You Called Me-ARE and Apple epub (14 page)

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“Well, tomorrow I’m joining Benjamin and the kids for breakfast. Join us if you want.”

He pinched the bridge of his nose before peering down over her face. “You’re going to make me work for this, aren’t you, Ms. Claiborne?”

“That was your mistake thinking I was an easy mark, not mine.” He closed the space between them and she could see the young boys in the room starting to watch, fisting their hands over their mouths. What next, cat calls? “Unless you want to explain the show you’re putting on for these young boys to their parents, I suggest you pump the brakes on all this flirting.”

She froze as he turned to the boys, his voice bouncing off the trees.” oy’s, everyone back in the cabin in thirty minutes then lights out in one hour. We’re ice skating tomorrow,” he said. She watched him play with her braids again. “You have a choice, kiss or hug. Hurry and decide.”

Wrapping her arms around his waist, Kenya pressed in tight.

“Open your coat.” Jonathan’s fingers worked her zipper down. His hard warm body cradled her. His hands slid under her coat flat to her back.

Kenya tipped her head back to see him and found his mouth inches from hers.

“Good night, Jonathan,” she said, her body rocked beneath his embrace. Jonathan’s demeanor changed as he peered into her face. All the play left revealing serious eyes and stiff chin. “I don’t think I’m gonna like…”

“I let you have your way today. Tomorrow we do this my way.”

“Excuse me!”

“I like you. Deal with it. Good night, Kenya.”

She grabbed his sleeve. “Wait, one question,” she said dying to know the answer to something bothering her since they'd met.

“One question.”

“When you undressed your did you remove my stockings?”

She followed his movements as he eased around to stand at her back and whispered along her neck, “After I removed your blouse and skirt, I laid you back on the bed. Sliding my fingers beneath the lace of your thigh highs, I rolled them down your soft skin until I had those sexy legs bare and open. I took a hot washcloth, wiped gently down your legs, then up between your thighs until my knuckles brushed the dip in your panties where your swollen lips melded to the silk. My mouth watered for just one lick,” he brushed his mouth over her earlobe kissing the cold skin. “I craved to taste the delicious scent rising from your body. Rubbing my knuckle against your clit through the panties, told me two things.”

Her voice breathy she managed two words, “What's that?”

“One, you smelled like fruit and two you are smooth as chocolate mousse between your legs.” Kenya sucked in a breath closing her arms under her breast. “After slipping on the t-shirt, staring at your breast until I felt dizzy, I placed you on your stomach kissed the backs of your knees and pulled the covers over your back. I sat watching you until I couldn't take seeing your ass rise up and down as you squirmed in your sleep. I brought Judge in and left you to rest. Licking my knuckles, still scented from your body, I went and cooked dinner to blow off some steam.”

Biting her lip, kept her from moaning. His hot breath on her throat and hand caressing her hip, Kenya's body moistened with his arousal thick and hard along her hip.

“And that's all you did while I laid there unconscious half naked?” she charged suspiciously.

“I'm no boy scout, Kenya. Was it wrong? Yes. Would I have done more without your consent? Never. Next time I won't use my knuckle and you won't have on any panties. And, oh yeah, that mole just under your left mine. Get some rest, Pretty Lady,” he said, walking off down the path behind the group of boys.

She stared out the cabin door. Jonathan’s jeans, gripping his muscled thighs tortured her behind every step he made through the snow.  He followed the boys to their cabins. She called after him, “Night, Jonathan.” She hadn't been dreaming that day. Jonathan had kissed the backs of her knees. It wasn't a dream. 



The next morning fresh snow coated the tracks over the ground, left by the kids from the previous night. Kenya absorbed the beautiful landscape, the air crisp and cool. No wind it was the perfect temperature to be out and enjoy Mother Nature. She laced up her ice skates and headed across to the edge of the frozen pond where the kids had congregated. Kenya looped her arm through one of the young ladies as they edged out onto the ice. It's been over two years since she’d ice skated and the cold air and flurries plucked the day straight from a painting. So beautiful, she smelled the luscious scent of hot chocolate in the air and cinnamon from the main cabin where they’d served up a hearty breakfast for the kids. Too many calories for her, but it smelled amazing.

“Ms. Claiborne,” a young girl skated over, her coat bright enough to be seen from Mars. Only a teenager can pull off neon purple. “Mr. Roberts wanted me to tell you he’s over on the other end. I think he likes you.” The girl grinned, touching Kenya’s hand.

“Molly, I think you should get out there and show me all those moves you bragged about in the cabin last night. I told you I wanted to see them. Don’t worry about who Mr. Roberts may or may not have a crush on.”

“Molly, please, Mr. Blakemore is macking Ms. Claiborne big time,” Jennifer said, tipping her head out over the ice where Jonathan stood eyeing her arms crossed while he spoke to Fiona. She’d have to look into this Gortex, because Jonathan had on one of those gripping shirts. The man’s body should offer pregnancy tests after each glance. Her womb clinched at the mere outline of his muscled torso beneath the shirt. Kenya focused. Someone tugged on her hand.

“Really, cool. They cleared the ice and we're ready to skate. Come out to the center of the ice,” Molly urged. Kenya followed the kids to the frozen pond. Little did they know, Kenya had skated every weekend as a little girl. The rink across the street from her house, the only place her parents allowed her to walk to, she’d go as often as she could widdle five dollars from her dad. All her other friends were roller-skating while she ice-skated in between the hockey league’s practice times.

“Kenya, ready to get some shaved ice on your boots?” Benjamin asked as she plowed into him. She dodged two of the kids barreling toward her just in time, avoiding taking a blade across her leg. Kids whizzed by trying to impress each other. 

She squinted at the kids. She got her balance. Unfolding herself from Benjamin’s hard body, she leveled a finger at the kids. They’d done that on purpose. “I’m Sorry. Good morning, Benjamin, seems like everybody’s excited to get started this morning.”

“Not complaining, Kenya.”

She shot him a glance. Benjamin had flirted. 

“It’s been a few years since I’ve done this, but it’ll come back to me…after a few falls.” Whirling around she looked to see who laughed and realized she had. Had she been so serious lately? Yes.

“Don’t worry, I’ll catch you.” Benjamin caught her all right, by the arm and led her out on the ice. She found a very nice man in her partner. Although he flirted, it was more that he had an upbeat personality that made him attractive.

Out on the ice, she gave in to the freedom.
Everybody should learn to ice skate,
she thought. Cold air rushed across her face as she raced the girls on the ice…exhilarating. Benjamin skating up behind her to race her around the frozen pond only to crash into some of the kids playing hockey on the other end had her doubled over laughing. Tears streamed down her face. 

Once all the kids were wrangled, warmed with hot cider, and accounted for, they made their way out into the woods. Sitting close to Benjamin as he taught the kids to make campfires, s’mores, and survival igloos, she realized how closed off she’d been lately working toward the accounts manager promotion. Her life revolved around work and she needed to drop her shields more often and enjoy herself.

The kids were having such a good time, Kenya honestly enjoyed being around them. Benjamin handed her a s’more, marshmallow dripping over the square cracker. Tipping her face, she licked the white sweet spun sugar seconds before it hit her jeans and caught Benjamin’s warm eyes focused on her mouth. Serious, with all hint of jolly woodsman gone, he closed a napkin over her chin.

“These things can be very messy and hot, don’t burn your lip…”he said. 

She thanked him for the napkin and scooted back on the edge of the stump they perched on. Could see he wasn’t as innocent as she’d first thought. His dark stare said he wanted to taste more than the s’more. She stood and leaned against the tree.

“What time do we meet in the morning?” she asked, a bit freaked out at his interest. Jonathan was all she could handle right now and this man wanted more than a s’more.

“Seven thirty,” he told her voice huskier than a moment ago. “Kenya…tonight, after the kid's free time, come hang out. We’ll do some late night cross country? he suggested. She handed a bag of marshmallows and the last of the chocolate bars to the kids around the fire and moved back beside the tree.

“Benjamin, any other time I would accept, but…”

He pushed away from the bench and stood, tall and imposing, in front of her.

“No need to explain, “he said, brushing crumbs off her collar. “I thought there might be something between you and Jonathan.”

“He’s…a friend.”

“Kenya, I’m a friend. Jonathan’s looking for more.” Benjamin dipped a glance, pulling heat to her face. “You're hot and fun to be around any guy would find you attractive.”

“I noticed more than one woman checking you out in the main cabin.”

“It's the flare gun in my waistband, it drives the women wild.” Kenya laughed and finished her s’more. She stared out through the trees. The woods were beautiful and the picture of playing with Jonathan behind the main cabin made her blush.

Leaning against the tree, she kept an eye out for her kids avoiding the truth of his words. She liked Jonathan Blakemore.

A weight against her leg brought her attention to the ground. Judge stood panting between her and Benjamin. Reaching down she stroked his back beginning to develop a soft spot for the log of muscle and legs.

“Tell me you’re not running around loose. Where’s your daddy? There’s kids out here that don't know you're a sweetheart. Not everyone is dog friendly.”

That spicy delicious aroma crossed under her nose followed by the deep voice caressing her body.

“Judge is kid friendly,” Jonathan said, slipping an arm around her waist, easing her to her feet and away from the tree. “Enjoying yourself, pretty lady?” Jonathan asked his baroque thick and warm.

She arched a brow. “I’m having a great time. I’m glad I came, regardless.” She felt his body tighten fingers gripping her ribs.

“We’re not going there again. Fiona wants me with an Irish woman. If it means she pretends to be some woman I’m seeing and cuddles up to me than she will.”


“I’ll go check on the kids,” Benjamin said, touching Kenya’s hand before giving Jonathan a quick nod and skating off across the pond.

Jonathan slipped his hand under her coat and hooked his finger in the loop of her jeans. Why fight this guy any longer? She was attracted to him and him to her.

She leaned closer to him. “There are impressionable children here,” she warned, huffing out a breath “I’ll meet you when the kids go on free time and we can talk.”

His thumb grazed beneath her waistband over her long john shirt. “Seems I’m not the only one wanting your attention,” Jonathan hurled out impatiently.


“Only of your panties, Kenya.”

She stood shocked by his brash tone. “I’ll wait for you by the ski lift. Bring your poles and we’ll cross country down the track,” she said, slipping from his grasp. She blushed, turning, eyeing the landscape. Did she take her pill today? Would it be so bad to give in to Jonathan and take him to bed? She had to stop thinking with her clit before she found her legs behind her head feet pressed to the headboard. 

“I want everybody over here where you can hear me,” Jonathan said hurriedly, Kenya shook her head him angling her back to his side. Focusing on the snow kept her from making eye contact with the two teenagers, Molly and Jennifer, who knew Jonathan was macking on her. “Free time starts now. One hour. When I close the door on the main cabin…”

“We know, if we’re not there we don’t qualify for the college book program.”

Kenya turned and stared at Jonathan. “What is that? A book program?” she asked in a curious childlike tone. Maybe that’s why one of the boys answered her and not Jonathan.

“Follow camp rules and Mr. Blakemore pays for our books if we get into college.”

“If?” Jonathan groaned.

“When, Big B.
we get into college,” the young man corrected. Another layer to this man’s personality revealed itself and impressed didn’t cover what she felt.

“Mr. Blakemore, is Ms. Claiborne your honey?” one of the boys asked behind a snicker and Kenya gave him the dirty eye—honey. She wasn't fourteen...felt good though.

She fought the smile creeping across her face with Jonathan brushing snow off her cheek. Minus the gloves, his thick fingers were gentle and sensual. He fluffed the scarf around her neck, waiting to see if she would answer.

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