Yours Completely: A Cinderella Love Story (Billionaires and Brides #1) (15 page)

BOOK: Yours Completely: A Cinderella Love Story (Billionaires and Brides #1)
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“And now?” Ella was breathless. His fingertips were still on her chin and she was staring up into his eyes. This was what magic felt like.

“Beyond beautiful,” he whispered. “Beautiful doesn't even begin to describe you.”

She forgot to breathe because she no longer needed to. Jace tipped his head, taking his time to slowly capture her lips. As soon as their lips met, fireworks seemed to explode and Ella wasn't sure if they were a part of the wedding celebration or all in her mind. He lifted his hand, bringing it up to the back of her neck. As soon as he began to draw her in, she threw herself at the kiss, her mouth desperately seeking his.

His kiss was wild yet sweet, rough and soft, heavenly and wicked. Quickly, his tongue found hers and tasted her. He was sensual and delicious, filling her with desire she didn't know she could possess. She could feel every nerve ending of hers tingling. Her whole body was going to explode with pure desire just from the sensation of his lips against hers.

He pulled away a little and she leaned forward, continuing the kiss for a moment before pulling back herself. He looked her over. “Wow,” he whispered.

“Wow,” Ella agreed.

He caught her up again, crushing her chest against his as his kiss grew more urgent. Liquid desire pooled in her stomach. Greedily, she took her fill, threading her fingers through his hair and giving into the desire that had been building within her for the past few days. Part of her wanted to go slow, to revel in his kiss, but the more she kissed him, the more she knew she couldn't wait.

She had never wanted anyone like this. Just the simple caress of his tongue against hers had her ready to melt right there in his arms. The world faded until all that existed was Jace and this kiss.

“Ella...” Jace whispered. She could feel his manhood throbbing against her hip and she realized she had her leg wrapped around his waist. She was surprised that she'd even managed to lift it up that high in this dress.

“So, what's your room number?” Ella asked, putting her foot back on the gazebo floor. “Maybe I'll stop by later, or something.”

Jace's lips quirked in a small smile. “That'd be cool. It's the business suite. 'Cause, you know, I'm kind of a big deal.”

“Oooh, the business suite. You must be important.” Ella was ready to run at a dead sprint to get to that room. “I think I can come by.”

Jace pulled her into another kiss that stole her breath and made her body ache for so much more. If just his kiss had her ready to explode with desire, she could only imagine what the rest of him could do. The thought made her shiver.

“Business suite, right?” Ella gasped, dizzy when finally pulled back enough to let them both breathe.

He grinned at her and she took his hand. They ran the whole way to his room.

Chapter Eighteen

ace slid his key-card into the lock, barely managing not to drop it. He couldn't remember the last time he felt nervous about being with a woman, but with Ella standing behind him, he could barely keep from shaking. She was just so damn beautiful, he was having a hard time doing anything but staring.

He held open the heavy door, inviting her inside. She walked in and stood demurely off to the side, looking around with wide eyes as if she'd never seen the place before.

“Does it look different than usual?” he asked, setting the key-card down on the table.

“Yes.” She smiled nervously, wrapping her arms around herself as if she were cold despite the fact she was still wearing his jacket. It looked remarkably good on her.

“How does it look different?” He turned on the small lamp in the living area of the room before taking off his shoes and tie. He thought about taking off his dress shirt, but it felt awkward now that they were alone in his room, so he just undid the top button two buttons to make it more comfortable.

“It seems bigger,” she answered, glancing in at the dark adjoining bedroom. “Plus, I feel very strange not having a vacuum.”

Jace chuckled. “I'm sure we could get you one if you want. I'd like you to be comfortable.”

She giggled and Jace wondered how something could sound so sweet and sexy at the same time. “Isn't that supposed to be my line?”

“Not tonight,” he told her. She bit her lip and smiled, obviously not having a clue as to how incredibly sexy it was when she did that. It made him think of all sorts of things that he wanted to do with her mouth.

She stared out the window, looking at the lake cloaked in darkness. She turned around, playing with her fingers. “I've never done this before.”

before?” he asked cautiously.

“Been in a guest's room like this. It's strictly against the rules. If I get caught...” she trailed off and wrapped her arms around herself again.

“Then we won't get caught.” He smiled at her. “Besides, I don't think anyone would recognize you in that dress. You don't exactly look like a maid.”

She flushed at his compliment. “Then we really shouldn't ask for the vacuum. That would probably give us away.”

He chuckled and motioned to the small bar in the living area of the room. “Would you like something to drink?”

He wanted her to feel comfortable. If she wanted that vacuum, he would go get it for her himself if he thought it would help. Hopefully, she would think the drink was the easier solution, but all he wanted was to see her smile.

“I happen to know there is a bottle of complimentary champagne in your fridge that would be great.” She grinned and looked toward the small fridge.

“That's much easier than a vacuum,” he replied going to the fridge and pulling out the bottle.

“Is it bad that I keep expecting security to come break down that door?” She smiled nervously, glancing at the closed door. She kept wiping her palms on her dress and then messing with the lace as soon as she realized what she was doing.

He popped the cork on the champagne and set the bottle down before going to the door. With a smooth motion he opened the door and placed the “Do Not Disturb” sign on the handle, then shut the door and pulled slid the security lock into place. She smiled, but it didn't quite fix the restless gaze of her eyes.

So he picked up the phone. “Hello, this is Xavier Connors. I do not, under any circumstance wish to be disturbed tonight. If anyone needs me, they can contact my assistant. Is that understood? Nothing and no one disturbs me except him.”

The voice on the other end of the line assured him that there would be absolutely no disruptions from any of the hotel staff for any reason. Their job here was to make him comfortable. Jace smiled at the expression.

“There you go,” Jace said, hanging up the phone. “You of all people know that no one will dare even
at this room now.”

She giggled and moved to hang his jacket up on the back of the office chair. “Thank you.”

He quickly poured them each a glass of champagne and handed one to her before sitting on the couch in front of the large windows overlooking the lake. It was too dark to see right now, but he knew in the morning, the lake would dominate the window with blue.

“Come sit with me,” he offered, making sure she had more than enough space. As much as he wanted to get back to the hot and heavy kissing they had been doing, he wanted to enjoy her company more.

She carefully kicked off her shoes and placed them neatly off to the side before moving to sit next to him. Her movements were slightly shy, as if she wasn't quite sure what to expect next. He believed her when she said this was her first time sharing a room with a guest.

“To weddings,” Jace toasted holding up his glass.

“To weddings,” she repeated, smiling broadly as she clinked her glass against his and took a small sip.

She was so warm and beautiful that he couldn't look away. She was perfect in every way. He said a silent thank you to whomever was listening and tried to think of something to say that would make her smile.

Instead of saying anything, he simply leaned forward and kissed her. She tasted of champagne and sunshine, and she didn't pull back or move away. Instead she pressed in, her lips soft and welcoming and her hands going to his hair and pulling him closer to her.

The shift from sweet to sensual was fast. Suddenly, every part of her body welcomed him to come closer and to find out more about her in ways that didn't involve talking.

Jace had never felt this level of attraction. Of magnetism. Of desire. Pure lust rushed through him, yet was tempered with something sweeter. He didn't want to rush this. He wanted this to last, and not just through the night. Her body and her mind intrigued him.

Her hand went to his shirt, nimbly unbuttoning the starched white linen. Blood was quickly rushing from his brain down to his groin, changing his thoughts from coherent to something resembling caveman thought.

He reached his hand around behind her back, searching for the zipper to her dress. It pulled smoothly down, exposing her smooth, silky skin. She didn't stop kissing him as he caressed her bare shoulders and pushed the dress down around her hips.

She was wearing a simple strapless bra. It looked worn and shabby, and she blushed as his hand touched it. He made a mental note that he should get her some lingerie. She would look spectacular in lingerie. Her body deserved to wear lingerie.

All the buttons on his dress shirt were undone and she was struggling to remove it from his shoulders without stopping kissing him. He reluctantly pulled back, shrugging out of the shirt and then lifting the hem of the undershirt and pulling it up and over his head.

She gasped a little.

“What?” He froze, worried something was wrong.

“How is it that guys can make that look so incredibly sexy without even trying?” Her eyes were glued to him like he was the most amazing thing she'd ever seen.

He grinned, his ego not the only thing on the rise, and kissed her again. Her hands went to his chest, caressing his skin and driving him wild. It was as if she wanted to feel every inch of him, and he was certainly more than happy to let that happen.

He pushed the dress further down her torso and reached for the bra. It came off easily in his hands, demonstrating just how worn it was. He tossed it to the side, positive he was going to give her something better.

He cupped her breasts with his hands, being careful with the delicate flesh. She sucked in a breath and arched her back into him, giving him better access with a moan that set his entire body aflame. Every touch from this woman was alive and real with a desire he didn't even know was possible.

He wanted to slow down. They should have dinner first. And a date. A real date. But, with her body molded to his, he couldn't stop. The mere touch of her skin was too primal and pure to let him think of anything else.

His mouth went to her breast and he caressed her with his tongue. He loved the way she seemed to vibrate with pure pleasure as he ran his hands and mouth over her.

He wanted so badly to take his time. He wanted to be a generous lover and sear this night into her memory with just how long and strong he could go. But when she touched him like she was doing right now, he could barely think, barely remember his own name. He knew he'd never be able to control himself around her.

Had he ever been so in need of a woman before?

She shimmied out of her dress, pushing the lacy dress to the floor. Her chest heaved up and down with excitement as she wore only a plain white thong. She smiled nervously as he looked her over, shifting her arms as if she were afraid he would somehow find her lacking.

“I didn't think it was possible, but apparently it is,” he murmured.

“What?” Her brows came together, nervous and she pulled back slightly. He reached for her.

“That you could be more beautiful.”

She smiled, relaxing into his arms as he pulled her into his lap. Her legs wrapped to either side of his body, making her tiny cotton underwear press heavily against the growing bulge in his pants. She drove him out of his mind with how good she smelled, not to mention felt.

He couldn't touch her enough. His hands caressed her soft skin while his mouth searched her chest. She tasted so delicious, he was sure he'd never want to eat anything else ever again. Everywhere he touched, he wanted to taste. He wanted to feel her respond to his caress.

He looked up to see her biting her lip, her eyes closed in concentration of her own pleasure as she rocked herself against him. His mind immediately thought of what those perfect, red lips would look like on other parts of his anatomy.

He pushed her off of him and onto the couch, wanting more than just to bump and grind with her in his lap. She leaned back, and her hair spilled across the couch cushion like silk. He wasn't sure when it had come out from the hairstyle she had put it up in, but he liked it free much better.

“I think you have too many clothes on,” she whispered. Her words were brave and sexy, but she still blushed a little as if she wasn't used to being this forward.

He grinned and quickly shuffled out of his pants, only too happy to comply. He stood before her wearing only his briefs. But, even those felt too tight and confining at the moment. He wanted to have nothing come between them.

“Those too,” she whispered, sitting up and putting her fingers on his hips. She looked up at him as she tugged them down, her eyes dark with desire. Her tongue darted out and licked her lips as she saw him in his full glory. He'd never felt quite so attractive in his life as when she looked at him like that.

Her hands still on his hips, she leaned forward and kissed the tip of his erection. He couldn't stop the groan of pleasure that welled up out of his throat. If he had any ability to think, that completely destroyed it.

She smiled up at him, enjoying his reaction and growing bolder.

Taking him in her hands, she began to kiss his length. Her tongue ran along his shaft while her hands cradled the rest of him. With a smooth motion, she then sucked him into her mouth, moving her tongue along the sensitive skin of his head.

He'd had blow jobs before, but nothing like this. He was sure he was going to explode in her mouth in minutes if she kept that up it felt so damn good. He felt like a teenage boy about to lose control because she was just too sexy for him to contain himself. It was amazing.

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