XSLT 2.0 and XPath 2.0 Programmer's Reference, 4th Edition (307 page)

BOOK: XSLT 2.0 and XPath 2.0 Programmer's Reference, 4th Edition
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In XPath 2.0, if you want to remove duplicates from a sequence of nodes
, and sort them into document order, you can write
, or equivalently,
. The sorting and deduplication is part of the defined behavior of the

Function Calls

invokes a function. This may be one of the system-defined functions described in Chapter 13, or it may be a vendor- or user-supplied function.

Each built-in or user-defined atomic type also has a corresponding constructor function available for constructing values of that type (for example,
constructs a date).

There may also be additional functions described in a host language in which XPath is embedded—for example, the XForms standard defines a number of additional XPath functions. Some of these duplicate functionality that is now in the standard XPath 2.0 library, but others define functionality specific to the XForms environment; for example, the
function, which provides access to an XML document that holds the data collected using an interactive form.

( ExprSingle (
ExprSingle)* )?
ForExpr |
QuantifiedExpr |
IfExpr |

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