XSLT 2.0 and XPath 2.0 Programmer's Reference, 4th Edition (75 page)

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However, I wouldn't normally recommend this approach. Creating a copy of the input document is likely to be expensive. It's better to do the validation on the fly while the input document is being parsed in the first place.

The value of the
attribute in this example, like the type named in the
instance of
expression in the previous example, is a type that's defined in a schema. Like any other type that's referred to by name in a stylesheet, it must be defined in a schema that has been imported using the


Here's an example of a complete stylesheet written to process a validated source document.

Example: Validating the Source Document

This example shows how a stylesheet can make use of the schema for the source document.


The source document is a poem such as
, which starts:

      xsi:schemaLocation=“http://poetry.org/ns poem.xsd”



     Rupert Brooke





   The Hill


      Breathless, we flung us on the windy hill,

      Laughed in the sun, and kissed the lovely grass.

      You said “Through glory and ecstasy we pass;

      Wind, sun, and earth remain, and birds sing still,

      When we are old, are old….“ “And when we die

      All's over that is ours; and life burns on

      Through other lovers, other lips” said I,

      “Heart of my heart, our heaven is now, is won!”


attribute tells the processor where to find a schema for this document. This isn't needed with Saxon, which will validate the document against the schema imported into the stylesheet, provided that validation is requested on the command line. With AltovaXML, the
attribute acts as an implicit request for document validation, and is therefore necessary for this example to work.

xsi namespace
is defined in the XML Schema specification and contains four attributes:
xsi:schemaLocation, xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation, xsi:type, and xsi:nil
. The prefix
is conventional, but the namespace URI must be


The schema for poems is in

elementFormDefault=“qualified” targetNamespace=“http://poetry.org/ns”






































The following stylesheet is in
. It relies on the source document being validated.






  Input must be a validated poem



        <xsl:value-of select=“poem/title”/>







          - )





















Notice how the template rules in this example are matching nodes by their type. The first rule catches unvalidated documents to report an error. The second rule matches the document node of a poem, while the third matches any element that is typed as a
—a user-defined type that can be an
, an
, or an
. There are three elements in the schema that use this type, but we don't need to name them in the stylesheet; the rule can be used to format any element of this type, regardless of its name.


This example can be run using Saxon-SA, by using the command (on one line):

java net.sf.saxon.Transform -val:strict -s:theHill.xml 

-xsl:poem-to-html.xsl -o:theHill.html

It can also be run using the AltovaXML 2008 processor, with the command:

AltovaXML -in theHill.xml -xslt2 poem-to-html.xsl

Figure 4-2
shows what the output looks like in the browser.

Try some experiments with this, so that you can see what effect schema-aware processing has when you make errors. For example, change the path expression on line 23 from
. Saxon-SA gives you the warning:

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