You Can't Go Home Again (21 page)

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Authors: Aubrianna Hunter

BOOK: You Can't Go Home Again
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* * * * *

Jace watched her run off, his hand reaching out to stop her
too late. He’d done it again. He’d thought there was something more between
them than there actually was. And she’d run away…again. Apparently he was just
too stupid to learn. She’d been humoring him, or maybe sating some latent need,
the other night in his bed. Maybe it had been pity, thinking he was too doped
up to even know what he was doing. Either way, he had managed to chase her away

He was furious with himself. Out of her ramblings, he had
picked up on the gist. She wanted them to be friends…at least friendly enough
that she could come back here and visit with Jenn and Bri, and their kids down
the line.

As much as he wanted to hate her again, he knew he couldn’t.
Not even he could hate someone simply for not returning his feelings. Leaving
his coat and vest, Jace climbed in his truck and drove away. He was too tired,
too frustrated, and too fucking aroused to be able to make nice tonight. He
would go see Dani tomorrow. He would apologize. He would try to forget the way
she fit against him. Try to forget her body’s response. He would try to be her

* * * * *

The next morning Dani showed up at Jenn and Bri’s just
before seven a.m. Before she even knocked she heard Jenn yelling, “Where are my
white sandals?”

Hearing Bri’s response, “Wherever you left them. Didn’t you
already pack them?” Dani let herself in.

“Knock knock! Are you guys ready?”

Jenn’s head popped out from the back hallway, “Almost.
Hi…well, you look more rested than I would have thought. And you still had time
to swing home and change.”

It took a minute before Dani figured out what she was
talking about. “No, I didn’t swing home. I was home. I swung by your parents’
house and picked up my car.”

“So, you and Jace went to your place last night? Huh, his
was closer. I would have thought that was a necessity.”

“No, I took a cab home. I’d had too much champagne to drive.
And, I took a cab back this morning. Jace, I’m assuming, is at home.”

“So, you guys didn’t… I mean, it looked… Well?”

Dani couldn’t help but laugh. “Okay, you got married last
night, you’re leaving for your honeymoon in a few minutes. I’m just here to act
as taxi service, and pick up keys and a puppy. Why are you so worried about my
sex life? Didn’t he keep you busy enough with your own?”

Jenn grinned a wicked grin. “Yes…but yours looked pretty
interesting, too. At least from the kissing we saw when we left last night.”

“Well, it was just kissing. And I put a stop to even that.
So, there’s nothing for you to be interested in.”

Jenn’s face scrunched up. Her nose all wrinkly, she asked,
“You stopped it?”

“Yes, Jenn, and you know why. So, let’s talk about the
important things…Do you have all your bathing suits and lingerie? Cuz I’m
betting you won’t need much else.”

Jenn looked at Dani, a really long look. Finally deciding
that the topic was closed for the moment, she went along with the change in
subject. “Yes, we’re ready. Bri’s bringing the luggage out. We’ll be back next
Sunday. You know, you really should get rid of the rental and just drive my car
while we’re gone. It’s silly to pay for it. Anyway, just take care of my baby
for me.” As Jenn fell into the silly baby-talk voice, Dakota, the puppy Dani
was babysitting, came scampering out of the kitchen, dancing around their feet.

Jenn bent down, scooping up the fuzzy bundle and kissing his
head all over the place with loud smooch noises. “I’m going to miss you, baby!
But Dani will take good care of you.”

She passed him off to Dani, who, laughing, took him and held
him on her hip like a baby. “You know, he’s almost too big to pick up. In
another month or so, you won’t be able to.”

Jenn sighed. “I know. But he’s just so darned cute. Okay, so
be good to him, and just make yourself at home.”

“Actually, I was thinking I’d rather take him to my place,
if you don’t mind. I’d feel better if he peed on the hardwood floor than if he
had an accident on your carpet. And, since I’ve never had a puppy, I’m pretty
sure I’ll blow it and he’ll have an oops.”

Jenn laughed, scratching his chin again. “Well, since he’s
already peed on the carpet, it doesn’t matter. It cleans. But you can take him
to your house. That’s fine. Okay, are we ready?”

Bri had just come around the corner, carrying so much
luggage it looked as if they were moving away.

Jenn took the puppy and put him in his crate. Dani would
pick him up on the way back from the airport, but for now he was safest there.
“Sure thing, let’s go.”

As Dani dropped them at the airport terminal, Jenn leaned in
for a quick hug. She managed one last comment before walking away. “When I get
home, we are so finishing that conversation. I want to know why you slept alone
last night.”

She waved her fingers over her shoulders, leaving Dani
standing there, mouth hanging open.

Chapter 33

Jace showed up at Dani’s house just before noon. He knocked
several times, even rang the doorbell. He knew she was here—the Land Rover was
out front. When he heard laughter from the backyard, he headed around the side
and through the fence.

He found Dani, rolling in the grass with a yellow ball of
fuzz on top of her licking her face. For just a moment, he could see his
future, the one he wanted. He felt the air rush out of him, leaving him
breathless and raw. It occurred to him that he’d never really gotten over her.
Never really even tried. He’d just traded all the good emotion for bad, making
him hate her instead.

Now, seeing her laughing and playing with a puppy, he realized
he wanted this, wanted her, forever. He was hopelessly in love with her. And
she wanted to be his friend. Sure…why the hell not.

He caught his breath, trying for a casual smile. He strolled
over and scooped the puppy off her tummy. Seeing the shocked expression on her
face almost made him feel better. Almost.

“So, I see you’ve made a new friend?”

“Yeah. I guess I have. We’d met a few times before, but I
think he just likes everyone.” She hopped to her feet, standing a few feet away
from Jace. “What are you doing here?”

The question was polite enough, not angry, just inquiring.
“I, uh…I wanted to apologize.”

“For what?”

She seemed genuinely confused.

“For last night. And the night before, and the one before
that too, actually. When I realized it was real, not part of my dream, I guess
I assumed that you wanted…me…a physical relationship.”

Jace was stumbling over his words… He never stumbled.

“Anyway, I just wanted to say that I heard you…last night.
Once I sorted out what you’d said, anyway. But, I get it. And, I’d like that
too. To be friends again.”

* * * * *

He wanted to be her friend. She should be thrilled. He
wasn’t angry, he didn’t hate her. They wouldn’t fight anymore. So, they
wouldn’t kiss anymore either, but…well, it was what she wanted. Right?

She watched him playing with the puppy, looking relaxed and
happy for the first time since she’d been here. She thought about Friday,
setting up for the wedding. Laughing and teasing. If you took away the kiss, it
had been much like it had before she’d left. She thought about the rush of
desire every time she got anywhere near him. Was it worth it?

The answer was undeniably yes. She would just have to keep
her distance.

When he finally saw her nod, Jace let out the breath he
hadn’t been aware he’d been holding. He felt the tension leave his body, his
neck and shoulders relax.

When she saw the grin, the mischievous, sideways smirk she’d
always loved, she inwardly groaned. Friends…with the man who made her blood
sizzle. God, she was an idiot.

“Okay, so, do you want some lunch? I was going to make a
turkey sandwich… No reason I can’t make two.”

He set the puppy down and headed up onto the deck. He opened
the back door, leaning slightly against it. “After you.”

She walked past him, careful not to touch him, and into the

* * * * *

She and Jace spent the afternoon together. They had lunch,
he at the table, she on the counter. He laughed at her, commenting that she
hadn’t grown up enough to use furniture.

He helped her move some stuff out to the dumpster she’d
rented, carrying down some of the heavier boxes from the attic. They went
through the kitchen, dumping every old appliance and even most of the pots and
pans. She kept only what she would need for the week.

They played with the puppy some more, taking Dakota for a
short walk around the neighborhood.

After a few hours, they were starting to fall into their old
comfort zones. Some of the awkwardness from earlier had faded, leaving behind
the remnants of a once strong friendship. There were even short moments where
Dani could forget she’d ever left.

For dinner, they hopped in her car and went into town to
grab something from the Mexican food place. They took it back to her house,
settling in to watch a movie, the puppy curled up on the floor beside Dani.

They found a horror movie on cable, and decided on that.
Making fun of the stupid women in horror flicks had long been a favored
pastime. When Jace made a stupid girly voice, saying, “Aaahh… I’m the sexy
girl… Let me walk off alone into the woods so I can get killed,” Dani reached
back and punched him in the stomach.

He grabbed her wrist in reflex, laughing and wrapping his
hands over her fist. “You would never get killed in one of these. Swing first,
ask questions later.” He shook his head. “Nothing’s changed.”

As the flash of fire zipped up her arm, only then did she
remember that she couldn’t touch him. As his hand opened hers, sliding his
fingers into hers until they were holding hands, she felt the heat unfurl in
her core. As her body responded against her will, she thought just how wrong he
was. She’d always been attracted to him, but now, knowing what it was like to
make love to him, she couldn’t control her physical response. Some things had
definitely changed.

Her breasts felt heavy and achy again. The nipples began to
tighten into little peaks, silently begging for his mouth to close over them.
She had to get her hand out of his! She pulled away, jumping up and heading to
the kitchen, yelling over her shoulder. “Want another soda?”

* * * * *

Jace groaned as she left the room. He hadn’t meant to touch
her, not at all. It had been a reflex when she’d punched at his stomach. Then
when her hand had been in his, it had been the most natural thing in the world
to simply hold on. He hadn’t kissed her, or nipped at her fingers like he’d
wanted to. Apparently even the casual touches they used to share were no longer
allowed. That was probably better anyway. Just feeling her skin had been enough
to give him a cock as hard as iron.

When she popped her head back around the corner to the
kitchen, he forced a smile.

“Did you want another soda?”

“Yeah, sure.” Anything cold would be helpful.

When she came back in a few minutes later, they finished up
the movie in silence. Jace left as soon as it was over, almost racing to the
door with a quick wave over his shoulder.

Well, that hadn’t gone very well.

* * * * *

The next couple of days were better. Jace came over almost
every day, early in the day, heading out around five or so to go to the bar. By
Wednesday, Dani needed to get away from the house, so she called Zack and Sara
asking if either of them wanted to meet her at Hooligan’s. They both agreed.
Zack was actually off that night and, oddly, didn’t have a date.

Jace looked up to see Zack walk in with Sara. Surprised to
see them, he was less so when Dani came in a couple minutes later. Feeling the
now familiar surge of lust, adrenaline and simple pleasure at seeing her, he
knew he was in deep. He’d just have to ride it out until she left. Maybe Bri
had the right idea… Maybe it was time to find someone and settle down.

The thought left him cold.

When Zack swooped Dani into a none-too-subtle embrace, Jace
felt the green-eyed monster rise again. Damn! He’d thought he had that under

Looking around the bar, seeing just a few of the weekday
regulars, Jace headed over to join the group. Grabbing a chair and pulling it
deliberately between Zack and Dani, he felt a little calmer. He knew he
couldn’t have her, but he’d be damned if Zack would.

They all talked, laughed, Zack sending Jace a quick look of
surprise, although Jace wasn’t sure what he was surprised over—Dani and Jace
getting along, or the kiss last week. When the ladies excused themselves to the
restroom, Jace finally found out.

“So, what’s with you and Dani?” Zack wasted no time in

“Nothin’. Why do you ask?”

“Well, that kiss wasn’t nothin’. And the dancing and kissing
at the wedding. That all looked like something. Now, you’re hands off, but not
screaming at her either. What gives?”

“We’re friends.”

“You’re not interested?” Seeing the glare on Jace’s face
brought a low, rumbling laugh out of Zack.

“I see…she shot you down.”

Another glare, another laugh. “Damn, dude. I gotta say, it’s
kind of funny to see the great Jason Bradford finally go down for the count.”

Jace scrubbed his hand over his face, running it backward
through his hair. “Yeah, well. It kind of sucks from this end.”

“So, you don’t deny it? Interesting. What are you going to
do about it?”

Jace shrugged his shoulders, looking as lost as he obviously
felt. “Nothing. I’m going to do nothing. At least, I’m gonna try to.”

“Nothing. That’s you’re plan?” Again, Jace shrugged his
shoulders. “Not much of a plan. Maybe you should try to do something. Try to
get her to stay.”

“Did you hear her sing the other night? Plus, she loves her
job, loves being in production. What in the hell would she do in Austin,
Texas?” He shook his head. “Nah. I’m going to do nothing. And after Jenn and
Bri get home, she’ll leave.”

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