Read Yes to Everything Online

Authors: Shayne McClendon

Yes to Everything (31 page)

BOOK: Yes to Everything
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“I’ve been on the pill since I was thirteen for my periods. They increase the dosage every year. I’ve never tested it before but statistically, I should be protected and I like this so much better. Please stay. I want you to stay Mack.”

In a daze of sensation, he nodded and settled back into her body. “I can feel so much more of you. I’m glad I didn’t know how different it felt or I might not have been as diligent over the years. Jeanette, you’re so much warmer, slicker. God, baby, I love you.”

“I love you, too. I need you.” Raking her nails down his back, he growled and she smiled, “Yes, Mack…”

He loved her up gradually, pushing her over twice before she asked him to join her. Releasing his control and feeling his come leave his body without the barrier of a condom was unlike anything he’d ever known. He pumped himself dry, coating her with his come and driving her into another orgasm.

Breathing hard with pounding hearts, she held him to her. Their skin was slick with sweat and Mack rolled them to keep his weight off of her. When she fell asleep, he held her to him, his cock still inside her as he drifted off with a sense of perfect contentment.

An hour later, the vision of her riding him when he opened his eyes was almost too much. She recited a poem he’d never heard before in fluent Spanish, leaning down to kiss him sweetly and tell him how she loved him as she came.

Then she sat up and smiled, raking her nails lightly over his nipples, “Fuck me hard, Mack, right now.” His body jerked up into her and she said, “Oh god, I love having those two for friends. They are a wealth of information. You’ve been holding back, not wanting to scare me.”

Jeanette dropped forward on her hands, her silky dark hair falling over one side of her body like a curtain. “You don’t scare me, Mack, and you would never hurt me.” Laying her hand on the side of his face, she whispered, “If you don’t show me, I’ll never know. Show me, Mack.”

He stared at her for a long moment before flipping her to her back, anchoring her in place with a hand on her hip and under her shoulder. His first thrust was harder than any he’d given her before and she smiled. Going harder with each stroke, she was digging her heels into the bed, meeting him again and again until her entire body went rigid. Arching up into him, she screamed his name and dug her nails into his shoulders.

“Yes. Oh god. Mack.” Driving her up again he watched her learning beneath him, figuring out how she could move, touch him to have the best effect on both of them.

When she came the second time, he pulled out and flipped her to her stomach. He entered her from behind, his body sealed to hers, thrilling at her moan. He slipped a hand flat beneath her, moving his fingertips gently over her clit as he stroked into her.

“You are so erotic to watch, Jeanette. I want to show you so much I know you’re going to like. We’re going to need a lot of time in bed with me devoted to worshipping every inch of your body. Right now, I want to feel you come around me again, baby.” One of her hands was in his over her head, the other on top of his under her body. He stroked into her harder and harder. When she exploded, she pushed back into him as tremors wracked her narrow frame from her shoulders to her thighs.

Going up on his hands, he drove into her hard until he came roaring her name. When he had nothing left, he lowered to her again and wrapped his hands under her, rolling them to their sides with him still nestled in her body. She told him sleepily, “That was unreal. It was so damn good. It just doesn’t seem real. I love you, Mack, and I want you to show me everything.”

“I plan on it, baby. I love you, Jeanette.” Neither knew who drifted off first.

Chapter Twenty-Three

Opening the door to Sidney’s room, neither man saw her. Zane pointed to the bathroom and they heard running water. Closing and locking the door, they pushed open the bathroom door and the sight of her clenched their hearts. She was sitting on the floor of the glassed-in shower stall with her knees drawn up, her arms around them. The water pounded over her while she cried silently.

They approached the stall and she glanced up, her vibrant green eyes going wide as she realized they were standing a few feet away. Opening the stall door, Boyd lifted her out and Zane wrapped her in a towel. Boyd did a quick dry of her shoulder length hair, watching the tresses spring into soft red curls.

When she was dry, Zane grabbed a hotel robe and wrapped it around her, then picked her up and carried her into the bedroom. They laid her in the center of the bed and climbed up to lie beside her after they kicked off their shoes. Their arms crossed at her back and over her stomach, their mouths on either side of her head at her ears.

“We missed you so much, Sidney. We aren’t doing well at all. I think we’re drinking too much. Boyd threw his phone across the room when the battery died and he couldn’t call you. Our place is boring unless you’re in it. You use the place like a playground and we don’t have fun there without you. Zane broke his laptop when it dropped the email photos you sent us. We miss you all the time. I love you, Sidney, so much. Zane and I need you, baby. I love you, Sidney and I want this over so Boyd and I can take you home.”

Sidney moved her arms under them and they went up on their elbows above her so she could see their faces. “Hi. I’ve missed seeing your faces. I’ve been sleeping with Jeanette because she’s totally not able to hide anything from us. Poor thing is just shattered. Is…did all of you come?” They nodded with a smile and she let out a deep breath. “I’m so glad. Okay. I have to, you know, keep an eye on the other two. I’m just tougher, I guess.” She swallowed.

“We know, baby, you’re so strong and fearless. Why were you crying in the shower, Sidney?” Zane asked quietly.

“I was…I mean, you know, hung over. My head hurts.” Her voice was small and shuddering.

Boyd chuckled, “You are so pretty, smart, and talented. You know what else you are, baby? A horrible liar.”

Then she started bawling and they hugged and kissed her, their arms crushing around her. “I’m a great liar. I can do better. I’m just tired. I’ll try again if you want.”

They laughed and kissed her entire face, neck, and shoulders, nudging the robe out of the way. Her hands moved into their hair and she tugged her lower lip between her teeth. When their mouths attached to her nipples, she moaned and squeezed her thighs together. “You’re wearing too many clothes.”

Zane was off the bed as Boyd claimed her mouth hard and slid a hand down her body, stroking his finger through her cleft and into her pussy, his thumb working over her clit while her hips arched into his hand. She came fast, spilling the sounds into Boyd’s mouth.

Then he was lifting from her, sucking the flavor of her from his fingers and Zane was back at her other side, naked now and kissing her aggressively as his hand followed the path Boyd’s had taken. By the time she was coming again, Boyd was pulling the robe off her arms and tugging her nipple with his teeth. “Please, I need you now. No more playing. I’m ready now.”

Boyd rolled on a condom and pulled her over him, surging into her with a low groan. “I’ve missed you so bad, Sidney. So fucking bad, baby. There is nothing on earth like the feel of you around me.” He rolled her nipples in his fingers while he kissed her.

Zane was behind her, stroking his lubricated fingers into her ass. “Now Zane, right now. I’m fine.” The men shared a look over her shoulder and he lubed the condom, setting himself at the entrance of her ass. Boyd pulled her to his chest and stroked her back as Zane pressed forward carefully, worried about taking her without extensive preparation.

“You’re past. I’m fine Zane. Now please baby, all the way.” Bracing her hips, he stroked forward and they felt her come around them, milking them hard. “Yes, oh god yes. I’ve missed you both so much. I don’t like feeling like that. I…I don’t do vulnerable real well. Please go hard. Mark me again. I need you both so bad.”

As her muscles began to relax, they were able to move. Working in tandem, they worked in an opposite rhythm, Boyd stroking in when Zane withdrew. Sidney lifted between them, pushing Zane straight up on his knees.

“Oh god, Sidney baby. I can’t believe how involved you get. I’ve missed you so much.” Turning at the waist, she pulled him down for a hard kiss, stroking down and grabbing his ass, pulling him to her. “Jesus, you’re so flexible. That’s incredible.” His hand cupped her breast, rolling her nipple between his fingers.

Below her, Boyd circled her clit with his thumb as he moved steadily into her. With another kiss for Zane, she turned and lowered to Boyd, taking his mouth with her hand at the base of his skull as he growled low in his chest. “You both feel so good. Go together, go hard.” They obeyed instantly and she was screaming between them, “Yes, oh god, yes, please don’t stop. I…I’m coming. Yes, yes, yes.” She came, bracing her hands on Boyd’s chest as they rode her through it. Zane was kissing her back and Boyd’s hand was fisted in her hair.

When the vibrations began to ease, she sat up again as they were buried in her body. Using her legs, she pulled forward, keeping her pussy walls as tight as she could, before relaxing them as she stroked back down. Her men were whispering, begging her for mercy and she ignored them, using every ounce of strength she had to drive herself down on their cocks.

Zane’s hands tightened on her shoulder and hip, Boyd’s spasmed on her neck and thigh. “You’ve made me feel so good, so much, come for me. Give me what I need. Oh to feel you, to please you. Zane, please baby. Boyd. Now. Give me what I need so badly.”

Zane dropped his head beside her ear, “I love you, Sidney, oh my god, you don’t know. I’m coming for you, honey, all for you, pretty girl. Fuck, yes, thank you, that feels so good. Your ass is so tight, you’re milking me so hard. Taking everything I have.” He roared her name and tightened his hands on her as the condom filled with jet after jet of his seed, liquid heat warming her from the inside, her hand on the back of his head. He never slowed and fisted his hands on the bed as she braced herself over Boyd.

Boyd’s voice was more growl than anything as he thrust up into her body with extreme force. “I’m coming so hard, Sidney. I’m in pain I need to come so badly. Your sweet little pussy is so good to me, so fucking good. Oh god, please, yes, thank you. Fuck yes, baby. I love you so much, Sidney.” He exploded into the condom and held her hard as he pumped through his release.

They moved in and out of her body until they had nothing left, pushing her into another orgasm that wiped her out and milked the men still in her body even harder. When her body began to loosen she collapsed over Boyd with a sigh. They stayed where they were until the tremors faded a few minutes later. Zane kissed over her back and shoulders, resting his forehead on her and breathing out hard.

Zane pulled from her carefully and Boyd held her still over him as his friend went into the bathroom and came back with a cool washcloth. She tensed as he cleaned her and Boyd kissed her hair, “No baby, let us care for you, you deserve our attention. You give so much. So fucking much.”

Zane came back and lifted her from Boyd gently, laying her on the bed and stretching out beside her. Boyd used another cloth to clean the front of her body, then himself and she hid her face in Zane’s shoulder. When Boyd came to stretch out beside her on the other side, she rolled to her stomach so she could see them both but couldn’t meet their eyes.

“I missed you both so much. Thank you for coming. It…it was getting really bad. I feel emotional and I’m not an emotional person. It isn’t normal for me to be so attached, not at all. Never mind so quickly. I’m scared and I hate being scared.”

Zane nudged her chin up to look at them while Boyd stroked his fingers through her hair. She whispered, “Are you sure…? I’m…I’m so crazy. You could still change your minds and I would be okay. I would understand. Really I would.”

Boyd smiled and moved lower on the bed to be closer to her and Zane imitated his position on the other side. “Sidney, I love you and you are the very first woman I’ve ever said that to. I never said it before because I didn’t mean it and I will never ever lie to you.”

Zane’s finger stroked along her jaw, “Sidney, if you knew how much I love you already, if you could understand this has never happened to either of us separately, definitely not together. I won’t hurt you. I swear I won’t hurt you.”

Kissing her temple, Boyd whispered, “It’s crazy for all of us, scary. But I’ve never felt like this before, never needed someone so bad. Only you Sidney. Only you have ever inspired so much emotion in me in all my life.”

“We love you and we have no choice but to run with it, Sidney. When someone has this kind of effect on a man…two men…they have to take the leap of faith and believe it will all work out. Let us love you, treat you the way you deserve. Let us show you how love can change your life. It’s already changed ours.”

“I have never talked about love to another person in my life. Not a friend, a family member, a man. The word feels weird leaving my mouth, like another language. Since I’ve never felt it before, I don’t know for sure what it’s supposed to feel like. I think it might be. I think about you both constantly, wonder where you are, what you’re doing, wishing I was with you. You take up all my thoughts and when I’m not with you, I hurt inside. It’s like I’m missing something really important. I think that means I love you and that makes me afraid.”

She closed her eyes and swallowed hard, “When you love people, anything can happen. I’m just a crazy woman without much to offer but I want you anyway. I promise to try not to mess up. I mess up a lot. I usually can’t do anything right for very long. I hope you don’t end up regretting me. I don’t want you to be disappointed.” Taking a deep breath, she whispered, “I love you both. That has to be what this crazy emotional destruction inside me is. That I love you, and I’m too screwed up to even know how to.”

They passed her lips back and forth, kissing her for a long time until she lost the tension she’d pulled around her as she talked. Each of them had a hand in her hair, cradling her head with their hands linked. When one was kissing her, the other was whispering about love and their future together. Then they’d trade off and tell her all the things they wanted to show her, to give her, to do for her.

BOOK: Yes to Everything
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