve said, but he didn’t
move. He needed to think of a way to give Fala and Gyula more time
and to get Veron away from the Emperor if his plan was going to

Lord Reeve!
” Wray’s roar
echoed off the walls.

“Yes, Majesty!” Reeve flushed knowing that
his warriors had heard the Emperor speaking to him thusly; with a
stiff bow, he quickly exited the room.


∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞


Tora's eyes carefully scanned the area,
looking for threats, before he leaned down flipping over the fallen
warrior. He was shocked to see the Emperor’s insignia on his chest.
His eyes quickly flew to the other two and recognized them. These
warriors were from his manno’s guard!

What was going on?

Where was his manno?

Reaching for his comm, he quickly contacted


∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞


Veron frowned when his comm rang. He set it
so only the highest priority calls would come through, ones from
the royal family.

“Veron.” He answered impatiently.

“Where is the Emperor!”

Tora’s demand had Veron frowning. “Standing
right in front of me in Lord Reeve’s ruling chamber.” Veron knew
Tora wouldn't have asked without reason and suddenly every instinct
he had, went on high alert. “Why?”

“Three of the Emperor’s guards are down in
the garden.” Tora informed him.

“The garden?” Veron’s eyes instantly flew to
Wray who had heard every word.

Wray grabbed the comm from Veron. “The
Empress is in the garden Tora! Find her! I’m on my way!” Wray
dropped the comm and looked to his Captain. “Call up every warrior
on the planet!” Wray ordered running for the door.

“Yes, sir!” Veron instantly responded.

"Activate all planetary defenses!" Wray
roared at Reeve, who was just returning to the room, shoving him
aside. "No ship leaves the surface! The Empress will be found!”


∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞


Tora stood frozen at his manno’s words. Kim
was out here? Alone? Was this what Thangavelu had been worried
about? Why had Kim been allowed to be taken? His eyes returned to
the downed warriors. No, not allowed... leaning down he pulled out
one of the darts and sniffed.

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