ZAK SEAL Team Seven Book 3 (12 page)

BOOK: ZAK SEAL Team Seven Book 3
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She started to argue so I walked back over to the bed and stood over her. “Keep your voice down, I don’t want my kid knowing about any of this shit.” Her eyes were spitting fire but she had the good sense to keep her mouth shit. I didn’t like the fact that seeing her tied up and spread out for my pleasure made my dick weep. I wanted this shit to be about planting my son in her and nothing more. I’m pretty sure Zakira had been made in love, and look where that shit got me, apparently it didn’t matter.

“You look tired why don’t you take a nap.” I moved away again but she seemed like she was in the mood to argue. She really didn’t get it. “You know you can’t get away with this Zak, what do you hope to achieve? You can’t keep me here forever.” That’s what she thinks.

“If you open your mouth to me again, I’ll shove my dick in it, I don’t wanna hear shit you have to say.” I pulled the sheet up over her nakedness so my daughter won’t see it if she woke up, and headed out of the room.




I went about my day same as usual with one ear pricked for my daughter’s cries when she woke up. I’d bought one of those high-powered monitors that allowed me to leave the house and still hear her. I knew today we were gonna go through the last of the old man’s papers and finish deciphering the code in the ledger. We still had a business to run and had no intentions on hiding out from these assholes. We just needed to make sure that the place was secure enough for the women and now my daughter.

Everything seemed to be coming at us all at once, and for men who were accustomed to getting answers, it was a pain in the ass to be playing the waiting game. We still didn’t know who had told these guys that we were onto them, or that we had been the ones to move the money.

The Rosalind woman as well as Robert swore that they weren’t the ones who’d talked, so that still left a dangling string. Try as we might we hadn’t been able to come up with an answer to that question, short of the place being bugged which we knew wasn’t possible.

Shit was taking long because we had to piece everything together. So far the best leads we had was whatever the commander had left for us, but that wasn’t enough. We could go after the family there were ways to that, but with what? All we had were speculations, no real hard evidence. And as much as we were all convinced of their guilt, that wasn’t enough to even get an arrest. For me, with my kid now caught in the middle, it was simple. Find out what they knew and whose strings they were pulling, and take the fuckers out.

“Where’s Nessa?” Quinn met me halfway across the yard.

“She’s taking a nap.” I was going to be fielding that question a lot in the next few days. He gave me a disbelieving look but didn’t take it any farther. “Where are the others?” I didn’t see the guys, usually on a Saturday we’d be puttering around doing lazy day shit, but since this shit had started we hadn’t had too many of those.

“We were waiting for you, we’re running a drill just to be on the safe side. Con and Lo are trying to figure out how safe it is to let the girls go to work next week, they’re gonna be running drills any minute. Cord and I are gonna do a scouting run to see if we’re under some sort of surveillance and Ty and Dev are gonna go into town and see if anyone’s talking. Apart from that our main concern is the baby and making sure she’s safe here.”

“What the fuck does that mean? She’s not going anywhere.” We’d reached the commander’s place by then where the others were congregated. Lo looked up at my outburst.

“No one said she was hothead, we were just throwing around ideas, we have to make sure the women and the baby are safe here. We still don’t know how these humps got onto us, and at this point it doesn’t matter how, the fact is that they are. We’re gonna do a run on Candy, she’s the only one coming in from the outside, the only unknown except the kids and the humps were onto us before they came into the picture.”

“I don’t know Lo, I don’t see Candy for this.”

“Neither do the rest of us, but the fact remains, she’s the only constant from the outside, and we all know there’re ways of getting to someone without them knowing it. Someone could’ve slipped something in her bag, under her skin; there are any number of ways for someone to tag her without her knowing it. We’ve done it enough to know how it’s done.”

Shit, I hadn’t thought of that, hadn’t let myself think about the fact that we could be dealing with someone as high-tech as that. “We’re not dealing with small time drug runs here are we brother?”  He shook his head no as the others got restless. Just what the fuck was my kid caught in the middle of? “Okay what’s the plan?”

“We’re going over this whole place from top to bottom with a fine tooth comb. They have some way of knowing that we were making runs down by the water. We went over that place before we put our own eyes down there and there was nothing. Now they knew the commander was onto them, there’s no reason to believe they knew the old man was gonna leave the place to us, but now we’re here. Say they figure the old man had been keeping some kind of records or something, now here we are. They’ll know that we’ll find it eventually. I’m just guessing here, but we’ve got to start somewhere, I’m tired of these humps having the upper hand.”

Chapter 12






“I have some thoughts on that. I say we sweep the place yes, but so far we’ve been playing defense, what say we start playing offense for a change? None of us want to play hostage to these fucks, so far it seems like they’ve been calling the shots, but what have we really got to lose here? Let’s secure the place, make sure there’s no way for these fucks to breech and go full tilt after their asses. Because I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m not about to be playing hide and seek with these fucks. I’m not too thrilled about my kid being caught in the middle of this shit, not to mention the girls.”

“You’ve got a point Zak and my mind was running that way, that’s what we were discussing before you got here, but we’re gonna need you one hundred percent on this brother, no distractions.” I knew that shit was coming, and I understood his reasons for saying it. “I’m cool, the sooner we deal with this shit the better.” I didn’t let my mind go to the woman I had tied to my bed, or the fact that my shit was just beginning. “Glad to hear it. We heard back from the chief, he passed the test.”

“Thank fuck, Cord told me what everyone was going to be doing what’s my gig?” As if I didn’t know.

“Follow the money. The account we pulled it from has a million layers but it’s one of our only leads. See what else they had going on there if anything.” My brothers got up to each go about his business and I felt a little better that everyone wasn’t so focused on me anymore.

I checked the monitor to make sure the baby was still asleep. I’d remembered to turn it off while we were having our little talk, but now I had an idea. I booted up the secured computer and put in the numbers from the offshore account and started running a search with variations. “Can you hear me?”

I was pretty sure she could, but wasn’t expecting her to answer. “I know you can. Are you thinking about what you did, how you robbed me of my seed? Are you worried about what I have in store for you? You should be.”

I’ve been thinking, always thinking, and I knew it was going to be quite some time before I got over this mad. Maybe at some point in the future I’d move on and the sting wouldn’t be so bad, but as of right now, that shit was all consuming. “I’ve decided that I like having you tied to my bed for my pleasure. I especially like the fact that I can do anything to you. I can exact my vengeance on you at my leisure. I’ve been thinking, why stop at one son, why not two?” I had to cut that shit out and get back to work when my own thoughts were starting to fuck with me.

I wasn’t about to become a slave to her pussy, that’s not what this was about. By the time I was through I was gonna make her crave me. My plan is to enslave her, mind, body and soul. I left the computer running and headed out when I heard my daughter starting to fuss over the monitor. Back in my bedroom I barely spared a glance for the naked woman in my bed as I changed Zakira’s diaper. I knew she was gonna want to nurse soon, so I got her set up in her highchair first to feed her before she started fussing.

I had a bit of a dilemma on my hands now too. My dick was hard as fuck from just the thought of Vanessa’s naked ass tied to my bed, but I wasn’t about to fuck her with my kid in the room. I draw the line at that depraved shit. There was only one thing to do, I was gonna have to move the crib into the room next to mine. Since her mother was the only one I had been worried about breaking in and taking her it was safe. I cleaned her up and put one of her toys on the tray hoping it would keep her occupied while I moved her stuff.

With that shit out of the way I took the baby into the bedroom where I had her mother tied to the bed and put her on the tit after she started to fuss. Vanessa was looking at me the way we’re taught to look at our captors in war. “That shit’s not gonna work on me, I already know you remember, you’re the woman who stole my fucking seed.” I said the words soft so that the baby wouldn’t hear. “Talk to our daughter so she knows you’re okay.” I wasn’t sure if the baby would notice the difference, but I wasn’t taking any chances. Then again my little piglet didn’t seem interested in anything else but her milk.

Without thinking, my hand came up and started to knead the other tit. I was fascinated despite myself. I watched my little girl suckle until she fell asleep, and without giving it any thought, my head lowered to the untouched nipple and I took her into my mouth and pulled. I wrapped my arm around them both holding them in place as I fed on her. When her body shook in climax I came back to my senses.

Getting up from the bed I removed the baby and left the room. Holding her close I walked her into the other room. I had a moment of conscience when it hit me that I was doing this shit to her mother, but that shit didn’t last long. I returned to the room where her tits were bare and still leaking and fell on her. There was no other word for it. I pushed my dick into her already wet pussy, latched onto her tit while kneading the other with my callused hand and started to fuck.

I liked the feel of her warm milk leaking all over my hand and was soon moving back and forth between nipples as I fucked into her uncontrollably. No matter how hard I tried it was no use, her pussy fucking sucked me in, and all the mattered was the pleasure. I hated it, hated the hold she had on me after all that she’d done and so I lashed out. “If I could destroy you without hurting her I would.” It was a fucked up thing to say to her while I was inside her. She struggled beneath me but all it took was my teeth in her neck to bring her to heel.

I wrapped my hand around her neck and squeezed. “Where the fuck do you think you’re going?” I fucked into her harder not giving any care to how deep I was going. One quick look showed there was no blood on my dick so she was fine. I went after her tits next, mauling them with my teeth as her milk sprouted all over the place like a fountain. I lapped that shit up as my cock grew even harder inside her. I felt her quickening around me as she cried out and moved on my dick. I was too far gone to remember that I didn’t want her to take any pleasure from me.

She tried holding herself back but it was no use. Before I could stop it, she was cumming on my cock again. I bit into her nipple as I offloaded inside her. “If you’re not bred in the next two days it’ll be a miracle.” I pulled out and pushed my fingers in her to push the cum deeper inside. “Have you resigned yourself to your plight as yet? Are you looking forward to being my handmaiden?” I left before she could answer me, because I really wasn’t interested.




I took her three more times for the day, each time cumming deeper inside her, giving my seed a better chance to breed her. No matter how I tried not to give her any pleasure she still came on my cock. It was now the end of the night and the baby had just had her last feeding. The others had kept their word and stayed away from the house. I was hard and hurting like I hadn’t had her a few short hours ago.

The situation for all that it was fucked made for some erotic visions in my head. That’s why I’d hightailed it back here as soon as it was possible to call it a night. “It’s time for your bath. I’m going to untie you; it’s up to you if you behave or not, just be forewarned, I’m not in the mood for your shit.” I untied her and lifted her after her limbs refused to cooperate. I’d started the bath running and since she was already naked, all I had to do was lift her into the water.

I’d climbed in first and lifted her in and sat her on my rod. “Umph.” I swallowed the sound as my cock pierced her sore pussy. I figured the water would help ease the sting. I let her rest on my chest for a minute before taking her hips in hand and moving her up and down on my iron hard cock. Her pussy clung to me as she wept from exhaustion. I knew she had to be tired, each time I’d fucked her I’d drawn that shit out for as long as I could, not letting her cum until the very end when she was all but pleading with me to let her get off.

“Fuck me.” I murmured the words in her ear and held still to see what she would do. She buried her face in my neck and I felt her body shake before she started riding my cock. She cried the whole time and my heart ached, but because I was beginning to soften towards her so soon, my ire was ignited and I grabbed her hair, pulling her head back. “Cut that shit out, it’s only been one day. You deceived me for two fucking years.”

“Please Zak, I can’t bear anymore, I’m sorry.” I shut my ears and my heart off from her words and since it was the only way I could think of to shut her the fuck up, I covered her mouth with mine. That’s all it took for her to cum and cum hard, crying out in my mouth, which caused me to jet stream after stream of hot jizz up into her.

She fell like a limp rag against my chest and sap that I am, I bathed her and put her to bed. Tying her down but still lying beside her with my arm thrown around her middle. Offering her comfort because I couldn’t help myself.




The next morning after the baby had been bathed and fed I took her outside for the first time because I was sure if I didn’t Ty would come looking for her. He’d already been acting like he was going through withdrawals or some shit the night before when I wouldn’t let him come see her. I wasn’t ashamed of what I was doing I just didn’t want anyone seeing Vanessa like that or even knowing of her humiliation, that was between us.

The women fell on the baby like she was the first one in creation. Ty was not happy that he had to share but Zakira made her choices known, she clung to me and refused to go to anyone else except Ty and that was only after he bribed her. “Where’s Vanessa, how’s she doing?” I looked at Gaby ready to snap her head off, but then I realized it was just an innocent question and one she had every right to ask.

“She’s fine she was asleep when we left. Connor where are we on the run anything?” I changed the subject before any of the other nosy fucks could stick their noses in. “No we were gonna head on over there as soon as breakfast is over.” I just nodded my head and took the baby back from Ty. “I’ll meet you guys over there I already ate.” I’d made breakfast for me, and Vanessa after I’d emptied myself in her again first thing this morning. I’d like to believe I was still working on my breeding program but I knew no man got that hard that often for a woman, unless there was some serious emotional attachment involved.

Zakira looked around at her new surroundings pointing to things and asking her daddy a million questions; at least I think that’s what she was doing. Without the strain of whatever the fuck was going on between her mother and I weighing me down, it was fun and relaxing to be out and about with my daughter. I was really beginning to feel like a dad, enjoying the way she already seemed to trust me, the way she held onto me. I knew she could walk a little, I’d seen her toddling across the living room floor earlier when she was trying to get away from me when it was time to get dressed, cutest thing I’d ever seen.

We’d almost had a little mishap when she toddled towards the bedroom where her mother was tied up. I don’t know why I thought it was different for her to see her that way when she was nursing, for some reason I had gotten it into my head that she didn’t notice it then, but I didn’t want her seeing her like that otherwise. Daddy did not want to be explaining that shit at some later time in life.

I set her down in the old man’s office and closed the door so she couldn’t pull a runner as I went to the computer. We had three hits on a variation of the account number. Could be nothing, could be something. “Whoa check this out.” The others weren’t too far behind me and came to look over my shoulder. “That’s a lot of fucking money is it theirs?” Lo bit into an apple as his eyes scanned the screen and all the zeroes in each account.

“That’s what I’m about to find out. No baby don’t put that in your mouth.” I didn’t mean to scream at her but it came out that way. Her lip trembled and her eyes filled up with tears. “No-no-no baby.” I was out the chair and kneeling on the floor in front of her with my arms around her. “I’m sorry baby daddy didn’t mean to yell.” She sobbed into my chest and clung to me while I looked around at the others for help.

Ty the fuck looked like he wanted to throat punch me, like I wasn’t feeling bad enough about myself already. She sniffled and stopped but I felt like an asshole for a long time after. The others did everything they could to cheer her up after I sat with her on my lap and she was soon over it, but I was left with a hole in my gut. I found myself wanting to call her mother and ask if she’d ever had to deal with this shit and how she did it.

“Cheer up bro, that’s the first of many.” Connor clapped me on the shoulder as he ran his hand over the baby’s hair.

“I hope the fuck not.” That shit was heart breaking. I could see it now, she was gonna run circles around my ass. I found myself wanting her mother to be there to see that too and squashed the thought. What the fuck was wrong with me today anyway? From the moment I woke up, my mind has been on this one track. Like something unseen was forcing me to look deeper.

I’d awakened with the scent of her in my nose and a raging need to be inside her. I was halfway into fucking when I realized the I wasn’t thinking about breeding her, my only interest was in the pleasure that I derived from her body. Maybe it was the way her body answered mine without hesitation, or the way she just gave in without a fight.

Yes she was tied down to my bed, but there were other ways for her to fight me and she hadn’t. It looks like she had found a way to defeat me after all; her compliance shamed me. Still I couldn’t give in that easily, it was my stupid pride I know, but I just couldn’t let go that easily. She’d wronged me, even she admitted it, so why should I feel guilty for wanting to exact vengeance?

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