Wyatt (Lane Brothers #1) (111 page)

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Authors: Kristina Weaver

BOOK: Wyatt (Lane Brothers #1)
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Thirty Two


The guests were introduced to Aunty Mabel—a rotund woman with perfectly coiffed hair and a pearl necklace—and Nina, the maid. Oh, and a bloodhound, Gertrude. Then Nina showed each guest to the room they’d be staying in. Last of all, she guided Sasha to hers. It was a beautiful room that was filled with dark wood and green drapery. There was an amazing view across the grounds. Aunty Mabel’s house was almost more decadent than Thomas’s glass-fronted mansion.

“Thank you, Nina,” Sasha said as the young woman placed her bags in the room and left.

“Dinner will be served in half an hour,” Nina said. “Just come down when you’re ready.”

Sasha decided to freshen up. She still had wine on her feet from when Thomas has spilled it while fucking her. She went into the en suite and washed, feeling happy and rejuvenated for the first time in a long time. She dressed in a daring black leather mini-dress, one of the one’s Amore had given to her. She knew how much it had turned Thomas on when he’d seen her in all those sheer tops and black leather.

She looked for a hair dryer and found it in one of the drawers. However, her hand hovered over it. Then, she shut the drawer again. Thomas had a wet hair fetish. When they’d been on the island together, the sight of her wet body emerging from a swimming pool had turned him on so much he hadn’t been able to resist her. It would serve him right for pretending like nothing had happened between them on the plane...

She smiled to herself and skipped from her room. The stairs were wide and sweeping, like something from a movie. She found the dining room and saw that her mom and Aunty Mabel were already seated, chatting away with Olivia—who was sat on her knees in front of a roaring fire, stroking Gertrude, the bloodhound. Sasha realized it was the first time in a long time she’d see her mom looking so relaxed and carefree. This trip would do them both good.

Thomas came into the dining room. He took one look at Sasha, then his eyes blazed with desire.

“Are you doing that on purpose?” he whispered in her ear, his fingers lightly pressing the small of her back.

“Doing what?” Sasha asked innocently. “You mean my wet hair? I just couldn’t find a hair dryer.” 

“A likely story,” Thomas said with a twitch of a smile on his lips. Then, under his breath, he whispered, “Game on, intern.”

Sasha bit her lip as a thrill of anticipation pulsed through her.

Thomas held a chair for each of the women, placing Sasha directly opposite him. Before he had a chance to make the first move, she slipped her shoe off and rubbed her foot slowly up the inside of his leg. She saw Thomas shift in his seat, but otherwise, he made no external indication that he was being aroused by a game of footsie beneath the tablecloth.

Nina came in from the kitchen with a huge silver bowl filled with tomato soup, which she placed in the center before ladling some into each of the bowls. Sasha thanked her and began to eat.

She took her first sip of the soup, her eyes locking on Thomas as she did so. Still looking at Thomas, she licked the back of the spoon slowly. His jaw clenched.

“This is divine, Aunty Mabel,” Olivia said.

“Hmm,” Sasha replied. “It really is. What do you think Thomas?”

She slid her foot up to his lap and rested it on his cock, finding that it was hard beneath her foot. She rubbed her foot up and down, feeling Thomas strain beneath her.

Thomas’s eyes flashed with mischief. “It’s a touch hot if you ask me.”

Aunty Mabel looked up. “You are a little red in the face. Maybe Nina put in more chilly than normal.”

Sasha narrowed her eyes and pressed her foot down. Thomas bit his bottom lip.

“Leave it if you don’t like it,” Aunty Mabel said. “There’s plenty more you can eat.”

“Perhaps I will,” Thomas said.

He pushed his bowl away but deliberately too hard. The contents spewed across the tabletop towards Sasha. She leaped up just in time.

“Gosh, I’m so sorry,” Thomas said. “You’ll have to come and sit on the corner here next to me.”

Sasha caught the glint in his eye, as she moved her chair around. The moment she sat down, he reached his hand under her skirt and slid his fingers inside of her. Sasha’s eyes widened with surprise and she gasped.

“Did you get a chili, too, dear?” Aunty Mabel said.

“Uh huh,” Sasha replied breathlessly.

Nina mopped up the mess with help from Gertrude, then the next course was served.

Just then, Thomas dropped his spoon.

“Honestly,” Aunty Mabel said, “what is wrong with you today?”

“All thumbs and no fingers. Excuse me.”

Thomas ducked down under the table to retrieve it. But while down there, he pushed Sasha’s legs apart, moved her thong to the side, and licked her clit. She let out a shocked cry.

“Sorry,” Sasha said. “Thomas must have squashed my foot.”

Thomas came back up from the table. The spoon remained out of sight, and Sasha realized with mounting excitement that he was going to use it to pleasure her…

However, he didn’t get the chance because Olivia suddenly said, “Tommy, I think we need to talk.”

Sasha found it hard to think of the woman as Olivia rather than Crystal. She still had the same peroxide blond hair, but the ruby red fingernails were gone, along with the thick mascara. Instead of a push-up bra and a leopard-print dress, she was in gray jogging bottoms with a loose-fitting top. She’d pulled her hair into a messy bun. Her eyes sparkled with rejuvenation and health.

“Maxwell says I have to be honest if I want to heal,” she added.

Aunty Mabel tipped her head to the side. “Maxwell?”

“My spiritual guide,” Olivia explained.

“Oh, right,” the old woman replied with a chuckle before going back to her food.

Sasha got the distinct impression that Aunty Mabel wouldn’t be shocked by anything her niece and nephew threw at her.

Thomas looked up at Olivia with a guarded expression; the spoon he intended to pleasure Sasha with was pressed lightly to his lips as a reminder of what was yet to come.

“Must we talk right now?” he said. “We have guests.”

“It affects them, too,” she replied.

Thomas put his spoon down and cleared his throat. “Fine. What is it you have to say?”

“The tape,” Olivia said.

Out the corner of her eye, Sasha could see Thomas’s hands squeeze into fists. Julia, Aunty Mabel, and Gerald all focused intently on their food.

“I know you have no reason to believe me,” Olivia added, “since I’ve lied to you in the past, but I wasn’t the one who leaked it.”

Thomas and Sasha exchanged a glance.

“It couldn’t have been anyone else,” Thomas replied.

Olivia gave him a look as if to say, ‘Who else has access to all your properties?’

“You mean…?” Thomas began.

“...Pippa?” Sasha finished for him.

Thomas slammed his fist against the tabletop, making the cutlery and glasses jangle.

“Now, now,” Aunty Mabel chuckled. She was clearly more than used to Thomas’s passionate outbursts.

“Pippa was the mastermind behind everything,” Olivia said. “All I had to do was follow you around and give her the tapes every time you took a woman home. She paid me to keep tabs on you—just enough to support my habit. I got extra when I gave her a tape, which I didn’t for bloody ages, by the way, because you never took anyone home.”

Sasha felt a little swell of pride when she said that. She knew she’d been the first to see Thomas naked, but she didn’t realize she’d also been one of the few lucky women whom he took to his home.

Thomas didn’t look so pleased. “And tell me what you thought she was going to do with the tapes once you gave them to her?”

“I didn’t know, and I didn’t ask,” Olivia replied.

“It didn’t concern you that she was filming me in…”—he glanced at Aunty Mabel, who was doing her best to pretend not to be interested—“...intimate moments?”

“I didn’t care,” Olivia said. “I only cared about using the money for my next fix. I’m not proud of it, but it’s the truth.”

Thomas glanced at Sasha. “If Pippa was the one who leaked the tape, we could press charges.”

Sasha had thought it, too. “But what about the injunction? How do we press charges against her without accidentally breaking the gag order?”

“By getting a bloody good lawyer,” Aunty Mabel said.

Everyone looked at her.

“My husband had a firm,” she explained to the guests. “This was before he passed away in a terrible boating accident. Anyway, the company still exists, and they simply adore us Lloyds. I could give you the number of this feisty woman, Carla. I think she’s Italian.”

Sasha looked from Aunty Mabel to Thomas.

“It’s your call,” he said.

Sasha nodded. She wanted to see Pippa punished for what she’d done.

Aunty Mabel clapped her hands. “Oh wonderful! I do love a good court case.”


Up in her room that evening, Sasha heard the door to her bedroom click open. She looked over her shoulder. Thomas was standing in the doorway, illuminated by the hallway light. As he paced in, something in his hand glinted in the moonlight.

“I believe we have some unfinished business,” he said.

Sasha realized he was holding the spoon. She sat up, exposing her breasts to him, milky white in the moonlight. She felt her body swelling with anticipation as Thomas removed his clothes and stood fully naked before her, his muscular physique illuminated.

He tore back the covers. “Time to put this feud to bed, intern.”

She reached up and pulled him down. “Don’t call me that.”



Thirty Three


Thomas and Sasha spent the night re-exploring one another’s bodies, and this time, Sasha made sure that when they came, they were looking each other in the eye.

She woke up feeling content and satisfied. Sasha turned in the bed to find Thomas beside her, sleeping. He looked so beautiful when he was asleep.

Despite the cold day, the sun was shining. From somewhere outside she could hear Gertrude barking and Olivia calling to her. She went over to the window. Her mom was sitting in her wheelchair on the porch, a checkered blanket draped over her knees. She was watching Olivia as she chased the dog about the lawn. Beside her was a picnic table with coffee, orange juice, croissants, and fruit. Sasha was overjoyed to see her mom finally getting the relaxing life she’s always deserved.

Sasha picked her cell up from the bedside table. She’d received a message overnight. It was from Chris. It read:
Sasha, I’m so sorry. I would never have done it if I’d known it would come to this.

Done it
’ presumably was a reference to the video. However, she wondered what he meant by ‘
if I’d known it would come to this
.’ Had someone told him about Bill causing the family to flee to England?

A feeling deep in her gut told her that wasn’t what Chris meant. Somehow, she just knew that something had surfaced online.

She hadn’t Googled herself since that night she’d vowed not to, but Chris’s message compelled her to log on. She searched for her name and immediately found what he was talking about.

Photographs. Photoshopped pornographic photographs. Of her.

Heart beating, Sasha read the corresponding article, which talked of how she sold pornographic photographs to fund her studies. Supposedly, she’d taken the photos during her relationship with Chris. Of course, she’d done this behind his back and without his consent, giving the public more evidence of her deviant and duplicitous personality.

Sasha grabbed a robe and pulled it about her, then paced out into the hall. She called Chris.

“You need to put this right,” she said the second he answered.

“You’ve seen the photos,” Chris said simply.

“How did she even get hold of them?” Sasha cried, assuming immediately that Pippa was behind the whole stunt. “I’m barely eighteen in half of them! What if my mom sees them?”

Chris sighed. “I know. I know. If I could get Pippa to get rid of them, I would. But she’s got some kind of document and—”

Sasha finished his sentence for him. “...she’s gagged you, too.”

Chris sounded sheepish. “Yes.”

“Look,” Sasha said. “Thomas and I are going to take legal action against her. We have a fantastic lawyer in England who’s going to come to Chicago to work on the case. We have enough to get Pippa jailed for harassment. Do you think you’d be able to be a witness if it came to it?”

There was silence on the other end of the line. “After what I did to you?’

Sasha thought of Thomas’s power of forgiveness. He’d continued to love his sister through years of turmoil. Chris had betrayed her once, but their friendship had endured for years and that was worth something. It shouldn’t be thrown away.

“I can forgive you.”

She listened to the sound of Chris breathing on the other end of the phone. “I was just so hurt,” he said.

“You don’t have to explain.”

“I do. I thought you were going to come home with me. I thought you’d finally realized that Chicago wasn’t doing you any good. Then he turned up and spoiled it. I wanted to punish you.” His voice had an air of melancholy. “I was wrong.”

“Chris,” Sasha said as gently as she could. “You have to understand it’s over between us. Completely. Forever.” She looked back through the crack in her open door and gazed upon the sight of Thomas in the crisp white sheets, sleeping contently. “I love Thomas.”

“I know,” Chris replied from the other end of the line. “I’m just worried that he doesn’t love you in return.”

In the bedroom, Thomas rolled over.

“That’s my risk to take,” Sasha said into the cell phone. “You can’t protect me from heartbreak.”

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