Read Your Captivating Love Online

Authors: Layla Hagen

Tags: #Contemporary Romance, #sexy romance, #family saga romance, #billionaire romance, #Romantic Comedy

Your Captivating Love (18 page)

BOOK: Your Captivating Love
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The sisters start talking about their cousins, brothers, and childhood pranks. Ava and I, both only children, eat up their words and laugh our asses off. After we down the first two bottles, we start to slur our words. I suspect we’ll resemble a drunken sorority meeting by the time we finish this. Ava and I are sitting on the armchairs right now, the sisters sprawled on the floor.

“Oh, man, I miss Max and Christopher,” Summer says. “Why do they have to be so far away? I’m sure there’s some place for them here in Bennett Enterprises.”

“There is,” Pippa says in a reassuring tone. “But Sebastian trusted them the most to oversee our foreign offices and expand the business there. He was right to do so too. They’ve done an excellent job.”

“I spoke to Max last week,” Alice chimes in. “He’s eager to return. In two or three years, he’ll be back. Christopher too, probably.”

Summer pouts, her lips violet from the wine. “That’s a long time.”

“Aww.” Pippa elbows her. “Someone misses her favorite brothers.”

Summer stands up straighter. “I don’t have favorites.”

Alice narrows her eyes. “Then how do you explain that Blake and Daniel think Sebastian is your favorite, and Sebastian and Logan think Max and Christopher are your favorites?”

“Because then they’ll all fall over each other to become her favorite,” Pippa explains. “Oldest trick in the book.”

“I don’t know what you all are talking about.” Summer crosses her arms. “I don’t have favorites, but I can’t help if I’m the boys’ favorite sister.”

“Oh, my God,” I interject. “My head is going to explode if I hear
one more time,” I say with a smile.

Alice snorts and Pippa shakes her head, opening the third bottle. Alice, Summer, and Ava decide dancing is in order. Turning the volume up a notch, they start swinging their bodies to the rhythm.

Pippa remains on the floor, and I seize my chance to play the pacifier, crawling next to her. “Are you going to forgive your brothers?”

Pippa sighs, hugging her knees to her chest. “Terence is an ass, and I’m not
mad at my brothers. It’s just that...”


“It’s going to sound silly.”

“I promise not to laugh.”

“Well, they’ve always been like this. Overprotective, having my back. I keep thinking if I hadn’t grown up believing all men are like my brothers—funny, sometimes stupid, and taking their alpha role too seriously, but overall genuinely nice guys—maybe I would have stood a chance.”

“Trust me, Pippa, not having assholes for brothers is a good thing. Be happy you have them.”

“I am.”

She presses her paper cup to her lips before taking a large gulp of wine. “Terence is dating someone else,” Pippa says.


“I mean, I don’t love him anymore, but seeing him with someone else hurts. I don’t know if it just hurts my pride, or something more, but I felt the ground shake beneath my feet when I saw them.”

She hunches her shoulders, a tear rolling down her cheek. Pippa’s usually so exuberant that I’m at a loss for words, but I instantly see red. Anyone who makes Pippa lose her spark deserves every misery in this world. I kind of wish Logan and the twins had wiped that stupid smirk off Terence’s face.

“It’s normal. So, how about forgiving your brothers? Terence was asking for it.”

“You sound like Logan,” Pippa tells me.

“Well, I’m Team Logan on this.”

Abruptly, Summer stops dancing. “We’re picking teams? I’m Team Logan too.”

“You don’t even know what this is about,” Pippa says.

“Doesn’t matter. I’m Team Logan,” a clearly inebriated Summer repeats.

“Me too,” Alice says. “Wait, who’s on the other team?”


“Ugh.” Alice frowns. “I thought we were talking about soccer teams.”

I laugh, then fill her in. “No, we’re talking about whether Logan’s entitled to kick Terence’s ass when he’s rude to Pippa.”

“Definitely Team Logan,” Alice says.

“Me too.” Ava slumps in an armchair again.

“Putting it like that, he’s obviously entitled to kick Terence’s ass,” Pippa says, sighing. “I’ll tell them everything’s fine when I see them.”

“I want to call Christopher,” Summer announces out of the blue.

“Uh, what time is it in Hong Kong?” Alice asks.

“I’m not sober enough to calculate the time difference,” Pippa states. Before I have the chance to jump in, Summer’s already calling, putting him on speaker.

“Summer, is this urgent? I got out of a meeting to take this call.”

“No,” Summer replies. “Just wanted to tell you I miss you.”

“We also miss you,” Alice and Pippa chime in, while Ava and I chuckle in the background.

“Ah, my girls are drunk again,” Christopher exclaims. I like him already. “Anyone sober around there?”

“I am,” Ava and I say at the same time.

“I recognize Ava’s voice. Who’s the other sober voice?”

“Nadine,” I reply.

“Ah, Logan’s girl.”

I blush, and everyone turns to Summer. Evidently, she’s the one who spilled the beans to Christopher. She grins, not sorry in the slightest.

“Well, Ava, Nadine, take care of my sisters. I have to go back to the meeting. And for God’s sake, don’t let them drink anymore.”

The sisters frown at the phone while Ava and I reassure Christopher. After the call ends, Summer, Alice, and Pippa resume their dancing, while I sit next to my best friend.

“I can’t believe you all want to wear my dresses,” I tell Ava.

“I always told you how talented you are.”

To my astonishment, Ava tears up.

“What’s wrong?” I ask.

“My mother would’ve loved to have something like this.”

I hug Ava with one arm. I met Mrs. Lindt one time. Unfortunately, she was in the late stages of her illness. Even so, whenever she spoke about her love for creating clothes, her eyes lit up. Ms. Lindt was one of the few people to tell me to go for my dream. She’d had the same dream when she was young, but she got pregnant and set it aside. She told me she didn’t once regret giving her dream up for her daughter but, given the chance, I should go for what I want. I made that chance happen. Now I only have to turn it into a success.

Ava interrupts my thoughts. “I offered before, and you rejected it, but if there is anything you need, a loan or something, tell me.”

“You introduced me to the Bennetts.” I point at the three sisters, who’ve stopped dancing. Now they hug each other, singing the refrain of the song playing on Summer’s phone at the top of their lungs. They’re adorable. “That practically means I owe you for life.”

Ava pulls a serious face. “Speaking about Bennetts, how are things between you and Logan?”

“Honestly? I want to pinch myself. He’s so...”

“I’d go with self-assured, but I think you’re about to say something else.”

“Perfect. He’s charming, attentive, not to mention sexy, even if he likes to behave like a caveman now and again. And that man cooks like you wouldn’t believe it.”

“So, you two are...”

“We haven’t talked about what we are or aren’t. I’m not going to bring up the topic of “defining our relationship” either. I don’t want to jinx what we have. I finally found a good thing, so I’m not taking any chances. I’ll enjoy it while I can, no matter how long it lasts.”

A dull ache spreads through my chest at my words. I miss Logan already.

Someone knocks at the door, and my stomach dips. It must be some neighbors, complaining about the noise. I can’t see what’s outside because I haven’t taken down the paper covering the windows yet. I’ll do that Monday morning.

When I open the door, I’m surprised to find Logan, Sebastian, Blake, and Daniel outside.

“Who is it?” Ava appears next to me.

“Bennett overload,” I tell Ava.

“Drunken Bennett overload,” she replies in surprise. I narrow my eyes and giggle. The boys seem to have drunk at least as much as we did. Sebastian appears to be the soberest, closely followed by Logan. Blake and Daniel are behind them, bickering over who has the more toned abs. Right.

Stumbling inside the store, the boys peek around for their sisters.

“We’ve come to say sorry,” Logan tells Pippa. “Haven’t we?” He throws the twins a death stare. Sebastian reinforces the threat by tapping his foot on the floor. Blake and Daniel don’t look sorry in the slightest, but they cower under Sebastian’s gaze. God, they’re all so adorable, I could hug them. I’m very huggy today.

“We’re sorry you were there to witness it,” Daniel says.

“I’d still kick his ass,” Blake clarifies. “But sorry we upset you.”

Logan remains silent.

Sebastian groans, dragging his hands down his face. “This apology plan is going nowhere fast. You were supposed to say ‘we’re sorry.’ No additions,” he admonishes.

“At least I can always count on them to be honest,” Pippa tells Sebastian.

“Especially after they’ve had a few shots,” he supplies. “They might’ve overdone it.”

“So did you,” Alice tells him. “Let Blake and Daniel be Blake and Daniel. Logan never pretends anyway; not even you can make him apologize. You’re the only diplomat in the family.”

“How did all of you end up drunk?” Summer asks.

“Well,” Sebastian says. “These three went to drink and plot how to best corner Terence.”

“We did,” Logan admits.

Blake points at Sebastian. “Then he came and played the big brother card.”

“We’re getting off topic,” Sebastian says. “I wanted to drive everyone back home safely, but they corrupted me to drink too.”

Blake squeezes his shoulder. “That’s what little brothers are for, Sebastian.”

“Cab for everyone?” Daniel asks. “This was my pickup line in college,” he informs me. “I’d offer to share a cab with whatever girl was the prettiest, and gave her a night to remember. Pity I was too drunk to remember.”

He all but pats himself on the back with that remark. Turning serious, he looks at me and adds, “I also didn’t say a proper good-bye tonight. I’ll leave in three days to visit a friend in Thailand, and I’ll be gone for some time. I hope to see you again when I return. I’ll kick my brother’s ass otherwise.”

It takes me a second to understand what he means. He’s unsure if I’ll still be dating Logan.
Wow, way to sober me up completely.

I smile. “I’ll be Ava’s maid of honor anyway.”

Soon, the cabs arrive. Ava, Sebastian, and Pippa take the first one, while Alice, Summer, and the twins grab the second. Logan and I walk to his apartment.


ogan’s quiet the entire walk, and I wonder what’s on his mind. Maybe he just needs to sleep. Except he doesn’t seem tired, and he’s not
drunk. When we enter his apartment, he squeezes my hand gently. I stop in my tracks in the center of the living room. It’s pitch dark since neither of us bothered to turn on the light.

“Sorry for the drama tonight,” he says in my ear from behind me. My back is turned to him. “And thank you for putting up with my crazy family.”

He flattens his chest against my back, reminding me of the moment of passion we shared before we left. He intertwines his fingers with mine, and this simple act feels even more intimate than making love to him did.

“Your family is great, Logan, and I love every single one of them. Exuberant Pippa, spoiled Summer, crazy Blake and Daniel. I have to come up with an adjective for Alice. I even adore Sebastian for making my best friend so happy. I love your parents too.”

I search out his warmth, taking his arms and draping them around me. Logan puts his lips to my ear. “Not mad at me for being overbearing?”

“You mean flat-out threatening Terence? No.” Fearing I’m setting a bad precedent, I add, “I mean I’d be fuming if you had no reason, but you had a good one.”

“I thought you’d be mad at me by default.”

I laugh, swirling around. “Why would I do that?”

“No idea. I thought there was something about girls sticking together.”

“I got everyone on Team Logan way before you guys arrived.”

“You’re perfect.”

I lick my lips. “No, I’m not.”

“Yes, you are.” Kissing one eye then the other, he adds, “You’re more than perfect.”

“Your sisters want to wear my dresses to Summer’s gallery show,” I tell him.

“That’s great. Let’s celebrate your first sales.”

Wrapping his arms around my waist, he lifts me off the floor. I catch a glimpse of his expression in the moonlight—he’s grinning. Logan is genuinely happy for me. My first impulse is to tell him that I still have a lot of work ahead of me before I can celebrate, but I remember what he said about celebrating each step. Right now, that feels exactly right, especially when I can do so with Logan.

“Agreed, but no more alcohol, please.”

Logan puts me down. “Fine by me. That’s not exactly what I had in mind anyway.” He presses his forehead to mine, cupping my cheeks. “I already told you you’re perfect, right?”

“Are you trying to charm the pants off me?”

“I would, but you’re wearing a dress.”

Suddenly, I understand why he’s trying to charm me. The bastard. “No, Logan, you’re still not allowed to rip apart my dress. A thousand compliments won’t convince me.”

“I don’t have time for that many. I need you,” he says with urgency, then devours my mouth. A few seconds later, I’m lifted off the floor again. Logan carries me in his arms, walking blindly through the dark.

“Shouldn’t we turn on the light? Can you find the bedroom—”

“Shh,” Logan says. “Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you.”

Keeping his promise, he leads us to the bedroom safe and sound. He lays me on the bed, turning on the lamp on the nightstand.

“I want to see you,” he says.

Maybe it’s the few sips of wine I had, or maybe Logan somehow succeeded in tearing down yet another one of my walls, but a confession slips past my lips.

“If the store does well, I want to bring Mom and Brian here.”

Logan nods, urging me to go on.

“I... The reason I want to go back to North Carolina if the store fails is not just for me; it’s for my parents too. I want to take care of them after they retire.”

He hops into bed next to me, lying on one side. Caressing my cheek with his fingers, he says, “We’re very much alike, Nadine. Don’t worry. Everything will turn out all right.”

BOOK: Your Captivating Love
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