Read Yellow Ribbons Online

Authors: Caitlyn Willows

Tags: #Contemporary, #BDSM, #Erotic Romance, #Suspense

Yellow Ribbons (18 page)

BOOK: Yellow Ribbons
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“Reality check,” she said softly. “What are we going to do about Jordan?”

Greg sighed. “I don’t want to talk about Jordan tonight.”

“Don’t want to, or can’t figure out how to keep him quiet?”

“Both?” He opened his eyes and stared at the stars painting the midnight sky. “I swear he shits protocol, rules, and regulations.”

Lani snickered. “There are people who say that about us. No one’s totally clean.” They’d learned that all too well the last couple of days. “There’s a chink in his rusted armor somewhere. We just have to find his Achilles’ heel.”

Greg glided her way, looped his hands around her waist, and shifted until she was astride his lap. “I’m thinking that would be you.”

“I am
sleeping with Jordan Beck.”

His arms tensed. “Damn straight you’re not.”

“And neither are you,” she added.

Greg’s chuckle shook the water. “Yeah, that’ll fix everything. Although it might be fun to put him in that situation and see how fast he takes off. Or introduce him to our community friends.”

“Still waters. Never know. He might enjoy it.” Though the idea of Jordan in a BDSM lifestyle didn’t quite mesh in Lani’s mind. “It’s a risk I’m not willing to take without a little more research into the man. What we need is to find something Jordan wants more than anything else and offer it to him in exchange for his silence. Unless that something is me.”

Greg cupped her ass and pulled her against his growing erection. “If it was you, I’m sure you could make him regret every single second. You can be a hell of a domme when you want. Now
something I’d love to see.”

“Flattery, my love, will get you anything.” She kissed his nose, lifted her hips, and seated his cock inside. She liked when they sat this way—one in body, soul, and now in heart.

He grinned. “Finally, the key I’ve been looking for. If it was only as easy with everyone.”

“I did talk to him tonight after you left. I’m not sure how much good it did to appeal to his compassion, or if he even listened. Frankly, I think the thing Jordan wants right now is to find this killer.”

“Don’t we all. Trouble is, Jordan doesn’t care who he takes down in the process.”

Very true. She and Greg were fallout. “At least we’ll be going down together. Might as well enjoy our last night.”

“Great minds…” He twisted off the controls and vaulted to his feet, taking Lani with him.

Laughing, she locked her ankles around his waist. “Are you sure you want to risk penis injury or worse by walking to the bedroom linked up?”

He frowned. “What could be worse than a penis injury?”

“Having your secret girlfriend and captain at your side in the emergency room trying to help explain how you obtained said injury.”

“Point taken.” He girdled his hands around her waist and eased them apart.

A cold breeze whipped around them. Lani watched his nipples peak. Her own felt like icicles. Greg grabbed one of the towels and dusted the droplets from her skin while goose bumps covered him from head to toe. His jaw was clenched in an effort to keep his teeth from chattering.

“Next project is to enclose the hot tub.” He draped a robe around her as she stepped from the tub, then put the other one on without bothering to dry off. Water wicked into the terry cloth. Before Lani could grab a towel and help him out, Greg scooped her into his arms.

“This is all I need to keep me warm.” He nudged her cheek and took a deep breath. Lani swore he sucked in her soul, then returned it to her permanently meshed with his.

He carried her inside with all the care of a prized treasure. Each slow step raced her heart all the more. He was her fortress against the world. Her knight. The love of her life. Lani refused to think any further than that.

Once inside his bedroom, Greg set her on her feet long enough to peel the dusty rose and steel blue bedspread down the bed. It wasn’t a color she would have associated with a man until she met Greg. He’d chosen the decor because it reminded him of the desert sky at sunset. Lani couldn’t agree more. She walked to the far side of the king-size bed and helped pull the pale blue sheet back. The fresh-washed scent wafted around her.

Greg swept his hand down the center and knelt on the mattress, extending his hand to her. Lani slipped her fingers into his gentle grip and met him in the middle. They reached for the robe belts at the same time, loosening the knots. Greg brushed his hands over her breasts, pausing to rub his palms over her hard nipples before gliding to her shoulders to slip the robe from her arms. As it fell to the bed, he cupped her buttocks, kissed her slow and sweet, then drew her downward. Lani tugged his robe off his shoulders. Pleasure speared through her when he shrugged free. The action, the want in his eyes, screamed she was his.

“Every time we’re together, I make love to you.” He tickled his fingers down her cheek. “Tonight you know that.”

Lani looped her leg around his calf. “I already did.”

One eyebrow lifted with his half smile. His gaze drifted to her lips. He pulled one and then the other between his, then took them both and fell into one of those full-body kisses Lani loved so much. A kiss that left them panting for more.

He dragged his mouth down her throat to the well at the base. Suckles and nips hinted of what was soon to come—his mouth buried between her legs. Still she muttered a protest when he moved downward. She felt his teeth graze her nipple.

Lani gasped and tucked her legs around his. She clasped his head in a vain attempt to keep it in place. Greg growled and raked his teeth over to the other nipple. The tingle flashed toward her swollen clitoris, doubling the ache there, but when she tried to rear up to ride the cock pressed against her stomach, Greg pulled free.

“Unless you want me to come all over your tits, you’d better stop moving.” He punctuated his words with a love pat to her thigh.

“I do know how you love to fuck my tits.” Lani dug her nails into his ass.

Greg closed his eyes on a gasp, his jaw clenched, the heat from his cock warming her belly. When her fingers wandered to his crack, he pushed to his knees, leaving a string of precum linking them. Lani caught it on the tip of her finger and brought it to her lips. Greg leaned down and licked the rest from her skin, then twirled his tongue into her navel.

Lani half sighed, half moaned and parted her thighs for him. Greg wasted no time sliding between. A gentle nudge pushed her legs over his shoulders. Lani lifted her pelvis to him. She caressed his head with one hand and gripped the pillow beneath her head with the other.

“I love the smell of you. The taste of you.” He kissed her clit, then slipped his tongue inside her pussy.

Eyes closed, she lost herself in the wonder of climax slowly built by a master. His tongue mined her juices. Lips kneaded her labia over and over. Then he’d wander through the valleys, tease her clitoris, and dive into her pussy for more. She shuddered and gasped the closer she came, writhing into his mouth, out of control, mindlessly begging for more and more. Cried and clutched for him when Greg pulled away.

“Have I ever left you wanting, sweet stuff?” he asked.

No. He never had. But she wanted him so badly. Lani shook her head and clutched the sheet, watching, waiting.

Greg retrieved one of the glass plugs from the bedside drawer. A spurt reached her ears. Lani braced herself against the first touch of cold lube against her ass, then groaned when his fingers probed her.

“Feels good. I know.” He eased the glass butt plug in place and thumbed her clitoris.

He tore open a wet wipe to clean his fingers, then patted her hip and lay facedown beside her. “My turn.”

“Oh, I like this.” She rolled upright.

“Figured you might. I know I do.”

Lani found the other glass plug and lube in the open drawer. This was the closest they would ever come to partners; adding other people in their bed was out of the question. They’d both made that clear from the start.

“And don’t forget the ring,” he added. “I want us to come together tonight.”

“Does that mean I get to be on top?”


“I see.” That didn’t mean she had to be quick about inserting his toy. She mapped her palms over his firm ass, tickled his thighs, and kneaded his sac until a telltale hip jerk told Lani he’d had enough. She eased the plug into place, kissed his lower back, and cleaned her fingers as he had, tossing the spent wipe into the trashcan next to the bed.

“Roll over.” She swatted his butt.

“Ow,” he halfheartedly mumbled.

“Just wanted to see if you were still awake.”

“Barely.” He rolled over. “You realize that smack is gonna cost you.”

Lani grinned. “I do hope so.” She plucked the clitoral stimulator from the depths of the drawer and slowly rolled the ring over his erection. Greg thrust into it with a strangled moan and fumbled for one of the robes.

“This is going to be a little tricky,” he said, pulling the belt free. “Give yourself to me.”

She stretched out and reached for the headboard slats. He settled atop her, nudging her legs apart. Lani curled her calves over his hips, and Greg plunged into her pussy…and froze. Hard breaths helped him rein in control. Lani lay as still as possible, giving him what he’d asked for, what
needed. What felt like minutes later, he loosely bound their left wrists to the headboard, tested the slipknot, and did the same with their right wrists. One tug from either of them would release them.

“Now we’re bound. Heart and body.”

Lani tightened her hold around his hips, digging her heels into his ass. He sealed their mouths and thrust into her. They fell into an easy glide that became harder to maintain with each thrust. Sweat slicked their bodies, adding to the scent of sex building in the room. She writhed into his pivots, anxious now for the feel of the ring rubbing her clit harder. Vaginal muscles clamped around him, and she felt the heat in his penis raise to furnace-level. The contractions rippled through her anus, but it was knowing he felt the same sensation that doubled her groan.

“God!” he gasped and laced their fingers together.

“Oh please,” she begged.

Greg pushed deep and rolled into her. Her body locked tight in anticipation. Her breath stopped. Everything pushed free. She thrashed with the force, flexing and releasing around his cock, taking everything that Greg shot out. It felt like they’d come forever, and yet it ended all too soon, leaving them spent and panting.

He tugged the binding free. Rubbing her arms, he pulled her hands against his chest as he rolled them to one side. Lani’s head buzzed. Her body thrummed. A joint shiver forced them to move long enough to remove their toys, retrieve the sheet and bedspread. A sigh settled them once more.

“By the way, how did you manage to find me tonight?”

“I followed you, of course.” He spooned his body around hers. “I’d follow you anywhere, sweetheart.”

Her breath caught. “Greg…”

“Shh.” He smoothed his hand over her hip before she could say anything more. “Don’t safe word me tonight, Lani. Not tonight.”

She wouldn’t dream of it.

Chapter Fifteen

“Wake up. We have company.” Lani’s soft words drifted through Greg’s dreams. The last sentence jerked him fully awake. He looked into a pair of big brown eyes staring up at him from his chest. Mita had clearly made herself at home in their bed.

“Who is it?” He rubbed the sleep from his eyes. The bed quivered from the force of Mita’s tail wag.



“Sound asleep in his car outside.”

Greg scratched Mita’s head. “Some watchdog you are.” Her tail wagged all the more.

“I let her outside and saw him.” Lani brushed the tangles from her hair. Every move parted the edges of her robe just a little bit more. “You want to go wake him up, or shall I?”

There wasn’t any point in scrambling to hide themselves. Lani’s car was outside the garage. Neither of them had bothered putting it inside. Jordan knew she was here. He also clearly wasn’t spying, or he would have hidden himself better.

“Let him wake his own damn self up,” he grumbled.

“We could always accuse him of being a voyeur.”

That perked up his spirits. “I like that.” In more ways than one. Greg didn’t mind someone watching him and Lani; it was the participation he had a problem with.

Lani glanced at his morning erection. “I can see.” She snagged boxers and jeans from his dresser drawer and tossed them his way. “But he’s not getting ringside seats in our bedroom. You get him. I’ll start coffee and breakfast.”

She dropped her robe and stepped into a pair of panties. The view when she bent over wiped other cares—especially Jordan’s presence—from his mind.

Greg grabbed her from behind. “Or we could let him rot and enjoy ourselves.” He cupped a breast and shoved his other hand into her panties. His cock did a little persuading of its own. “I’ll be quick.” Her clit was slippery under his fingers.

“That’s a rousing endorsement.”

Indecision flickered in her eyes. He watched the war in her reflection. The way her teeth played with her bottom lip. How her nipples grew harder just like the clit under his fingers.

“I know how to make you come quick.”

Her eyes widened, her gaze flashed to the dog, then toward the window. Her breath quickened.

“He won’t hear. He’s too far away. Even if he were standing at the front door or right by the bedroom window, he still wouldn’t hear.”

Juices flooded his hand. “Out, Mita.”

The dog issued a beleaguered sigh and obeyed. Greg turned Lani toward the bed. Without pause, she braced her hands on the mattress while he retrieved the thin dowel from their bedroom toy box.

“Panties down,” he whispered.

Lani wiggled her hips free and lifted her bottom.

Greg brushed his hand over her back. “Tell me when.” Quick and hot. A tease. A promise.

At her nod, he tapped the wood on her bottom. Again and again. Never the same place twice. A kiss of discipline. He didn’t count how many. That was Lani’s choice. He merely watched a pale blush settle over her ass and prayed he wouldn’t start coming before he got inside her. She was that damn hot.

BOOK: Yellow Ribbons
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