You'll Think of Me (32 page)

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Authors: Lucia Franco

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: You'll Think of Me
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Olivia smiled sadly to herself. “I haven’t been on vacation in…” she paused to think. “Actually, I don’t think I’ve ever gone on vacation.”

How pathetic was that? That she never took time out for herself?

“How is that possible?” Luke questioned with surprise.

“I don’t know…just haven’t had time. It’s a vicious cycle I brought on myself, I guess.” Just thinking of having no time to breathe was exhausting in itself.

“Anyway,” she said breaking the silence. “If you feel like you’re falling again, just pick up your phone and send me a message. I’m always here.”

“Thanks... Listen, I’m sorry about that night at the bar. I know it was wrong of me, but I don’t regret it. I know… I shouldn’t have even gone, but when I overheard you on the phone that you’d be alone, and I was alone at home, I knew I couldn’t stay away. Then having you in my arms like old times… Yeah. I guess I couldn’t resist.”

He’s sorry for that night…he couldn’t resist. Could not resist.
Why did it suddenly feel like Luke threw a curve ball at her?

Luke sighed into the phone. The grudge she erected over the years was crumbling at her feet.

“I don’t know what came over me, Livy. I bet Nate is pissed about it all, let alone that you’re treating my family. I know I sure as hell wouldn’t.”

When she didn’t respond, Luke edged into the question slowly and asked, “You haven’t told him, have you?”

“No,” she answered quietly. She didn’t want Luke to know she and Nate were no longer together yet.

“Can I ask why not?”

“I haven’t worked up the courage?”

Incredulously, Luke asked, “You? Not able to work up the courage? That’s not the Livy I remember.”

Olivia’s back went ramrod straight. “I guess I’m not the same Livy I was.”

“I find that hard to believe. I bet she’s still there under that starched white lab coat waiting to be free again.”

“I just… I’m scared.”

“If you’re worried about losing him, don’t. Judging by the brief moment I met him, if he’s the kind of man I’m assuming he is, he’ll want to beat the shit out of me. Can’t blame the guy. But if he walks away, he’ll only come to regret it down the line. Trust me.”

He’ll regret leaving…
There was no way for her not to wonder if Luke was speaking from personal experience.

“Thanks, Luke.” She smiled sadly.

“Hope he makes the right choice.”

A small smile tugged at Olivia’s mouth.

“Bye, Luke.”

“Later, Care Bear.”

ulling up to Smokejacks, Olivia took a deep breath before getting out of the car.

Tessa’s call to let her know about a little reunion couldn’t have come at a better time. The reunion was something her friends did once a year, but Olivia had never be able to attend for many reasons.

Making her way inside, she noticed it looked just as it had years ago. A sense of nostalgia washed over her. Memories resurfacing from old times, she glanced at the now empty stage. It was dark and bare.

Olivia took a seat at the bar and ordered a drink. Just as she finished, Ash, Chase, and Bradley filed in one after another and made their way to the bar.

…and then Luke?

Jesus. Lord. What. The. Hell?

Olivia’s heart sped up as Luke walked in like he owned the place in a lazy glide with a grin plastered on his face. She couldn’t pull her stare away, he was spellbinding. His long strides were accompanied by his infectious smile as he made his way over to the bar. He was straight up sexy. Olivia couldn’t deny how much he still got to her.

Olivia left her barstool and walked over to Tessa, who had just walked in and nudged her with her elbow.

“I thought you said he wasn’t coming,” Olivia said, eyes as wide as saucers.

“I swear I didn’t know, Liv. I promise. I was told he was out of town. Don’t let it bother you and have a good time. I think you need this more than anyone right now.”

Tessa gave a heartfelt squeeze to Olivia’s hand. The guys were doing the quick “what’s up bro” half hug with each other while getting their respective orders and leaning against the bar.

“Looking good, Livy,” Ash said flirtatiously, dropping a peck to her cheek.

She giggled. Still as playful as she remembered. “Thanks, Ash.”

“Hey, Chase. It’s good to see you again.”

“Likewise, Olivia.”

Bradley lifted Olivia off the floor into a bear hug. He crushed her in a tight embrace that felt like all the air had squeezed out of from her lungs. She grunted, “Hey, Bradley.”

“Hey, girl. Long time no see. Glad to hear you’re back.”

“I’m glad to be back, actually,” she breathed out.

“Alright, put her down, B. She’s gettin’ blue in the face.”

Olivia tensed as Bradley lowered her to the floor. She looked over his shoulder and spotted the voice that had always tipped her world.

Luke could feel Olivia’s presence the moment he walked into the bar. His eyes zigzagged across the low lit room in an effort to locate her. And when he did, his gaze zeroed in on her curvaceous body as he felt his own roar to life. His eyes blazed full of want as they traveled the length of her body, his cock jumping at the sight of how sexy she looked in jeans that hugged her body like a glove. Man, she got him going every damn time he saw her.

Luke needed a drink. Fast.

He knew she was going to be there, but most likely with her stupid boyfriend. Where was he anyway? Luke glanced around looking for Nate but didn’t spot him. Nate probably wanted nothing more than to knock his sorry ass out for layin’ lips to his girl…Nate’s girl…what the fuck ever.

“Hey, Care Bear. How you doing?” He looked around. “Where’s that boyfriend of yours?”

Olivia chewed her lip nervously. “Ah, he couldn’t make it tonight.”

Luke smirked on the inside. There was no way he was holding back from hugging Livy knowing Nate wasn’t around.

“That’s too bad,” Luke lied. He leaned down and enveloped Livy in a tight embrace, dropping his head into the curve of her neck and inhaling her soft hair. Just the way he remembered. Coconuts.
Hell yeah.
He inhaled again, squeezing Livy to him and feeling her breasts against his chest. Luke’s blood warmed from the feel of Livy in his arms, he loved the softness of her body. His fingers grazed the sides of her breasts as he held her close.

She whispered thickly, “I didn’t know you were going to be here.”

“I usually try to, but I don’t always get the chance. Luckily I was able to get away for a few days.”

“Well, I’m sure your parents and brothers were happy to see you since you hardly get to come home.”

Luke pulled back and his hands slid to her hips, holding her in place as he eyed her.

“Your mom misses you and worries about you.” Olivia shrugged nonchalantly.

“You spoke to her recently?”

“Do you mean do I talk to her outside of being her doctor? Then yes, sometimes I do. Just a quick hi to see how she’s doing.”

Luke huffed and scrubbed a hand over his face. His chest softened at the sound of Livy’s genuine concern for his family. “Don’t know why she worries. I’m fine. She needs to worry about herself and my brothers, not me. I’m not a kid anymore.”

A sweet, half smile graced Olivia’s lips before she said, “I don’t think a mother ever stops worrying about her kids, Luke. It’s only natural. I’m sure one day you’ll be going through the same thing with your kids, regardless of their ages.”

Inadvertently, Luke gripped Livy tighter. He needed to keep his thoughts locked in, but he was already having a hard time. Here she was talking about him having kids one day. Luke thought about it for a moment but couldn’t fathom having his own children with anyone else other than Livy. She was working her way under his skin again. He imagined her with a swollen belly carrying his child…her face glowing as they found out the sex of the baby…

The awkward silence was broken when Chase yelled for shots.

Saved by whiskey. Thank you, Mr. Jack Daniels!

As Chase handed the shots out, the old friends held them in the air. “A toast to old memories, new memories and friends.”

“Can’t get any cheesier than that, Ash,” Tessa laughingly said.

Ash slammed back his shot. “Screw you.”

“Nah, I’m good.”

“So long as Luke doesn’t cockblock like he used to…we’re all good,” Ash laughed.

“Or could it be because no one wanted your lame ass?” Tessa yelled then turned to Luke and batted her eyes up at him. “Hey, Luke, sing for us?”

Ash turned around and eyed Tessa up and down like she was a piece of meat. She scoffed and turned towards him. “You pig.”

“That’s not what you said last time.”

“Get over yourself, Ash-

“I’d rather be over you.”

Tessa’s jaw locked. “Not going to happen.” She turned to Luke and said sweetly, “Luke? What do you say?”

Luke mumbled something under his breath. He wasn’t really up to singing for anyone right now. As much as he loved it, he was on a break and just wanted to cut back and hang with his friends, but Tessa was giving him her puppy dog eyes and pouty lip routine, begging him to sing like old times. Old times…when Livy was his girl.

Chase, being a wiseass said in a high-pitched, girly voice, “Yeah, Luke! Sing for us!” He clutched his beer to his chest and tried to bat his eyelashes like Tessa did.

“Man, shut up. I ain’t singing.”

“But Luke! You have to! Just like old times!” Tessa whined.

“Yeah, Luke!” Chase mocked.

Luke looked at Livy as he said, “Times have changed, Tessa. Not going to happen.”

With that, Tessa stomped back to the bar to order another drink. “Want me to sing to you, baby?” Ash asked Tessa in a smoky voice, mimicking Luke’s. Olivia chuckled at his attempt.

Disgust appeared all over Tessa’s face. “God, no. Now go away.” Ash reached out for Tessa but she pulled away quickly before he could touch her.

“Alright. I got you,” he nodded, arrogantly accepting her answer.

Olivia noticed Tessa in the corner of her eye trying to fight the grin that curved the corners of her mouth. Tessa was enjoying it much more than she showed.

Two hours later, Tessa had finally coerced Luke to sing on stage.

But that’s not what bothered Olivia, or the slew of young college girls yelling his name and singing along to his songs.

“You doing okay, Livy?” Tessa asked.

Olivia nodded her head automatically. What bothered her was
Luke had just sung on stage.


everyone needs a whiskey girl…


Four times. Luke said it four times, and every time he did, a drunken howl from the women up front would sound right after. At first she thought he slipped, but when he did it again, she knew he hadn’t.

It was almost laughable that Luke crooned in the background as she sipped on her whiskey. But then, during a small intermission, he sent her a text.


Listen to my lyrics, they tell a story…


Chills broke out over her skin, her phone almost slipped from her fingers. Why would he send her something like that? Her chest tightened and her body had gone completely numb. He was deliberately testing her patience and it just wasn’t fair. Olivia did everything that he asked of her and this is how he repays her? By singing
“whiskey girl”
in front of everyone? Granted, no one knew, but that wasn’t the point.

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