Yearning for Love (3 page)

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Authors: Alexis Lauren

BOOK: Yearning for Love
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“COREY! Ahh, my God, if I’d ever . . .” Just like I did earlier, his speech stutters to a halt, and he growls and moans as he comes once, twice and three times. We collapse into a breathless heap on his desk, as we come back to earth.

Finally, my muscles begin cramping.

“Ow, my back,” I tell him.

“Oh, sorry.” He stands up and begins dressing again. He watches me, as I lever myself up on my elbows, then gives a completely male grin.


:  Oh, my God, making love to her is . . . I never knew she was a virgin before we got together. She isn’t afraid of the pain or whatever virgins experience. She just lets me know she needs me, gathers herself, then pushes me all the way in. Just feeling myself in her was enough to make me break out in a sweat, as I try not to come right there. Then, I can’t resist. I have to move inside her. Soon, we’re moving in our own rhythm, and we both come. She lies under me on my desk until her muscles start cramping, so I get up and start getting dressed  – then I have an idea.


:  “Corey, I’m going to Germany for the holidays. Please come with me,” Nate asks with another grin.

My mouth drops. “What if I don’t have a passport?” I ask him.

“Aww, come on! Living in El Paso, Texas, right across the border from Juarez? Please tell me you have one!”

“Well, of course I do . . . but
? With
one day’s notice
? My voice squeaks as it goes up. Damn that squeak! “Nate, I don’t know . . .” My objection is muffled by another sensual kiss, one that makes my bare toes curl in need.

“Well . . . okay . . . I’ll go. But I need to pack first,” I tell him incoherently.

“Excellent! I hate the holidays, so we’ll just hole up in my house and ignore people,” he says.

My eyebrows go up as I put my clothes back on. “
hate the holidays? You mean like I hate them?” I ask. Whew. That lovemaking didn’t sap my intelligence after all.

“So, let’s hate them together. I’ll take you to your place, you pack plenty of warm things, then we’ll go to my place. We’ll go in my plane, so no need to worry about crowded planes or being able to get a ticket at the last minute,” he said.




Chapter 2


“Okay,” I tell him. Having processed the bills for his jet, I’m well aware he has a private plane. I’ve authorized payments to his pilot, as well as repairs and maintenance for the jet over the past two years. At my apartment, Nate comes in and lounges on my small love seat, as I dash around, packing everything I’ll need.  Finally, I have everything. I take my passport out of my small filing cabinet, and assure myself that everything is turned off.  Nate drives us to his penthouse, located just past the west side of El Paso, in a tall apartment building. An elevator takes us to the top floor, where he lets us into an expansive foyer and living room. Like his office, the floor is covered by a thick, sink-to-your-ankles carpet, this one a deep tan.  I look outside and see the cold darkness falling over the El Paso cityscape, which is lit almost as far as the eye can see.  Looking for the Rio Grande, I spot it and trace the border dividing the United States from Mexico.

“Would you like to call in for some pizza, or go out to eat something?” Nate asks.

“I’m really beat – I’d just rather try to relax and stay inside, if you don’t mind. Besides, it’s really getting cold out there,” I tell him.

“I’ll order after changing my clothes. Pull some beers out of the fridge.  Depending on how busy they are, we’ll be eating in about thirty minutes,” Nate tosses over his shoulder as he walks to the back of his apartment. Ten minutes later, he’s wearing a snug pair of jeans with a well-fitting sweater. On his feet, he has slipped well-worn moccasins.

I take the opportunity to change into my own comfort clothes – jeans and a long sweater that covers half my thighs. On my feet, I have a pair of sneakers. I’ve let my hair back down, and it’s falling halfway down my back. After we have finished a bottle of beer each, the doorbell peals several chimes. Nick pulls a bill out of his wallet, and comes back with a large pizza box.

“I figured that since we’re leaving in the morning, I’d only order one,” he said.

“That’s fine. I can only handle three slices anyway – maybe four if I’m really hungry,” I tell him. Each slice is huge, and I think I’ll only be able to handle the three I told him. I’m shocked when I polish off a fourth slice.

Nick grins wickedly. “Looks like you, uh, worked up an appetite in my office,” he said, with his eyes twinkling.

I blush and sit back, not saying anything. Now that I’m here in his home, I’m feeling very shy. This is not characteristic of me, but I think I know where it comes from – I don’t want him seeing where my attraction for him is based.


  I look at Corey and see her putting distance between us. Damn! I’d thought that after the earlier, explosive lovemaking session, that would be a behavior of the past. If she’d only admit to what I know is there. She’s just as attracted to me as I am to her – which is a huge attraction. Ever since she started working for me as a secretary, I’d hear her breathing change, becoming a very delicate succession of short breaths. She’d also get flushed, something that still happens today. In fact, it’s happening right now. As I look at her darkening green eyes, I realize that I’m becoming aroused again – which, for me, is unusual. I finish my beer and, wanting to hold off until we go to bed, I pull two more bottles from the fridge. Opening one, I hand it to Corey, who accepts it wordlessly. I find a movie and slip it into my DVD player. Powering it up, I allow the sound effects to surround us.

“One of my favorites! Thanks,” Corey says, settling happily on her end of the couch. Respecting her boundaries, I sit closer to the other end of my long sofa. As the movie progresses, I slowly scoot closer and closer to her until, by the end of the movie, I’m sitting right next to her. I listen closely . . . there it is, that endearing, giveaway hitch to her breathing. I look down at her, and see the flush on her cheeks. I look still lower – whoops! That was a mistake. I see her well-shaped, rounded breasts moving up and down quickly in time with her shallow breathing. I slip one arm behind her neck, and allow my hand to fall casually on her shoulder.  I feel her arm pressing against my ribcage, and the back of her head is lying on the front of my shoulder. Looking at her, I grin – she’s looking at me, and her flush has deepened even more. Her eyes have turned a deep emerald green and her expression is serious.

Seeing this, my smile fades slowly as I realize I am now hard as a brick. My own breathing is constricted, as my opposite hand reaches up to Corey’s chin. I gently push her chin up so our lips can meet. We explore each others’ lips for several minutes. When we come up for air, Corey’s eyes have closed, and her lips are now a satisfying love-kissed pink. One small hand is resting on my chest – probably to avoid the woody down below.

I have my hands buried in Corey’s beautiful, thick auburn hair, and my fingers are massaging her head.  As I rub her head, I smell a sensuous, musky scent as it wafts from her hair to my nostrils. My God, everything about her is so perfect! Even the scent of her shampoo! To give myself time to get a grip, I push her head against my chest.  Picking her up, I walk to my bedroom, where I place her on her feet in front of me. Now, both hands are on my chest, resting easily on my sweater.

“I can’t believe this, but I want to make love with you again. I’ll take it easy with you so you’re not too sore,” I tell her.

In answer, Corey nods, and allows her arms to slide around my neck. We begin kissing again and, before long, we’re lying on my king-size bed, rolling on top of each other. I pull her sweater off and unbutton her jeans. Seeing her delicate belly button sitting just above the snap of her jeans, I realize how beautifully she is formed. One hand strays to her breasts, holding them and testing their light weight. I softly lick her breasts through her lacy bra, and she arches her back, closing her eyes. Ten minutes later, we are completely nude again. I pull the covers down, and urge Corey to get under so she doesn’t get cold. Joining her, I tear another foil wrapper open and, extracting a condom, I slide it onto my engorged dick. This time, Corey allows her hands to explore my body, running her fingernails lightly over my back, legs, arms, neck, head and ass. Rolling to my back, I pull Corey on top of me so she is straddling me. My dick jerks and  moves, hitting her softly on her own sweet, rounded ass. I raise her carefully, and lower her over my dick, so she begins to take me inside.

Finally, I am fully inside her, and she is sitting with her weight on my hips. I allow my hands to stray to her rounded, perky tits. Brushing my thumbs over them, I am satisfied to see the nipples become rock-hard nubs. Corey’s eyes close at the sensations buffeting her, and she moans softly. As I hear this evidence of her arousal, my dick grows inside her hot tightness. I have to move, so I begin sliding slowly in and out. Corey places her hands on my chest for leverage, and she begins moving up and down. To make it easier, I take her hands and place them on my shoulders.

“Raise with your knees and lower yourself. You’re not going to hurt me,” I tell her. My voice has gone deep from my own arousal.

Corey complies, raising herself almost completely off me, then she lowers herself again. These sensations make my eyes close, as I feel the contrasting warmth from her body and the cool air in my bedroom. Soon, she is moving more forcefully and faster. My dick brushes against her G-spot, as she raises and lowers herself, and she begins moaning each time. I feel her pussy growing even hotter, and I feel the first tell-tale twitches and contractions in her pussy. They come in waves, beginning at the top and moving progressively lower, milking me. Soon – too soon, she is giving me the morning-song, with her eyes closed and her mouth delicately open. I grunt, as I feel her pussy walls beginning to clench hard around me, and this pushes me over my own cliff of sensation. I grow and yell as I come hard, even harder than I did in my office. I feel my semen jetting out of me and into the tip of my condom. Impossibly, Corey continues coming and rocking up and down. This orgasm seems to be a longer, slower one for her, so I keep moving inside her. Her extended orgasm makes me come again, and I shout from the sharpness of the sensations assaulting my hips, pelvis, dick and, hell, my entire body. It feels like little pinpricks are rolling up, down, and back up again. Finally, Corey collapses on me, exhausted and breathing heavily. I’m breathing just as hard. After several minutes, I urge us into the shower, where we wash each other down. Back in bed, we fall asleep in exhaustion, wrapped around each other.

The next morning, I make breakfast for us. Corey is uncharacteristically shy when she wakes up. She’s wearing a snug pair of jeans with a comfortable high-necked sweater. On her feet, she has slipped a comfortable pair of low-heeled black boots made from a buttery-soft leather. Her hair falls around her shoulders like a fiery auburn collar, and she has put makeup on.“We’ll leave the El Paso International Airport in three hours, so we need to clear customs in about an hour and a half.  I have meals and drinks stored on board, so we’ll eat comfortably, and once we leave El Paso, we should be in Germany in about 10 to 12 hours, depending on the weather. We’ll refuel in Atlanta,” I tell her.

“That sounds good – about how long should we be gone?” Corey asks me.

“Oh, about ten days,” I tell her. “Barring any interruptions, we should return right after the first of the new year. And no, I am not accepting your resignation. Just so you know.”

“We’ll see,” Corey tells me, cheekily. That girl has some nerve!  I will convince her to stay with me. While we’re in the air, we make love again. Corey is shy, worried that the pilot will come out from the cockpit of my plane. I tell her that he’s required to stay at the controls while we’re in the air. If he needs to communicate with me, he does so via the radio. She relaxes then, and we have a very satisfying session in the bed located at the back of my plane.


:  As he promised, we landed in Germany about eleven hours after we left El Paso. The countryside is heavy with tall evergreens and deciduous trees stripped of their leaves. Nate picks up a car at the airport, and loads our luggage in the trunk. We drive to his cabin in the German countryside. While I see evidence of Christmas, the displays are much more subdued and much less garish than in the States. I’m grateful to see this. A light snow is falling as Nate drives to his chalet. When we get to the cabin, I can tell the temperature has fallen. We walk quickly to the front door and, once Nate unlocks it, we walk inside to a warm, well-appointed country cabin. I see a wooden table set with several chairs in the dining area. The kitchen is furnished with a state-of-the-art range and refrigerator. I walk all around the cabin, running my fingers over comfortable furniture. I see pictures hanging on the walls – German and Swiss mountain ranges, and several high-altitude pictures from different areas of this country. There are no Christmas decorations inside the house, and, given that it’s nearly Christmas, I doubt Nate will put any up. I exhale a sigh of relief, knowing that I won’t have to confront an in-your-face celebration of what is a Christian holiday. Don’t get me wrong! I don’t hate Christmas just to hate it. I love the holiday for its intended reason. What puts me off is the garishness and crass commercialism displayed in the U.S.

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