Xavier: (Indestructible) (19 page)

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Authors: D.M. Mortier

BOOK: Xavier: (Indestructible)
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Qin choked and coughed and writhed around on the floor, out of
his mind in pain. He struggled and grappled until he grabbed the handle of his
sword again.

Xavier hit him again, and Qin’s head slammed back into the
floor. He was out cold.

Xavier stood and started walking toward Cassandra, who looked
back at him with distress still in her golden eyes. He curved his lips into a
smile to try to calm her, but her gaze instead showed horror. She opened her
mouth to scream, but no sound came.

Xavier turned in that split second and saw the deadly weapon
coming, but wild desperation and fury allowed Qin to bury the blade into
Xavier’s side before he could stop it.

Xavier roared in pain.

Cassandra screamed.

Qin tried to smile his satisfaction for finding his mark, but it
appeared as more of a grimace, given his broken jaw and nose, his swollen lips
and dislodged teeth, and the thick blood covering his face.

“Oh God, X,” Cassandra whimpered in distress.

Xavier heard her anguish, and that pissed him off even more.

Qin laughed, the sound clogged in his throat as Xavier tried
desperately to remove the blade. It was a fruitless endeavor; Xavier’s hand
kept slipping off the bloody handle.

Sean took a few steps, obviously coming to offer assistance,
but Xavier glared at him. “Stay the fuck out of this,” Xavier growled.

Qin came at him again, this time using his legs to deliver
vicious kicks to Xavier’s head and stomach.

Xavier staggered backwards.

“Xavier,” Cassandra screamed.

Qin laughed. The sound came out in starts and stops, sounding
more like a gurgle as blood obstructed his throat and flowed unchecked from the
side of his mouth. He pursued Xavier, kicking him in the chest.

Xavier crashed into the wall behind him.

Qin continued laughing in triumph but was stopped mid cackle as
Xavier blocked the kick aimed at his head and delivered a punch to Qin’s groin.

Qin fell to the floor in stunned agony.

Xavier fell to the floor toward him.

Grabbing his knife from his boot, Xavier drove the blade into
Qin’s forehead. In death, Qin’s face was frozen in a grotesque distortion of
shock and pain.

With the sword still protruding from his side, Xavier tried to get
up from the floor. Now that the fight was over the avalanche of pain from his
numerous injuries finally penetrated his brain. He glanced about the room,
searching for Cassandra. Tears ran unchecked down her cheeks.

Sean stared back at him, sympathy in his eyes.

Xavier looked away, but then his gaze fell on the men standing
in the doorway of the room.

Neo, Dominic, and Rico stood there looking on. It was obvious
that they had been there for awhile watching. They hadn’t offered assistance,
confident that Xavier could handle his business. Xavier was certain that none
of them had anticipated that he would take a sharp blade to his side, the sharp
edge embedded in flesh and bone. He was embarrassed that his legs felt weak as
a kitten’s, and he crumpled to the ground.

Cassandra crossed the room, dropped to her knees, and crawled
toward him. “Xavier, please,” she sobbed. She sat on the floor and eased his
head into her lap. Her fingers shook, and tears poured down her face. The warm
liquid fell and splashed onto him. He felt her body start to tremble under him.
He knew that the drug Qin had given her was still affecting her.
I should
revive him and kill his ass again!
The need to hold her to offer his help and
the excruciating pain that raked his body fought for supremacy.

Xavier started to feel lightheaded, only then realizing he had
been holding his breath. He breathed out deeply. Big mistake! It was as if a
red-hot poker had impaled his body.
I can’t believe I’m going to go out like
this, indestructible killed by a fucking skinny-ass Chinese!

Unlike Sean, Neo ignored his glare to stay away and advanced on
him. He pulled the blade out of Xavier’s body, causing blood to flow
unrestrained from the gaping wound.

“Son-of-a-bitch,” Xavier hissed with pain. Now that the sword
had been removed, he felt his body start to mend, start to heal. The pain
immediately started to subside.

“Are you going to lie about all day?” Neo grumbled. “We need to
get the hell out of here.”

Xavier held his friend’s gaze, silently thanking him. He rolled
to his feet and turned to assist Cassandra from the floor as well.

She stared at him mutely and shook her head, refusing to take
his hand or get up from the floor.

Xavier could see the stark distress on her face. She looked as
though she was in such agony; her pain was almost palatable. He sucked in his
breath, finally understanding her anguish.

“Excuse us,” Xavier muttered. “We’ll meet you at the airstrip
in ten minutes.” He picked her up and left the room, completely ignoring the
smirk on Sean’s face.

Chapter Twenty-One


Cassandra felt as though she was in heat. She couldn’t even
voice her need at that moment. Being surrounded by five virile men, all in
their prime and one she was madly in love with, propelled her senses into
overload.  She no longer had a sane thought. Her body demanded a hard cock, and
that was all she seemed to be able to focus on. The drug had saturated every
pore and had completely taken over her body.

As soon as Xavier strode from the room with her held high in
his arms, she melded her lips with his. The taste of him was so euphoric, an
absolute bliss to her starving senses that she immediately screamed into his
mouth as she exploded in a spine-tingling orgasm. She didn’t know and didn’t
care any longer where they were. All of her senses were focused on him; all
that she saw was him. Her world at the moment began and ended with him.

He pushed her back against a wall.

Cassandra eagerly opened her legs, grinding her sensitive flesh
against the hard bulge in his jeans. The feel of his thickness between her legs
made her more agitated and aggressive. The ache inside of her grew, and she was
desperate to get him inside of her.  She couldn’t care less that she was rubbing
against him so hard she would be chafed the next day from the rough fabric of his

Xavier gripped her hips and stopped her frantic movement.
“Easy, baby,” he soothed.

“X,” she whimpered, tears rolling down her cheeks in distress.

He swooped down and covered her mouth with his, thrusting his
tongue within the warm cavity. She eager sucked his tongue deeper into her
mouth.  He held her hips away from him and unzipped his jeans.

The ache was so deep now she was barely coherent and felt an
overwhelming compulsion to impale herself on his stiff pole. She sobbed his
name again and again.

Without any warning, Xavier drove his length deep up into her

Cassandra cried out in ecstasy and immediately exploded into
another orgasm. Her body shook and spasmed with each stroke of his hard cock
into her sensitive walls. She helplessly reached up for him, kissing his lips,
his cheeks, his nose, his eyes, anywhere she could reach. She was insatiable. Every
nerve ending in her body tingled with intense pleasure, but nothing was enough.
Her need was raw, an ache that was bone deep.

“More, X,” she demanded. She gripped the back of his head,
holding him in place to meet her gaze. “Harder,” she growled, and her voice
sounded as if it belonged to someone possessed.

Again, Xavier gave her what she wanted. He increased the movement
of his hips, tunneling into her like a piston, fast, deep, and, yes, hard.

Cassandra screamed. She cried.

Xavier didn’t relent. He took care of her as no one else could
have. Sensation rolled through her like magma rising from her depths to the
pores of her skin until erupting into a truly ineffable release.

The emotional overload was too much. Cassandra passed out.


Xavier gazed down at the beautiful woman against him and gently
withdrew from her despite still being hard as granite. He tenderly ensured her
clothes covered her, tidied his own clothes, and strode out of the room with
her held securely in his arms.

Enroute, he passed through the mansion, having to tread
carefully over fallen bodies and blood. Once he gained the outside, he ran
through the dense vegetation, following the narrow dirt path to the airport.
The small cay was predominately under populated and undeveloped with only a
small number of houses and people. He was not surprised that he encountered no
one as he raced to meet Neo and his teammates.

Cassandra remained unconscious throughout the five minutes it
took him to arrive at the helicopter. She was unconscious when Dylan came over
and kissed her gently on the cheek, visibly emotional on seeing her safely
removed from Qin’s possession.

Xavier gave him a hard stare. “You ever interfere in our lives
again, I’ll pull your heart out through your ass,” Xavier told him softly.

“I hear ya, man.” Dylan nodded in agreement.

Xavier climbed into the helicopter. Dominic held his gaze for a
brief moment to confirm that he was ready for takeoff.

“Thank you,” Xavier said simply as Dominic lifted the aircraft
off the ground. There were no words he could express to show how much gratitude
he felt for their help. He looked down at Cassandra’s peaceful face and was
surprised by the avalanche of emotion that consumed him at the realization that
she was safely in his arms again. He cleared his throat and looked up at Neo,
who was sitting across from him. “If ever—”

“No need, brother,” Neo interrupted him. “We know that you
would do the same for us.”

Xavier twisted his lips in a reluctant grin. “Well, I was
fortunate that you were in the vicinity.”

“How is that wound?” Rico asked.

“I’ll live,” Xavier muttered without taking his eyes off

“How is she?” Sean’s gaze was also locked on Cassandra’s face.

Xavier clutched her tighter against him. “I should’ve broken
every bone in his body and made his ass suffer a little more before I killed
him,” Xavier muttered, thinking of the number of women Qin had exploited and
his attempt to do the same to Cassandra. Even in her unnatural slumber,
Cassandra dug her fingers into his biceps, holding onto him as if she was still
fearful. He didn’t want to think of how those other women were coping with the
trauma of their experience from Qin’s abuse.

“Perhaps,” Sean said thoughtfully, “and then she would have
suffered longer. Whatever he gave her was pretty potent. From the moment we arrived
in that room, the drug had been playing havoc with her. I reached out to help
her, and she would have none of it. She moved farther away from me.”

“That’s because you’re a damn beautiful man, and you know it,”
Cassandra said groggily. She didn’t bother to raise her head from Xavier’s
chest to deliver her speech. Instead, she snuggled closer to him.

Xavier felt like his heart got a slight bruise in that moment.

Sean laughed huskily.

Xavier glared at him, effectively cutting off Sean’s humor. He
knew that women would find the blond SEAL attractive, but the thought that
Cassandra did as well almost made him crazy. Despite what she had told him,
Xavier had no illusions about his own looks.

Cassandra punched him lightly in his chest. “Stop that,” she

“What?” Xavier had been so deep in thought over the possibility
that she was finally seeing the beast he was that he was puzzled by her demand.

She shook her head, curled into him, and fell silent. The feel
of her shivers made him instantly aware of her sexual state. Her nipples
stabbed into his chest, begging for his attention. The drugs were again doing
what they were intended to do. Given their audience, she seemed to be trying to
subtly get into his skin.

Her obvious arousal triggered his desire, and his fingers dug
into her bottom. He, too, wished that they were anywhere but here on a
helicopter with four former Navy SEALs looking on. He wrapped his arms around
her, holding her as she buried her face into the cavity of his neck in obvious

She moaned softly.

“It’s okay, Cass,” Xavier murmured. He looked over at Neo.

“We should be down in ten minutes,” Neo answered.

“You’re right. You should have killed him more slowly.” Rico’s
gaze was locked on Cassandra curled almost in a fetal position in Xavier’s lap.
“If he had done this to my Roni, I would have scalped his ass.”

“Damn straight,” Sean muttered.


“Oh God, X,” Cassandra cried as yet again Xavier brought her to
another climax. They had been safely back at Xavier’s apartment for over six
hours. It was now into the early hours of the morning. Cassandra couldn’t
believe that after all those hours the drugs were still very potent. She and
Xavier were almost comatose with exhaustion, but again, they were at it like
dogs in heat.

There wasn’t a position they hadn’t tried. At times she had
been so out of mind with lust that she had allowed him to stretch her limbs
into amazing contortions, which, under normal situations, she would have never
been able to achieve. He alternated between using his cock, his fingers, and
his mouth. It didn’t take much to push her over the edge, but he was skilled in
all things Cassandra, knowing every erogenous zone and how to awaken every
nerve ending in her body.  After the long hours of sweaty, arduous sex they’d
had, her lips were swollen and her clit was overly sensitive to the touch; his
cock wasn’t much better.

Xavier took her into a cold shower the next time her body
started quivering and her nipples tightened. He lovingly brought her to one
last orgasm with his mouth. Her voice was hoarse as she screamed out her
release. Afterward, Cassandra sighed from the blissful feel of the cold water
on her overheated skin. Finally she started to feel a little more coherent. The
orgasm coupled with the cool shower had been extremely cathartic.

“How are you feeling now?” Xavier asked as he tenderly dried
her with a large towel.

“Sleepy,” she whispered.

Xavier laughed. He lifted her and took her into the bedroom,
where he sat her on an armchair while he began changing the sheets on the bed.
The hours of lovemaking had done considerable damage to the bedding.

“I see that your wound has healed nicely,” she teased. She
stood and began helping him strip the bed.

Xavier looked down at his already healing side then back at her
and grinned. “Yeah, I’m good.”

Once the bed was made again, they both settled down onto the
crisp sheets. Cassandra straddled his thighs and placed her cheek on his chest,
letting the steady beat of his heart soothe and comfort her. “Thank you for rescuing
me,” she whispered. “I knew you would come, and that’s the only thing that kept
me sane.”

“I would always come for you.”

“Why did you get upset when I said that Sean was a beautiful
man? You have to know that all of them are very attractive men.”

“I was not upset. I know what I look like, and—”

“Whoa! What do Sean’s looks have to do with you?” Cassandra
frowned down at him. “And what the hell is wrong with the way you look? I think
you’re pretty damn beautiful also!”

“There’s no need to lie to me, Cass. Like I said before, I have
a mirror and know what I look like.”

“Xavier, I wish you could see what I see. I can comment on this
big, virile body, your dark eyes that reflect your uncompromising integrity,
and your flawless chocolate skin. You’re physically beautiful to look at. We
have established that.”

“You’re willfully blind,” Xavier muttered.

Cassandra laughed and smacked his bicep in rebuke. “As I was
saying, I could talk about all of that, but what is even more important is that
you have the most beautiful soul. In the time that I’ve known you, you have
shown time and again your willingness to protect, to sacrifice, and uphold law
and order. I love that about you. I have met hundreds of pretty boys, but men
like you and those SEALs are superior beings. You make it possible for the rest
of us to exist in peace, protecting us from tyranny and chaos. How can I not be
in awe of that? How am
worthy of

“Cass, I—” He started to speak, but she placed two fingers on
his lips.

“No, you need to listen.” She held his troubled gaze. “Tattooed
on your back is
De Oppresso Liber
, which means to free the oppressed. Your
valor and bravery are unmatched. You’re incredibly gentle, despite your hard
veneer and violent experiences.” She caressed his broad chest. “A very hard
veneer,” she said huskily.

She bent her head, kissed his lips gently, and then raised her
head to hold his gaze again. “You’re amazing, X, and, yes, beautiful.”

He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her down to lie on
top of him and held her gaze steadily. “Thank you, Cass. I’m glad that you’re
not disappointed when you look at me.” He grinned suddenly. “And I’m not
interested in being a pretty boy like Sean.”

“Glad to hear it because I like you the way you are,” Cassandra

 “I love you and pray to God that I’m worthy of you,” Xavier

“I love you, and I
that I’m not worthy of
She gave him a soft, probing kiss.

Xavier held her and flipped her over onto her back and followed
her down, returning her kiss.

Cassandra wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around
his lean waist.

He lifted his head, his onyx gaze holding her golden one and
their lips inches apart. “Will you marry me?”

She gasped as he slid into her sleek opening with infinite

He groaned and closed his eyes as her inner walls tightened
around him.

“Yes,” she hissed as he drove deep inside of her. “Yes, I’ll
marry you.”

“Thank you,” Xavier whispered and captured her lips with his.

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