You Said Forever (Club Decadence) (9 page)

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Regan lay there waiting for her reaction.  She had shot holes in Megan’s well-crafted theory by throwing out a lot of lies with some truths mixed in.  Had it been enough to shake her confidence in her theory and disprove it?  Time would tell.  But did it really even matter anymore.  She felt certain that if Rick ever did find out the truth he would end it before she did.  Admittedly, she had broken just about every rule of their D/s and DD contracts and her wedding vows; honesty, trust, love, honor, obedience but especially respect.  She had dug herself such a hole so deep she couldn’t see daylight anymore.  Regan wondered how she had set her feet on such a self-destructive path.   

Megan broke into her silent musings with a valid threat that got Regan’s attention.  “Right or wrong, if you don’t straighten up soon I’m going to Rick with my theory.  In all that bullshit just now, you never came out and denied it.  So if I’m way off base here you better tell me now.”  She got no response except for Regan’s exasperated sigh as she pulled the covers over her head.

Megan left the room a few minutes later frustrated that Regan had clammed up and wouldn’t tell her anything.  She left her with a final declaration.  “I’m really disappointed that you don’t feel you can trust me with whatever this is.  All this drama lately has me at my wits end with you, Regan.  You’re acting live a stubborn teenager with a secret.  Why do you think you have to handle this on your own when you are surrounded by people who love you?  Someone needs to knock some sense into you.  I hope when Rick gets here he wallops your stubborn ass so hard you can’t sit down for a week.  And if he doesn’t, I will!”  She couldn’t refrain from slamming the door as she stormed out in exasperation.

Later that evening, Regan lay on her side looking at the wall, unseeing.  She rewound the confrontation with Rick over and over in her head.  She could still feel the vibrations in the room from the slamming door as Rick stormed out just like Megan.  She could hear the echo of his boots as they stomped down the hardwood stairs.  And she could still see the shock and disbelief on his face when she said the only words that she knew would penetrate enough to make him stop.  A cold, chill ran down her spine as she remembered hearing his roar from downstairs. “Dragonfly!  She said fucking dragonfly, goddammit.  What the hell am I supposed to do now?”

Regan couldn’t make out Cap’s quiet response but she heard Megan’s stunned voice say, “Her safeword?  I’m so sorry Rick.”

“I’ve got to calm down before I go back up there and do something I’ll regret.  I told her she had a three day cooling off period before I’m back here.”  His tone was still laced with anger and frustration.  It didn’t weaken in volume or intensity as he gave one last parting shot. “Tell your sister she better be ready for me when I return, Meg.  If she doesn’t open up and tell me what’s going on, safeword or not, there will be all kinds of hell to pay. ”

Another door slammed and then his big truck roared to life shortly afterward.  More tears rolled down Regan’s cheeks and she still felt the pain that seared through her chest as she heard him drive away.

“I’m sorry, baby, so very sorry” was whispered into the empty room.  She vowed to end it when he got back.  She could keep torturing them both.  She’d find her own place before he returned and then set him free so that he could start moving on, without her.

But, Thursday arrived and Regan was packed and waiting when Rick came to claim her.  She didn’t realize how hard it would be to find a decent apartment in San Antonio.  The good apartments were sky high and the ones in her price range were roach infested or just plain scary.  It was shocking how financially dependent she was on Rick.  She never had to work and had spent her time on charity work or working for free at the bakery.  She also liked taking care of her home and her husband, when he was around.  Because the business was still new and they were rolling most of the profits back into improvements and expansion, she never took a salary, she hadn’t needed to until now.

She refused to leave him and then bleed him dry for years like some gold-digging parasite.  Maybe that wasn’t clear thinking, but she felt that would be another injustice, one he didn’t deserve.  In the end, she realized that she only had two choices, return to her husband or go stay with her parents.  The latter wasn’t really any option at all because she didn’t want to leave San Antonio, her sister or her family and friends.  Not to mention, how humiliating was it for a thirty-two-year-old woman to have to move back home.  The other most important reason was that she wanted to stay close to Rick, even if she wasn’t married to him.  How pathetic was that?

So, without a word she carried her bag out to his huge truck and tried to heft it into the back.  After several failed attempts, she gave up and dropped it on the driveway then kicked it in frustration and just left it there.  He watched in amazement as she stomped around to the passenger’s side and climbed in slamming the door.  Then she just sat there, staring through the windshield, waiting.  He didn’t know how to handle her anymore.  She was simply too impulsive and unpredictable.

Megan came up behind him and spoke softly. “Every time I saw her these past three days she was crying.  You know that isn’t like her.  She hardly ever cried while we were growing up but in the last few months she rarely stops.  The only other thing she did was go to work.  She barely ate anything and she can’t afford to lose any more weight.” 

She looked up at her brother-in-law and put a hand on his muscular forearm.  She wanted to tell him about her suspicions but Regan’s theories made sense as well.  What if she was wrong?  She looked at her brother-in-law, his love and concern for Regan were genuine but he had been away from home a lot lately and he was working closely with that female FBI agent.  She loved Rick, but if he
were cheating on her she would help Regan make the asshole pay.  Unsure now, she decided to give her sister the time she needed to work whatever this was out in her head.  Maybe she could mention this in her own therapy with Dr. Windham and let her help. 

“She won’t talk to me and I hate it.  All I know is that I’ve never seen her so unhappy.  I think you need to call Dr. Windham right away.”

Rick looked back at her and nodded.  He knew his wife was unhappy and he had no idea what to do about it.  Weekly therapy wasn’t helping.  The antidepressants weren’t having any effect even after the past few weeks on the increased dosage.  He spoke often to her mother by phone.  She told him she had gone through the same thing until they got her on the right mix of medications.  Regan’s dad asked him to be patient, but not to coddle her or treat her differently than before the onset of her depression.  If she was like her mother, it was a chemical imbalance and not something he had or hadn’t done.  He urged him to provide her with structure and consistency.

Tony walked up on his other side and silently handed him some papers.  Rick looked at the report Jack had submitted on Regan’s activities over the past few days.  While Megan thought she was working she had actually been apartment hunting.  Christ!  She was serious about leaving him.  It took a few minutes for what he saw to sink in, Southside and downtown.  She was looking at the low rent, high crime areas of the city for an apartment.

“Over my dead body,”  Rick vowed.  He pulled out his phone and made a quick call to the psychiatrist.  When he was done, he started toward his truck.

“Please take care of her, Rick.”  Megan called after him.

“I’m doing my best, Meg honey.”

He joined Regan in the truck and they rode for several minutes in silence.  Reaching the entrance to a local park, he suddenly pulled in and shut off the engine before speaking. “I scheduled us an emergency appointment with Dr. Windham in about an hour.  Starting tonight we begin weekly couples counseling.  This shit has got to end, babe, before it ends us.”

“Maybe that would be for the best, Bear.”

“You don’t mean that, Regan.” He looked at her in disbelief.

This was it, she had her opening, but she was such a  coward she couldn’t do it.  She was stung by the pain she saw on his face, and she backed away from her plan.  Despite all of her plotting and planning she knew down deep she was too much of a wimp to leave him, she loved him too much.

“I’m sorry.  I didn’t really mean it.  I think the couples counseling is a good idea.  I’m so sorry for hurting you like this.”  Her voice sounded flat and emotionless to her own ears.  She was beyond feeling right now, she felt numb.

He slid the seat back, reached over to unbuckle her seat belt and pulled her across the bench into his lap.  His strong arms wrapped tightly around her and he buried his face in her fragrant hair.  Peaches.  He had missed her.  They sat there for a long time, wrapped around each other until it was time for their session.  He wondered what it meant that Regan had for once stopped crying.



Chapter Eleven

The Club was packed for the second anniversary of its opening and a celebration was in full swing.  The sounds of BDSM filled the air - the groans and sighs of pleasure mingled with the moans and cries of erotic pain.  There was also the scent of leather and
sex, which was surprisingly erotic.  All the stations were in use and couples were lined up waiting their turn. A crowd was beginning to gather in front of one of the spanking benches as word spread that Master Tony was going to scene publicly for the first time in a very long time.

“Not my panties, Captain.  Please.”  Megan pleaded as she squirmed in her restraints.  Tony had removed her short black sheath before he had bent her sideways over the A-framed spanking bench.  Her arms were spread lengthwise along the top rail and she was secured above and below each elbow with soft padded straps.  Her ankles were secured to a spreader
bar, which separated her legs widely but not uncomfortably so.  He had chosen this sideways position because it placed no pressure on her budding belly or her injured hands.  He was extra careful in their play these days in consideration of both her pregnancy and her ongoing rehab.  At just over five months along she was really showing and they had been thrilled to have felt the baby kick for the first time just last night.

Tony had accompanied Megan to all her OB/Gyn appointments and early on had grilled the BDSM friendly doctor - also a fellow club member - about safe sexual positions, punishment and bondage during her pregnancy.  The doctor had assured Tony that as long as he avoided pressure or stress on her abdomen, they could safely continue their activities until late in her third trimester.  At that point, the doctor promised, they would discuss it again.

Tony attached the D links on her ankle cuffs to the eyebolts in the floor. “To keep you still and my aim true, Angel,” he assured her as he buckled her down. He stroked up the back of her legs and over her ass gently, his fingers dipping into the waistband of her skimpy black panties.  He usually made her go bare but the black sheath was so short he had allowed her panties for once.  Tony was still very possessive of his sub who - being new to the club scene - drew a lot of attention from the other members.  They watched in growing anticipation for the new sub to screw up and earn correction as newbies so often did. Tony regularly stated he didn’t share and it was also one of Megan’s hard limits, tonight she hoped that extended to visual access to her most delicate parts as exhibitionism wasn’t one of her kinks.

Now the concession of panties was being threatened.  It was punishment time and he was obviously considering removing the thin scrap of her material and paddling her on her naughty bare ass.  Tony began the lecture - which Megan had quickly learned to expect - during and after every punishment.  Professor Rossi was in fine form tonight.

“If you had said what you did to any of the other Masters here, little subbie, your ass would be bared and spotlighted for the entire club to see.  Do I deserve any less respect?”  Tony questioned in that voice that made her feel all warm and gooey inside.  She loved his Dom voice.

“No, Sir.  I’m truly sorry for being disrespectful.”

“Apology accepted, Megan.  Too bad you didn’t think before getting sassy with me tonight.  I am going to curb that naughty little tongue of yours eventually.  Now then, tell me who you belong to.”

“You, Sir,   I belong to you.”  Her wet pussy had already soaked her panties, causing them to cling to her bare lips.  In this position her pussy was spread wide and her clit stood out prominently against the wet fabric.  Tony used two fingers to circle her swollen nub as he started the slow, sensual torture that was a huge part of his disciplinary process with his naughty wife.

“Good girl.  And who decides when and how you are punished?”

“You, Captain.  Always you,” she all but screamed as he firmly pinched and rolled her clit between his thumb and forefinger.   She was so turned on. “Oh Lord, that feels so good.”

“I’m sure it does, Angel.  But let’s stay focused here.”  He slid his fingers away from her clit and over her gushing opening.  He pressed two fingers into her through her panties and smiled as she squirmed and groaned, her breath coming in short panting gasps. “So I decide whether you take your forty swats with this leather paddle on your lovely bare ass or on your thin little panties, don’t I?”

“Yes, Sir” this came out in a whisper.  The fingers teasing her pussy were so distracting.  Did he just say forty swats?  Oh my, he was not going easy for her first public punishment.

“Speak up, Angel.”  He slid his fingers further along her cleft and pressed against her tiny bottom hole.  “I couldn’t hear, who decides?”

“You decide, Sir.  Always you!”  Megan squeaked loudly.  Tony the master performer was putting on quite a show for the crowd the big show off.  Out of the corner of her eye, Megan could see quite a few club members gathered in the viewing area beyond the velvet ropes.  Certainly the sight of a new sub, near naked for the first time in the public rooms and receiving a well-deserved punishment was an attention getter.

“That’s right, my good girl.”  His hand continued to tease and play, stroke and soothe as he calmly discussed the upcoming scene.  “Why are you being punished, Megan? And speak up louder this time.”

“I was rude to my Dom, sir.”

“Specify, please.  How were you rude?”

“I uh, called you a bossy jerk in front of some of the other Doms and stuck my tongue out at you, Sir.”

Shocked gasps and amused laughter erupted from the audience at her answer.

“Yes indeed.  Quite naughty behavior even for a newbie, don’t you think?  Some would even call you a brat.  Maybe I should keep you gagged when we come to The Club, hm?  That would curb that naughty tongue, wouldn’t it?”

“No.  I mean, yes, whatever you decide is what I will accept, Captain.  I promise to do better.”  She panted as she quickly turned her protest to a more respectfully submissive reply.

“Well, I hope so but of course, that decision is up to me as well isn’t it subbie?”

“Yes, Captain.  But please decide soon because I’m going to come if you keep stroking my pussy like that.” Again, laughter and shocked comments could be heard from the audience.  She felt a long finger probe her ass and quickly added, “Sir.”

Meg tried to swallow but her mouth was dry and her voice cracked in her nervousness.  Always attuned to her needs, Tony withdrew his fingers.  He chuckled as he heard her frustrated groan.  He was having a wonderful time playing with his Angel.  She was so entertaining.

He moved back to her head and squatting down offered her a sip of water to wet her dry lips and mouth.  He gently stroked the hair back from her face so he could look into her eyes.  “We spend a lot of time trying to correct that naughty mouth of yours.  Maybe a good soaping would help?”

No way, Megan couldn’t imagine getting a mouthful of soap like an unruly fourth grader.  Searching for the appropriate response in this situation, she swallowed before murmuring, “If you think that’s best.  I shall accept whatever you decide, Sir.”

“Excellent, Megan.  Now we’re getting somewhere.”  He kissed her warm, flushed cheek and stood up. “Your lessons are coming along very nicely,” he said this loudly, mostly for the benefit of the crowd, which had jabbered approvingly at her very submissive response.  Tony leaned over Megan’s back and whispered for her ears only “I still don’t want to expose that gorgeous pussy to some of these randy bastards.  You’re mine.  So we’ll just improvise a thong.”  Moving toward her upturned bottom, he patted her approvingly before grabbing her panties and pulling them snugly into the crack of her ass crack, exposing a wide expanse of creamy white skin but preserving some of her modesty.

“Thank you, Captain.”

He chuckled at the obvious relief in her voice then rose to his full height and declared as he usually did to signal the start of the punishment “we begin.”  He proceeded to apply forty firm strokes to her ass and upper thighs with the lightweight leather paddle.  She learned quickly that the worn, supply leather still delivered quite a sting.  He applied the swats in rapid bursts of ten swats each, rubbing, squeezing and assessing the tender skin between each set.  The ones delivered to her upper thighs were accompanied by Megan’s tearful promises to never do anything to deserve that wicked paddle again.  By this time her knees were weak and Tony had to wrap a supportive arm around her waist for the final ten.  In the end, she was experiencing an overload of sensations and floated in an endorphin high as her body responded beautifully to the erotic pain and exhilaration of her first public scene.

After the punishment was over, Tony assisted his submissive from the bench to the soft couches in the viewing area.  Audience members moved aside to give them space pausing to thank Master Tony for finding such an amusing and thoroughly correctable sub to enhance their voyeuristic pleasure.  Others made it known that they looked forward to Megan’s next naughty episode and recommended a thorough flogging at the chain station so he could target her front as well as her back.  Tony nodded and smiled, knowing those activities would have to wait until after the baby came and after he trained his shy sub in the pleasures of exhibitionism.

The crowd quickly dispersed and moved on to observe or participate in other scenes.  Tony settled Megan on his lap and grabbed a soft blanket from behind the couch.  He wrapped it around her near naked body, cuddling and comforting her as she recovered from their scene.  Aftercare was so very important and The Club provided sufficient space, water bottles and blankets to encourage member’s to provide appropriate care following a scene.

Tony pressed soft kisses to her temple, cheek and the top of her head as he whispered words of praise and reassurance against her ear.  The fuzzy sub blanket was soothing against her bare skin and tender cheeks and provided warmth and protection from curious eyes. The low murmur of voices and the sounds of slaps, groans and whimpers so familiar in a BDSM club seemed to come from far away as she floated in subspace.

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