You're Busting My Nuptials (Tizzy/Ridge Trilogy Book 2) (4 page)

BOOK: You're Busting My Nuptials (Tizzy/Ridge Trilogy Book 2)
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Tizzy rested her hands on her hips and narrowed her eyes. “Ridge is a bad-ass, thirty-three year old Texas Ranger for God’s sakes. He’s cleaned Cuddles’ litter box. He’s taken care of Gracie when she puked Spaghetti-O’s. He’s bought tampons for me. If he’s stayed through all that, he wouldn’t leave now.” She took a quick breath. “Which means something else has happened and with or without your help, I intend to find out what.”

Chapter Five


Tizzy peeled off her
body suit and stood naked fiddling with the lace collar on the most beautiful wedding garment she’d ever seen. She hung the dress, then hooked the padded hanger on the closet door and ran her hand across the fabric one more time.
I’m not a bride anymore.

She grabbed navy sweats from the corner chair, put them on, and rummaged through her purse for a hair band. Her fingers brushed against the velvet jeweler
’s box. She lifted it out and flipped the lid open. Ridge’s wedding ring rested in the slot. She gazed down at the gold band on her finger. Her hands trembled as she slipped it off, placed it next to his and dropped the box back in her purse.
I’m not a bride anymore.

Fear and doubt lurked behind her eyes and a serious headache attempted to make friends with them. She rubbed her temples. Right about now, she should be on her way to the airport with five straight days of sun and surf ahead, the beginning to happily ever after

Get a grip,
she told herself. She had plenty of questions and needed to be prepared for the answers, knowing full well they may not be what she wanted to hear. She joined the group waiting in the living room and they gave her their attention. “Tell me about the bachelor party last night.” She focused on Jinx and Bubba.

The two men eyed each other, but neither spoke.

Tizzy pursed her lips. “It’s a little late for me to be upset about what went on at the party, don’t you think? So tell me.”

Jinx leaned forward, rested his arms on his thighs, and let his hands dangle between his legs. “Bubba hired a stripper, and she gave Ridge a lap dance. That’s all.”

Rayann punched Bubba on the arm. “Dwayne Tatum, I can’t believe you hired a stripper!”

“I didn’t hire her. I swear to God, Baby, I didn’t.” Bubba sent Jinx a narrow-eyed gaze. “I thought you hired her.”

Jinx seemed to be taken aback by the statement and for a moment, Tizzy thought he was going to offer an apology. Instead, he frowned at Bubba. “Why the hell would I hire Stripperella? I’ve only known Ridge for three days. Makes more sense for you or one of his Ranger buddies to make the arrangements.”

“Well, none of us did it. By process of elimination, we decided you did.”

Tizzy snapped her head back and forth between the two. “Y’all say a stripper showed up, gave Ridge a lap dance, and nobody arranged it?”

Bubba and Jinx shrugged.

Synola bobbed her head. “Nuh-uh, honey. No way. No pole-cat just gonna show up at a bachelor party, and give free lap dances all around. That ain’t never gonna happen.”

The room fell silent, all eyes on Synola. “Whut? Don’t look at me . . . everybody knows that.”

Tizzy winced at the news, not out of jealousy, but out of fear. Something was wrong. She clenched her hands and blurted out questions. “How did she look? What was her name? Did you see her car or how she got there? Did she give lap dances to everybody or only Ridge?”

Bubba shifted in his seat. “She gave dances to anybody who wanted one.”

“Dwayne, did you get a lap dance? Don’t lie to me,” Rayann demanded.

“No Baby, not me. I didn’t want one. Only Jinx, Marcus, Chad, and Ridge. Ridge didn’t want one either, but the guys goaded him into it. As for her name, I don’t think she ever told anybody.”

Jinx shook his head. “No, didn’t catch a name and she was like most pole-jockeys. Bleached hair, nice ass, big boobs.”

Synola clicked the roof of her mouth with her tongue. “Not all dancers are like that. Did anybody pay any attention to details? Height, eye color, tattoos, birth marks, or were y’all too busy looking at her boobs and ass?”

Jinx grinned at Synola. “Tell me again why you and I never hooked up in high school.”

“We just didn’t.”

Jinx widened his smile. “A serious oversight on my part. One which I am willing to rectify at your earliest convenience.”

Synola looked disgusted. “I’m too much woman for you, stud. Answer the question.”

“She was about five-five, blonde hair, brown eyes, had a bluebird tattooed on her left ankle. She smelled of cigarettes and cheap perfume. I didn’t see her car.” Jinx took a breath. “She came in without a purse, wearing a lightweight silver trench coat. Underneath, a tee-shirt and shorts which she removed when she danced, leaving her in a metallic gold French cup bra and thong. When she left, she put the coat back on and stuffed the shorts and tee-shirt into the pockets.” He locked his eyes on Synola. “Is that enough detail for you, Trixie?”

“Smart ass.”

Tizzy’s heart raced. “What time did the party break up? Who brought Ridge home?”

“Bubba and I, about one this morning,” Jinx said, “and come to think of it, I didn’t notice him drinking all that much, but he was wasted. I decided he couldn’t hold his liquor.”

A chill ran through Tizzy and her chest tightened. She thought how Ridge worked a case, posting a crime board listing the facts. “Let me get this straight. A dancer nobody hired showed up and gave Ridge a lap dance. He didn’t drink much, but he was drunk. Today, he’s disappeared without a word to anyone. Don’t y’all think that all sounds strange?”

“After you spell it out, yeah, it does sound suspicious,” Bubba agreed.

“You think the stripper took him—or he left with her voluntarily?” Synola asked.

Rayann put a hand on her hip and scowled at Synola. “Ridge would never do that to Tizzy.”

“Sorry,” Synola said, raising her hands in surrender. “Like Jinx, I just met the guy. Besides, I thought we wanted to explore every possibility.”

“We do, but take my word for it; Ridge didn’t leave me for a stripper, or any other woman. I’m sure of that,” Tizzy said and
believed it with all her heart.

Rayann leaned forward. “What would be the motive if someone took him?”

Bubba eyed his wife. “Revenge. Something to do with a case he’s working, or one from his past. We should examine those. As soon as I get to work, I’ll run a trace on his phone and GPS from his truck.”

“Thank you, Bubba,” Tizzy said.

Jinx leaned back and stretched out his legs in front of him. “Checking his case history is a good idea, but I think we need to start with the stripper. If we can track her down, we can find out who sent her.”

Tizzy crossed the room to the kitchen counter. “I know someone who might help us with the mystery dancer.”

“Who do you have in mind?” Rayann asked.

Tizzy picked up the phone book and thumbed through the pages. “Former playboy turned Baptist deacon, Walter Engles.” Moments later, when she finished the call, she laid
the directory back on the counter and glanced at her watch. It was only five o’clock in the afternoon, but seemed much later. If everything had gone according to plan, right now she’d be at the airport beginning a wonderful honeymoon.

She walked to the fridge, took out a bottle of water and hoisted it in the air toward the group.
“Y’all want anything to drink?”

She went back to her thoughts. Just recently she’d read somewhere that the past, present, and future, happen simultaneously. At the time, she thought it was an odd statement. But now, she wasn’t so sure. She unscrewed the lid to her water and took a big gulp.

Only a few months ago, she’d been perfectly happy without a man in her life. Granted, the choices in Brownsboro were limited, but the truth was, she didn’t need a man to make her happy. She was in a comfortable rut, and liked it there. She had friends and family. She had Gracie. Then on April fool’s, Ridge Cooper rolled into town and everything changed.

A few hours ago, when she realized there wouldn’t be a wedding, her past, present, and future collided.

Jinx’s question snapped her from her reverie. “Tell me about this Walter guy.”

Synola walked past her with drinks. Tizzy, lost in her own thoughts, failed to follow through as a hostess. “I’m sorry. I offered drinks and then didn’t take your orders.”

“That’s okay, Tizzy,” Rayann said. “We understand. You have a lot on your mind. Besides, we don’t need you to wait on us, we can help ourselves.”

“Thank you. Now, where was I? Oh yeah—Mr. Engles. He was hired as music director at the high school the year after you graduated,” Tizzy explained to Jinx. “We all referred to him as
Mr. E.
He served twenty years in the Army before he started teaching and by his own admission, he’s led a wild life. A few months ago, he found the Lord, and now dedicates himself to making up for those past sins. He’s a character. A conversation with him is

A sudden knock on the door interrupted
them and when Tizzy opened it, Walter Engles, taller and heavier than she remembered, stepped into the room. He wrapped his arms around her in a robust hug, and started his consolation. “I can’t believe this, Tizzy.” He let go of her, took both her hands in his and lowered his head.

Dear Lord, give Tizzy the strength to face these days ahead. Father God, help her take comfort in her friends, and lead her to find forgiveness for this no good scoundrel who’s done her wrong. Help us all, Lord, to come together to support and love Tizzy in these hours as she accepts this disappointment in life. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen”

He snapped his head up, opened his blue eyes, and greeted everyone.
“Hello, Rayann, Synola, nice to see y’all. Synola, you home for a visit?”

“No sir, I’ve moved back. I’m tired of the traffic in Dallas.”

“How’s your sister, Sudie?”

“Just fine, Mr. E, I’ll tell her you asked about her.”

He turned to face Jinx and stuck out his hand. “I don’t believe we’ve met. I’m Walter Engles.”

Jinx crossed the room to meet him half-way. “Jinx Monroe,” he said, shaking his hand.

“Are you Sam and Sugarpie’s boy?”

“Yes sir, guilty as charged.”

“A pleasure to meet you. I think the world of your parents.”

“Thank you, sir.”

“Now,” Mr. E said, turning his attention back to Tizzy, “How can I help?”

“First, thank you for the prayer, but I don’t believe Ridge jilted me. Something weird happened at his bachelor party, and I thought you might be able to furnish us with some information. I don’t want to offend you, but I need to find the stripper who performed at the party. I think she’s involved in his disappearance.”

Mr. E grabbed Tizzy’s hands again, closed his eyes, and lowered his voice.
“Dear Lord, help Ridge realize the error of his ways and end the meaningless tryst with this woman who’s led him astray. Grant him mercy for falling victim to sins of the flesh and bring him back into the fold. Give Tizzy the strength to forgive his wicked ways. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen”

“No, no, Mr. E,” Tizzy quickly explained. “I don’t think Ridge ran off with the woman. I thought you might know her. She’s blonde and has a bluebird tattoo on her right ankle. Does that ring a bell?”

“No, but dancers go back and forth between clubs all the time. I haven’t frequented any of those places in a while, but I’ll give you my best guess about where she might work.”

Rayann handed Tizzy a paper and pen, and Mr. E started to recite. “The most popular clubs in Tyler are Double D’s in the five hundred block of Grand Ave., Show and Tail on Swenson Street and Tongue and Groove on Tyson. In Athens, the old Dairy Queen building on Slide Road is now Dairy ‘ere Queens. The owner didn’t want to waste perfectly good signage.”

Mr. E placed his hand on Tizzy’s shoulder and bowed his head. “
Lord Jesus, please help Tizzy find Ridge. Protect her and her friends as they search for him. Keep them safe as they enter these dens of sin and evil. Father God, help Jinx to refuse the temptation residing there. Give him the strength to resist the pouty lips, the thrusts of moist thighs, the erotic movement of sensuous bodies, the fullness of voluptuous breasts, the creamy skin scantily clad by lace and tassels. Keep him on the path of righteousness. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

Tizzy glanced around the room and found everyone frozen, wide-eyed, and slack jawed. Mr. E
’s skin glowed with perspiration.

He made his way to the door and removed a handkerchief from his pants pocket. “I hope I helped, Tizzy.”

“Thanks, Mr. E, at least you’ve given me a place to start.”

He swabbed his forehead. “Call me if I can do anything else for you,” he said and closed the door behind him.

Everyone remained silent for a moment, then Jinx gasped, “Damn, that’s the first time I’ve ever been turned on by a prayer.”

“Amen,” Synola said.

Chapter Six


By the time the girls changed into clothes more appropriate for strip clubs and met back at Tizzy’s, daylight began to fade. Tizzy eyed Synola’s fashion choice. Balanced on caged stilettos, she modeled Leopard-print leggings and a metallic gold blouse. Rayann went the more conservative route with a well fitted black tank top under a lace motorcycle jacket and basic heels. Tizzy decided to concentrate on shoes. She wore Victorian Vixen Boots, laced to the ankle, with black leather pants and a plain white shirt.

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