Writes of Submission (35 page)

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Authors: Cassidy Browning

Tags: #BDSM, #Erotic Fiction, #Exhibitionism, #Contemporary, #Ménage à Trois, #Voyeurism, #Romance

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The clapping again prevented him from continuing for a few minutes. Once it trickled off he went on. “Look for our next book in just a few months.” With that he waved to the crowd and led the three of them from the stage and out a door at the back of the room.

As the door closed behind them, the sounds of the crowd dimmed and he swept Nikki up into his arms. “God, I’ve missed this the last few days.”

He then started off down the back hallway at a brisk pace with Dante right behind him. They continued until they came to a service elevator that they rode to the penthouse suite with windows looking out over the bay. Kane set Nikki down and turned her to face him. He placed his hands on either side of her face and used his thumbs to brush the tears from her cheeks. “I am so sorry for not being able to let you know what was going on.”

Nikki had been wrestling with her emotions all the way up to his room. She’d wanted to be angry with him for keeping her—keeping both of them—in the dark. But seeing him at the front of the room, in front of all of those people, saying that she and Dante were the best things that had ever happened to him, had changed everything. He had turned to Dante as he spoke, making sure that everyone knew the comment had been meant for both of them.

“They pulled me every which way from Sunday and I couldn’t call you,” he went on. “They had me on a complete communications blackout. I guess they didn’t want their surprise to leak out, which pissed me off more than words can convey. That reveal was supposed to be yours, brother. I am truly sorry about that. I had nothing to do with it and didn’t know it was happening until just before walking on stage that night.”

“It’s all right, I understand. I admit that I was disappointed, but I understand.” Dante moved behind Nikki, molding his body to hers from behind so that he was speaking to Kane over her shoulder. “What I want to know is the cover—”

“Yeah, isn’t it great?” Kane stepped closer, so that they were holding Nikki firmly sandwiched between them. “I showed them the designs we were working on and they loved it. It’s not set in stone but…”

Nikki swiveled her head, trying to see Dante’s face. “Wait. You did the cover?”

Dante was staring at Kane. “We worked on it together. I didn’t know he’d sent it to the publisher.”

Kane’s face got serious. “They know you did the work, bro. They’re going to offer you a job doing more covers for them, if you’re interested. If you’d rather stick with the marketing stuff, that’s perfectly cool, too. We’re all going to have to decide what our new roles are in this relationship—and this business.”

Nikki looked from one to the other of them. Dante could be angry about Kane having sent in his design without asking, she knew. But it really didn’t seem like Kane was trying to pull off anything. His smile faltered a little as he watched their expressions. “I hope you both can forgive me. I did everything I could to get you here in time for me to share you with the romance world. I meant what I said. I love you both. You are what I need to be complete. Dante, are we partners?”

There was a tense pause for about a second and a half. Nikki held herself completely still. This moment was going to decide her entire future. If Dante was deciding that he couldn’t trust Kane, then she would have to choose between them. How could she do that?

But then she felt his body relax behind her. Dante reached around her to clap Kane on the shoulder. “Partners.”

Kane let out a sigh of relief. He must have been as nervous as Nikki had been. “That’s fantastic. There’s just one more thing to settle for the moment, then. Nikki, will you belong to us forever and make our triad complete?”

She opened her mouth, but the words didn’t seem to want to come. She twisted a little so she could easily turn her head from one to the other. “You both actually want me? You’re sure?”

Dante rolled his eyes. “This girl has done nothing for the last few days but try to convince herself that her life was over. Yes, you silly wench. We both actually want you. Kane’s just announced to the entire romance world that he loves you and wants you. What else do we need to do to prove it? Write it in the sky?”

She felt a grin creeping over her face. “In that case, you couldn’t keep me away.”

Dante grinned back and squeezed them both briefly. “Now, enough of this heavy stuff. Let’s show our girl what we mean by being ours.”

Chapter 29


“You took the words right out of my mouth.” Kane grinned back. “But there’s just one more piece of ‘heavy stuff’ we need to finish up. So that there are no misunderstandings, Nikki, I need you to tell me that you want to belong to me and to Dante. That you want to be ours mind, body, and soul. That you trust us to make the decisions, knowing that we will always take your needs and desires into consideration. That we will ask you to do things outside of your comfort zone but knowing that they are asked with a plan to help you grow and expand to become more than you are on your own. Finally that your submission to us will also help each of us to also grow and become more than we were before.”

Kane looked so serious that Nikki was grateful he wasn’t using his Dom voice. That tone always made it hard for her to think of anything other than wrapping the sound around her in a cocoon of safety and desire.

Looking into Kane’s face while simultaneously rubbing her head against Dante’s cheek, Nikki quietly said, “Yes, Sir. More than anything in my life.”

A sly smile stole across his face. She was surprised when he pulled himself up even taller than he usually was and spoke in his Dom voice. “Good, beautiful. Kneel.”

The blood was pounding in her head so hard she could hardly hear when he asked Dante to stand next to him facing her. She stood for another minute as the two men positioned themselves. They both seemed to have grown several feet taller in the last few minutes. How had that happened? Then she realized that she had done as instructed without conscious thought and was now kneeling in front of them. She dropped her gaze from their faces to the matching bulges tenting the pants in front of her.

Grinning mischievously, she leaned forward and rubbed her lips first across Dante’s obvious erection and then quickly against the equally rigid protrusion in Kane’s. She reveled in the thrill their gasps of surprise stirred in her spirit. She was deep in the submissive fog she had been trying so hard to capture on paper just yesterday without success. Now she knew it would never be a problem to describe again.

She heard Kane clear his throat and then say, “You are a feisty one, my beauty. It’s time for us to make you ours once and for all.”

A flash of nervousness rushed through her as she considered the possible scenarios those words could foretell. Before she could get too wrapped up in her imagination, Kane continued. “Now, love. Stand up.” He held out his hand and assisted her in getting back to her feet.

“Strip,” he commanded. His voice was like steel, yet soft at the same time. She could no easier refuse to obey than she could stop breathing. That sound did things low in her that she didn’t understand. How could one word make her pussy burst into flames, her limbs move without her knowledge to follow his commands? All she knew was that she wanted to please them both with her entire being. Deciding she didn’t really care about the reasons for what she was feeling, she gave herself over to it, refusing to think any more.

With slow movements she turned her back to the men and dipped her head forward, exposing the zipper that had been hidden by her hair. She felt hands easing the metal tab down the length of her back and guessed it was Dante freeing her from the garment. As the zipper opened and the slinky black dress cascaded to the floor at her feet, her breath caught, knowing they would be surprised that she was wearing nothing under it. She turned back to see their expressions and smiled. Their eyes were focused on her smooth, freshly shaved and now fully exposed pussy.

Dante, she saw, let his eyes slowly drift from her groin up her body. It made her blush to see that look of possessiveness in his eyes and to know that she was the target of it.

“What are you thinking, love?” Kane asked, still using that voice.

Her face went hot when she realized that she’d just been thinking about how wet her pussy was, and how much she wanted them to be touching it. “I was just surprised at myself for thinking such naughty and vulgar things, Sir. I’ve read about these things but I didn’t think I’d ever actually do them. I really don’t know what’s happening to me.”

“You are finally letting go of your old, self-imposed rules and are freeing yourself for us. You will do more of that tonight than you would have ever guessed. Know that it makes us happy to see you doing so. Isn’t that right, Dante?”

Dante grinned. “Abso-fucking-lutely.”

“To that end, do you mind if I direct the action tonight?” Kane asked Dante.

“Hell, you’ve masterminded the entire day,” Dante said with a wink at Nikki. “I think you’ve been doing a pretty good job so far.” His eyes swept down the entire length of her nude body and back up to her face. “Who am I to mess with a good thing? We’re all yours, buddy.”

Kane rubbed his hands together and turned back to Nikki. He looked into her face without speaking until she nodded her assent. “Well then, my good man, be so kind as to get undressed and lie faceup in the center of the bed there.” He pointed to the king bed in the middle of the far wall.

She watched as the tall, blond god of a man centered himself squarely in front of her and slowly started to take his clothes off. She reached to help with his belt, impatient to see all of him, but was surprised when Dante gently pushed away her hands.

“Just watch,” he chided her. “Keep your hands on your knees and don’t move them until you’re told to do so.”

He made short work of his clothes and within seconds was standing naked with his cock just inches from her face. As her eyes followed hungrily, he reached down with his right hand and wrapped his fingers around the base of his dick. Her tongue slipped out to moisten her bottom lip and her breathing sped up as he slowly brought the head to within a hairbreadth of her lips. She knew he must feel her panting breaths on the glistening surface of his knob.

She started to close the infinitesimal space, her eyes closed and her mouth opening in anticipation. Her eyes were shut and her tongue slid out to experience that first salty taste. She was craving it, more than any food she’d ever wanted. A gasp ripped from her throat as fingers wrapped into her hair and pulled her away from her prize.

“I didn’t tell you to move, did I, beautiful?” Dante’s voice boomed in the silent room. She had never heard him use that tone before, but his Dom voice seemed to affect her just as much as Kane’s. There was an almost unbearable pressure on her hair, but then it was released before it had even started to hurt properly. The endorphin rush that followed it almost made her unable to whisper the required answer she knew he was waiting for. “No, Sir.”

After a moment of savoring the chemicals flooding her system, Nikki plucked up her courage. Putting on her most seductive smile, she looked up and asked coyly, “Sir, may I taste you, please?”

“Of course, my love.” His voice wrapped around her and tightened things between her thighs as he brought his prick to her mouth and gently played it back and forth across her lips. He allowed her to swipe her tongue across the knob a few times before stepping back and with obvious effort regaining control of his own breathing walked to the bed and climbed into the requested position.

She was startled when Kane cupped her face and turned her attention away from Dante. “We are going to take you together and make you ours,” he said in a soft, caressing tone. “But first you need to be prepared. Do you trust me, beautiful? I am going to do things to you tonight that are probably going to be new experiences. They may be uncomfortable at first but if you will trust me and relax into it, I promise you a night you won’t soon forget.”

“I trust you, Sir.”

He nodded in approval. “Good girl. I need you to climb up onto the bed between his legs and do what you wanted to do a minute ago. Do not bring him off, though. Do you understand? We need him able to fill that hot little pussy of yours for my plan to work. Have fun, but I repeat, do not finish him until you are ordered to.”

“Yes, Sir.” To her surprise, Nikki found that her mouth was actually beginning to water in anticipation. She had never been a big fan of giving head until she met these two, but now it was rapidly becoming a favorite activity. She adored the feel of a stiff cock sliding across her tongue, the taste of her men, and the knowledge that she could bring them such pleasure. The power she felt in performing such an intimate act didn’t hurt, either.

Before she could follow his instructions, Kane continued. “Once you are there I want you on your knees with your cute little ass in the air and your head in his lap. Now crawl over there and get to work, you vixen.” He swatted her on the rump as she began to follow his instructions.

Feeling hopelessly decadent, she swayed her hips and made sure Kane had a good view of her ass as she positioned herself. Once she’d settled into the requested pose, she looked up at her lover and let her hands play over Dante’s erection.

“You are so sexy like that.” Dante’s husky voice floated down to her as his eyes seemed to drink in her soul.

“Lie back, Sir,” she purred. “Let me service you.” Her mouth closed over the end of his rock-hard length, determined to make this the best blow job he’d ever had, and she began swirling her tongue over and around the head of his prick. Her head bobbed to the tempo of her favorite song. As if reading her mind, Kane turned on his iPod, playing the song she had just been imagining. Pulling back from Dante’s cock, Nikki turned her head to ask Kane how he’d known it was her favorite song. She stopped when she saw him approaching the bed, as naked as the rest of them. She stared, filled with admiration and lust at his gorgeous physique, until he made a waving motion and she returned to her task.

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