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Authors: S.G. Harkness

Zombie X (3 page)

BOOK: Zombie X
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I watch people killing—other people! I put my hand on my mouth, and I try not to puke. People are shooting each other as I watch a man smash—another man in the face with a baseball bat! I’m actually really surprised that I didn’t shit myself. I take deep breaths as I try to calm down, but there is a lot of blood everywhere. I watch a woman shoot three men who rush towards her, and I want to warn her to move the fuck out of the way because a kid with a shovel marches towards her, but I don’t want to be the center of attention. The kid quickly reaches the woman from behind, and the kid strikes the side of the woman’s face with a shovel. That’s got to hurt like a bitch. The kid continues to bash the woman’s face as I puke in my mouth. I cough out and spit on the floor. I manage to catch my breath, and I think that I might be hallucinating.

I close my eyes and take five deep breaths. If I close my eyes long enough, this might all go away. As I slowly open my eyes, I proceed to see that the slaughter continues as a dog eats someone’s dead body, and a man rips out a woman’s intestines! This totally reminds me of Chinese food.

I go down on my knees, and I start to vomit on the floor. The smell is not very appetizing for most people. I take hold of a shirt that is on the floor as I cough out, and I wipe my mouth as I slowly come back up. My legs are so very weak right now, so I lean on the wall, and I continue to view the chaos.

A little girl eats—a police officer’s face off! I attempt to quiet myself down as I breathe in and exhale. This is a shitty thing to wake up to during a hangover. I now believe that I’ve chosen the wrong night to get smashed. An evil occurrence is taking place before my eyes. My eyes must be playing tricks on me. Things might change when I’m sober. I believe that a lot of crazy people must have run away from a mental hospital.

I don’t know if anyone I know is out there since it’s hard to make out the bloody faces of people from my high-rise apartment window. There must be another explanation for all this. I continue to watch the massacre as people run for their lives. This mess must be the work of cannibals. They picked today of all days to start chaos. Times are tough these days. The cannibals probably decided to come out of the closet. The slaughter continues, and I wonder if this is happening all over the world. This is devastating, but I have a sudden feeling of relief. I snicker as I continue to watch the massacre.

I’m not certain why I’m responding this way. I totally had way too much to drink last night. I never knew how I would respond to something as chaotic as this. I appear to enjoy observing other people suffer as the city chaos rages on. Chaos is exactly what I need in my lifetime. I can use some excitement in my life. All this cruel thinking is selfish since I recognize there are a flock of destitute people out there. I believe that my family and friends are in a safe place. I should attempt to call my father, but I feel dazed. I try to walk without falling as I search for my phone. I grab my phone to try to call my father, but there is no service. It’s no wonder why I didn’t hear my phone ring. I’m sure that at least someone has tried to reach me in all this madness.

It feels like I’m in a horror movie, and I’m the star of the movie. I enjoy the moment while it lasts. People in my building are screaming, and the noise outside my apartment door is disturbing. I can seriously use another drink, so I stagger to the kitchen. I grab a cooler from the fridge, and I start to chug the cooler. I continue to watch the action unfold while I drink. It’s a good thing that I’m in my apartment right now, or I would certainly be a dead girl. I’m not sure how safe I am in my apartment, so I will have to wait until things calm down before I can open my door.

I hear shots fired, and other apartments are being broken into. I continue to calm myself down with deep breaths. This really sucks fat hairy balls. I can hear the cries of men, women, and children. I can hear dogs barking and being put down. I stand in front of my apartment door, and I’m a little anxious. I trust that all the noise will soon fade.

My apartment better not get broken into because I don’t want to suffer at the hands of some cannibal. I could always kill myself since committing suicide is a great idea right now. I don’t want to get eaten alive. I don’t want to die that way. The thought of being eaten alive scares me, and I refuse to be taken away like that.

I should probably wait and see how things end up. It might be worth dwelling in a torn world, but I have to think of something fast if I plan to stay alive. The best things in life can come to those who are patient. Things might improve for me, so I will try to fight for my life. I take a deep breath and try to plan ahead.

I’m not just going to let anyone break down my door and kill me. I’m going to have to try to defend myself. I’m a little prepared for emergencies since I’ve read about ways to survive disasters. I never imagined I would experience this terror. I’m a lucky girl because I own a hunting rifle to defend myself with. My father gave me the rifle with a lot of rounds.

My father is really protective of me. I rush to my bedroom closet to get it. The rifle is loaded. Residents in the building don’t know that I have a rifle. I’m not worried about food since I have enough canned food and bottled drink to last me a while. I will have to ration everything to be safe. I’m lucky that it doesn’t take much food to satisfy my hunger. I spent my money buying the cheap stuff. The inexpensive stuff is all that I ever eat, though I always desired to drop my money on expensive steaks, but I had to settle for less.

I have canned beans, pasta, corn, and other dull stuff. I run to the bathtub to fill it up before the water magically cuts off. I will need the extra water, and I have plenty of empty bottles to fill with water. I rush back to the apartment door, and I’m ready to blast anyone who crashes through my apartment door.

Several hours have passed. I pace back and forth, and I wonder if anyone will break into my apartment. I dare them to try, but they probably would have done it by now. I place the rifle on the wall beside my couch. I feel a little better now.

I don’t look forward to what’s next. Nightfall arrives, and it is a silent night. All the power in the city suddenly shuts down, and I wonder who pulled the plug. I question if anyone is inside the building since I don’t hear a sound. I have no idea what is happening in the world. 

Darkness plagues the city, yet I have candles and a lighter in my apartment. I never imagined that the candles would come in handy. I also have a small flashlight, but I will conserve the batteries. I keep the candles away from the windows since I don’t want to attract any unwanted attention. I wonder what started this chaos. I hope to find the answer someday soon. I probably should get ready for bed now. I don’t welcome the days ahead. The long days ahead are probably going to be fierce. Things won’t be comfortable for me. I really need to prepare for the worst.

The days and nights have been awful. I feel like I’m the lone survivor in the world. I'm wondering where everyone else is. They must have all vanished at the same time. I really should keep myself busy, so I gaze out my apartment window to look for movement, but there is zilch. It’s like the world packed up and left without me. I have a million things racing through my mind. I think I should wander around my building to see if anyone is out there.

On second thought, I’m too scared to go out there. I will stay indoors where it’s secure. I know that I can’t stay here forever, and I will have to face my fear eventually. My apartment door peephole shows pure darkness in the hallway. I’m happy that this madness didn’t happen in the winter. I wouldn’t want to freeze to death. I wonder what things will be like in the winter. It will probably be snowing within the next couple of months, so I will have to move sometime soon.

I will need to find a house with a fireplace. I will have to build a fire for the cold days and nights. It gives me the chills just to think about winter. I should think about warmer weather.

A few days have passed. The days and nights have gotten noticeably colder. Winter will be here soon, and I’m going to have to settle down somewhere before winter arrives. I miss showering and my hot baths. I don’t even use the toilet. I take my dumps in plastic bags, and then I toss them out of my apartment window.

There must be a shitty mess on the ground down below. I have more than enough plastic bags stuffed in a closet from all the shopping that I’ve done. I wouldn’t want my own crap to smell up the apartment. I don’t look forward to leaving my apartment. I know that I will eventually have to grow a gigantic schlong. I will need to man up. I will soon have to leave my apartment in order to get supplies. I won’t just stay here and die.

Episode 2


Several weeks have passed, and it feels like it’s been a whole year. The nights are definitely getting chillier. It’s silent in my apartment, and I’m low on supplies. I’m surviving on my last cans of beans; however, I’ve become so sick of eating beans. I managed to ration my food and water very well. The sun is shining, but the apartment hallway is fully plagued by darkness. I should open the door to look in the hallway to make sure that things are safe. I take hold of my flashlight and kitchen knife, approach the apartment door, and I slowly turn the bolt to unlock the door. The lock makes a screeching sound.

I don't know what is going to come at me once I open the door. I keep the door chain on for security, place my nervous hand on the doorknob, and slowly turn the doorknob. I can hear the squeaky noise of the doorknob as I turn it. My heart beats faster and faster. I breathe much heavier as I carefully pull the door open about a couple of inches.

I just want a quick view of what is out there. The smell is horrific. The light that comes from my apartment illuminates the dark hallway. I quickly close and lock the door. I feel shivers creeping around my body as the unknown influences my imagination. I walk to the kitchen to get the last fat rolled up joint that is on my fridge. This is the perfect time to smoke it up since I need to relax, and it should help clear my head.

I go to my couch to get comfortable, and I light up the fat joint. I can already feel it working. This is exactly what I need. I bet I can score some more weed in my building. I will have to go door to door to look for some. I’m not ready to venture out of my apartment since that seems to be a big step for me. I will have to build up my confidence before I leave my apartment.

It’s lonely times like this where I start to reminisce, and I can remember a lot of bad times. I’m glad that things have gone to shit since there is probably less corruption in the world. I begin to think about old times. The landlord of the building was a real jerk. When people didn’t pay their rent on time, it was a big mistake. The landlord would knock on their doors, and if they didn’t open, he would open the door without any notice. He would harass and threaten the residents. I remember a lot of yelling. There was a way out if they did not pay their rent on time.

The landlord made the women sleep with him, and the men who did not pay their rent on time had to hand over their girlfriends over to him for pleasure. If the men had no girlfriends, they still had to pay with their own bodies. I heard that a guy had to do a special favor for the landlord until he paid his rent. The landlord didn’t care since he made up his own rules, and changed the rules as he pleased. He had the best of both worlds. One night, the landlord forced his way into my neighbor’s apartment.

My neighbor was a woman who had three little kids, and she also had a baby on the way. I had no idea where her husband was. She begged the landlord to leave because she did not want him to have his way with her. The landlord was going to force himself on her until I stormed into her apartment. I told the landlord that I would pay her rent.

The payment took most of my hard-earned savings out of my bank account. Helping my neighbor was something that I had to do. I was left with a few dollars in my savings account. I don't know why I was so nice. It took me a long time to get over it. I worked so hard to build up my savings.

I hated being practically broke. It was my fault for making the sacrifice of paying her rent, but I just couldn't let her suffer. I couldn’t just ignore the situation. The landlord loved to milk us all out of our hard-earned money. My neighbor thanked me for my bravery, and I went back to my apartment. I guess being generous is not always rewarding.

The police never did anything to help since the residents were too scared to call the police. They feared the police because they suspected that they were as corrupt as my landlord. The police were obviously paid off. I fantasized about burning the building down, but I didn't want to kill innocent people. I always paid my rent on time, but there were no rewards for being a good tenant. I was still harassed and bullied around my building.

My rifle was one of the only things that kept me calm. The day that I received the rifle from my father was intense. I had spent several hours just staring at my rifle. I imagined what it would be like to fire it. I had no experience with a weapon. My father just handed it to me for protection. My father was crazy for handing it to me. After all that has happened so far, I’m now glad that he did. Sitting on the couch and smoking up makes me want to do unusual things as I take one last hit of my fat joint. I can tell it messed me up good.

My rifle looks lonely all by itself, so I grab my rifle, and I run my fingers up and down my rifle. It feels very hard and manly, and I know how dangerous my rifle is as I bring it close to my nose, so that I can smell it. My rifle smells so seriously manly. I’m fascinated with it. I will name my rifle, Vince. He is so sexy for a rifle. He’s also really hard, and that turns me on. I take Vince to the apartment window, and I look outside to see how peaceful it is as I wonder what is happening in the world.

Vince feels smooth in my hands, and I love the feel of him. I go to the kitchen to get a knife. I sit down and make myself comfortable as I carve Vince’s name on his rifle butt, though carving isn’t easy to do. It’s not the best carving, but I tried, and I begin to imagine seeing how happy people are outside my apartment window.

I pick Vince up and point him at people outside my window. The scope on the rifle is pretty handy. I imagine myself scoping out boyfriends walking around with their girlfriends. They walk hand in hand with big smiles on their faces. I wonder what it is like to shoot someone. I imagine aiming at a girl as she walks with her boyfriend, and I point Vince in their direction. I pull the trigger again, again, and again.

I snap out of my imagination. What a rush that was. I felt aroused as I imagined myself shooting innocent people. I hate seeing other people happy when I’m lonely. These long days are screwing with my mind. My father showed me a few things about how to use my rifle. I start to unload and load the rifle. I love feeling the bullets. I feel powerful. I want to know how it feels to point a loaded weapon at someone. I shiver from excitement, and I take a deep breath. The streets are empty. I would love to pull the trigger, but I don’t want to attract unwanted attention. I don’t know who is out there.

I start to use my imagination, and I look out my apartment window to scope out boyfriends, girlfriends, people walking their dogs, and people going for jogs. I can feel my heart pounding at the excitement of knowing that I could pull the trigger at any moment, and I can kill anyone I want. I could at least injure them. I aim at a girl who is walking with her boyfriend. I aim at her eye, and I feel the excitement. The girl looks happy, and I hate every second of it. I come close to pulling the trigger.

My finger is getting anxious. I close my eyes, squeeze the trigger, and the rifle goes off! I hide myself away from the window. Everyone must have heard the shot, and I freeze. I don’t make a sound as I slowly recover, and I make my way to the window to have a peek outside. I can see the commotion, and it turns out that I missed my shot. Shooting with my eyes closed didn’t help. Pulling the trigger felt like a rush of joy.

I’m losing my mind sitting in my apartment. I named my rifle Vince, so I must be fucking high. The long days and nights must be consuming my sanity. I should get moving someday soon. The madness is out there and not inside my head. I wish I had another fat joint to smoke. That is exactly what I need right now. I would do anything for a fat joint. I should check the other apartments once I get moving. I might find what I’m looking for. The thought of another fat joint is tempting. I just want something to help me relax.

BOOK: Zombie X
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