Wrecking Ball (17 page)

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Authors: B. N. Toler

BOOK: Wrecking Ball
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When I
emerge from my bedroom, it’s already dark outside. Apparently I was in a coma. Making my way into the kitchen, the smells of spicy food fill the air and my stomach grumbles. Tia holds a wooden spoon up to Antonio’s mouth and he slurps the sauce off the end. They look amazing together. My sister is beautiful, not just physically, but she’s like a walking, talking upper. You can’t help, but feel high in her presence. And Antonio. Geesh. I know I’m a married woman, and Antonio is my sister’s boyfriend/lover, but damn that man is sex on a stick. I have a hard time looking at him without panting a little.

“Phi, you’re finally awake.”
Tia gives me a knowing look as she just caught me eyeing her man. But Tia doesn’t get jealous. Instead, she nods, letting me know she understands what I was thinking. She is complimented by it. I love that about her. She’s so secure with herself in that way. Another woman checking out her man doesn’t faze her. There have been many times I’ve caught women checking out Brandon and I’ve scowled at them, unable to stop myself. I didn’t like someone checking out what was mine. That thought makes me wince.
Is Brandon still mine?

Tia places the spoon on the stove and grabs an empty wine glass off the counter. “Let me get you a glass of wine.”

“Are you feeling better?” I ask as I take a seat at the kitchen island.

“I was just tired, Phi. I’m fine,” she groans. “Antonio, I love this song. Will you turn it up?”

Antonio quickly obliges and just after Tia sets my glass in front me, he grabs her and pulls her to him and
spins her around. Tia is glowing, and I know even if she won’t admit it, she loves Antonio. It’s written all over her face and he’s no better. He’s just as smitten with her.

“You two are adorable
,” I smirk before taking a sip of wine.

“Adorable?” Antonio stops and looks at Tia
, his brow furrowed in mock offense. “Not sexy and mesmerizing?”

“Oh, that
, too, I guess.” I shrug.

, dance with Phi. I need to stir the sauce.” Tia pats his chest, which is bare, per the usual. I’m convinced he doesn’t own any shirts. Nor should he. I like to think of a man like Antonio as God’s masterpiece, art put on display by the Almighty for mankind’s viewing pleasure.

“No, no. I’m good.” I wave my hand.

“Come, Phi.” His voice is robust and obnoxious. “Let me show you the sexy dance?” Tia giggles as she glances at me.

“The sexy dance?” I quirk a brow, laughter on the verge of bursting through my lips.

“Yes. It is sexy.” His tone is still obnoxious and he nods, holding out a hand to me.

“I’m goo—” Before I can argue with him he pulls me from the stool where I sit and crushes me to his body. Jesus this man is like a slab of stone.

“Now you relax, I show you the sexy moves.” He waggles his eyebrows and leads me. I’m actually impressed, he’s a great dancer. Brandon is decent, but he hates to do it. Antonio has a grace about him and he leads well.

“Are you feeling sexy yet?”
he questions.

“Still waiting,” I giggle.

We’re spinning around the kitchen when there’s a knock at the door. “You two don’t stop, I’ll get it,” Tia laughs as she passes by us, wiping her hands on a dish rag.

“Now let’s show your sister that the big sister knows how to do the sexy.” Antonio growls and with one more spin he dips me. I’m laughing so hard as he has me upside down and when he pulls me up my head falls to his chest as I try to compose myself.

“You mother fucker!” A voice growls and a loud pop sounds off causing my laughter to evaporate as Antonio rips away from my body.

“Brandon!” Tia shrieks as she pushes him back and then falls to Antonio who is on the floor holding his nose, his hand drenched in blood.

My mind lurches as I try to understand what just happened. Brandon just punched Antonio. Brandon is here!
Brandon just punched Antonio!

My head whips towards Brandon, my eyes wide in disbelief. “What are you doing here?” I manage through my shock.
Brandon stares back at me, his hands clenched in fists at his sides, shoulders tense, and his chest heaving up and down. He looks like he hasn’t slept in days, with a good start on a beard and messy hair.

“I came here to stop whatever it
is you’ve got going on with this dick,” Brandon growls, his eyes wild with fury.

“Excuse me?” I gaff. “What exactly are you stopping?”
Does he think I’m sleeping with Antonio? Why would he think that?

“I saw the photos
, Soph. It’s pretty obvious you’re banging this guy,” Brandon says with disgust as he stares down at Antonio.

Anger bubbles inside of me as my mind fumbles.
What photos? What is he
—oh shit!
The boudoir photos. How could I forget about asking Arlene to forward everything to Brandon in New York? I didn’t even think about it when Tia told me Antonio shipped the package with the girls’ gifts in it.

immediately hops up and shoves Brandon causing him to stumble back. If she punched him right now, I wouldn’t be mad. “Brandon Dalton, you are a piece of work. For your information, the only woman banging this ‘dick’ as you called him, is me. And even if she were fucking his brains out, what right do you have to say a goddamn word about it!” Tia presses her finger on his chest and Brandon backs up, as the reality of the situation dawns on him. It’s like watching a car accident in slow motion, his eyes grow wide as it finally dawns on him what an ass he just made out of himself.

“Tia—” Antonio is suddenly behind her pulling her back.

“So you’re not having sex with this guy?” Brandon looks to me, relief peeking in his eyes in spite of the spectacle he just made. I can see he’s somewhat embarrassed, but even more relieved at the thought I haven’t been cheating on him.

“No!” I boom. “You just punched a guy for no reason
, Brandon!”

Brandon runs a hand through his hair and sighs. When he gazes back to Antonio, Tia is holding a dish towel to his face to stop the bleeding.

“God, man. I’m sorry. I saw those pictures and when I showed up here, the way you guys were standing, I just snapped,” Brandon apologizes.

And that’s an excuse?” I question staring at him like he just sprouted extra limbs. I cross my arms and gaze disappointingly at him.

“Fuck,” he sighs, scrubbing his face with his hands. “No, it’s not. I’m really sorry.” There’s sincerity in his voice and Tia rolls her eyes.

“Antonio is a retired MMA fighter. You’re lucky he doesn’t kick your ass,” Tia warns. It’s going to take a lot more than ‘I’m sorry’ for Tia to forgive Brandon. A lot more.

“I’m oka
y, Tia. It was just a misunderstanding.” Antonio pulls her hand away from his face and moves towards Brandon. Extending one hand while his other still holds the towel to his face he says, “I’m Antonio. It’s nice to meet you, Brandon.”

There have been few moments in
my life when someone has shown real class and it leaves me in awe. Antonio might be one of the classiest men I’ve ever met. Most guys would pulverize Brandon after he barged into their home and punched them, but not Antonio.

Brandon takes Antonio’s hand and they shake. “I really am sorry. My head’s been so fucked up and—” He pauses, his gaze falling to me. “I’m just
sorry,” he finishes.

“It’s okay.” Antonio lets out a little laugh. “You’ve got a good right punch there.”

“Are you sure you’re okay, Antonio,” I ask, the mortification that my husband just sucker-punched him setting in.

“Yes. So why don’t you two take a few minutes to y
ourselves out on the balcony while Tia and I finish dinner. Then we can all sit down and have a nice meal.” Antonio turns back to Tia whose staring death daggers at Brandon, and takes her chin forcing her to look at him. “Being angry will only tire you. Let’s finish dinner, please.” His gaze is intense and Tia’s anger seems to dwindle, unraveling like a spool of thread upon his request. She nods and spins around, heading back to the stove.

When my gaze cuts back to Brandon, he’s staring at me, fear and anxiety rich in his eyes. “Patio is this way.” I gesture before taking off towards the door
s, my fists clenched at my sides. Once outside the doorway, I wait for him to pass me and shut both doors behind him to give us privacy.

“Sophia, I—”

“You what, Brandon?” I stare at him blankly. “You thought I’d just run off and fuck some guy? Just because you considered throwing our marriage away on some insignificant sexual encounter, that means I would, too, right?” My words were poised to slice through him like a freshly sharpened blade, and they did just that. His face twisted as the shame and hurt bled out of him like I had severed an artery.

sorry,” he breathes after a beat, stuffing his hands in his pockets. “I was scared.”

The part of me that loves this man can’t stand to see him
like this. That part of me wants to take him in my arms and comfort him, tell him it will all be okay, but then there’s the other part of me. That part is still raw with hurt, anger, and distrust. Unable to stand the sad look in his eyes, I pass by him and move to the railing overlooking the beach. The moon is reflecting off the water and the waves sound a calming call to me.

“I was scared that because I failed you, maybe you moved on and that meant I would never have a chance to fix this.” He moves beside me, hands still in his pockets, staring at the water just like me.

“You’ve barely spoken to me when I called, Brandon. It’s like you didn’t even want to talk to me and all of a sudden, when you think I’m having sex with another man, you fly all the way down here?”

“I thought you wanted space. I was trying not to s
mother you. You asked for space,” he says softly, but defensively.

“Yeah, s
pace.” I agree. “Not total shutdown.”

“I’m not a mind reade
r, Soph.” He shakes his head. “I’m willing to do whatever it takes to keep you, but you can’t tell me to disappear and then expect me to be present.”

“I said space, not act like you don’t give a shit.”

He takes me by my shoulders so quickly I don’t realize it’s happened until I’m staring into his eyes. “You wouldn’t let me say what I wanted to say before the girl’s and I left, so I’m saying it right now. I fucked up. I let you down and I know you’d disagree, but there’s no way in hell you’re hurting worse than me right now because I’m so fucking miserable and it’s all my fault. You’re the best thing that ever happened to me. I know this and I know if I lose you I will never be happy again.”

Tears wells up in my eyes and before I can stop it, sobs erupt from me. Brandon pulls me into him, enveloping me in his arms, an embrace
that feels right even when it’s wrong. “I want to forget it, Brandon. I do. I want to go back to what we were before, but now, I can’t. Nothing can be the same. I don’t want to be the backdrop, an accessory to your life anymore. I can’t do it.”

“Then don’t. I’ll change. Whatever I need to do to keep you. I’ll quit the university.”

I pull away from him and wipe under my eyes. He immediately returns his hands to his pockets understanding that although I allowed him to hug me, it doesn’t mean I’ll allow it again. “I don’t know what I want yet. I need more time.”

“I’ll wait as long as it takes.”

Before he can respond, the patio door opens and Tia pops her head out. “Dinner’s ready, guys. I think we could all use a good meal and two bottles of wine to each of us.”

“Make it thre
e,” I laugh as I turn to the doors where she stands. “One sec.” I nod.

When Tia closes the door again,
I wipe under my eyes and use the back of my hand to wipe my nose. “We’ll talk more later.” I take a deep breath and head towards the kitchen.

“Soph.” Brandon calls to me and I spin around to answer him. “You were never an accessory. You were always my muse, my reason to succeed.

I smile faintly. “And even that wasn’t enough to keep you from kissing that girl.” With that I head inside and leave Brandon to chew on my last words.







So I made a poor entrance and ended making myself look like a jackass. Luckily, Antonio is a cool guy and didn’t kick me out. In fact he gave me one of his guestrooms, right next to Sophia’s. I’m more than impressed. If I were him I’d want to pound my face in.

Dinner is awkward at first, but after everyone downs
a couple glasses of wine things seem to lighten up.

o how did you two meet?” I ask, eager to keep the conversation going to ease any tension. Sophia and I haven’t spoken a word to each other since we came back in from the patio. I have no idea how to be around her this way.

“Mind if I tell it?” Antonio asks Tia
who smiles and nods.

“I can’t believe I haven’t heard this ye
t.” Sophia sits up in her seat putting her elbows on the table, preparing for Antonio’s story.

Antonio runs a hand through his hair and sighs.
“Well, I come from money. Inheritance. My parents died when I was twenty. I was junior in college.”

“I’m sorr
y,” Sophia offers condolences. They’re not just words either. She genuinely means it. Her sympathy is evident in the way she looks at him.

Antonio nods a thank you. “So without anyone to keep me grounded, I started drinking a lot and flunked out.
After that, I got hooked up with some people I thought were my friends and started doing some heavy drugs.” He pauses a moment and then clarifies, “Coke.” Tia rubs his shoulder and smiles at him, almost like she’s telling him he has nothing to be ashamed of.

“My low point was when I wrecked my car going ninety in a twenty-five. I wrapped it around a telephone pole.
I almost died. After that, I really bottomed out. It took months of rehab for me to get back on my feet physically and then I got addicted to pain pills. Then I kept seeking a better high. I was pretty much doing any kind of drug I could get my hands on, but pain pills were my drug of choice. I knew this guy that sold Oxycodone and I went to his house to buy some and that’s when I met Tia.”

“Tia!” Sophia shrieks
. “Pain pills?”

“I was buying pot
, Soph. Slow your roll.” Tia rolls her eyes and Sophia seems to relax a little.

Antonio continues
. “I saw Tia and I knew I had to ask her out, but I was in rough shape. I was skin and bones, bags under my eyes, barely able to have a straight conversation.”

“Not the beautiful sex g
od you see before you now,” Tia adds.

“Even in my condition I asked her out.
Even as a junkie I still had balls.” He chuckles. “She asked me straight up, ‘do you have a drug problem?’ I was stunned. I mean, who asks somebody that when they just met them? But I told her the truth. I said yes.” His gaze fell to her.

“Why didn’t you lie?” I ask, I have no idea why, but I’m curious.

“Because she didn’t look at me like I was some kind of worthless drug addict. She looked at me like she cared, which was weird because she didn’t even know me.”

“Tell them what you said, babe.” An
tonio squeezes Tia’s hand that’s resting on his shoulder.

“I told him if he wanted help, I’d pay for
him to go to rehab,” she states as she stares into Antonio’s eyes and it’s as if the two of them are reliving the moment in their minds, the way they experienced, a way Sophia and I couldn’t just by hearing the story. I barely know the guy, but it’s evident these two are crazy about each other. I almost want to laugh realizing Tia might have finally met the one to tie her down. I wasn’t sure it was possible.

“I was filthy fucking rich, you know. I guess I didn’t look it, obviously
,” Antonio adds. “And she was offering to pay for my rehab.”

“I told him if he went to rehab, I’d pay for it, and when he got out, he could take me
out on that date.” Tia grins as she leans in and kisses him.

“I went, paid for myself of course, but she came and visited me
when it was allowed, and when I was clean, I took her on that date. We’ve been together ever since.”

We’re all silent for a moment. To look at Antonio, you’d never think he was some kind of drug addict. He seems like he’s lived a life of perfection
, doing hours of sit-ups each day and drinking Muscle Milk by the gallons. It just goes to show, things aren’t always what they seem.

“All the hobbies, cooki
ng, martial arts, photography,” he says the last word with a little mumble knowing the photos are a sensitive subject. “They all helped me find purpose, balance.”

“Tia, I—”

“Are you going to lecture me about how dangerous it was?” Tia jests, interrupting Sophia, but I sense there is meaning behind her words.

,” Sophia clarifies. “I’m in awe of you. What a beautiful thing to do for someone and look how it turned out. You’ve always had a gift for seeing inside people.”

Tia’s mouth curves slightly with Sophia’s compliment as she shrugs.
“Yeah. True.”

“Well, that’
s my deep dark secret.” Antonio clears his throat before leaning in and giving Tia a passionate kiss.

Sophia and I glance at each
other briefly. “Antonio we’ve all done things we’re not proud of,” Tia adds. “It’s what we learn from it that makes the difference. Wouldn’t you agree, Brandon?” She sips her wine while her gaze fixes on me and I swear my nuts shrink by two sizes. She just totally called me out. I open my mouth to respond, but don’t get a chance to speak.

“I think we could all agree to tha
t,” Antonio adds, saving me from the awkward moment.

Other than Tia throwing me under the bus, the meal goes on smoothly.
Everyone makes an obvious effort not to discuss anything about Sophia and I, past, present, and future. The girls being the only exception to that. We laugh as I tell them about how awkward it was for me when Ferrah stuffed her little training bra with tissue paper and I had to make her remove it. Or when Chloe asked why a penis is called a penis. Both were parenting moments I wished desperately Sophia had been there to handle.

When we go
to bed that night, Sophia and I share a long glance at each other where she actually smiles at me, perhaps influenced by all the wine she drank, before she enters her room and shuts the door, leaving me on the outside wishing I could find my way back into her bed and into her heart.

Before I turn
out my lights, I pull out her photos, the ones Antonio took, and stare at the goddess that is my wife. After all these years, she still takes my breath away. Tucking them in my nightstand drawer, I lay down and close my eyes.

Baby step
s Brandon. Baby steps.




The next morning I force myself up even though I’m fighting a raging headache, and head downstairs not willing to waste one potential second of time I can spend with Sophia. When I traipse in the kitchen, Tia and Antonio are leaned back in chairs at the table, Tia’s feet resting in Antonio’s lap.

l, if it isn’t George Forman,” Tia jibes before sipping her coffee. Antonio cuts her a look, before giving me a friendly smile. His eyes are shaded blue and his nose is swollen. I cringe. I’m such an asshole.

“Have a sea
t, Brandon. Coffee?” He nods to a chair and stands. He’s shirtless and I immediately remind myself to start doing sit ups every day.

“Yeah. That’d be great
,” I mumble as I plop down. “Soph still asleep?” I ask Tia who is watching me.

“Nope. She’s out for a run.”

“How?” I groan. “After all that wine?”

“Her liver is actually functioning again. I’ve had her in training.”

“Here you go.” Antonio sits a mug of coffee in front of me with a bottle of aspirin.

, man.” I nod. “Hey, I really am sorry about hitting you.”

“It’s in the past.” He waves a hand dismissing it.

As I pop open the bottle of aspirin, Sophia enters through the patio doors in nothing but her sports bra and a pair of spandex capris. I catch Antonio’s eyes scanning her and grit my teeth hating that another man gets to look at her amazing body. I can’t fault him completely, it’s a man’s nature to look at something sexy and beautiful, and Sophia is both.

“Nice run?” Tia chimes as Sophia opens the fridge and pulls out a bottled water, her chest heaving up and down trying to catch her breath.

“Yeah,” she manages before gulping down the water. Sophia has always been a devout runner and keeps her body in great shape even after two babies.

“Brandon here is feeling a little under the weather.” Antonio smirks.

“Yeah, well, red wine was never his favorite. Hits him hard. Kind of like me and tequila,” Sophia laughs.

“We all have our weaknesse
s,” Tia notes and as I catch her gaze I notice something. She seems off, not her usual bright and chipper self. My gaze shifts backs to Sophia as she’s leaned over the counter, my eyes hone in on her lower back. I quickly stand and approach her. Her body tenses as I near her and brush my thumb across the tiny heart on her backside. I’m so used to touching Sophia, I don’t think about how she might get pissed at me.

“You got a tattoo?” I ask, shock evident in my tone. She pulls the bottled water away and glances
over her shoulder and down at herself where my finger grazes her before a faint smile covers her face.

“Yeah. I did.” She shrugs and sips her water again.

“Looks hot, doesn’t it?” Tia calls from the table. My gaze meets Sophia’s and we stare at each other a moment. She’s different. I can see it clear as day. What does it mean though?

“Yeah, it does.” I swallow hard and pull my hand away. I want nothing more than to scoop her up and carry her to bed where I can undress her and kiss that tattoo.

“Brandon. I have to go into town for a few things. Would you like to join me?” Antonio asks and I curse him internally. I want to be with Sophia, but I did bust in the guy’s house last night and punch him in the face so how can I say no?

“Yeah, sure.” I nod before sipping my coffee.

“Well you boys have fun. I’m hitting the showers.” Sophia heads upstairs without a second glance. I watch her as she goes, imagining her body under the shower, warm and wet.

s, Brandon. Roll your tongue up,” Tia groans and I cut my eyes to her. “I’m going to take a nap. See you two when you get back.” She stands and falls into Antonio’s lap, their mouths immediately find the other’s. They make out with each other as if I’m not in the room.




Antonio takes me into town and we end up stopping at some bar off the beach. My liver wants to run and hide when he orders us a bucket of Coronas and two tequila shots each. His age is obvious. I, of course, am still hung over from last night. I haven’t drank like this since my twenties, but I pull up my big girl panties and try to hang with him.

“To the women we love.” He toasts the first shot and we slam them back.

“So you love Tia?” I question, surprised at his honesty and candidness.

“I’m fucking crazy about
her,” he owns. “She saved my life.”

“Does she feel the same?”

“Maybe. She’s got stuff she’s dealing with so she prefers us not to use those kinds of words.”

“Tia’s always been a bit of a wild
card,” I nod. “But I can see she’s crazy about you.”

Antonio raises the other shot and I cringe. “To the chase.”

I repeat his words and we slam back the shot.

“I gotta tell you something
, Brandon.” He taps his fingers on the table next to his bottle of beer. “I don’t know the intricate details of your marriage and I’ve only heard one side of the story, but your wife is amazing.”

“I know.” I nod sipping my Corona, trying like hell not to look pissed that he’s telling me how incredible my wife is, as if I don’t know.

“I sent the pictures on purpose. I knew you would find them,” he admits, almost laughing before chugging his beer. I stare at him unable to process what he just said. He sent the photos of Sophia to send me into a jealous frenzy?

“I shouldn’t have. A punch in the face is what I get for sticking my nose where it doesn’t belong
,” he smirks as he turns the bottle on the table staring at it. “Life is short. If you guys can work it out, you should start right away. Don’t take a single day for granted.”

I stare at him wondering if
it’s his parents he’s talking about and that’s where this heartfelt speech is coming from, but I don’t question it. “I don’t know how to fix it,” I admit. “She says she needs space, but when I give it to her, she says I’m acting like I don’t give a shit. I just wish we could forget this and move on.”

“Maybe don’t work so hard on trying to make her forget your mistake. Maybe work on helping her remember. You know, the times you spent together, how you loved. Maybe you both need to remember that.”

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