Read You'll Think of Me Online

Authors: Lucia Franco

Tags: #Romance

You'll Think of Me (25 page)

BOOK: You'll Think of Me
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Luke reached down and pulled her other leg higher, lifting her off the ground as he spun her around to place her on the hood of his truck.

A deep roar of thunder ripped across the clouded gray sky in the background, but did not register in Olivia's mind. She was too preoccupied with Luke's body so close to hers and his sinfully wicked mouth that it was all she could think about. They were together in this moment and that’s all that mattered. Nothing else.

Olivia felt as if she was in the eye of a hurricane. The past couple of weeks had hacked through and roughed her up pretty badly. And now the hurricane was at a standstill, the eye, that intense serenity and eerie calm that she knew would pick back up eventually and tear through once more, damaging her irrevocably, leaving behind a slow and raw ache. And just like with a hurricane, she would rebuild in time, but the inside would never, ever, be the same, no matter how hard she'd pound those nails in to secure the seams back together.

In that moment, Olivia despised herself for the decision she had made. She wished she had never applied to medical school so far away or even contemplated leaving Georgia. How was she going to get by without Luke?

Salty tears slid down her cheek and into their joined mouths as Luke made love to her with his tongue. “Luke,” she said, sucking in air between gasps.

“Shhh, Livy.”

“Please,” she breathed. “Make love to me.”

“Stay with me. What we have is good.”

Olivia fractured inside. She let out a huge gush of air that might be mistaken for pleasure, but was most definitely not. It was the sound of sweet suffering and pure agony. She squeezed her eyes shut and felt her mouth form a frown.

“Please,” she pleaded sadly. She needed to feel him.

Olivia needed Luke. Not just for the sex, but for the closeness she had always felt between them, that special connection, that feeling only two people who are meant to connect feel. She sucked in her bottom lip and rolled it between her teeth.

Pulling back, Luke’s gaze bore into hers. “Stay with me and I’ll make love to you every day for the rest of our lives. Don’t leave like this, Livy.”

Olivia was breaking. Her legs loosened their hold on him. She didn't want to let go, but she had to. She pushed at his chest to move him off of her, feeling the rejection from deep inside as another round of thunder rumbled across the darkening sky.


“Uh uh... Can't. We're outside, Livy, for fuck’s sake.”

He was refusing her, making her feel even worse. Like shit. Her legs skated down and behind his thighs. She was weak. Luke’s mouth never moved from her neck as she attempted to create space between them. She pushed him away when what she really wanted to do was pull him closer and never let go. But she wasn’t getting very far with Luke’s tongue and body touching hers. She was past the point of quivering in arousal.

Luke stopped kissing her neck, raised his head and looked deep into her eyes. He slapped his hand down on the hood of his truck hard, jarring Olivia and making her jump. The banging sound of his hand slapping the hood nearly scared the life out of her. This wasn’t a side she’d ever seen before from him. There was no mistaking the raw passion and fervor in his crazed green eyes. Olivia was motionless, stunned. Just as he made his move, the clouds parted and the skies opened up above them.

“Hold on,” he grunted. “Put your arms around my neck.” She did without hesitation. He lifted her by the underside of her thighs and carried her around his truck. The rain was coming down so hard that puddles were forming in the dirt driveway quickly. Climbing into his truck, he laid Olivia onto the seat. Luke slammed the door and looked at her. Heart and emotions slipped from her bloodshot eyes as she exposed how she truly felt inside.

“Get up,” he ordered.

Luke sat back against the leather seat and reached for her. She went willingly to him as he grabbed a hold of her slimming hips, lifting her to straddle his waist. He lifted her dress out of the way and grabbed a hold of her ass. His legs widened as she sat down on him, feeling for that right spot. She went to reach up to put her hands on him but Luke stopped her. Olivia looked into his fiery eyes and felt her throat climb into her mouth. He was stopping her, again.

Grabbing both wrists, Luke placed them behind her back and immobilized her. He pressed on her lower back with their hands clamped together, shoving her sex into his cock. Olivia's eyes fluttered shut and she felt her body loosening up. She hated how he was purposely provoking her. She was at war with her body, didn’t want to take it, but couldn’t refuse it.

Luke leaned forward and ran his tongue along the mounds of her breasts, lingering over her collarbone and then up her neck. Olivia whimpered and rocked into him. Turning her head, she found his mouth and nudged at his lips with hers only for him to rear back. He wouldn’t even let her kiss him. She struggled to release her hands from Luke’s tight grip, but he wouldn’t budge. Olivia was on the edge of release with the way Luke was manhandling her. He’d never been this hard on her before, but by god, she loved it. The flame that had been ignited by Luke’s erotic kissing began to burn deep between her legs. Luke was her fire, but would eventually ruin her too.

Olivia gently pushed into his face with hers, forcing his head back into the headrest. He wasn’t expecting it and she was able to wiggle one arm free and quickly reached for his cock. Luke’s jaw was wired tight as she stroked up and down through his jeans again. He released her other arm and Olivia started to work his button. She rose up and pulled his neck into her mouth at the same time, flattening her tongue against his skin and licked, something that he loved for her to do. It was like his kryptonite and she was using it to her advantage.

Olivia managed to unbutton and slide the zipper down. He grabbed her hips in a bruising grip, freezing her in motion and she panicked thinking he’d stopped her once again.

“Livy,” he moaned lazily.


Luke didn’t respond, just moaned her name again. She knew he wasn’t going to ask for it, his pride kept him from doing so. He was hurt. She knew Luke like the back of her hand, so she took matters into her own.

“Lift up and help me,” she said.

Olivia rose up on her knees and went for his waistband. His hands met hers and they pulled down his jeans and boxers. His erection sprung free but then became sandwiched between them when she sat back down on his lap. She grabbed Luke’s face and kissed him, feeling the heat coming from his dick as it twitched against the thin layering of her wet panties. He lifted the hem of her dress again and slid his hands up her smooth thighs to the crease of her hip, rolling his hip toward her. His fingers ran along the seam of her panties, a low moan rumbling through Olivia’s body. With one hard tug, Luke ripped her panties in two then slipped his fingers into her wet sex. Olivia was on fire, panting into him. The truck’s air was stuffy, thick with tension as desire swirled much like Olivia’s blood while it continued to rain outside. Luke stroked Livy’s wet folds with two fingers back and forth, closing her eyes from the pleasure of his fingers on her and rocking into his hand.

“Look at me,” he grounded out. Livy’s head snapped up and her brown eyes met his wild, untamed ones.

“Stay with me. This is the last time I’m askin’ you,” he said then as he slid a finger along the seams of her wetness as his eyes bore into hers. Slowly building pressure on her clit, Luke rubbed in circles as she rotated her hips on his fingers.

At his pleading, her chin quivered knowing the one answer he wanted she couldn’t give.

“Hold still.”

A finger teasingly hovered over her entrance before he pushed inside fast and stopped once it was as far as it could reach. A smoky sigh escaped Olivia’s lips. Luke slowly pulled his finger out and rubbed her clit in circles to the point where it was just enough to stimulate her but not enough to push her over the edge. He was tormenting her purposely.

Two can play at this game.

Olivia reached down and rubbed her hand along her sex, coating her palm with herself. The feral look in his eyes spoke volumes. His chest rose quickly, revved up and ready to take control in a matter of seconds. Grasping his length, she stroked Luke with her wetness from tip to base. She repeated the motion, her hand hitting a trail of hairs on his mound. Olivia wrapped her hand around the swollen head of his shaft and squeezed, stroking up and down so she could slide right on him.

Luke groaned loudly, not hiding his own gratification.

“Fuck, Livy. What are you doing to me?” Luke groaned somewhere between gratification and despair. She pushed up and onto her knees and bent forward, pressing her breasts into his chest.

But she wouldn’t slide down onto him.


It was a power struggle of wills. She wanted him to want it every bit as much as she did.

Olivia hovered above him as he looked at her, expecting her to make the next move. Leisurely, she grazed the tip of his plump crown with her warm silky smooth folds. Their eyes never left each other. She sucked in her bottom lip and rolled it between her teeth as they waited in unspoken tension. Knowing Luke was wild with desire only made her decision to wait that much better. She needed him to take her, not the other way around.

Finally, in what felt like an eternity, he grabbed her hips and aligned her entrance up with his cock. He squeezed her pelvic bones in a painfully tight grip and then shoved her down over his raging hard cock, taking her all the way. They both yelled out so loud that she was thankful for the pounding rain bouncing off the hood of his truck that masked the sound of them. Without delay, Olivia immediately started a steady rhythm. She slid up and down, so wet and slippery that it caused a delicious fiery friction. It was sexy and it was electric. She grounded down on his dick, her clit pressing down on his mound each time. Her breath heightened with each pressing second and it sent chills down her spine. Olivia’s stomach clenched and she could feel the walls of her sex tighten around his cock, soaking up every inch of him. Luke yelled something inaudible as he palmed her breasts and pinched her nipple through her dress while his other hand slid over her rear, dancing dangerously low. The tips of his fingers grazed the wetness produced by them as one and he nearly lost it.

Luke placed both hands on her hips and started a fast but steady dance of heady sex.

The games were over.

“Yes… More.”

He didn’t stop. Luke just kept driving himself into her, pounding into her sex, a slippery suction that pushed her even closer over the edge.

“Don’t stop,” she panted.

“Not even if I wanted to could I stop fuckin’ you,” he drawled.

Shit. She was close. So. Fucking. Close. “Close…so close.”

Luke groaned, “Come with me.”

So weak. Olivia was so weak that she was actually happy Luke had taken control. Her heated body was like hot molten lava as he fucked her roughly, but she loved every minute of it. Her skin was on fire, moist with perspiration. She started to pulse and squeeze around him in an attempt to find release.

“I don’t come yet. I want…it…to last.”

Luke clutched her neck, his arm wrapping around her waist and shoving her down on his enlarged cock as he thrust desperately inside of her. She was trapped, unable to move as his cock plunged into her with short, hard stokes. It was the best of both worlds for her. He was as deep as he could go and hitting her clit.

“Ahh…” she moaned.

Olivia’s plump lips coated him once more as she felt herself beginning to spasm.

“Now. Come with me now,” he said through clenched teeth.

Olivia reached for the back of his head, seized his damp neck and bit down on Luke’s lips as they came together in a blissful, mind blowing orgasm. It rippled across her skin, pouring through her in sweet rapture. Her nails dug into his shoulder as Luke ate at her mouth with a vengeance, moaning and sighing in between breaths. The kiss only heightened the orgasm that hadn’t yet died down as they rode each other’s ecstasy.

They were as close as they could possibly ever be in that moment.

BOOK: You'll Think of Me
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