York (11 page)

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Authors: Susan A. Bliler

BOOK: York
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Back in York’s suite, Sky sat on the sofa listening as York paced back
and forth, speaking to a man by the name of Monroe via telephone.  She could sense York’s agitation, bordering on impatience, almost as if he didn’t want to be on the phone, but once they’d entered the suite it had been his foremost thought.

“Yes,” York spoke succinctly.  “I’m still in range of the mist.  Ryker says that Fatal will come
, and he’ll bring four of his men.  Do you have an ETA on Remy’s team?”

Silence as she watched his jaw bunch.  “Fine.  We’ll wait
, but once that plane touches down, I’m getting Sky out of here.”

Silence again and a slight growl of dis

“Not fully.  My halo, yes, but not a full claiming.”

He turned to stare at her, and she could feel heat building up inside her from the raw desire she read in his eyes.  “I will.”  Then he disconnected the call and set down the phone.

“A-are we finally going home?”  She was almost afraid to ask.

“Yes,” he tried to smile, but it wasn’t quite believable.  “My assignment is over.  Remy’s team will take it from here.” 

knit her delicate brows.  “Assignment?” 

His gaze dipped to the halo around her neck and stayed there for several moments before he looked up.  “My assignment was a retrieval mission. 
I was paid to bring you back to Montana, back to Shy.  I’m getting you out of here.”

Sky’s heart leapt.  She was ready to go
home; she she was ready to be free of the men chasing her, and she was ready for…  Wait! 
Slowly, she got to her feet.  “You were
to come after me?”


Heat stole across her cheeks.  “You were paid to find me? 
to follow me?”

inched closer, concerned at the sudden flowering scent of disbelief, anger, and mortification. “Yes.”

Her blue eyes glittered with fury.  “Were you
to fuck me?”

York stilled.  It wasn’t like that.  How could

Sky reached up and slapped him.  It didn’t hurt, but he understood her need for it.  She felt used, betrayed.  He could scent her
fury, confusion, and pain and he couldn’t fault her for any of it. 


“Don’t!”  She turned from him and stalked through the bedroom to the bathroom, slamming the door behind her.

  He didn’t think so.  York stalked to the door and gripped the handle in his massive hand.  It was locked, and he growled in annoyance that it had been fixed from when he’d broken it days earlier.  It only slowed him for a second.  He twisted hard, and the knob broke off.  He heard the other half hit the tile inside the bathroom before he shoved the door open and found Sky sitting on the edge of the tub.  Her head snapped up, and she wiped at her tear-stained cheeks as her sadness morphed into anger.

“What are you doing?  Get the hell out!” She stood and crossed to shove York hard in the chest.  He didn’t move.

“Sky, let me explain.”

She shoved at him again, but he still didn’t move.  “You already explained!  Paid to find me and got a free screw out of it!”  Her hands were shaking with her anger as she made to pass him. 
“I hope you got your money’s worth!” 

One large arm circled her waist and lifted her off the
floor.  She struggled, punching and kicking at the behemoth. 

York carried her easily to the bedroom and tossed her onto the bed.  She bounced once, but before she could right herself, he was on top of her
, her slight frame pinned beneath the weight of his own. 

She reached up to hit him, but found her wrists locked in one of his large hands and pinned above her head.  She squirmed until she grew exhausted and finally settled
, glaring up at him as she ground out from between clenched teeth, “Get. 
.  Of.  Me!”

York’s eyes narrowed.  “Do you honestly believe that the gift of your body, your passion, was anything less than the most exquisite experience of my life?”

Her cheeks flamed from the statement, and she turned her head to avoid his gaze as her chest continued to heave from her exertion.  “The perks of your job must be nice for you.”

“This isn’t typical, Sky.  I didn’t use you.
seduced me!”  He hated to point it out and knew it’d been a mistake when fresh tears flooded her eyes.  His eyes dipped to the halo around her neck, and he felt a flare of pride that she wore it.  “I have claimed you.  Nothing but death will part me from you.”

“What?” her gaze jerked to lock with his. 
She blinked rapidly to dispel her unshed tears.  “We’re not
, York!”

“No,” he shook his head.  “A Walker’s claiming is so much more than a human marriage.” 

She clenched her jaw for long seconds before hissing, “What in the hell are you talking about?”

His eyes dipped to the band around her
neck, and he lowered his head.  “I’m talking about this.”  He licked his tongue up the halo and Sky jerked under him, her startled gasp confirmation of the stories York had heard about a Walker’s gifted halo being tied to his Angel’s sex.  He wanted to know if it was true.

God that feels good!

Sky was shocked
at her reaction to York pinning her to the bed.  So attracted to him was she that she’d actually imagined him touching her intimately from the mere brushing of his nose along her jaw.

Heat pooled between her legs even as she tried to retain her anger.  She had to get him off her so that she could think more clearly.

“Let me up.”  Why did her voice suddenly sound so breathy, and where in the hell was all the conviction she’d had moments ago?

York’s nose rubbed along her chin again
, and she felt his tongue brush her neck, but that sensation was short-lived when she swore she could feel his tongue glide through her pussy.  She tried to clamp her legs together, but his weight kept them parted.  Suddenly, her angry breathing hitched and became labored from trying to ignore the ache that was welling in her womb.  Damn this vicious need for him!

He dipped his head and repeated whatever  he was
doing, and she nearly came.  Feminine honey seeped from her sex, preparing her for him.  Her nipples hardened and she didn’t dare move, lest the friction cause her to orgasm simply from York being on top of her.

Mmmm,” he rumbled at her ear, taking her lobe to nip it between his teeth.  “You smell so fucking good!  Like pears, and heaven, and…
.”  The last word rumbled from his chest just before his mouth descended on hers, and he devoured her. 

Sky had intention
s of denying him, but the fiery need searing her had her searching for any excuse to give in. 
It couldn’t hurt.  I could use him…like he used me.

It was a weak argument, but all that she needed.  She tried to pull her arms free, but York wouldn’t relent.  Instead, he rolled slightly off her to reach down with his free
hand and tear open the front of her jeans.  The same hand jerked back, sliding between the buttons of her blouse, and before she could protest, he was ripping it open.  Buttons flew as his hand expertly maneuvered the front clasp of her bra leaving her breasts free in record time. 

Like a man possessed, he took one nipple into his mouth before opening wider as if to take in the whole breast in a large bite.  But he didn’t bite.  He suckled and
teased, and his lips tugged on her for long seconds before he pulled back and slid his hand down over her rounded tummy and into her panties.  “Look at me,” he growled and Sky obeyed.  Her lips parted on a loud gasp when two fingers forged into her.

York’s eyes darkened with heated
lust, and his labored breathing rivaled her own as he pulled his fingers back then slowly pumped them back in. 

Sky’s desire coated
his fingers, and she couldn’t tear her eyes from him as he slowly finger fucked her.  She tried again to pull her arms free but couldn’t.  “I…,” she began tremulously as her breathing hitched with his quickened pace.  Her hips rolled involuntarily, devouring his fingers.  “I-I wanna touch you.”

“No,” he kept his heated gaze locked on hers.  “If you touch me, my heart, I’ll fucking cave.  I want this to be about you.”  He brushed his lips against hers
. “Only you.”  Sliding down her body, he jerked her pants and panties free and spread her legs wide.  He didn’t hesitate to bury his face between her legs. 

A pounding at the door had him growling as Sky jerked up and pulled the blanket across her chest.  It had to be Remy and his team.

Reluctantly, York gave Sky’s pussy one last sensual lick before the pounding at the door had him jerking off the bed.  “Get dressed,” he commanded as he exited the room, fully aware that he still hadn’t fully claimed his Angel!


Arriving in Montana hadn’t been
as Sky had expected, or York for that matter.  There was a foot of snow on the ground, which was odd for two reasons.  First, it was April and second, she’d just come from ninety-degree temperatures.  They’d landed and been driven to a place called Apex, which apparently upset York.  He’d thought they were going to StoneCrow, and she remembered it was the place he’d said Shy was located.

Shivering, she crossed to the fire burning in the hearth of the bedroom as she strained to listen to the conversation York was having in the other room.  A man named
Tyce was highly upset that York had set a meeting between the Keepers and Monroe StoneCrow.  York explained himself, and even though Tyce didn’t seem pleased, there wasn’t a lot he could do about it at this point.  StoneCrow’s people were on the grounds, and the meeting was going forward.

She was still upset with him for not telling her that she was a job.  The way he’d initially explained it made it sound like he’d come to protect her because she was the sister of his brother’s wife.  The fact that he’d only come for her because he’d been paid to do so hurt.

The sudden silence in the other room had her blinking at the fire as she drew out of her thoughts. 

The door clicked open and York entered.  He looked
weary, and she felt it too.  It’d been a long twenty-four hours. 

He carried a tray
upon which a large bowl of soup, a mug of something steamy, and a plate of chocolate-chip cookies resided.  “Are you getting settled?”  He placed the tray on a nearby table and eyed her warily as if he was nervous. 

She shrugged on
e slim shoulder. “Settled as I can be in a new place.”

“This is my suite.  It’s where I live off assignment.” He winced at the word
, remembering their heated debate.  “This is my home, Sky, and you are safe here.  Please, make yourself comfortable.  What I have is yours.”

She turned to eye the soup.  She was starving.  “Aren’t you eating?”

“No.”  He sounded disappointed and eyed her tray longingly.  He was growing weaker with each day he failed to fully claim his angel, but he wouldn’t tell her.  “I’ve got more work to do before I can rest.”  He watched as she crossed to the food, staring down at it before lifting her arms and wrapping them around her body.  She looked so small, so fragile.  He wanted to promise her that her interaction with the Megalya and Keepers was over.  She was safe now.  “You are safe here, Sky.  I’ve got you.”

Her words were so low that even with his enhanced hearing he almost missed them.  “You don’t have me.”

“This isn’t like the movies where the hero vows to protect the female and fails.  I won’t fail.  I don’t know
to fail where you’re concerned.  You are mine, and you will be safe even if I have to forfeit my life to ensure it.”

“How can you say that?”  She turned on him suddenly
.  “You can’t possibly mean those things.”  She closed the distance between them and poked him in the chest.  “You just friggin’ met me!”  She made to turn, but was jerked back when York gripped her arm and spun her to him.


Sky froze, not in fear, but from the emotion that glittered in York’s green eyes.  She didn’t move, wanting him to explain his vehement declaration and why her words affected him so…why
affected him.  She didn’t blink as she stared at her Celtic warrior, waiting for him to explain as his gaze bore into hers as if attempting to brand his thoughts into her.  Finally, she whispered, “York?”

He released his hold on her and dropped his arms to his side.  “I’ve been waiting for you forever, Sky.”

The words, coupled with his look of defeat, had her heart contracting painfully.  Unable to stop herself, she reached for him, smoothing a hand down his cheek to cup his jaw.  “I…I’m sorry.”  She didn’t know what she was apologizing for, but it was clear she’d hurt him and it wasn’t her intention.  She didn’t like seeing him like this.  He looked…lost, and it was painful to watch on someone who exuded such strength.

York lifted a hand to cover hers as
she continued to stroke a thumb over his cheek.

“It’s not your fault.  The blame is mine.”  He lowered his eyes to
her throat. “Apparently, I’m so desperate for love that I only know how to force it.  I just…  I just wanted to know what it felt like.”

Sky’s lips parted and she shook her head
. “What?”

Jade eyes found hers
, and she swallowed hard at the despair she read in their depths.  “I wanted to know how it felt to have someone love me.” 

“York, don’t,” she whispered, unable to bear any more of his anguish.  “You must have known love.  Surely, your parents, your siblings, your friends….”

“I have none of those,” his gaze hardened.  “I have Walkers who I call my brethren, but my camaraderie with them is based on a mutual need for survival.”

Sky licked her lips and spoke quietly in a placating
tone.  “E-everyone has parents.”

“I do not,” his harsh gaze flicked to hers.  “Much like you, they didn’t want me either.”

Sky jerked a hand to her chest as she simultaneously gasped and recoiled.  His accusation hurt, but not as much as the ache centered in her chest from his false assumption. “Y-you think I don’t want you?”  She swallowed around the pain at his revelation that his parents had given him up.  She couldn’t fix that, but she could fix what he thought of her.  Dropping her hand, she swallowed hard and scowled, letting anger at his words and the guilt she felt over them surge forth.  “I want you, you big friggin’ idiot!”  She punched his chest, and the constriction on her heart eased some when a grin tweaked his lips.  “Of course I want you!  Look at you.  You’re stunning, and strong, and you take better care of me than I do myself!”

He looked away in resignation, as if her caveat was a foregone conclusion. 

  “But I want some say!”  She planted her hands on her hips.  “We aren’t Beauty and the Beast.  You don’t just tell me what to do, and I go do it!”  Then she was pointing a finger into her own chest.  “I’m a fiercely independent woman, York!  I…” her voice broke and when he reached for her, she slapped his hand away, wrapping her arms across her stomach, and turning her back on him.  “I want to believe the things you said, but I’ve learned the hard way not to get my hopes up.”  She shook her head. “I know what it’s like to be unwanted.”  She lifted her head slightly to peer over her shoulder at him. “Do you know what it’s like to live in someone’s shadow?  I was always the bad twin.  The one that couldn’t live up to her sister’s accomplishments.  At first, I thought Shy was just really smart and talented.  After a while, I realized that she wasn’t that much better than me, I was just that much less than her.  It fucks with your head.”  She chuffed a laugh through the tears that streaked down her cheeks.  “I was engaged once.”  She looked up in time to catch the jealousy that streaked across his features.  “We’d dated for months.  I didn’t tell him I had a twin until he proposed, and only once we were headed to dinner to tell the family.”  Her face hardened as she gazed into the distance, “The moment he laid eyes on her, I knew I’d lost him.  Sky is a great sister, and she’d never betray me like that, but it didn’t keep him from dumping me to chase after her.  He was trying to trade-up.  It fucking hurt!” 

She turned to frown up at him as she used the palms of her hands to brush her tears away.  Drawing in a steadying breath, she squared her shoulders.
  “I’m just not ready for this…for you. I’m…”

re was a loud pounding at the door before it was pushed slowly open.  A man she now knew as Remy entered. “Sorry.  We’re taking the Keepers to StoneCrow.  Monroe’s demanded your presence.”

York looked at
Sky, and she motioned with her head toward the door. “Go.  We’ll finish this later.”

He spoke to Remy
, but kept his eyes on her.  “Can you get James to keep an eye on her?” 

“Already done,” Remy promised.

York crossed to her and grabbed her hand, pulling it up to place a gentle kiss on her palm before lowering his voice.  “I’m not giving you up, so you’d better come up with a plan B.”

smirked, but her eyes remained sad.

Remy demanded impatiently.

He held Sky’s gaze a moment longer before kissing her palm again. 
“I’ll be back soon.”  Then more loudly, “Coming.”

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