You (13 page)

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Authors: Zoran Drvenkar

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You’re in a freeze-frame. Your girlfriends are frozen in that moment that has already been and will never be again. You’re sitting in Ruth’s room. You know that Coldplay’s first CD is going to play through the speakers at any moment. Ruth has all their albums, but is only allowed to put on this one, because you’ve decided that
is authentic and everything else is just homespun pop for teenyboppers. Whatever you are, you’ve never been teenyboppers. Or as Nessi once put it:
We’re far too old to be young

You’re lying stretched out on the floor with your head in Schnappi’s lap. Above you is the moss-green ceiling that you painted together; sometimes flakes fall down on your heads because you had to go and apply the paint too thickly. Schnappi looks at you like a photograph that only comes to life when you let it.


It’s autumn, it’s a good nine months ago. Your hair was long at the time, then before Christmas you went to the hairdresser and for the next few months your girls called you Frenchie. Yes, your hair has grown since then, but you keep it short because you’ve always thought it ridiculous that you’ve all got the same hairdo. Long, long, long.

Schnappi with her hair that’s like black silk, Ruth and her blond fringe with which she tries in vain to hide the pimples on her forehead, Stink who’s dyed her mane dark red as long as you’ve known her, and Nessi who looks like an angel and makes you sigh every time she piles up her golden hair and shows her neck. It was a good step on your part to change your hairstyle.

In a minute

Ruth sits cross-legged on the bed with a magazine in her lap, she’s flicking through it, her tongue peeps out between her lips. Stink sits opposite her on the windowsill with a cigarette in her hand, even though smoking’s forbidden at Ruth’s house, but Stink can’t help it. You remember she actually squeezed out a tear when Ruth told her she couldn’t smoke. Stink is no smoker, but on the other hand she doesn’t like anyone telling her she can’t do something.

You know what she’s going to say next. She’s going to ask you what’s so funny about her not wanting to have anything more to do with that guy. You know your reaction, too. All thoughts and words are still frozen. Cigarette smoke floats like a charcoal line in the air.

You breathe out.


“… so funny about it?” Stink asks defiantly. “Axel’s an idiot, do I look like someone who wants to be with an idiot?”

“For three months now,” says Ruth.

“That was never three months!”

“Then a quarter of a year.”

You laugh, Stink rolls her eyes and asks what’s so funny about it. You think it is incredibly funny, and if Stink wasn’t in such a stinky mood she’d laugh too, but of course that’s not going to work, it would make the joke less funny.

A breeze drifts through the window and scatters the smoke around the room. You inhale the smell deeply and wish you were brave enough to have one too.

“Don’t even think about it,” Ruth says from the bed.

“I’ll think what I like,” you tell her.

Ruth holds up the magazine. You all look at it for a moment and shake your heads. You’re evaluating actresses. You’re cruel. Apart from a few exceptions you think they’re all bitches who make too much money. Nessi’s the only one who knows all their names.

“Cate Blanchett,” she says.

“Show me,” says Stink.

Ruth holds the magazine out toward her.

“That’s not Cate Blanchett.”

“That’s Kate Winslet,” says Schnappi.

Ruth looks at the magazine and reads, “Cate Blanchett.”

“Shit,” says Stink.

Nessi nods contentedly. She’s sitting on one of those idiotic seats that are filled with beans and every time you move it sounds like a drunk jogger running down a pebble beach.

“If you fart into it,” says Schnappi, “we’ll have chili tonight.”

You drink your Fanta. You’re waiting for Ruth to hold up the next photograph when the door flies open. Even though you knew
Ruth’s mother was about to breeze in you give a start, just like you gave a start then. The memory is so fresh in your head that you want to call out to your girlfriends:
I’ve been here before and want to stay here forever!

“I thought I smelled smoke.”

Ruth’s mother looks around. She’s thrown you out before, because the music was too loud. Stink makes eyes so big that she might as well hang up a sign. Her cigarette has disappeared, but of course Stink had to take one last drag and the smoke’s still in her lungs.

“I don’t understand you lot. You’re girls, aren’t you? What does this place look like?”

Typical Ruth’s mother. Can see perfectly well what it looks like, and asks what it looks like. You take a look around as if you’d only just gotten here. It doesn’t look great. All the scattered clothes and comics and pages from the school presentation that you really wanted to discuss but when that got boring Schnappi just dropped the pages on the floor. There’s the tray of scraped ice cream bowls and a sticky stain on the carpet where one of the spoons was dropped. And then of course the nachos. Ruth’s cat was desperate to get its head in the bag. Then it walked around for a while with the thing on its head, then it shook itself and the nachos flew all over the carpet.

“That was Freddie,” says Schnappi.

“Maybe we should put Freddie to sleep,” says Ruth’s mother.

“God, Mom,” sighs Ruth without looking up from the magazine.

“Don’t ‘God Mom’ me, Ruth, or I’m throwing you all out.”

Ruth pretends not to have heard anything and holds up the magazine. You shake your heads. No points. You’re TV series junkies and you’ve seen all the episodes of
at least twice; as far as you’re concerned the women have to look like Kate or nothing at all.

“Milla Jovovich,” says Nessi.

“Julie Delpy,” says Ruth’s mother.

“Minnie Driver,” says Schnappi.

You burst out laughing.

“Why are you laughing?” asks Schnappi.

“You wouldn’t recognize Minnie Driver if she sat on your lap.”

“Would too.”

Ruth looks at the magazine. Of course Nessi’s right. Ruth’s
mother curses, she could have sworn that was Julie Delpy. Stink coughs out the smoke.

“What’s the matter with you?” asks Ruth’s mother.

“Cancer,” says Stink and thumps her chest.

“You don’t make jokes about that.”

“Tell that to my doctor.”

You all giggle, Ruth’s mother narrows her eyes slightly. Dangerous.

“Isabell, I don’t want you to smoke in our living room. How many times—”

“God, Mom,” Ruth butts in and lowers the magazine. “Really, that’s enough. Please shut the door behind you. Take a look …”

She points around her, as if her mother hadn’t noticed where she was.

“—this is a girls’ meeting.”

For a moment you think Ruth has gone too far. You’re the only one grinning, because you know how Ruth’s mother will react.
My daughter
, she will say and smile.

“My daughter,” she says and smiles.

“My mom,” Ruth replies and smiles back and disappears into her magazine again as if her mother had left the room ages ago.

Schnappi strokes your head, you stretch and purr like you were Freddie. Nessi shifts her backside on the beanbag and says:
This is going to be a delicious chili
. You all snort with laughter, and when you’ve calmed down you notice that Ruth’s mother is still standing in the doorway.

“You’re such a bunch of bitches,” she says.

Stink doesn’t contradict her.

“We might be bitches,” she says, “but we’re sweet bitches.”

Schnappi raises her thumb, Ruth raises her thumb, and you raise your left leg. Nessi just shrugs and says, “When Stink’s right, she’s right.”

Ruth’s mother leans forward, her mouth moves, no words come out, but you’re used to reading her lips. Whether it’s
Get out
Shut up
. You know the nuances. You’re familiar with this one too.
I hate you
. It’s meant nicely. No one hates you, you are loved. The door closes, and at that very moment
comes to an end, the last song fades away, and you know what that means—there’ll be a
little pause, followed by the song that Ruth found on the internet. A rarity that doesn’t appear on any Coldplay album. At any moment a guitar will come in and you’ll sing along the way you always do.

You taste the first lines in your mouth and realize why time has dragged you here—this song belongs to what has been, and it belongs to the Taja who will lie nine months later completely wasted on the sofa in her father’s living room and lose her connection with reality.

But your hair’s still long, your girlfriends are still with you, and you’re not yet the loneliest person in the world. The song brings everything together. You wait, the pause ends, the guitar sounds and you take a breath and Stink says, “Don’t imagine it’ll be as easy as that.”

You look at her with surprise. These are the wrong words. You’re singing now, it’s got to happen, but the music has fallen silent, no one’s singing.

, you think,
that’s wrong

“We’ll sing along later,” says Ruth and lowers the remote control.

“Did you really think you could avoid us?” Schnappi asks.

You sit up and slide away from her on your butt, a few nachos crumble under your hand, the girls look at you.

“We’re waiting,” says Stink.

“For … for what?”

You go quiet, you’re just bluffing, because you know very well what they’re waiting for. Nessi rummages in her jeans and throws you her phone.

“I’ve tried to contact you thirty-six times. Check, if you don’t believe me.”

“And I’ve tried just as many times,” says Schnappi.

“I hate your voicemail more than I hate the fucking Simpsons,” says Ruth.

Stink slips from the windowsill and crouches in front of you.

“Now will you tell us what’s up with you?”

You smell her breath. Cigarettes and lemon ice cream. Stink takes your hand in hers. And the way she’s looking at you, the way all your girls are looking at you, you tell them the truth.

“I’m not really here. I’m from the future.”

Ruth crouches down next to Stink.

“Christ, Taja, we know that already.”

“Do you think we haven’t known that?” Schnappi asks behind you.

“But that doesn’t explain anything,” says Nessi. “Or do you think it does?”

You know it doesn’t explain anything, you curse time and its little games and close your eyes tight as if you were in a dream, and when you open them again you’re lying alone on the sofa in your father’s living room and your mouth is dry as dust and your cheeks are wet with tears.
Where are you all?
you think longingly and grip the edge of the table and pull it across the carpet until it’s right in front of you. Your hand seeks, your hand finds. You press your phone tightly to your chest and breathe out with relief.

Now everything’s going to be fine

You push your face back into the sofa cushion until you can’t breathe anymore and that’s a good way to vanish into merciful darkness.

Above you hangs the night, below you lies the darkness, and you’re floating between the two and hear your girls calling to you. You imagine it’ll be like this forever. Just floating and not worrying about anything and forgetting that there’s a child growing in you.
I could let go and sink
, you think and realize it’s nonsense. You’ve never had a high opinion of people who killed themselves because they couldn’t take on life. In books, in movies, in life. But who knows what you’ll think in ten years; who knows what you’ll think when you’re lying in a bed somewhere sick and full of pain or when your heart is broken and the world seems as dark as the lake below you and the night above you. Who knows.

You turn in the water and only now do you feel the full weight of your wet clothes dragging you down. In no particular hurry, you move your arms and swim back to shore.

The boys think it’s sexy, they say you should do it more often. You grin, you have humor, your teeth are chattering. The world is full of idiots, and you’re one of them. Your clothes lie drying on the grass, Ruth has given you her jacket. You’re sitting by the fire, your knees against your chest, your eyes closed. Schnappi said her heart nearly stopped when she saw you in the water, but as her heart stops every time a good-looking guy walks by, that doesn’t mean much. What’s much more noticeable is that Schnappi’s avoiding your eye.
You don’t need to ask. Your girls know you’re pregnant. Schnappi’s never been good at keeping secrets.

“Are you cold?” asks Stink.

You shake your head and feel as if you’re six years old again and sitting by the fire with your parents after a long hike, so terribly tired and so terribly excited at being allowed to stay up so late with the grown-ups. Stink puts an arm around you. The boys talk on and on. You are all patient, as girls are only patient when they want to get rid of boys. You are looking into the flames, you are barely talking. One after the other the boys say goodbye. Eric mumbles:
Maybe we’ll meet up later in the bar
. And then you’re alone at last.

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