Yes, Master (27 page)

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Authors: Margaret McHeyzer

BOOK: Yes, Master
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Fuck. I let go of Stella’s hand and bring both my hands up to cover my face.

“I was too late,” I whisper to no one.

“No you weren’t, it appears that you saved Chase from anything progressing. We’ve had a child psychiatrist talking to him and he told the doctor what Damien had done to him. Damien hadn’t taken it past touching at this stage, but he did ask the child to fellate him as they watched a pornographic movie together.”

Please stop talking.
All those memories from the first time I was at Damien’s house are flooding back.

“Is Chase alright?” I look to the officer and he simply nods. I take Stella’s hand again and hold it tightly.

“You caused a lot of damage to Damien and his face.” I remain looking at the officer completely impassive to the news that I broke the man that destroyed me. “His jaw’s shattered, both eye sockets are cracked, his nose is completely crushed. He’s got four fractured ribs and you managed to also fracture his pelvis.”

“But his dick still works which means he’ll keep harming children.”

“No he won’t, our officers went to his house and have started searching it. So far they’ve found enough evidence to send him away to jail for a year or two, but I suspect they’ll find more.”

“At least he won’t be able touch another child for that time,” I say disappointed with the outcome so far.

“This leads us to you, Ryan. It all took place on your uncle’s premises and he’s made it clear that he doesn’t want charges brought against you. Unfortunately though, after what you did to Damien we need to act upon that.”

I close my eyes and breathe in rapidly. Stella squeezes my fingers again and I turn to look into her loving green eyes.

“We’ll be charging you with assault, which in this state comes with a hefty fine.”


“What about court?”

“What about court?” he repeats the question back to me.

“Aren’t I going to court and then possibly jail?”

“Did you want to go there?”

“Um, no I don’t want to but I thought I’d have to,” I say earnestly.

“Look, Ryan, totally off the record, but I commend you for doing what you did. If I were in your position I don’t think I would’ve been able to stop myself. Truthfully, no one even wants to give this damn fine, but we have to because you beat him to within an inch of his life. So please, don’t question it and don’t thank us, just know that what you did was courageous and appreciated by every victim of abuse and every single cop here.”

I’m sitting in the room with the police officer, and Stella by my side and I’m totally astounded with what I just heard.

“Now, I’m going to prepare the fine, you have twenty-one days to pay it, you can either come back here or pay it or at the courthouse.”

“We’ll pay it now,” Stella interrupts him as he stands to leave.

“Alright, I’ll be back soon.” And he walks out the door.

“Show me your hand,” Stella says taking my right hand in hers. She moves it around and inspects it closely then brings it to her lips to kiss my knuckles.

“It just looks bruised, when we leave here I’ll take you back to the office and x-ray it to make sure nothing’s broken.” She lifts my hand again and gently brushes her lips over the split skin.

“Okay,” I concede then lean over and kiss her.

“Your mom was asking questions.”

“Stella, just for tonight can we not talk about it? I just want to get home, wash today away and feel you close to my heart as I make love to you.”

“That sounds like something I can make work,” she says as she sits on my lap and embraces me.

We stay in silence until the police officer comes back and gives us my fine.

Hand in hand we walk to the front desk and pay it.

We walk out of the station with the first real day of my life beginning.

Chapter 30

Six weeks later

“Hey,” I call as I step through Stella’s front door and put my keys in my pocket.

“I’m here,” she yells from her office at the back of her house.

I walk there and she’s sitting behind her desk with her hair in a tight bun and her red rimmed reading glasses perched high up on the bridge of her nose.

“What are you doing?” I ask as I sit in the chair opposite her.

“Just doing some research on something I want to talk to you about. But firstly, how did it go with your mom?” Stella asks as she sits back in her plush leather office chair taking her glasses off and placing them beside her laptop.

“Well, she didn’t quite understand about the whole D/s thing, she thought you were taking advantage of me. She was really worried at her party when I fell to my knees and wouldn’t listen to anyone but you.”

Stella chuckles and shakes her head, “Most people don’t understand it, so asking a lady who’s sixty and never been around it to do so, is quite a difficult thing to do.”

“I had to keep on reassuring her that it’s not abuse, and that I enjoy it and you only have my best interest in mind. It did make her happy to know that I can stop the scene any time if I’m uncomfortable though.”

“Well that’s a good thing.” Stella brings her hand up to massage the bridge of her nose.

“Yeah but it took a while for her to be okay with it. While I was there though, something else happened.” I look at Stella as she readjusts in her seat to sit up and pay more attention.

“What? Is everything alright?”

“Mom received a call about Damien.”

“What about the fucker?” Stella’s shoulders tighten and she purses her lips together telling me she’s pissed off. Thankfully she doesn’t have a buggy whip in her hand, ‘cause they fucking hurt.

“It appears that Damien’s extra curricula activities got out amongst the other inmates where he’s being held until his trial.”


“And this morning he was found unconscious in his cell, brutally sodomized with foreign objects and he was hemorrhaging from the attack. They took him to the local hospital, but they called my mom to let her know that he may not make it past today.”

Stella steeples her index fingers together, brings them up to her mouth and gently taps on her lips with them.

“How does that make you feel, Ryan?”

“Um.” I look past Stella and think about the entire situation with Damien and what’s actually happened. “Well truthfully.” I pause for a moment and let the satisfaction of the guards finding Damien almost dead just settle deep within me. “I hope he lives and he doesn’t die, because I’d really like for this this to happen again and again to him.”

No lies, ever.

“The general consensus would be that you need to forgive him to move on, but do you know what I have to say about that?”


“Fuck what they think. If keeping him alive and having him savagely destroyed every time his ass heals up, makes you happy, then I’ll support you with all my heart.”

I stand up and round the desk, pushing her knees open so I’m standing between them. Her arms come up and hug me around my hips as she lays her head on my abs.

“Stella.” I put my finger under her chin and lift her captivating face to look at me, I lean down and seal my mouth over hers causing Stella to moan as she tugs me closer to her. “I live for you,” I whisper against her luscious lips.

“Ryan.” Stella’s voice turns desperately hungry as she stands and slips her hands beneath my shirt tugging at my nipples. “I want you, but we’ll have to wait for tonight.”

My cock’s straining against my boxer briefs and the Prince Albert I got is rubbing on the material causing a delicious friction. I move aside from Stella and readjust myself so the piercing isn’t copping the brunt of it, giving my cock a false hope of happiness.

“It’s healed quite nicely,” Stella says as she sits back in her seat.

“It’s been three fucking weeks since we’ve had sex or played in the dungeon, I can’t damn well wait for tonight.” I lean down and kiss Stella before moving away and sitting in my chair opposite her again.

“There’re a couple of things I wanted to talk to you about, Ryan.”


“I want you to move in with me.”

I look at her and smile the biggest cheesiest stupidest grin I can muster.

“You look like the Cheshire cat,” Stella points out.

“I was going to tell you I was moving in.”

“You were going to
tell me
, were you?” She smiles and winks at me.

“Yes I was, Ma’am.”

“Good timing then. I’m thinking, why don’t we lease your house and donate all your things to charity?”

All my things?

“What do you mean by all my things?” I ask a little worried.

“Your furniture’s old and worn and probably broken, like you were when we first met. Now it’s time to move on to the next phase of your life and accept all the good, which includes me, my home, my money and everything else.”

“Stella, I don’t need you to pay my way. I have my own money and I don’t want your handouts.”

“I know that, but when it comes time to study you may need help along the way and we’re in this together. I make a lot of money, Ryan. Much
more than you do and for me I want to share that part with you, too.”

“Well, yes I’m moving in and we’ll discuss the money if the time approaches. Tell me what’s going to happen tonight? I’ve not been to a BDSM club before.”

“Tonight I’m unconventionally selling Mason to Kara and you’re being collared, so the clubs closed off to the public and is only to the Doms that are collaring their subs and for Mason to be sold.”

“Unconventional? I don’t even know what normal is anymore.”

“Yes, unconventional because selling a sub is not something that often happens, but Mason wants it so I’ve arranged it.”

“Alright, well if that makes him happy. What do I have to do at the ceremony?”

“You’ll be following behind me when we enter the club. After the sale a bell will ring and we’ll be seated, you’ll sit beside me on the floor. When all the Doms are seated a second bell will be heard, then you need to move off to the side of the room with the other subs. One by one, the subs will offer their leash to the Dom of their choice and possibly say a few words about why they want to be owned. The Dom will accept or decline it, then place a collar around the subs neck. You’ll kneel before me and kiss my feet to thank me, and then I’ll clip the leash on and present you with a gift as you present me with something too, but only if you want.”

“Wow, sounds intense and quite complicated.”

“It’s not something to take lightly, Ryan. This is a marriage of a Dom and a sub, it’s tying us together for a lifetime. I’ve never collared anyone before and I doubt I’ll ever want to collar anyone again. You need to understand, that you’re it for me.” Stella gets up from her chair and nervously paces the room.

“Come here,” I say as I open my arms for her to walk into. She comes and sits on my knee and embraces me tightly. “I know what the ceremony means to you, because I’ve been researching it and hoping that one day you’d want me forever. And I’m more than proud and honored to have you as my girlfriend and my master.” And one day soon, as my wife.

“I love you,” she mutters against my mouth as she leans down and kisses me.

“I can’t wait for the ceremony and to wear your collar with pride.”

“Good because we leave in three hours.” Stella stands and goes back to her chair and sits down, placing the glasses on. “I’m researching rent prices for your house, tomorrow we’ll organize your things and you can officially move in.”

If it makes my girlfriend happy to do this, then who am I to stop her? It pleases me to let go of all the bullshit that I don’t care about and know that Stella will take care of it.

My house has nothing to hold me to it, it’s dark, lifeless and cold. The way I was before I was saved by Stella and Mason.

Tonight’s collaring ceremony will hold extreme importance to both Stella and myself. Not because we’ll be joined in marriage in the eyes of the BDSM community, but because I hope her answer will be yes.

Chapter 31

“Mason, you nervous?” I ask Mase as we get changed in Master’s room. She told us we’re allowed to talk as we put our clothes on that she’s pre-arranged. Mason has a dark green pair of baggy pants, almost like sleep pants and I have black pair.

“I’m fucking excited. Mistress K is crazy hot and fuck the shit she does to me, check this out,” he says as he takes his shirt off and turns around. He’s covered in fading welts and straight lines across his entire back. “Look, it goes down my legs too,” he says enthusiastically as he drops his jeans.

“That looks like it hurt when she did it.” I touch the lines on his back and Mason slightly flinches.

“It fucking killed and I loved every moment of it. She’s my perfect freak, my god what she can do with a cat and a butt plug.”

“You know what, Mase? I’m happy for you, I’m glad you’ve found your equal.”

“She’s not my equal, Ry. She’s my better. I really like her, I think we could make this work beyond her play room.”

“How was it with Master letting Mistress K take you to her play room?”

“Master knows what I want and she made a great choice in Mistress K for me.”

I’m so pleased that Mason will get his happily ever after, since the first time Mistress K was in a scene with us, Mason’s not stopped talking about her and how wonderful she is. I knew from that moment, that Mason was a goner. He may not see it yet, but I can.

“You ready?” I ask as I check to make sure the small pouch that I’ve safety pinned to the inside of my pants is still there.

“Fuck yeah. Let’s get you collared and get me sold to my new Mistress,” Mason says with utmost cheer and delight in his voice.

We both make our way over to the dungeon and go into waiting position. Neither of us say anything as we wait for our Master’s orders.

I hear the clicking of heels and eagerly crave my Master’s voice.

“Pet, boy, please stand and follow me. I’ve organized a limousine to take us tonight, so please slide into the back seat, place your seat belts on and wait for further instruction. You may proceed with my commands,” she says in that hot sexy Master’s tone.

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