Yellowstone Romance Series - Bundle (# 2-5) (81 page)

BOOK: Yellowstone Romance Series - Bundle (# 2-5)
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He gently placed the sleeping baby in the center of Dani’s bed, then walked up behind the woman standing with her back to him, looking out the window.

“Dani,” he said quietly, and put his hands on her shoulders. She stiffened for a moment, then turned and fell against his chest, her body shaking. She buried her head in his shirt, and cried uncontrollably.

Josh wrapped his arms around her, and held her tight. He wanted to take away her fear, her hurt, and all the evil that had been done to her.

“Shhhh,” he whispered in her hair. “You’re worn out, Dani. You haven’t had sleep. I can feel how tense you are. I think Dawn senses it too. That’s why she cries.”

Her face lifted away from his chest, and she looked up at him. “I don’t know what to do, Josh. I thought I could take care of her on my own. I don’t know where I’m going to go once we get to Helena.”

Josh’s jaw clenched. “We’ll talk about that later. Right now, I think you need to get some rest while Dawn is sleeping. Let me make you some tea, and then you can sleep.”

She stared up at him in silence, then slowly nodded her head. Josh called on all his willpower to keep from kissing her. His heart nearly burst at the warm sensations flooding his veins. Holding Dani seemed so natural, so right. He stepped away from her, and glanced at the baby sleeping contently on the bed. With his hand on Dani’s lower back, he led her into main room, urging her into the rocking chair in the corner.

Josh rummaged along the shelves over the workbench, searching for the tin that contained some herbs and nettles for tea. When he found what he was looking for, he sprinkled some in a cup, and added hot water from the coffee pot in the fireplace. 

“This tea will only take a minute,” he said, and turned to the woman he left sitting in the rocking chair. His lips curved upward. Dani’s head was slumped to the side, her cheek resting on her shoulder. Her eyes were closed, and she breathed evenly.

Josh gently gathered her up in his arms, and hesitated. He looked toward her room, but the baby was sleeping in the middle of her bed. He turned and headed for his own room, and elbowed the door open. Dani’s arms slowly reaching up around his neck. She sighed in her sleep, a soft smile on her lips.

“I love you, Josh,” she murmured, and nestled her head against his chest.  His grip on her tightened, or else he might have dropped her. He laid her gently on his bed, and covered her with a blanket. Leaning over her, he wiped some hair away from her face, and lightly brushed his lips against hers. Pulling back, he watched her face, now relaxed in sleep, and his chest tightened almost painfully. Slowly, he turned and left the room. 


Chapter 16



Danica stretched her arms and legs, and a soft moan escaped her throat. Somewhere in the foggy chasm between sleep and consciousness, Josh’s masculine scent mixed with leather and wood smoke permeated her senses. A slow smile spread across her face. Her dreams of him seemed to be getting more vivid and real.  Lying on her side, she slid her hand upwards along soft fur. Her arm grazed her breast, and she winced. In the distance, a baby’s cries jolted her fully awake.

Reality came flooding back. Dawn! Danica sat up, glancing quickly at her surroundings. This was not the bedroom she’d occupied since coming to Josh’s cabin. Harness leather and a couple of saddles were piled in one corner. Several shirts and leather britches hung haphazardly over the lone chair in the opposite corner. A bare chest of drawers leaned against the wall across from the bed.  Several bows, an old flintlock rifle, and a belt with a knife and tomahawk hung on the wall over the dresser.

Danica’s heart slammed in her chest. What was she doing sleeping in his room, in his bed? Quickly, she pulled her tired and sore legs from under the covers, and over the mattress. No sooner had she stood, when the door to the room opened and Josh entered with a screaming bundle in his arm. Their eyes met across the room, and Danica rushed to his side.

“I tried to let you sleep as long as I could, but feeding her is something I can’t do,” Josh said, placing the infant into Danica’s arms.

“Tha . . . thank you,” she stammered. Her sleep-deprived mind was still trying to recall certain details of events that led to her presence in this room.  Josh’s dark unreadable eyes stared at her intently. His brows were drawn together as if he was contemplating something. Never one for loss of words before, she held her wailing daughter to her chest, and quickly scrambled past Josh to get to her own room to relieve the baby’s hunger. 

Once settled on her bed with Dawn nursing contently, Danica had time to think. She remembered her feeling of helplessness and frustration earlier when Dawn wouldn’t stop crying. The more the baby carried on, the more tense and distraught Danica had become. Josh had come to her rescue again, and Dawn had responded to him. 

She inhaled deeply. Fresh tears threatened to spill from her eyes.
God, Dani. You’ve never been one to cry all the time like so many of your friends.
Growing up in her father’s house had taught her that crying and carrying on like a silly female was not tolerated. Josh was right. The baby’s fussiness earlier was surely due to her mother’s tension and nervousness.

 Remembering Josh’s arms around her, the way he had comforted her after Dawn fell asleep, brought an ache to her heart. The reason she’d survived these recent months, and even while growing up in Virginia City with a father who ignored her for the most part, was because she knew how to take care of herself. She had no one to lean on, and relied on her own wit and instincts.

Why did she feel like such a helpless, blundering fool now? Gazing down at the delicate little baby face nestled up against her breast, she felt the weight of the world descend on her. She was no longer responsible for just herself. She had her baby to think about. How would she manage on her own? Josh had taken care of her – of everything – since leaving Virginia City. For the first time in her life, another person saw to her needs and comfort, gave her a shoulder to lean on, and held her up when she stumbled. How ironic that it was the very same person she’d loved and fantasized over for so long. And he didn’t even know. She couldn’t allow herself to get too used to Josh’s help. She had to manage taking care of her daughter on her own. Soon enough, Josh would part ways with her in Helena. 

“We’ll take care of each other somehow, won’t we, Dawn?” Danica whispered to the baby, gently brushing her hand over her daughter’s head, and moved her to nurse from her other breast. Her blond fuzzy curls were as soft as down feathers.  As she studied her daughter’s petite features, the face of Jonathan Douglas materialized before her eyes.  Would she always be reminded of him whenever she looked at her beautiful child? There was no denying that Dawn resembled him, but Danica refused to see her baby as anyone’s but hers. As far as she was concerned, the father had never existed.

When Dawn finally drank her fill, Danica lifted the baby to her shoulder, gently patting her back.  She left the bed after buttoning her shirt, and paced the room. The few hours of sleep she had gotten had definitely renewed her spirit. It would get easier, she told herself firmly. She would be a good mother, even if she had a lot to learn.

A soft knock on the door sobered her out of her thoughts.

“Come in,” she said quietly, so as not to startle the baby. The door opened, and Josh walked in. Danica couldn’t help but stare at him. He stood tall and proud, and the lazy grin on his face and the softness in his eyes when he looked at the baby nestled against her shoulder left her feeling flushed and light-headed. His gaze lingered on Dawn for a moment before he looked up at Danica.

“I have something for Dawn,” he said.

Danica’s eyebrows rose in surprise.  He turned and bent to the ground behind him. He picked up a wooden object. Danica recognized that it was a crib. Her mouth dropped open. It looked freshly carved, not something he would have found in Kyle’s home.

“Josh, when did you make that?” she asked in astonishment, and walked up to him. Her hand slid along the smooth grain of the wood. The inside was lined with a thick layer of animal fur, which he had covered with one of the soft baby blankets.

“I found the time,” he answered dismissively, his large brown hand on the baby’s back. He set the crib next to Danica’s bed, and she gently placed Dawn in it. The baby flayed her arms in the air and kicked with her legs, while staring straight up at Josh. Danica retrieved another blanket she had folded at the foot of her bed, and covered the baby with it.

“Among my mother’s people, infants are wrapped in a blanket. I’ve heard it gives them a sense of security,” Josh said.

“Okay.” It was the only word she could produce. Josh amazed her once again. She still hadn’t gotten over the shock of the crib. She tucked the blanket around Dawn as best as she could, and the baby’s eyes closed slowly.

Danica straightened her back, rubbing at her lower spine. When she looked up, her heart skipped a beat. Josh’s eyes were on her, his intense stare making her feel uneasy all of a sudden. She hastily buttoned up the last two buttons on the shirt.

“We have things to talk about, Dani,” he said slowly. Danica swallowed. He was about to tell her they would be leaving for Helena soon.

“Don’t worry, Josh,” she said, hoping her voice sounded steady. “I’ll be ready to go in a couple of days. I should be recovered by then and have my strength back.”

Josh’s forehead wrinkled, and his head tilted slightly. He took a step toward her, and reached for her hand. Danica forgot to breathe.

“We’re not going anywhere with a newborn,” he said almost forcefully. “Dawn will not leave this cabin until she is at least a month old.”

Puzzled by his words, a sudden wave of anger hit her. What right did he have to tell her when Dawn could leave the cabin?

“I don’t think it’s any of your concern when I take Dawn from the cabin, Josh,” she said, glaring at him. “The sooner we can get to Helena, the sooner your life can get back to normal, and I can get on with mine.”

Josh’s grip on her hand tightened, and Danica tried to pull away. He held firm, and took another step closer. His body heat and pure male scent penetrated her senses.

“Maybe my life is already normal the way it is now,” he said, his voice low and husky.  Danica shook her head, trying to make sense of his words.

“Josh, I know you’re a man who likes to live alone. Why would you want to try and keep a woman and her baby here to disrupt your life? You said yourself you have a job to do, and you have to find those poachers. It doesn’t make sense for you to--”

Josh’s free hand reached up to cup her cheek, and he covered her mouth with his, preventing her from saying more. Danica stiffened at his unexpected move. Josh slid his hand along her cheek toward the back of her head. Her legs seemed to melt as adrenaline flooded her veins. Josh released her hand and wrapped his arm around her still much-too-large waist, pulling her up flush against him. His lips moved against hers, slowly and undemanding.  She couldn’t pull away even if she wanted to. And she didn’t want to.

This is what you’ve dreamed about for so long, Dani
. She couldn’t believe Josh was kissing her. It felt so much better than in her dreams. Her arms reached up and snaked around his neck, and she leaned into him. She returned his kiss with a passion that surprised her, clutching to his neck, her fingers entwining in his thick raven hair. Danica’s lips parted as his kiss grew more urgent and demanding, and the air left her lungs. Breathing became impossible. She moaned softly, and pulled him closer still.

Time stood still as Josh’s sweet assault on her mouth continued. His lips moved across hers, and Danica was sure she’d faint at any moment. He pulled away a fraction of an inch, only to plunder her mouth again. Finally, she unclasped her hands from behind his neck. She was sure she couldn’t take any more without truly passing out if she didn’t catch her breath soon. Josh must have read her intent. He pulled his head back slightly, and looked down at her. Wonder and a hint of confusion filled his eyes, and he drew in a deep breath. His thumb softly caressed her cheek.

“Haven’t I told you before that you talk too much, woman,” he whispered, his lips curving in a slow grin.

“I think you mentioned it once or twice,” Danica answered hoarsely. She pulled her hands from around his neck and stepped back. Josh eased his hold on her, but didn’t let go.

Danica’s forehead furrowed, and she shook her head slightly. “Why . . . why did you kiss me, Josh?” Her nerves were already on edge, thinking about her uncertain future. The hope that had sprung forth with that kiss was too much to think about if she had misread his intentions. Could Josh be attracted to her, even a little? It seemed impossible. After everything she knew about him, he wouldn’t choose her as a wife. Certainly not now, after everything she’s put him through in recent weeks. His entire life had been upended because of her. Danica braced herself for his answer.

“You needed kissing,” he said simply, a serious look on his face. There was no humor in his voice, no mockery. “In fact, I should have kissed you a lot sooner.”

Danica pulled out of his embrace and glared at him. “Don’t play games with me, Josh Osborne. I may be vulnerable right now, and my mind may be a bit addled after giving birth, but I know for a fact that you can’t possibly have feelings for me.”

“You know that, do you?” he countered. “According to the law, you’re my wife, Dani. Perhaps I’ve changed my mind about being married.”

Danica laughed. It was either that, or cry. Why was he toying with her emotions? Josh Osborne did not favor fair skinned women. Kate Russell had made that clear to her five years ago.

“Why would you change your mind about a wife who was forced on you?” she asked. She walked toward the window. After a quick glance out at the snow-covered landscape, she turned and took a deep breath, and raised her chin. She glared at him from across the room. “I hope it’s not because of some misguided sense of honor or obligation. Or perhaps you feel sorry for me? Don’t worry, Josh. I’ll manage on my own. I always do.”

Josh covered the distance between them in three easy strides. His hands wrapped around her upper arms, pinning them to her sides. “You’re only right about one thing, Dani,” he said softly, belying the fire in his dark glare. “Your brain is addled.” His eyes were in constant motion, scanning her face.

“Then why?” she asked heatedly, refusing to let him intimidate her.

“I certainly don’t feel sorry for you. You are resourceful and highly capable, and I have no doubt you’d find a way to manage on your own. Let me ask you this,” he paused for effect. “Are you brave enough to call a half-breed your husband? Would the stigma that carries with it be too much for you to handle?” His hold on her tightened. His eyes smoldered, and his mouth was drawn in a tight line.

Danica slowly shook her head. Josh wanted her for his wife? She wondered fleetingly when this perfect dream would end and she’d wake up to reality.

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