You're Not Broken (30 page)

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Authors: Gemma Hart

BOOK: You're Not Broken
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              “You can take it, baby,” he murmured, biting my lower lip gently. “You can take it for me.”


              My pussy quivered around his hard cock. God, he was bigger than I had imagined! My entire body felt pierced and invaded.


              I groaned as he slowly pulled himself out. He thrust back in hard, making me jerk forward a little. My body shuddered at the fresh new attack. Pleasure and pain mixed through my and swirled around my pussy. I couldn’t believe the heat of rising arousal within me after having just come so hard.


              “God, you’re so tight, sweetheart,” he said, grunting as he thrust back into me again. I moaned loudly, wrapping my legs around his hips, urging him in deeper.


              I could almost feel his cock brushing against my womb. He was in so deep and he stretched me so wide. I reveled in it. I wanted to be
. To be taken.


              I felt Rowan’s hands on my hair, cradling me like I was something wonderful, as he thrust into me deeply. His hips created a rhythmic pace. Our breaths grew faster as his cock drove deeper and deeper into me.


              I clawed at his back, wanting to drive him even deeper into me. I wanted to be even closer. My body rose and rose with each thrust. I felt myself rising to that eventual fall, still unable to believe it was happening again so soon.


              Then Rowan angled his hips and thrust in again, hard, brushing his groin against my clit. That was all I needed. I arched and cried out as my entire body shook with the power of my orgasm.


              I clung to him as my body melted again and again under the power of my release. I was out of breath and damn near out of my mind. Rowan let the orgasm run through me before he picked up his pace, driving his cock in again and again at a punishing pace.


              Finally he roared as he found his released, joining me in the hazy aftermath of pleasure. He fell onto his side, breathless. Without a word, he immediately pulled me against him, holding me close. It felt good to have him automatically reach for me.


              Together, we let out pulses quietly slow down. I felt his hand slowly run up and down my back in a calm, soothing manner. I looked up. His eyes were closed and his face relaxed. His hand still ran down my back in that soothing way, as if he couldn’t get enough of touching me.


              My heart skipped a beat as I realized the truth.


I love him.

Chapter Seventeen


              “Miss Blair,” Agent Todd said as he took a seat on the dark gray couch of the penthouse main room, “I hope you were able to sleep well and get some rest after yesterday’s trauma.”


              Rowan and I sat across from the agent on the smaller loveseat. I almost wanted to giggle like a girl at his words. Sleep? Maybe I had gotten some towards dawn. But definitely not any before then.


              For hours, Rowan and I had lingered over each other’s bodies. We spoke in that private and free way that people can talk in the late hours of the night. One minute Rowan was taking my breast into his mouth while he plunged his cock deep into me and then the next minute, he was holding me close while he asked me about what it was like growing up in Hollywood.


              “Mmm…” I said, thinking over my answer while luxuriating in the delicious feel of having his arm securely around me. “I guess it’s really not so different from normal high school. It’s like being in perpetual high school. There’s always the gossipy ones, the bitchy ones, the really nice ones, the brownnosers, the popular ones—”


              “That’d be you, right?” he asked, his voice murmuring right behind my ear. “The popular one?”


              I huffed a laugh but didn’t deny it. “I’d be okay if I wasn’t. I wouldn’t mind a break. It’s not fun being the one that the gossipy ones talk about or the brown nosers try to kiss up to.”


              Rowan ran a hand over my hair, smoothing back the stray locks. “I can imagine,” he said.


              I turned around in his arms so I could face him. “What about you? What were you in high school? The rebel? The bad boy?” I asked teasingly.


              Rowan grinned. “The nerd,” he answered promptly.


              I gave him such a skeptical look that he laughed. There was no way he could’ve been a nerd. No man could grow into this level of masculinity and strength. It was something that you were born with and just honed over time.


              “Well, what
think defines a nerd,” he clarified. “I had fun, of course, riding bikes with my old man and all. But I was pretty good at school. Got offered a scholarship to Stanford.”


              “Really?” I asked, floored. I would never have expected that. Not that Rowan ever struck me as dumb but Stanford was the Ivy League of the West Coast. That was impressive by any standards!


              Rowan nodded. “But I was dumb then. I liked books and studying. I was good at it. But I wanted to ride bikes more than I wanted to attend college. I gave up the scholarship and my old man never could stop haranguing me about that.”


              “Well I can imagine why!” I said. No one just gives up a scholarship to Stanford. At least, not without a good reason. “Are you sure it was just bikes? Not a girl?” I asked in a teasing voice but I was curious. And if I was being honest, a little jealous.


              Rowan gave a soft laugh as he wrapped both arms around me, holding me close. I closed my eyes and melted into him. “No,” he said. “No girl. Just a really deep and stupid love for riding.”


              There was something in his voice that caught my ear. A tone of nostalgia mixed with pain, something that said that there was more to his story than just bike riding.


              But before I could question him further, his lips were already on mine and his cock growing between us.


              Agent Todd quirked a brow at me and I noticed I had been smiling to myself.


              “Err, yes,” I said, blushing. “I got some rest.”


              Rowan coughed next to me but I heard the covered laughter beneath it. I would’ve kicked him if the coffee table weren’t so low.


              “Right,” Agent Todd said in a voice that spoke volumes of his understanding. “Well, let’s get down to business. I don’t want to take up any more of your time. I wanted to talk to you about your schedule. I know right now you’re on somewhat of a breather at the moment, which is good. It’ll make our jobs easier. But I saw that tomorrow you have a function you’re attending.”


              I nodded. “The Light Feet Charity Luncheon is tomorrow and I’ve been asked to speak,” I said. Light Feet was a charity that helped bring dance and theater into lower income school districts. I had been a major contributor since the charity’s conception and was glad to be the main speaker for tomorrow’s event. “I can’t cancel on that.”


              Agent Todd held up his hands as if to mean no offense. “Of course, of course. I understand. But you also have an interview as well tomorrow, don’t you?”


              That was what the lunch with Jamie had been about. There was a final interview that the studio wanted me to do for the movie. A big BBC reporter was in LA covering entertainment events and asked to do a story with me. It was good press and good coverage. I had agreed reluctantly. I really had looked forward to a break from such monotonous interviews but I knew that some interruptions couldn’t be helped.


              “I do,” I confirmed. “It’s supposed to be right before the luncheon.”


              Agent Todd nodded. “Okay, well, unfortunately we’re going to ask you to pick one of the two. The luncheon is going to require a lot of manpower and organization and we don’t want to split our focus. Also, we think it’d be safer if we could limit the time you spend out in public for now. No flights out of state, no overseas engagements.”


              “The interview,” I said instantly, relieved that I now had a legitimate excuse to not do it. “I can give up the interview.” I smiled.


              Agent Todd returned the smile. “Thank you for your understanding and compliance, Miss Blair. I know it’s difficult to adhere to all the restrictions but we appreciate how easy you’re making it for us to keep you safe.”


              I nodded graciously. If he only knew the huge favor he was actually doing me!


              Agent Todd rose to leave. I walked him to the door. Before leaving, he said, “One more thing. Not to sound like a broken record but please remember to stick with your security team and Matthews. We want to be able to keep a good location on you at all times. After the luncheon, touch bases with us before heading back to the hotel.”


              I nodded. “Pinky promise,” I said smiling.


              Agent Todd gave us a nod and then left.


              Once the door closed, I turned around and threw my arms up in the air. “No interview!” I cried out in joy and then threw myself into Rowan’s arms.


              He caught me easily and swung me around. “That’s good?”


              “It’s great! I’m sick of being asked how I maintain my body or what my ideal type of man is,” I said, pulling a face.


              “Ideal type of man?” he asked, his eyes glinting with humor. “Well now, I am quite curious, Miss Blair.”


              I blushed. “Oh well,” I said, feeling suddenly quite shy. “I-It’s just one of those silly questions they ask—”


              A musical ring began to echo through the room. It was my phone chiming from the living room.


              “Saved by the bell!” I said as I ran towards my savior.


              “Hello?” I answered.


              “Jessa?” a familiar voice answered.


              “Yes, who is this?” I asked.


              “It’s David. David Francetti,” David answered in a flustered voice. “I apologize for the number. I’m calling from my New York office.”


              David Francetti? I felt a nervous energy hum through me. “Hi David!” I said, hoping my voice didn’t sound unnaturally high. “Yes, I was wondering why I didn’t recognize the number. How are you?”


              “I’m calling about the reel you sent,” he said abruptly, not answering my pleasantries. The man was awkward to a fault. But at the moment, I could care less.


              “Oh?” I breathed, so nervous I felt like even my hair was trembling. “And?”


              “And I’d like you to come into New York to audition,” he said.


              I stamped my feet in place, unable to contain my excitement. “Yes! Yes! I would love to!” I saw Rowan standing near the bar, grinning from ear to ear. He had clearly picked up on what the phone call was about. “When?”


              “Can you come in the day after tomorrow? 10 AM?” he asked. “I know it’s short notice but I leave for Italy that evening so I only have a short period of time to see you.” There was a pause. “But I would like to see you for this role.”


              I thought my heart would burst from happiness. This call was almost as good as actually getting the role itself. “Yes, I will see you in two days then. 10 AM. Thanks, David! Thank you so much!”


              As soon as I hung up the phone, Rowan grabbed me and pulled me into his arms. “I knew you could do it!” he said. “He’d have to be a blind mind to not snatch you up for his movie.”


              I was sure my lips would tear from grinning so much. “Well, it’s not a sure thing yet,” I said, still unable to stop grinning. “All he did was invite me to New York to audition. There’s no guarantee. Although he did sound quite keen to see me.” I couldn’t help but laugh.              


              But Rowan furrowed his brow. “New York?” he said. “I thought he’d be in LA.”


              “A man like David Francetti is all over the world. Later that day he’ll be flying to Italy. Why? What’s wrong with New York?”


              Rowan frowned. “You’re grounded, or did you forget? The Feds want to be able to keep a close eye on you so no out of state flights, no overseas engagements,” he said, repeating Agent Todd’s words.


              Suddenly it felt like a splash of cold water had been thrown on all my excitement. I had forgotten. I looked up at Rowan, desperate for him to understand just how important this was for me.


              But I didn’t need to try and explain. I could already see his understanding in his eyes. But there was also a sense of reluctance because he knew he was tied to duty.


              “We could call Agent Todd and ask to sanction a flight to New York,” he offered.


              “But what if he says no?” I said. “I can’t blow this chance. David only has that morning to see me. And if Agent Todd says no then they’ll be wise to the audition and the trip. They’ll make sure I


              “You’re in danger right now,” he said gently, as if trying to delicately crush my dreams. He grabbed my arms and gave me a little shake. “It’s dangerous to be running off without your protection.”


my protection,” I argued. “I have you. You could come with me.”


              Rowan looked like he was about to argue further but before he could, I cut him off. “We could fly out tomorrow night on a private plane and then call Agent Todd or Harrison in the air. At that point they can’t do anything anyway. I’m sure they can have men waiting for us when we land in New York. And then I’d be as safe there as I would be here.”


              Rowan gave me a frown as if he expected me to know that wasn’t exactly true. But I couldn’t care less. My one chance to finally break free from the monotonous ditzy girl roles was here! This was the chance I had been working and studying towards!


              “Rowan,” I said, grabbing onto him, “I
to go. This is a huge opportunity for me. This I what I’ve been working for for a long time. If I give this up, then he—whoever this sick stalker is—has already won. He’s already ruined my life.”


              I could see the debate behind Rowan’s eyes. He didn’t want me to give up the audition any more than I did. But he knew what the agents had said.

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