Zero Hour: A Post-Apocalyptic EMP Survival Fiction Series (The Blackout Series Book 2) (37 page)

BOOK: Zero Hour: A Post-Apocalyptic EMP Survival Fiction Series (The Blackout Series Book 2)
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•     Mortar and Pestle
•     Graters, Stainless Steel
•     Clear and Brown Glass Jars with Lids
•     Glass Bottles (various sizes) Green, Brown and Clear with Cork Tops
•     Metal Tins, ½ ounce to 4 ounce sizes
•     Sealing Wax
•     Funnels, Kitchen Mesh Strainers and Cotton Muslin Bags
•     Clocks and Kitchen Timers
•     Kitchen Scale
•     Grain Alcohol and Vodkas (for making tinctures), other spirits as needed
•     Copper Distiller (to distill essential oils, etc.)
•     Cheesecloth
•     Coffee Filters
•     Tea Ball Infuser
•     Coconut, Olive, Neem, Sesame, Shea Nut, Wheat Germ, Castor, Grapeseed, Soybean Oils
•     Vegetable Glycerin, Vitamin E Oil, Steric Acid, Grapefruit Seed Extract, Citric Acid
•     White cosmetic clay (Kaolin), makes an excellent poultice base
•     Beeswax and pastilles, Cocoa Butter wax and wafers, Shea Butter
•     Gelatin or Vegetable Capsules, Capsule Making Machine
•     Teapots, Coffee Pots
•     Coal Tar Shampoo
•     Selenium Shampoo
•     Baking Soda and Corn Starch
•     Apple Cider Vinegar and White Vinegar
•     Epsom Salts
•     Sugar, Salt, and Salt Substitutes (part of rehydration formula)
•     Cayenne Pepper Powder (for sore throat gargle and to help stop mild-mod bleeding)
•     Saline Nasal Spray (or sterile homemade solution)
The Armageddon Field Trauma Center
•     Extensive medical library
•     Pandemic Protective Gear: Face Shields, Tyvek Coveralls, Hoodies, Aprons, Boots, Gloves
•     Goggles, indirect vented
•     Treatment Table and Stretches
•     Cots or Beds and Chairs
•     Bedside Table and Mayo Stands
•     Portable Lights and Stands
•     Lanterns, Candlesticks and Holders
•     Waste Bins and Biohazard bags, trash bags
•     Foldable Stretchers
•     Heavy Plastic Sheeting, Large Rolls
•     Duct Tape, Large Rolls
•     Mosquito Netting
•     Portable Large Capacity Tent or Shelter
•     White 100% Cotton Sheets and Pillow Cases
•     Pillows, with waterproof cases
•     Blankets, Towels, Patient Gowns
•     Basins, Bowls and Washcloths
•     Portable Shower or Curtain for privacy and Portable Sinks
•     Shampoo and Conditioner
•     Hair Clips and Rubber Bands
•     Nail Brushes, Emory Boards and Nail Clippers
•     Large Capacity Water Filtration Systems
•     Water Pitcher and Cups
•     Lemon Glycerin Swabs or equivalent
•     Disposable Razors
•     Waterproof Pads
•     Bedpans and Portable Male Urinals
•     Laundry Soap, Bleach, buckets, mop handle, dedicated laundry scrub brushes
•     Clothesline
•     Scrub Suits
•     Fire Extinguishers
•     Extra Reading Glasses in various strengths
•     Charting Materials and Forms
•     Clip Boards, Pencils and Pens (don’t forget the sharpeners)
•     Watch with a Second Hand and Stopwatch
•     Scales, newborn and adult sizes
•     Resuscitation Facemask with one-way valve
•     Resuscitation Bag (Ambu-bag)
•     Endotracheal Tube/ Laryngoscope (allows you to breathe for patient)
•     Portable Defibrillator/ AED (expensive)
•     Pulse Oximeter
•     O2 Concentrator, tubing, and face mask or nasal cannulas, with portable power source
•     Portable EKG monitor (battery operated is preferred) 
•     Blood Pressure monitors (battery operated, wrist sizes are handy)
•     Otoscope and Ophthalmoscope – (instruments to look into ears and eyes)
•     Microscope
•     Glucose Monitor
•     Urine test strips and Hemacult Test Strips
•     Pregnancy test kits
•     Sterile Drapes (lots)
•     Portable Refrigerator A/C and D/C capacity
•     Air Splints (arm/long-leg/short-leg)
•     Plaster of Paris Cast Kits (to make casts for fractures) Adult and Pediatric
•     Cast Removal Tools
•     Crutches, Walking Canes, Wheelchair
•     Drain and IV Sponges (dressings with a slit cutout) and Tegaderm film dressing
•     IV Equipment, such as:
•     Normal Saline (longest shelf life), Ringer’s Lactate IV solutions
•     IV Tubing sets - maxi-sets + standard sets
•     Blood collection bags + filter transfusion sets
•     Syringes 2/5/10/20 mL
•     Needles 20/22/24 gauge
•     IV Start Kits with Tegraderm Dressings
•     Angiocath IV Needles: 16/18/20/24 gauge
•     Paper Tape (1/2 or 1 inch) for IV lines
•     IV Stands (to hang fluid bottles)
•     Paracord (various uses)
•     Assorted Clamps (curved and straight, small and large)
•     Scalpel Handle with Blades (sizes 10, 11, 15) and/or disposable scalpels
•     Triage tags (for mass casualty incidents)
•     Saline Solution for irrigation (can be made at home as well)
•     Foley Catheters, Sterile Lubricant, Foley Insertion Trays and Urine Bags
•     Nasogastric Tubes (to pump a stomach)
•     Autoclave or Pressure Cooker (to sterilize instruments, etc.)
•     Stainless Steel Tongs (to place inside sterilizer and use to pick out sterilized instruments)
•     Self Sealing Sterilization Pouches with indicator strips
•     Ultraviolet Sterilization Wand or Unit
•     Vacuum Bags and Food Saver
•     Cidex Solution or equivalent (for cleaning instruments)
•     Dedicated Scrub Brushes for Cleaning Instruments only
•     Surgical Trays and Bowls, stainless steel only
•     Heavy Trash Bags and Biohazard Bags, various sizes
•     Human Remains Pouch (HRP) with ID cards or tags
•     Shovels and Hatchets
•     Bucket, Scrub Brushes and Mop (to clean hospital surfaces and floors)
•     Bleach and/or Pool Shock (to DIY bleach)
•     Quick Lime Powder (sanitation of human waste)
•     Toilet Paper, Tissues and Paper Towels
•     Pill Bottles and Labels
•     Books, Deck of Cards, Games, Music, Paper, pens, colored pencils/crayons and Activity books
•     Poster Board, Permanent Markers and Red Duct Tape, for signage outside the Hospital
•     Sterile Towels and Sterile Gloves
•     Scrub Brushes in sterile single packages
•     Hibiclens Antiseptic Surgical Scrub (to clean skin before invasive procedures)
•     Mayo Scissors and Metzenbaum scissors
•     Needle Holders, Sterile in various sizes
•     Surgical Marking Pens
•     Suction Pump with Internal 12V Rechargeable Battery
•     Bulb and Large Syringes, Sterile (for irrigating wounds during procedures)
•     Lap Sponges and large quantity of dressings and gauze
•     Obstetric forceps (for difficult deliveries)
•     Speculums, small to ex-large sizes
•     Uterine Curettes (for miscarriages, various sizes)
•     Uterine “Sound” (checks depth of uterine canal)
•     Uterine Dilators (to open cervix; allows removal of dead tissue)
•     Bone Saw Kit (for amputations)
•     1% or 2% Lidocaine (local anesthetic in injectable form-prescription medication)
•     Chest Tube Set-up (connected to bedside suction)
•     Penrose and Jackson Pratt Drains (to allow blood and pus to drain from wounds)
Prescription Medications to Stockpile
•     Medrol Dose packs, oral steroids
•     Epi Pens and Inhalers (Ventolin)
•     Metformin 500mg, 1000mg or 750mg ER tablets
•     Salbutamol Inhalers (for asthma/severe allergic reactions)
•     Antibiotic and Anesthetic, Eye ointment/drops and Ear drops
•     Oral Contraceptive Pills

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