Read Wrong Kind of Paradise Online

Authors: Suzie Grant

Wrong Kind of Paradise (16 page)

BOOK: Wrong Kind of Paradise
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her father. As much as she did, she suspected. And he was right, her father had surrendered in order to

life...not because he’d wanted to betray her, but because he loved her.

And she’d been too selfish to see the truth in that. Regret and guilt ate at her insides. How childish

her actions seemed to her now. If she’d just trusted in her father and Blac as well, she would never have

been placed in danger. They had only had good intentions, and she had punished them both for it with her


“My father once loved me that way...” Blac whispered.

“He still does,” she said, reaching for him but he drew back.

“No, he turned his back on us. But I promise you...I won’t turn my back on you.”

Angel sobbed at his confession. She understood now why he fought her so hard. How could she

make him love her when he believed he would betray her father and turn out like his own?

“I don’t know how you did it, but I am no longer the same man I was. Years ago, I would have

never imagined turning my back on your father, Angel. But the temptation to do just that grows harder

every day. I never would have believed myself capable of that.” He moved closer and lowered his lips

until they stood a breath apart. “I will never again look at another woman without remembering your

sweet smile.”

He captured her mouth, his lips soft, searching. He didn’t bombard or seek to control. Instead, he

offered her the chance to take the lead and she gladly accepted. She deepened the kiss and reveled in the

texture of his tongue. He tasted of the sea, salt, and rum. Bitter and sweet.

But before she could truly enjoy this gift he gave of himself he pulled away. His warm palms

cupped her cheeks and he kissed each of her eyelids. The warmth of his breath blew across her face and

tickled her lashes.

“Nothing has changed, Angel. I still mean to carry out my plan. Your father wanted you married to a

good man, and I mean to see that through.” He crossed the room and cracked open the door. “Even if I

have to force myself to let you go.”


“You coward.”

Blac whipped around at those whispered words, one hand still gripping the doorknob. Fury etched

sharp lines across her brow and her jaw clamped tight against more words.

He drew himself up. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

She gasped at the dismissal. “No? You think I’m too young to understand how I feel? How you feel

about me? And how afraid you are of it?”

Blac slammed the door closed again. “Angel,” he started, but gritted his teeth together. “We’ve had

this conversation before. We’re not having it again.”

Angel launched herself against him, and a small fist pounded on his back as he turned to leave. Blac

whirled, seized her by the arms, and shook her, but she was beyond comprehension. Tears coursed down

her cheeks and she shrieked out her anger.

“You’re a coward! A yellow-bellied coward, afraid to face the fact that you love me.”

“Stop it!” he commanded. “Angel, get a hold on yourself.”

“Why should I? You’re just going to ship me off, anyway!”

She yanked from his embrace, turned, and retrieved the book from the table, hurling it at his head.

Blac ducked. A roar of fury escaped him as he stalked toward her.

“It’s for the best.”

“For who?” she shouted. “For you? So you can ease your conscience? Get rid of me so you’re no

longer tempted to do anything irrational? Who really benefits here?”

“You’re being absurd.”

“And you’re being an obtuse, pig-headed, uncaring bastard who only thinks of himself.”

Angel skittered around the table and picked up the inkwell.

“Angel,” Blac warned. “Don’t even think about it.”

Too late. The container soared past him and ink spattered across his shirt and face. He gritted his

I’m going to strangle her.
With pleasure

With a single swipe, Blac wiped away the fluid and he was certain it smeared across his cheek. It

would take days to wear off his skin. Angel ceased crying, her eyes widened to saucers, and then she

giggled at his appearance.

Why her laughter sent him over the edge he did not know, but he dove over the table, sliding across

its surface. Angel gasped and ran. Blac bounded for her and together they fell to the floor.

She struggled face-down against him. He crawled up her body and pinned her to the floor with his

weight. And his body caught fire. His arms wrapped around her and his mouth sought and found the niche

under her ear.

Her quick intake of breath told him she hadn’t expected that. But the wiggle of her rear against him

shot a curl of heat through him, and he was lost.

She twisted toward him and their mouths fused together in a battle of wills. With their lips still

melded, he lifted off her enough for her roll onto her back. Their bodies came back together like a clap of

thunder, and he strained against her as if he could crawl into her.

How could life be so cruel to place the woman of my dreams within reach when I am not allowed

to touch her?

He should not touch her. But he did. He should not hold her. But he did.

The kisses turned languid, searching. He savored the flavor of her and sought to arouse rather than

conquer. He licked, nipped, and sucked at her lips. His tongue delved into her mouth and dueled with

hers. “What do you do to me?” he whispered against her mouth. His gaze moved to her extraordinary

blue-green eyes. He saw little fear, only an eagerness he couldn’t resist.

Her heavy-lidded eyes watched him carefully. “I believe you are the one working the magic here,


He sucked her bottom lip into his mouth and bit with care. “There is no magic here, Angel. Just

pure— ” his tongue licked a path to her chin— “unbridled —” he whispered, making his way to her ear

only to whisper once more — “passion.”

Her arms wrapped around his neck and pulled him close. A sorceress, she inflamed every nerve in

his body and ripped asunder his every defense.

I can’t fight this anymore.
He was
efeated, his promise a memory now.

He ravaged her mouth, a kiss fraught with need too long denied. And she gave as good as she got.

Slender fingers clawed at his back and neck as she pulled him closer. Her body arched into him,

wrapping him into her embrace.

Heat exploded inside him and blood pulsed through his veins. His body caught fire. With every

press of her skin, he burned.

He wanted her like he’d never wanted another woman. Did she know how much she affected him?

Would she ever guess at the depth of emotion she’d evoked in him?
Would she ever know how much he


He ground his body against her and reeled at the sensation. She fit perfectly. Impatiently, he tore at

the strings of her shirt until the gaping fabric revealed her breasts. And he devoured the offerings with

both his hands and his mouth. Perfect. It was the only word to describe her body.

His heartbeat roared in his ears. His tongue laved at the tips as if he was starved for the sounds she

made. And she did not disappoint. Tiny, whispered pleas and heavy panting answered his unspoken


He squeezed the opposite mound before moving on to lavish it with his attention. She lifted her hips

against him, and need pulsed through his sex. Her breathy moans tormented him, drawing him across a

sensual torture rack, wreaking havoc with his senses.

The tempest between them fused and they drew from each other breath, passion, and need.

Sharp claws dug into the skin of his neck and his body roared to life. He arched against her softness

and plundered her mouth.

Her eagerness inflamed him and he didn’t want to rush it, but control slipped from his grasp. She

met him halfway and urged him on. Her persistence ignited something carnal inside him and drove him

past whatever resistance he’d had left.

Do not lose control

But his body didn’t listen as it strained toward that summit, ready to hurl itself off into the abyss


Blood pounded in his ears. He sucked air into his lungs. Need thrummed through his veins.

He needed to slow the pace. If he lost all control, he would ravish her and wreck her innocence.

And he’d never forgive himself if that were to happen.

He wanted to calm the storm, to enjoy the journey, but she would have none of that. Panting against

her lips he whispered, “Slow down, let me love you.”

His voice seemed to soothe her and the kisses gentled. His hand rose and caressed her cheek. She

was like a storm, raging and thundering until the touch of his hand calmed her to a slow drizzle. He kissed

her cheek and then her lips. “I need you like I’ve never needed anyone before.”

And it scares me to death.


Angel’s thoughts scattered and trickled in her mind like a thousand mirrored pieces twinkling in the

dark. Unable to form a complete, coherent sentence, she snapped her mouth closed.

“Look at me,” Blac demanded.

Her eyes fluttered open and his intense stare caressed every angle of her face as if he were

imprinting it to memory. He gave a soft smile. “You are beautiful.”

Pleasure warmed her cheeks. “You are biased.”

“I am honest.”

She brought his mouth to hers. His tongue intertwined with hers and danced inside her mouth. She

sighed as he trailed his searing lips across her jaw to her neck.

He retraced his path to her breasts and heat smoldered between her thighs. She wiggled against him,

trying to ease the ache and he groaned, closing his eyes. She smiled and lifted her hips against him, testing

the newfound sensual boundaries.

Again he made a tortured sound. “You’re killing me,” he whispered.

“And you love it.”

He continued his foray between her breast to her stomach, and tingles skittered through her body.

Ecstasy washed over her as his tongue dipped into each crevice and traced every line of her figure.

His dark hair fanned against her belly and sent another ripple of pleasure through her. Her fingers

entwined in his hair and grazed his scalp. He settled between her thighs more fully and his hot breath

teased her skin.

Angel clamped her legs closed against his odd assault. His hands glided down each thigh and he

whispered incoherent words against her flesh. It didn’t matter what he said, but the glorious brush of

breath on her skin caused goose flesh to rise. She shivered.

“Let me love you, Angel. Let me in.”

His gentle words calmed her, and she relaxed. Soft lips tasted her inner knees and licked a path

toward her center. Her heart pattered to a stop. Surely, he wouldn’t...

But he did. His tongue sought and found her smoldering center to tease the hidden bud within the

folds. Angel gasped, jumped, but his hands eased her back to the floor.

Rapture closed her eyes and excitement dampened her skin. She panted as he continued his

titillating torment until her body tightened.

He rose over her and divested himself of his clothes.
Male perfection
. And it was within

reach. How many times had she imagined this very moment?

Poised above her, he chanted her name between kisses. Angel opened to him and his body slid

against her. Curious, she reached between them.

Shameless, she palmed him. Awed by the pulsing flesh in her grip, Angel’s eyes widened. Blac

ground his teeth together. His face scrunched as if in pain. “Did I hurt you?” she asked.

“In a good way...” His voice sounded raspy and raw.

Angel stroked him, his head falling back on his shoulders. Intrigued, she pushed him over and

climbed on top of him. His hands kneaded her thighs and he groaned as she tortured him.

Just as she leaned down to get a better view, he rose to scoop her into his arms and then carried her

to the bunk. He tossed her down and before his body slid over hers, Angel’s intake of breath turned into a


Angel arched until the tips of her breasts brushed against the muscled chest lingering above her and

reveled in the feel of the brush of skin on skin.

His fingertips painted sensation across her flesh, and she trembled beneath his touch. He had

mastered the art of the caress. And she gloried under his skilled hands. His very touch cast her over the

edge of sanity and into an abyss of madness. She wished he would ease the pleasure-ache gripping her.

Her body coiled. Arched. Eager for release and afraid of it at the same time.

She murmured his name and gripped his forearms. He spread her thighs and settled between them.

He ground his hardness against her and her legs embraced him, urging him on.

The head of his shaft lingered at her portal and she wiggled closer, needing something only he could

give. He eased into her and she gasped at the fullness.

At his pause, she panted. “More,” she whispered.

A pained expression crossed his face. “We have to go’s your first time.”

BOOK: Wrong Kind of Paradise
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