Zombie Theorem: The End Game (31 page)

BOOK: Zombie Theorem: The End Game
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Heaven held off firing anymore as the AC-130 continued its pass. Then, he heard the thumping sound and looked up in time to see five Apache attack helicopters appear over the hill next to them. Hase and Heaven ducked down. They were familiar with the Apache, but they didn’t know if they were on their side or Ridders. That was answered quickly when the helicopters fired their 30-MM chain guns, opening up in the direction of the AC-130. The plane moved too fast and was gaining altitude, so the rounds missed it entirely. But one of the demonic helicopters carried a couple of Stinger missiles and fired two off at the plane. The plane fired off more of its flares and threw itself onto its right wing while trying to gain altitude. One of the Stingers missed completely wide, but the other detonated near the left outer wing tip, shredding part of the wing and the outermost engine. Smoke billowed out from it, but it stayed in the air.

Hase was amazed at the damage that the plane could take and still stay in the air. That pilot was a badass, Hase was sure. If he ever had a chance to meet that crew, he would provide them with enough beer to force their livers into overdrive. The Apache fired off its last Stinger, but this one went after one of the F-16s that was shadowing the AC-130. The jet rocketed away under full afterburner and climbed. Heaven, out of the corner of his eye, saw a flash in the sky across the valley, and then the Apache that had fired the Stingers disappeared under a bright flash of light. Then, another one of the Apaches exploded, and then another. A blur of movement caught Hase’s and Heaven’s attention, as two F-22 Raptors flew by. Their sleek grey bodies looked to meld into the sky, no weapons showed on their wings or bodies but instead, they kept them inside. These planes had no way to attack ground units, except maybe their cannons, but even that was hard to do.

Heaven shifted his rifle and tried zeroing in on one of the Apaches. He tried to find a weak spot and decided to take aim on the tail rotor. He steadied himself and fired. He hit his target and the Apache looked close to lose control, but came under control again. Heaven fired again, hitting the tail rotor, and, this time, the rotor came apart and caused the helicopter to wobble before starting to rotate in one direction. It kept spinning and then slammed into the mountainside hard, rolling over and digging its spinning rotors into the ground shattering them and sending their composite material through the air. The body of the helicopter rolled down the hill and caught on fire.

“I think we need to start moving before that last Apache takes aim at us,” Hase ordered as he grabbed Helmut’s pack and slid down the slope after Heaven, who held the large sniper rifle in front of him. They made it halfway down when the hill-top, exploded under the intense murderous 30-MM cannon fire from the Apache. The two men hit the bottom of the hill and moved away as fast as they could toward the garage doors. As they arrived, a side door opened and Apache came out, helping Heaven to carry Hase inside.



Chapter 11


Howser and Hunter had hunkered down during the AC-130s murderous fire and stayed where they were. After they’d witnessed the SAM fire up into the air, they decided to move to a new position. After working their way around the mountain they had been on, they moved toward the left side of the facility and onto a new hillside further away from the Ridder convoy. They hunkered down and watched the situation change quickly, as the Ridder forces ran toward the facility and its opening. They witnessed the F-16 explode when the SAM missile slammed into it and the they saw the AC-130 as it came back down toward the facility.

“Hunter, I think we can probably pop a couple of those guys during the incoming fire and get our licks in too, since they will not be able to pinpoint us with their hands full.” Howser had already refilled his vest pouches with magazines for his M-14 and brought it up to his shoulder, starting to pick targets to the rear of the moving mass.

Hunter followed Howser’s actions and started hitting targets in the rear also. As they started firing, they could hear a big gun firing off in the distance. They continued till the Apaches appeared over the far hill and fired on the AC-130. They looked at each other and without speaking gathered their gear and worked their way around the facility over to the garage side. They had some distance to go, but they were properly motivated and continued to run, ignoring their load weight and the action going on around them. When the F-22s flew over them, they somehow found another gear and gained speed. They felt and heard the explosions of the helicopters on the other side of the facility, but had no idea what was going on, since they could not see from their angle.

As they came around a rise and then entered the ramp, they watched as a door opened on the side of the garage and Apache stepped out to help Heaven with Hase. They reached the door just as it was closing and slid in, surprising Cupcake, Doc and Apache.

“Where the hell is Harry?” asked Hase.

“Didn’t make it,” answered Howser as he looked around. “How about Helmut?”

Heaven looked down to the ground. “Also didn’t make it.”

The team felt the weight of their losses, but jumped back into the moment. They helped Doc and Cupcake secure the door and set up a firing line near the door into the facility. The door behind them opened and Kuppers and Brian came through. They looked beaten, bruised, and exhausted as they stood there.

“Life is shit right now, guys. What’s going on down here?” Brian asked.

Apache stepped up and explained their situation and what had happened to Delta. Brian took the news in stride and explained that Dan was manning the communications room, and that Ridder had taken over the facility upstairs. He also informed them that their air cover was gone and they had no more coming in. For all purposes, they were cut off and in full lockdown. The good thing was that the convoy had been stopped, which meant that they had time to relax a little and breathe.

The door opened again and a couple of corporals came in bringing coffee and some sandwiches. Then, they made room as others came in, carrying a small crate of ammo and magazines. Hours went by and it seemed that maybe everything would be ok, since the firing had died down. Kuppers ordered his men to start taking naps in shifts and use the down-time to clean weapons. The door opened again and a man carrying a piece of paper came over and handed it to Kuppers. He read it and rolled his neck and shoulders, trying to work out the kinks and stiffness.   

“It would seem that the other shoe is about to drop. We have lost radio communication completely with the General. Also, some of the ATM teams are still out there and alive. They report a small convoy coming in under a white flag from the south, which is weird since Ridder has been coming from the north. Dan wants some of us to go out and meet them before the Ridder forces in the facility upstairs stops them. Who wants to volunteer?” Heaven and Apache both stood at the same time and raised their hands.




Chapter 12


The two geared up and waited as Brian and Hunter freed the door and allowed them to escape outside. It was dark outside and they had taken the last two NVGs still working in the facility. They moved quickly with the NVGs over their eyes and headed in the direction of the incoming convoy. They worked their way around the hill behind them and then, when they figured they were clear of any Ridder forces, they picked up their pace into a fast jog.

When they thought they heard engine sounds, they slowed and took cover behind some small boulders and bushes. They finally saw the convoy sitting still with people around it, looking over a map and talking. Apache and Heaven sat down and discussed what they saw and how they should make contact.

Part way through their planning a voice came to them quietly. “I like your plan so far, guys. But I think it is now moot. You don’t need to go after your weapons. We have you surrounded, now relax. Are you with Ridder?” The voice was calm but full of power and assuredness.

Apache spoke for them. “No, we are from in the facility. Our commander saw your convoy and asked us to come out and talk to you.”

“So far, I like what you are saying. Why don’t you leave your weapons and let’s move over to talk to our commander?” the voice asked.

Apache removed her M-4 placed it on the ground and removed her 1911 sidearm. The voice came out again. “Just your rifle ma’am. You can keep your sidearm. Just keep it in your holster and keep your hand away from it. At least, till we all become good friends.”

Heaven followed suit and placed his SCAR on the ground and kept his hands in view. They stood and walked forward as the shadow that the voice belonged to came out of the dark and from behind the bushes and rocks he had surrounded himself with. He followed behind them as they came out of hiding and walked toward the lead Humvee in the convoy. An average height Asian man with a bushy beard, dressed in similar combat gear as Heaven, looked up from the map he was studying and waved over at them.

He offered his hand and smiled at them “I am Lieutenant Chun. How the hell are you guys doing?” He was of Asian descent, but had clear, sparkling blue eyes. His coarse, black bushy beard sat on the upper parts of his massive barrel chest. He had a disarming smile and seemed laid back.

“Chun, never thought I would see you again,” Heaven said in his slow quiet way.

Chun held Heaven’s hand a little longer and stepped forward to see him better. His expression morphed into shock, then to happiness, and then to confusion. “Heaven? What the hell are you doing out here?”

They let go of hands and embraced like long lost brothers. “My Delta team was frocked to Major Welko, orders from General Richards. We are down two brothers and now being held up in that little facility over that set of hills. We have been battered pretty bad by Ridder. What the hell are you out here for?”

“We have been kind of wandering around in the desert for a couple of months and fighting off these damn Ridder mercenaries. We just connected with the General a week ago and he asked us to head north for a while. I have three SEAL Teams with me and a couple of Army guys that we found, getting their asses kicked by Ridder. So we walked in and rescued them and now, I can’t get them to go away. So, how can we help?”

A small number of hard-looking men gathered around listening to the conversation. Apache introduced herself to them and shook hands with a number of them. Heaven continued, “We need some help clearing out the cockroaches from our facility and bolstering our defenses. We have a couple of Science guys working on what we hope will be end up being a cure. Feel like helping?” he asked.

“I think we can do something for you. Wanna show me and my boys the details of your little facility on a map?” He motioned to the map. Heaven and Apache explained the facility and the status of what they knew about Ridder. Chun turned and looked around at his men.

“Aces, Mortis, feel like having some fun?” Chun asked.

His men looked hard and dangerous in their battle armor and weapons. One by one, they nodded their agreement. “Alright. I’ll lead Team One, we will circle around the facility in this direction and set up here. Team Two come in from behind and escort our two friends to the garage. Team Three and Four will move in and secure the facility. Army guys, as always you will drive in your little Humvees and man your big guns, and back our teams. Any problems guys?”

No issues came up, so the Teams broke up and moved off to their assigned points. Apache and Heaven led Team Two to the garage ramp and to the side door. Apache tapped on the door and it opened slowly to reveal Brian, holding his M-4 at his shoulder. He relaxed and eased his weapon to his side, and made room for the rest to come through. He became wide-eyed, seeing the SEAL Team as they came through the door.

“Apache, where the hell did you find a SEAL team, out in the desert?” Brian asked.

She looked back with a little smile pursed on her lips. “Oh, these guys? Heaven just had to stop for a Slurpee at the 7-11 and these guys were just hanging outside. They asked if they could ride with us, and I said no, but of course being SEALs, they just followed me home. Can I keep them? I promise to be a good girl and clean up after them. Please daddy?” She patted her hands together like a little girl and let out a giggle. Brian rolled his eyes at the sarcastic bit from Apache. He walked up to the Team lead and offered his hand.

“Brian Leeder, Marine, and all around pain in the ass,” he offered by way of greeting.

The man could have been Brian twin, same Sasquatch height, same bulky muscles, shaved heads, but Butch’s face was clean shaven. He thrust his hand out and took Brian’s proffered hand. They stood there in a test of strength, squeezing and waiting for the other to blink or pull away. It was an impressive sight and the rest of the SEAL team seemed in awe over Brian, and his ability to meet Butch’s massive strength with his own. Finally, Butch broke out in a wide, toothy grin and laughed heartily. He let go of Brian’s hand and hugged him like a long lost brother.

“Haven’t had that much fun with a Jarhead in a long time. Names Chief Petty Officer Butch Barth, and I guess I am in charge of this mismatched crew of miscreant SEALs. Our lead, Lieutenant Chun is topside with another two Teams. He is going to help you get rid of your infestation of cockroaches for you. Who is the head screw turner around here?” While he spoke he removed a battered cigar from his breast pocket and shoved it in his mouth, and proceeded to chew on it.

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