You'll Think of Me (18 page)

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Authors: Lucia Franco

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: You'll Think of Me
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Olivia couldn’t believe she was hearing Luke’s voice. It had been more than nine very long years since she’d heard a peep from him. Not that she expected to. He ignored every email and every phone call, disregarding all her efforts to stay in contact.

Trying to play it cool, Olivia responded after clearing her throat. “Yes, this is Olivia. What can I do for you?”

“Olivia, it’s…Luke. How…How are you? It’s been quite a while.”

“Hi…Luke. I’m well,” Olivia answered, trying to keep it cool. “How are you? I heard you’re on tour right now. It seems your singing career has taken off.”

Olivia silently cursed, using every word she could think of. She squeezed her eyes shut for being such an idiot. He wasn’t calling to talk to her, obviously.

“Ahh, yeah,” he said then let out a low chuckle. “The tour’s over so I’ll be headin’ home,” Luke answered. “Listen, I wanted to talk to you if you have a minute.”

“I do. What’s up?”

“Good… Thanks… I heard my parents came to see you. I had no idea that you’re a doctor now. That’s amazing. Good for you.”

Olivia flinched at his openly honest statement. Had she not left for medical school? While there was no way of him knowing what she had done for the past nine years, why was it that she knew what he had done with his life?

“I am... I’m a neurologist now, obviously. And thank you.”


Cutting him off, Olivia said in a hurried professional voice, “What can I do for you, Luke?”

There was a slight clearing of his throat before he answered. “After what I’ve been told, I’m concerned about my mother’s condition getting out. Well, any condition she may have. I know we didn’t leave off on the best terms, but I’m asking you, please, to not say anything to anyone.”

“Luke, I’m a doctor and there are laws I
follow,” she said. “I would never say anything to anyone about your mother’s condition or anyone else’s condition for that matter. I take my medical oath very seriously. I would never violate it, not for anyone. No one will know anything about your mother or any treatment that she may or may not need. My staff is trustworthy.”

Olivia waited for Luke to respond. She loved what she did, every draining minute of it, and she wouldn’t jeopardize it for anything, or anyone.

“That’s a relief to hear. Thanks, Livy. I honestly didn’t think you’d say anything, just needed to hear it from you to be sure. I can’t help but have my doubts. I know my family is worried about what the town would say, which is why I understand they came up to Savannah. That town loves to talk shit, plus with people always wanting info… We don’t need that on top of everything else.”

It was as if he was expecting her to say the opposite. Olivia pursed her lips together and glanced around her office. Luke’s tone hit a low and deep spot inside her. His voice sounded like gravel rubbing against smooth asphalt.

“Nothing to worry about, Luke. Like I said, I take my job very seriously. Though, I’m a little offended you would think I’d talk to people.”

“Right… Well, I apologize. I tend to have a hard time trusting people in my line of business. Just know I appreciate what you’re doing.”

“Well, you’re welcome, Luke.”

“When I was told my parents went to see you, I wasn’t told much else.” Luke paused for a moment. His voice started to crackle at the beginning of the last sentence. “Is…everything going to be okay?”

“Ah, Luke, I just told you that I couldn’t reveal any information about any patient, including your mother’s. What makes you think I’m going to disclose anything to you?”

Luke chuckled. “Well, I thought since it’s Mama that you would, considering our past.”

“Water under the bridge, Luke. That doesn’t even factor in. You thought wrong if you expected me to utter a word to you.”

“Olivia, I’m not asking for a lot here. Just let me know if she’s going to be okay, please. I can’t think straight while out on the road knowing that she was at a neurologist’s office. I’m thinking the worst here. My mind is running a race with itself over all the possibilities. I haven’t been able to sleep since I heard the news.” The faint sound of a lighter sparked in the background.

People heard the word ‘neurologist’ and thought the worst. She’d seen it over the years during her training and working in the field. Her heart was aching knowing how difficult it must be on him, especially being so far away.

“I’m sorry, Luke. I can’t say anything.” She hated having to do this with him, knowing he was suffering.

“Dammit, Livy. Clearly, I’m not going to say a damn word. It’s my mother. Just give me something, anything.”

“I...can’t. Luke…ugh…”

Care Bear

Just hearing Luke’s voice crack across the phone made her reminisce about the past. Taking a deep breath, Olivia closed her eyes and counted to ten. She knew she shouldn’t, yet Olivia couldn’t stop the words he wanted to hear from flowing from her mouth.

Quietly she whispered into the phone, “Don’t worry. I’m just waiting on some tests results to come in, but she should be okay. It’s nothing we aren’t capable of treating.”

A snide, snickering laugh coming from Luke made her skin crawl, like hundreds of red ants coating her body. Shit. She knew immediately that she screwed up. Irritated with the situation, she squeezed her eyes shut, shaking her head. What had she done?

“Was that all it took? A few lines of begging and pleading for you to give me info, Livy? Was it that easy for you to break your oath?”

“Luke, I… I was.” Olivia was stammering now.

“Ah, ah, ah. You were what? Breaking your doctor’s oath? Seriously, Livy. This is my family you’re caring for, not to mention, there are fans following me trying to get any little piece of information about me. How the hell am I supposed to trust you with my mother’s life if you give it up to me so easily?”

“You’re playing dirty. That’s not fair. And don’t ever mock me again.”

“All is fair in love and war.”

“Love and— What love? What war? Are you kidding me right now? You’re at odds with me for what? Over something that happened years ago that you apparently can’t seem to get past? Don’t act like a child, Luke. I’m not going to play games with you.”

Not only was her blood boiling because she’d been tricked and fell for it, but because Luke was bringing up the past and using it against her.

“I told you because I didn’t want you to worry. I’d never do that for anyone else. I actually have a heart and feelings, unlike you.” After pausing for a brief moment, Olivia decided it was time to finish this conversation. Just before slamming the phone down she said, “And Luke? Don’t call me ‘Care Bear’

Closing her eyes, Olivia couldn’t believe what had just transpired. She rubbed her throbbing temples and contemplated whether or not to just take the rest of the day off. It had crossed her mind at one point that once she began treating Luke’s mom she would probably encounter Luke. She just hadn’t expected it to be this soon.

Standing up, Olivia smoothed down her white lab coat and made her way around the desk. She still had half a day left and she was determined to finish it out. Luckily for her, it was Thursday, which meant drinks with Shelly after work. At least she had something to look forward to.

Sweet baby Jesus,
Olivia thought at the blaring alarm clock. It sounded like a freight train coming straight through the bedroom. Turning her head under her pillow, her eyes felt like sandpaper as she peered to the right to read the clock.

4:30 a.m.

How stupid was she to stay out late with Shelly?

Livy…Care Bear…

Not wanting to go there, Olivia raised her arm and slammed it down on the snooze button. The black alarm clock tilted on its side and fell flat with a clang. Just a few more minutes…

Rushing through the back door of the office building and into her office, Olivia threw her purse onto her chair. After snoozing through her alarm, she over slept and woke in a panic.

Pulling her thick waves into a messy bun, a knock sounded at the door.
Jesus Christ
. Why couldn’t Shelly just follow directions and walk in?

“Yes, Shelly!”

Shelly hesitantly opened the door, alarmed by Olivia’s tone. “Umm…you have a call.”

“Who is it?”

“It sounds like the guy from yesterday…the Care Bear guy. He won’t tell me his name.”

“Thanks, Shell. I’ll take it from here. I, ah, didn’t mean to snap at you.” Shelly gave a timid smile and left her office.

Picking up the phone, Olivia felt like death inside. She had a hangover like never before and her stomach was in knots. She was never drinking tequila again. Her eyes burned. All she wanted to do was go home, close the blinds and crawl into her soft down bed and go to sleep. Too bad that wasn’t happening any time soon.

“This is Dr. King. What can I do for you?” Olivia said in her sweetest, sugary voice possible.


“What, Luke? I don’t have time for your games today.” Not bothering to hide her feelings of disgust.

“Damn…you sound sick. Are you okay?”

She knew she sounded worn out. Olivia had been working herself to the bone, and last night didn’t help.

“I went out last night and had a couple drinks.” Why was she telling him that?

“Ah...whiskey girl. Not drinking whiskey anymore I take it? Because your voice never sounded like this.” Luke laughed lightly.

“Don’t call me that. I wanted something a bit stronger last night, not that it’s any of your business. I had more than usual but then again I don’t get out much.” Seriously, why was she telling him this? And why did he have to bring up the past yet again?

“Right… Anyway, I’m calling because I wanted to apologize for tricking you yesterday. It was wrong of me. I was worried and upset and took it out on you.”

“Right. I’m an easy target.”

“Well, for what it’s worth, I’m sorry.”

“It’s fine. This is an unusual situation, and I need to remember that. Listen, Luke,” Olivia said rubbing her eye with the heel of her hand and collapsing into her chair with a huff. “I’ve never released information about a patient to anyone before. Nothing. You have to trust me and take my word on this,” she said tiredly. “It’s someone’s life I have in my hands and I take it as seriously as I take my own. You’re just…different. I guess maybe because I didn’t want you to stress while out on the road? Oh, I don’t know. Just know that I would never hurt your name or your mother’s. I swear to you.”

Luke was silent. At one point she thought he’d hung up.

Finally, Luke asked, “Listen, do you want to maybe catch up and do lunch sometime when I get back?”

Olivia gulped. “I’m not sure. I’d have to check my schedule.”

“Alright. I’ll take it. And Olivia? Thanks. I really do appreciate what you’re doing. I know what I did was sneaky, the way I went about it and all. I’m sorry. I just freaked out.”

Clearing his throat, he said, “I had no idea you left New York.”

Could he make her morning any worse?

“Yeah, I’m back in Georgia, but I live in Savannah now. Listen, Luke, I need to go. I have patients waiting.”

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