Yearning for Love

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Authors: Toye Lawson Brown

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Romance, #Multicultural, #Women's Fiction

BOOK: Yearning for Love
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I acknowledge God as the head of my life and without Him; I would not be able to do what I enjoy.  Second, I like to acknowledge my family for giving me strength and support to keep me going when I want to quit at times.  No dream is worth having if you aren’t willing to put in the effort.  My family enforces my efforts.




I dedicated this book to my mother and daughter who both suffer from Diabetes.  My daughter has struggled with the disease since her early teens and I have sat by her side many night during her hospital stays praying for her recovery.  I love you both and God has you covered.




This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.


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First published by BooksbyToye 2014

Cover design copyright Lenny C. Middlebrook and Toye Lawson Brown.

Copyright © 2014 Toye Lawson Brown

Published by: BooksbyToye

All rights reserved


 My personal quote
: "Sometimes I wish I could crawl into one of my fictional worlds and live there
”---Toye Lawson Brown



Yearning For Love

Chapter One

Tiny rays of sunshine filtered through the morning snow clouds offering little warmth to the January day.  Mother Nature again was dumping an abundance of white precipitation on top of the piles of plowed dirty snow.  The bitter cold engulfing Northern Ohio was a rude reminder Clevelanders had grown accustomed to the warmer winters of past years.  However this year, was not the case, winter returned with a vengeance and people were not prepared for the harsh weather.

“Leave it to you to get married in the dead of winter.  What were you thinking, man?”  Walker Albright asked as his brother Jeremy as they treaded towards the church fighting the brisk wind whipping across the parking lot.

Jeremy picked up the pace as the snow smacked him in the face.  “Patty wanted a winter wonderland wedding, and her wish is my command.  So, stop complaining and suck it up.”

Hunched over fending off the cold enveloping his body, Walker, shook his head. “It’s January in a warmer part of the world, and technically winter; but whatever floats your boat.  I would personally take the sunshine over this.”

The sun is shining, little brother.”

“Yeah, and it’s still cold as a dead rat’s behind.”

Reaching for the door of the church, Jeremy opened it letting Walker enter first.  The heat inside instantly warmed their faces.  “Soon, my bride and I will be relaxing on a sandy beach in Hawaii while you get to stay here and deal with the gloomy gray skies of Cleveland, so I can handle a few days of cold weather.”

Walker cut his eyes at his older brother in a scorning way.  The two were as different as night and day.  Jeremy longed to have a family and kids, and when Patty entered his life, he jumped at the first opportunity to make Patty his wife.  Walker confirmed himself to date but remain a bachelor.  He believed not one woman would be able to lead him down the matrimony path.

He smiled looking over his shoulder at his brother.  “Relaxing on a beach? Yeah right.  You might see the beach from your hotel room, but I doubt you will ever leave the room to take a breath of sea air.”

Jeremy replied with a chuckle. “We have to stop for food and water.  Plus, we’ll make a brief swing by the ocean for pictures to share with the family.”

They entered the vestibule of the church where the rest of the wedding party was waiting to do the final rehearsal.  The wedding would be taking place in less than twenty-four hours.

Walker took off his black duffle coat laying it over the back of the pew.  “Well, despite losing my hanging buddy, I’m glad you finally found true happiness.  Patty is a beautiful woman.”

Jeremy grinned as he watched her talking with members of the bridal party. “Yeah, man, she is the best thing that ever happened to me.  But, enough about me, how is it going with Mary Ellen?”

“I’m gonna have to let that go.”

“Why?  Are you two having problems?”

Folding the wool neck scarf in half, he tucked it under his coat. “It’s her kid’s father.  We can’t find a common ground.  I try to spend time with her sons, but he’s not feeling the bonding process we are sharing.”

Jeremy back-handed Walker playfully in the chest, saying, “Keep at it, Walker.  You are a good influence on those kids and now that Mary Ellen is working, she will be able to provide a better life for them and not depend on her ex-husband so much.”

“Gary has some kind of power over her and the boys. When they come from a visit with him, they are impossible to control.  I’m glad to go home to my own place at night.”

Jeremy shook his head.  “To think you were bragging about a woman not being able to lock you in a committed relationship.  I hate to break the news to you, but I believe you are in love with Mary Ellen and her kids.”

“I don’t know about love.  But it’s something about her struggling with those boys that’s making me want to stick around.”  Walker rubbed his hands together. “OK. Let’s get this party started.  I’m meeting with her later for some one-on-one time before the terrible trio returns home tomorrow.”

Jeremy snickered. “You can’t refer to your future step-kids as ‘terrible.’”

“I want to call them something worse, but since we are in the house of the creator, I will behave.”

Jeremy placed his hand on Walker’s shoulder, puzzled.  “So you aren’t joining us for dinner after rehearsal?”

“I forgot about dinner afterwards.” His cell phone vibrated on his hip.  Removing it, he read the text message. “I guess I am.  Mary Ellen volunteered to take an extra shift and can’t make our date tonight.”  He replaced the phone losing his good-mood tone.

Jeremy shook him on the shoulder.  “Hey, man, never complain about having a hard-working woman.  They are too many women that don’t want to do anything, but sit on their butts and be catered to by us.”

“I’m not complaining about her working, Jeremy.  There is something else going on with her.”

Jeremy leaned against the pew folding his arms. “What do you mean?”

“I can’t pinpoint it exactly, but either she has met someone new, or she isn’t interested in me anymore.  When the boys are away with Gary, and we make plans together, just like now, she manages to break our dates.  This time work is the problem.  Last month her mother needed her.”

Jeremy caught sight of Patty giving him the death eye from the front of the church. “Um, we don’t have time to get into it now, but when I get back from my honeymoon, we’ll sit down and talk.  I’m sure this is something simple you and Mary Ellen can overcome with a little communication.”

“It takes two to communicate,” Walker said unfolding his body from against the pew.  “We better get up front before your bride-to-be switches from wedding vows to reading your eulogy.”

Jeremy twisted his neck in her direction. “Yeah, she’s beautiful when she’s mad but her tongue can get a little sharp.  And just think, in less than twenty-four hours, she will have the legal right to lash out at me for the rest of my life.”

Walker slapped him on the arm. “You know this is what you want or else you wouldn’t be doing it,” he joked sauntering to the front of the church.

Walker hugged Patty kissing her on the cheek. “Patty, are you ready for the big day?”

She nodded. “I’m ready to be done with the stress of the wedding.  I can’t wait to start my life as Jeremy’s wife,” she gleamed.

“The real stress is just beginning.” He whispered in her ear, “You should run while you gotta chance…I’ll cover for you.”

“HEY!” Jeremy interrupted. “I heard that.  Reverend John, can we get started before Walker runs my bride away?” He asked turning to the family Minister.

Reverend John signaled for the wedding party to line up. “Oh, wait a second,” Patty said jumping from the pew.  “Walker has a new bridesmaid to walk with.  I should introduce them.”

“What happened to Doreen the bulldog?” Walker asked Jeremy on the sly.

“She was in a car accident and broke her arm and leg.  She can’t even make the trip to Cleveland for the wedding.”

“Hmm,” Walker grunted as his lips curled into a grin.

Jeremy raised his brows. “Get rid of the grin, Walker.  I know Doreen is a bitter pill to swallow, and she gave you a lot of grief, but contain how happy you are you don’t have to deal with her.”

“The grin is just a small jubilation of
what comes around goes around
happening in the nick of time.  Anyhow, who am I stuck with now that the witch is out of commission?”

“Man, she could have been killed in that accident and you’re being sarcastic.”

“Jeremy, spending tomorrow with a rabid dog would be an improvement over Doreen. I’m sorry if I sound cruel but that’s how I feel.”

As Jeremy was about to tell him about Doreen’s replacement, Patty came over to introduce the woman.  “Walker, this is Nicole McLin,” she said excited.

Walker extended his hand to the woman with a smile made for television. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Nicole.”

“Same here,” she said, cheerfully.

Patty continued pouring the praises for Nicole.  “She and I met at an exposé years ago.  She had a booth with samples of her fashion line on display and I fell in love with her style. I asked her to design my wedding gown, she agreed, and we’ve been friends ever since.  When I told her about Doreen during one my fittings, I asked her to step in and she accepted after a little arm twisting and crying, from me.”

Walker put his hands on his hips listening to Patty. “Wow, thank you!  You saved the day for Patty and me, even though you didn’t know you were doing that at the time.”

Nicole withdrew her hand from Walker’s.  “You’re right, I had no idea I was doing that.  Anyhow, you’re welcome.”

The pleasant introduction caused Patty to smile. “Nicole is a fashion designer and one of her dresses was chosen by Michelle Obama to wear during the inaugural ball.  Her gown is now carried in major stores.  She also designed the bridesmaid’s dresses.”

Nicole blushed. “Patty, please—you are embarrassing me.  The dress is the only one of my originals to be carried in stores, and she decided to wear a gown by a designer she used before.”

Turning on the charm and encouragement, Walker said, “Well, one design will lead to others, right?”  The woman was nothing like Doreen.  Knowing he would be able to make it through the wedding and reception without ill thoughts of choking Doreen until her eyes popped out her head lifted his spirits.

Nicole nodded. “She did get me noticed briefly, but I entered the competition not expecting miracles to happen.  Fashion is a cut-throat industry and hard to crack if you don’t have a gimmick or a big name backing you.”

He smiled saying, “Nicole, I’m sure you will rise to success in no time if that dress you’re wearing is one of your designs.”

The formfitting navy-blue knit sweater dress with a cowl neck and leather belt circling her waist didn’t hide the curves of the shapely woman that stood about five-feet, five-inches tall.  The ribbed-hem of the dress stopped at her thighs.  Tall, black leather high-heel boots covered her legs.

His eyes traveled up her body to her face.  Her shoulder-length black hair was free of curls, and shiny.  Long sliver earrings hung to her shoulders and framed an oval-shaped face with beautiful smoldering dark brown eyes hidden under long black lashes.  A button nose, full-lips, painted a glossy cocoa brown, gave them a sexy shimmer and parted to reveal straight white teeth. He had no idea Patty had a close African-American girlfriend or how this gorgeous woman managed to slip by him.

“Thank you.  I did design this dress,” she said spinning around.

“It looks great on you.”  Walker turned his attention to his soon-to be sister-in-law. “So, Patty, why haven’t I met Nicole before today?”

Patty rolled her eyes hearing the flirty undertones of his voice.  “Walker, for your information, she doesn’t live in Cleveland.”

Nicole spoke for herself.  “I live in Columbus.  Patty and I have kept in touch over the years but this is my first trip to Cleveland.  When she is down my way, we make it a point to get together.”

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