Your Soul Contract Decoded: Discover the Spiritual Map of Your Life With Numerology (8 page)

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Authors: Nicolas David Ngan

Tags: #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Numerology

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open and receptive to how your soul wants to hand you the keys

so that you can use them to unlock your karmic and goal aspects.

as you undertake this, you can move forward with your life to

manifest more of your soul Destiny/life Purpose. The recommen-

dations in chapter 10 contain these keys. The way you apply these

keys is also important.

When you are transmuting a karmic pattern with the key(s)

your soul has handed you, the ego’s dark voice will often say to you

that you are never going to overcome the pattern. ignore it and be

aware that this is part of the ego-programming defence mecha-

nisms that are trying to put you off from transmuting the pattern.

another thing that happens near the end of the transmutation

process is that the ego may generate the feeling that you are going

to die if you continue the healing process on the pattern. This is

good news for you, for it means that only a very thin layer of that

programming remains within you and you have nearly completed

its transmutation. it is important here to use your spiritual will to



keep moving forward to complete the transmutation process. For

this is the ego’s last-ditch attempt to stop you. it is actually a layer

of the ego that is doing the dying, not you. You will know when

the transmutation process is complete with that pattern, because

the feeling of wanting to die will be gone. You will still be standing

there starting to engage with and expressing the positive qualities,

the gifts that have emerged out of the karmic pattern.

The other thing that happens as you transmute a karmic

pattern is that you transmute one layer; then several months or

years later, the same pattern appears again in a different guise in

your life. The first thing that you may think is that ‘I’ve done some-

thing wrong. Why is this karmic pattern here again? i must’ve

missed something when i was healing it last time’. Just know that

nothing has gone wrong here! What is really happening is that a

finer layer of the same programming is coming out of your system

to be transmuted. The soul moves through different aspects of

your soul contract when you are embodied and in its own divine

order triggers them to be transmuted.

let us use the metaphor of the stupa (Fig 4), the mound-like

structure containing Buddhist relics, which is used in the indian

subcontinent’s spiritual traditions to represent the path of growth.

You begin at the bottom of the stupa. The clockwise rising spiral

is you on your path of growth, transmuting your karmic patterns,

moving ever higher in consciousness. Now, imagine the dotted

vertical line as a specific repeating karmic pattern that is a life

theme for you: for example, overcoming disempowerment. Each

time the spiral of your pathway to higher consciousness crosses

the dotted line, you manifest a disempowering situation in your

external Earthly reality to transmute. The first time this occurs, it

might be something like an abusive family environment as a young

child. The second time you cross the dotted line on your journey, it

could be bullying at school. subsequent times could be experienc-

ing being victimized at work and in relationships. Each time you

transmute these ever-finer layers of karmic programming, which

your soul is manifesting for you, you come a little more into your

power. There are many vertical dotted lines on the stupa of your



life. as you transmute the many layers of the issues contained

within each of them, you move higher in consciousness. if you

manage to achieve all of this, eventually you will reach the top of

the stupa. This is a place of enlightenment, where you have trans-

muted enough of the ego programming put in place by the soul to

become free of the suffering it creates within the human condi-

tion. You have become the walking, talking, thinking and feeling

expression of your soul. Your soul’s impulses and your human per-

sonality impulses are one and the same thing. You inherently feel

reconnected to the love of all That is, for the majority of time.


Increase in



karmic pattern

The beginning of

your spiritual journey

Figure 4: The Stupa: a path of conscious growth



let us delve more deeply into the meaning of the intensity of

the polarised dualistic karmic patterns of cause and effect con-

tained within the Double letters. The interpretations that

follow for all of the numbers in this book aim to describe the

full extent of how they can create your life experience. Your sub-

jective experience may include some or all of the experiences

described. This all depends on how your soul has decided to

manifest the pattern in a given aspect of your soul contract and

how far you have navigated through your spiritual Map of life.


Beth 2 Foolishness



1. With this energy, you make impulsive, foolish decisions based

purely upon your emotions.

2. You are having a knee-jerk reaction to a situation, rather

than basing your decision and subsequent actions on past


3. You are here to learn and experience how to achieve a positive

outcome. This will require much trial and error on your part,

with many ‘mistakes‘.

4. out of these you will develop wisdom so that eventually you

will learn to make wise, considered decisions.

5. in this case, the initial foolishness you experience in life is the

pathway to great wisdom.

6. When you have assimilated enough wisdom, you may end up

sharing or teaching it to others to help them in their lives.


Gimel 3 Poverty



1. This is all about transmuting the feeling of deep unworthiness

to be loved by god.

2. There can be a feeling of being unfit for emotional human

consumption by others, basically not being good enough to

connect with and relate to them.

3. initially, you may not be able to feel the unworthiness because

it is buried deep within the subconscious recesses of the ego.

4. This manifests as lessons in understanding abundance

through healing and transmuting the layers of unworthiness

within you.



5. You may be manifesting physical poverty in your life, eg debts,

which are directly linked to the feelings of unworthiness and

low self-esteem within.

6. another manifestation of this could be enormous physical

wealth in your outer reality but complete emotional poverty

in your inner reality.

7. The soul wishes you to experience transmuting the layers of

unworthiness so that you move to a place of greater self-worth.

This will result in the manifestation of greater physical and/or

emotional wealth in your life.

D: Daled 4 Barren to Fruitful

1. You are experiencing moving to a place of totally trusting in the

flow of God/Spirit/The Universe in all areas of your life. This

is all about feeling connected to the flow of life’s abundance.

2. initially, as you begin to work through this karmic pattern,

you would feel insecure about everything in life. You would

not trust that anything can be there for you. This can result in

being very self-centred as a child so that you hang on to what-

ever little you perceive you have.

3. The key experience your soul is creating for you is that as you

learn to trust in the flow of life and share of it with others,

more will come to you.

4. Having children may manifest for you so you can learn to share

of yourself unconditionally in their upbringing.

5. Ultimately, your soul wishes you to move to a place of having

complete faith that the Universe will support you in all of your

endeavours in life. The more you trust, the more will flow

to you.

C: Caf 11 Death to Life

1. This is one of the most extreme karmic polarity experiences

out of all the double letters. You are here to learn all about

valuing life.

2. This usually manifests in you having near-death experiences,

experiencing the loss of close friends and relatives, serious or

terminal illnesses, miscarriages and abortions, and the loss of



close relationships, some through the impulsive actions of the

2 associated with the 11.

3. Through the experience of loss, the soul desires to generate a

rapid transformation of your consciousness. The speed of this

transformation will create great intensity for you. it will trigger

you to question and review your fundamental values about life

as a result.

4. This rapid transformation is a metaphor for the death of who

you perceive yourself to be now and the birth into a higher

state of consciousness.

5. occasionally, you may go through one of these deaths of the

self-cycles without the catalytic effect of the enormous shock

of a death or illness.

P: Peh 17 Slavery to Dominion

1. Your soul may choose to experience through you being a ‘slave’

by placing you in a subservient position to someone seemingly

more powerful.

2. This may be oppressive parents or siblings. it might be where

you have placed yourself in the role of a disciple in the pres-

ence of a Master or guru. This is where you have given away all

your power and look to the Master for all the answers.

3. Ultimately, you are here to learn to break away from the family

oppression or the Master and take back your power, to have

sovereignty over your dominion, your world. This slave iden-

tity your ego has created is often hard to let go of because there

is an energetic drain on the ‘Master’. if this is to change, you as

the ‘slave’ will have to take responsibility for yourself, which

could be very challenging.

4. Many stay stuck in this one as it can be hard to break out of.

This can be played out in couples, families and at work. You

may play this out with the same group of souls in different

incarnations down the timeline to experience all aspects of

this energy. Ultimately, you as the ‘slave’ need to claim back

your power by separating from the ‘Master’. This is often emo-

tionally toxic.



R: Resch 20 War to Peace

1. You are experiencing intense internal emotional conflict

which arises from the malabsorption of untruths from others,

especially parents. This is in this lifetime and from unresolved

conflicts your soul is carrying from past lives.

2. These untruths are conflicting with each other, and as your

system is refusing to absorb them, they sit in your subtle

energy bodies creating havoc in your inner and outer life.

3. This is extremely intense emotionally. You may experience

huge emotional ups and downs as you go to war internally with

yourself. it can also manifest externally in your life either as

the physical experience of going to war or the metaphorical

‘war’ with another individual over a long period of time, eg a

family member, partner or someone at work.

4. This may go on for a whole lifetime until you learn that it is

just not worth it, stop engaging in the conflict and walk away

from it.

5. This will happen when you feel sufficiently good enough about

yourself, thereby creating inner peace. This will then manifest

in your outer reality as a reduction and eventually disappear-

ance of conflict. Your lesson is recognizing that you have a

choice to either engage in the conflict or not.


Tau 22 Ugliness



1. The question your soul is asking you is ‘What is beauty really?’

is it how you and others appear on the surface or is it how you

feel deep inside about yourself or others?

2. You may find this energy emotionally toxic as your ego may

be in complete denial of your inner beauty. This can create

great internal turmoil and pain, which plays out as destructive

behaviour. You may severely judge yourself in the process.

3. This number may manifest itself as a physical or mental

disability or illness. There may be an obsession with physi-

cal appearance that can go to the extreme of having plastic

surgery to alter your outward appearance.

4. This is all about your great self-denial and rejection. as you



grow in consciousness, you will gradually learn to accept your-

self. Then you can bring out the positive talent aspects of this

number which, ironically, you have a lot of, but were initially

unaware of.

The Simple Letters

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