Wrong Alien (TerraMates Book 6) (9 page)

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Authors: Lisa Lace

Tags: #Romance / Fantasy

BOOK: Wrong Alien (TerraMates Book 6)
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"Ann," he gasped. "I need to move quickly."

"Go ahead," I said. I knew it was what I needed, too.

He sped up, and I felt him rubbing a spot inside me that I didn't know existed. It seemed as if all the pleasure was coming from a single point in my body. Once he began driving into me with such speed, I shot over the edge. The explosion of pleasure was so intense that I cried out his name.

He continued to thrust into me as spasms wracked my body. After a minute I felt him stiffen and spill his seed inside me, filling me up. I had never had a guy come inside me before — without protection, I mean — and it was incredible. It was nothing like my last boyfriend's sad little pull-out and spurt into the condom.

Jesse was clearly a man — alien or not — and he had just given me the most incredible sexual experience of my life. My orgasm went on and on until I felt completely drained. Finally, I collapsed beneath his body. He was quiet as he lay over me. His body was relaxed, but he was putting most of his weight on his arms. Then he lifted his head. His startlingly blue eyes stared into my own.

I had to admit that I loved feeling him in and on and all around me. Being surrounded by Jesse was intoxicating. It made me want him again.

How could I want him again? We had just finished. But I did. And it wasn't the morelia. I was afraid that I simply desired him, and I wondered if my need would never stop.


I woke once with Ann on top of me. Another time, I took her slow and sweet with me behind her. We were both on our sides. Each time was amazing and blew my mind.

As the gray dawn slipped into our bedroom, I opened my eyes, which felt heavy from lack of sleep. I didn't move because Ann was sleeping on my chest. Her soft, warm body curled against me. She looked exhausted but content, like she'd been well fucked.

She felt me move against her and rubbed herself along my body. She couldn't want more, could she? I felt myself responding to her touch and soon I was hard again. How could this be? Usually, I was in and out. I had planned to consummate our marriage and retire to the couch.

Instead, I had made love to her three times and was about to do it again. I didn't have any more time to think about it because she was spreading her legs for me again and I was sliding into her, amazed that it felt so good. It was a feeling I hadn't had for a long time. It was like coming home.

She didn't say a word. She closed her eyes and moved with me. Our bodies fit together perfectly. It surprised me because I would never have guessed it the first time I saw her. I noticed her skin turning pink in the candlelight, a sign that her climax was building. In moments, her breaths started coming faster. I watched her face, increasing the pace of my thrusting. Her body arched up to me, and I moved deep within her.

"Jesse," she whispered. I took a nipple into my mouth, sucking hard, then switched to the other one as she groaned and pressed her big, soft breast up into my mouth.

I drove into her more quickly.

"Look at me, Ann," I said, wanting to see her eyes.

She opened them slowly, as if she were coming back from a far-away place. I swallowed. I didn't know what I saw in her eyes, but I knew it was reflected in mine.

I leaned down, unable to stop myself. I kissed her deeply, twisting a nipple at the same time. She came instantly. The feeling of her clenching around me as I plunged in and out of her hot wetness sent me over the edge. I groaned, stiffening, as I emptied myself into her. Her orgasm was still going. She looked beautiful.

A few minutes later, when we lay curled up together, I realized I had a significantly different opinion of her beauty yesterday. What was going on with me?

"Jesse?" She lifted her head to look into my eyes.

"Mm, hm." My hand was tracing lazy circles on her back.

"I guess morelia is a crazy aphrodisiac, huh?"

She smiled, but I drew my eyebrows together, counting to myself.

"Even the largest dose of morelia can only last four hours. The body will clear it out by then, no matter how much you drink."

"Four hours," she said, frowning. "But that means it would have passed through my body at around twelve or one in the morning. We've done it at least…"

"Twice since then?" I said. "Yes, that's right." I shrugged. "I guess we're good together in bed."

"You guess we're good together?" She didn't believe what I was saying. Her eyebrows nearly touched her hairline. "If the morelia wore off long ago, good is not how I would describe it."

"How would you describe it?" I knew I was fishing for compliments but I couldn't help it.

"Amazing, incredible, mind-blowing, like nothing I've ever experienced before."

"And that was after the morelia wore off?"

She nodded.

"I haven't had many women who weren't under the influence of morelia, so I guess I did okay."

She shook her head at me. "You heard the sounds I was making, right? I can't make that shit up." She frowned as if hearing herself swear for the first time. "I mean, I can't make that stuff up."

"Humble's not a word people usually use to describe me."

"Maybe I'm seeing another side of you," she said, looking as if the idea intrigued her.

I sat upright, suddenly remembering all the work that was waiting for me. It was the busy season for the farm, and everyone had to pitch in. It was time to rise.

"Where are you going?" she said, surprised.

"I need to do work. You may have another day or two off, but after that, you must start to learn some new skills. Mrs. Boyko will teach you everything you need to know."

"I thought the servants did the work here," she said. She didn't look dismayed at the idea of working, but she was trying to understand life on my planet.

"The servants help with the work, but we share it equally. It is my understanding that on Earth, some types of work are better than others but that isn't the case here. The owner of the farm works as hard as his stable boy. Neither is considered better than the other."

"Nice. So I'm going to work, probably as much as Mrs. Boyko."

"You would be hard-pressed to work that hard, but that's the idea."

"I got it. I put in long hours back home, too. It's nothing new to me."

"You did?"

She nodded, sitting up. I was momentarily distracted by her lush breasts before she pulled the sheet up to cover them.

"I don't need two days off. I can start today. I have more energy here than on Earth. I sleep well, and I haven't been working, so I'm all rested up and ready to go.”

I nodded, pulling on my shirt, which hung on a chair next to the bed. She had certainly been energetic last night.

She held up two fingers. "I had two jobs back home. That was enough to pay for my mom's life, and I was able to save enough to go to school and become a teacher.

"You were the one who earned the money to care for your mother?" he asked, a little surprised.

"During the day I would take care of three and four-year-olds, teaching them. At night, I would wait tables, like the woman you and Porter were ogling when I arrived."

"I wasn't ogling her," I said, drawing my eyebrows together.
How had she noticed

"Yes, you were," she said, giving me a glance that indicated she had seen right through me.

"It's good you know how to work. It will make your transition easier." I patted her thigh and got up to find my pants.

"So will spending the nights in your bed," she muttered. I didn't know if she meant me to hear, but I liked it.

Some time later, we were sitting in the kitchen. Our knees touched under the table. Mrs. Boyko was serving us some gruel.

I had helped Annalee get dressed. It would take a while for her to learn how to put on her clothing. She had cursed her outfit in an unfeminine way, but today I found her language amusing. What had happened to me? Was I truly besotted with this girl within a day?

It was evident that everyone was glad Annalee was here. I supposed I was too. The staff was up and bustling about, having breakfast and discussing what work should be done on the farm today. The women wished her good morning and the men made jokes about how she had slept, making her blush.

Our appearance, coupled with the sounds that came from the guest house all night long, ensured the marriage was binding. I had already confirmed the witness had signed the papers, making everything legal.

In the morning, Father's lawyers had come to transfer the deed to my name. My father was relieved to know I had inherited the farm.

We all looked up when we heard the sound of horses galloping into the yard. One of the stable lads went to see who had arrived. Annalee looked at me curiously, and I shrugged, continuing to eat my breakfast.

The door flew open without warning. The same men from the Bureau of Purity we had seen at the inn burst into the room. Mrs. Boyko frowned. "What do you think you're doing?" she said. "Coming into a house in that way? Shame on you. Haven't your mothers taught you manners?"

"They're from the Bureau of Purity, Mrs. Boyko," I said, standing slowly. Annalee looked terrified.

"I don't care where they're from. There's such a thing as knocking," she said indignantly. I noticed she looked slightly whiter, and her voice was weaker than before.

"We are here to perform a search," one of the agents said. "Who is the man of the house?" I noticed Annalee's eyes roll but ignored them.

"I am. I have recently inherited from my father," I said, trying to remain calm. There was no reason for any of us to be frightened.

The man handed me a piece of paper, and I scanned it. They were conducting searches of all the nearby houses.

As if I couldn't read, one of them spoke up. "We are searching all the houses surrounding the inn. We are confident nothing is in your house, but the man punished today might have hidden objects in your other buildings."

He didn't seem to believe he wouldn't find anything. To me, it looked like he thought we were all guilty, but I supposed that was his job.

"You won't blame us if you find things we don't know about, will you?" I asked, worried.

"Of course not. We know what types of devices he carried. None of the people here would have access to such things."

They pushed past us and began to investigate the upper floor. It took them nearly an hour to search the entire house and associated buildings. During that time, no one went to work. We all remained silent and frozen, waiting for them to finish and for our farm to be declared clean.

"Get everyone lined up in the yard," the first man said to me when they had finished their investigation.

"Why?" I asked. He gave me a dark look. "I mean, why, sir?"

"We need to search your people, too."

I didn't like this, but I instructed everyone to assemble. Annalee stayed by my side. She looked sick from fright, and I knew it was because she had recently seen a man killed. It was enough to make any of us afraid. For someone coming from another planet, it must be unimaginable.

First Sun was high in the sky, making us all hot, with Second Sun about to rise. Third Sun was still on the other side of the planet, chasing his brothers across the sky in an endless circle.

I was surprised when the second man knelt at Mrs. Boyko's feet and picked up her skirt.

"Hey," she said, kicking at him.

"My companion will check your skirt hem for anything illegal, ma'am."

He felt around her entire hem and moved on to the next person, who was a man. He was forced to empty all his pockets as the Bureau man patted him down.

"People who have contraband often keep it on their person," the first man explained, walking up and down in front of us while the second man continued searching. "They are afraid we will discover things. They mistakenly think hiding them on their person is safer."

"Jesse," Annalee whispered into my ear. "I have to go to the bathroom."

"Right now, you can't," I hissed back.

"I have to." She seemed desperate, and I shrugged.

When she began walking away, the first man barked at her. "You there. Where are you going?"

"To the privy," she said, as quietly as possible.

"No one is allowed to leave until our search is complete."

"I really have to go," she insisted. "I'm at the end of the line. I'll return before you reach my spot."

"What if you are trying to get rid of illegal substances before we search you?" he said with a smug smile.

"Are you kidding?" she said. "I know how seriously this planet regards the law."

"Are you new to Yordbrook?"

"Yes," she said, choosing not to elaborate. She lifted her hands. "Okay, okay. I'll hold it. But I'm blaming you if I have an accident."

She seemed unconcerned and playful, but I knew she was lying. And the first Bureau man also realized something was wrong.

"Search her next," he said, flicking his head at Annalee.

Shit. She was standing beside me, looking calm and relaxed, but I could feel the tension coming from her body.

The second man knelt down at her hem. She gave me a glance that was meant to be reassuring but only amplified my concern. He felt around, and I held my breath. Did she have something in there? Was that why she was so nervous?

"I have something, sir."

My heart stopped. I looked at Annalee in fear. She didn't look like an innocent woman being unjustly condemned. She looked guilty.

His companion appeared immediately with a knife out. He cut along the hem and gently shook it. Something fell out into his hand.

It was a technological device. She had smuggled it in.

I glanced at her in consternation.

Why would she have done something like this? No wonder she had been afraid. Why hadn't she disposed of it while they were searching the house? Was she stupid?

And even before today, when she had seen a man killed, she could have destroyed the device or hidden it somewhere. Anything that would prevent it from being found in her possession.

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