Zoran Chronicles Volume 1 A Dragon in Our Town (40 page)

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Authors: Vic Broquard

Tags: #fantasy

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“Don’t worry, dear. I am sure that your uncles Baron Milan and Baron Viktor will
look out for your interests,” Zdenka replied. “They have an awful lot riding on gaining
recognition of your Circle, almost as much as you do. It breaks the tie between the two
sides. However, I think that you ought to go discuss things with Mayor Oldrich. He’s
going to have to get better roads built as well, to say nothing of all the workers coming to
build the fortress.”




Chapter 19 The High Council


On the 15
of March, this year’s first session of the High Council of the Federation of
Planets was held on the planet of Alta, a hilly planet. Neutral Baron Alvaro and Baroness
Anita Cencion were the hosts for the week long meeting at their castle in Puerto.
According to the rules, Zoran had to bring Zdenka, his baroness, and was allowed to
bring along two advisors who would sit with them at the council tables, along with four
security personnel. He chose to bring General Janos and three of his hand-picked men.
For his advisors, he chose Jarka and Karel. He asked Jarka not only because of her
excellent protection skills that she had demonstrated numerous times already but also
because of her photographic memory. Karel came along for two reasons: Alta possessed
numerous falcons, and he had a sharp mind when it came to men’s motives. Zdenka,
with Jarka’s aid, dutifully packed their six boxes of dresses and sundries.

“These court dresses sure do take up a whole lot of space and are hard to
transport,” Jakra complained. “All this just so we can look pretty for the men.”

“Ordinarily, I wouldn’t give a hoot,” Zdenka replied, stuffing another dress into
an overfull box and valiantly trying to shut its lid. “Excepting Zoran, of course. But these
people are the most powerful people in the sixteen worlds, the topmost rulers. We
certainly don’t want to have them take a lesser view of Zoran because we look like
ordinary peasants from their point of view.”

“True enough. Nothing like hobnobbing with the rich and powerful. I just hope
they are not all snobs and such. At least his uncles and aunts seem nice enough,” Jarka

With the last of their things packed, the women cast their shrink spells on the six
large boxes and put the very small boxes into one of their handbags. “More like it,”
Zdenka exclaimed; Jarka grinned. Dressed in their very fancy satin ball gowns, which
billowed out some six feet around them, they headed off to meet up with the men. Zoran
wore his new black suit with twin tails and looked every bit as nice as his uncle, Zdenka
thought. The Zars joined them and at last they were ready. All looked at each other,
sensing each other’s tension and nervousness.

“Well, this is it,” Zoran broke the ice.

“I hate to tell you but I am nervous about this,” Brother Jiri confessed. “We will
be meeting all of those barons, and I’ll bet every last one of them will beg me to make
them more Circles.”

“Well, you are now the most famous man in the Federation of Planets,” Zoran
admitted, teasingly.

“Nah, Zoran here is,” Karel declared, “he’s just shaken up two centuries of

“Now you have me nervous,” Zoran joked, and they all laughed. Joining hands,
Zoran stepped them all to the planet Alta. Since this was the first time here for everyone,
Zoran purposefully allowed his walk to circumnavigate the world, giving them a good
overview look at this world, whose land masses were uniformly all very hilly.
Periodically, they spied roads streaking across the springtime green hills, like gray lines
a child might draw. A few towns came into view before the large capital city of Puerto
loomed larger and larger before their eyes. Gray stone buildings predominated as they
approached; then the giant gray stone fortress of Baron Alvaro Cencion loomed before
them, growing larger and larger. Following his uncle’s directions, he focused on the
giant gray cobblestone courtyard just inside the fortress gates, and they arrived.

Rimming the courtyard were hundreds of orange pots, whose spring flowers were
already growing, adding color to the drab surroundings. On the ramparts behind and
above them, a hundred fighters stood, weapons raised, ready for any trouble — Baron
Alvaro took the High Council security measures seriously. A tall man in a suit that
looked finer than Zoran’s stepped forward to meet them.

“I am Esteban, the butler. Whom am I addressing?” he said mostly bored, as if he
had been doing this all day.

“Baron to be Zoran Vladislov and party,” Zoran replied formally.

“I see. I’ve been expecting you. If you will follow me, I will show you to your
rooms. You are to be at the meeting room at ten o’clock for the opening ceremonies, sir.”
He led them inside the gaping, handcrafted doors of the main manor house and down
long corridors. Periodically, large orange pots hung from the walls with more flowers
just blooming. “Baron Milan Matous and party have the room next to yours here, and
Baron Viktor Pavel and party are on the other side. Both parties have already arrived,
sir. If you will excuse me, others will be arriving.” He bowed and left them, walking
crisply back down the long hall.

Inside, they found a small home, with a private bath and three bedrooms with a
central living room. They quickly stowed their gear, after unshrinking it. The women
took one of the bedrooms, while the men divided themselves between the other two. The
Mages began first a search for scrying devices and spells. Finding none, they then setup
their own personal defenses. Satisfied, Zoran was about to visit Baron Milan when the
baron knocked on his door.

“Ah you all look most presentable. That is good. Now then, Zoran, you are about
to get a crash course in Federation Politics. Here is how it will begin. At five until ten, a
butler will come for you. Baroness Archmage Zdenka, yourself, and the Zars will be
expected to follow him. I’m afraid that there will be little for your security men to do this
trip. They are allowed to explore the castle and fortifications and even the town, if they
so desire. It beats just sitting around in this room. Now then, you four will be taken into
the Visitor’s Area. Once all of the visitors are in place, a fanfare will announce the arrival
of the sixteen barons, who will enter formally and take their assigned seats.”

“After Baron Alvaro makes his welcoming speech, the first order of business will
be the formal announcement of the new Archmages of the sixteen worlds. When your
name is called, you may take one step forward, if you choose. Not all of the new
Archmages will be here. It is just a formality that allows every baron to know about all of
the Archmages, the most powerful magic users in the Federation.”

“Next, the announcement of the new Circle of Ascension and thus the newest
House will be made. Expect many challenges to be made by Kazimir and his allies. If and
when the High Council votes you in as the newest house and baron, you two will be
formally introduced and allowed to take your seat. I have reserved four seats between
my group and Viktor’s group.”

“This will surely be followed by the introduction of the Zars and a lengthy
discussion of new Circles. After that, who knows what will be on the agenda. Okay, it is
about time. Good luck son.” He left just as Esteban appeared.

“If you will follow me, I will lead you to the Visitor’s Area.” Again, he spoke
formally and in a bored manner, as if he had done this a million times. The six followed
him down the halls and corridors, of course Jarka memorizing their path. He opened
large double doors, required because of the width of the women’s dresses. Holding
Zdenka’s arm, Zoran stepped into the huge meeting room, followed by Karel holding
Jarka’s arm, and Jiri holding Anezka’s arm.

The area was separated from the rest of the room by an ornate wooden baluster
wall that stood two feet tall. The barrel vaulted ceiling rose some fifty feet overhead
covered with highly realistic artwork depicting various landscapes representing the
sixteen worlds of the Federation. “Incredible!” whispered Jarka. None of these six had
ever seen anything like this room.

Out beyond them were large, magnificently made tables and plush chairs,
arranged in a U-shape with six foot gaps between the two joining corners. Zoran
assumed that the neutral Barons would sit along the bottom of the U, while the two
other aligned groups of Barons would sit facing each other. All could face the Visitor’s
Area. Across the way, a line of six uniformed men stood, large brass trumpets at the
ready. Precisely at ten, they raised their instruments and began a fanfare. A bass voice
bellowed loudly, “Baron Alvaro Cencion and Baroness Anita.”

Arm in arm, the two walked slowly and stately into the room, their two male
advisors following them. Sure enough, they took seats in the middle of the table that was
at the bottom of the U. They stared at Zoran and his friends, however. The trumpets
continued their fanfare and the voice announced the other barons and baronesses in
turn, as slowly the room filled up. After all of the Neutral barons were seated, Baron
Milan and his allies were seated next, followed by Baron Kazimir and his allies. All told,
fifteen minutes elapsed before all were seated.

Baron Alvaro rose and spoke. Because of the acoustics in this vast chamber, his
words were clearly heard throughout the spacious room. “Barons and baronesses,
welcome to the twelve hundred and first High Council of the Federation of Planets. It is
my great pleasure to host our meeting. I suspect this meeting will be one of the most
profitable and unusual meetings that we have had in centuries! As usual, Baroness Anita
will be hosting our evening meals and formal dances. Now let’s get down to business,
shall we? The first article of business is the formal announcement of the new Archmages
of the Sixteen Planets. I am told that we are honored today by the presence of some of
these powerful magic users. If you will step forward when your name is called, you can
receive your formal recognition so richly deserved.”

A fanfare sounded and the bass voice bellowed out. “Archmage Emil Vogler,
Adapazan. Archmage Renata Vogler, Adapazan. Archmage Karel Ambrose, Adapazan.”
Karel took a step forward and received a hearty round of applause from the men and
women — so much so that he blushed.

“Archmage Zdenka Lavos Vladislov, Adapazan.” She stepped forward and
received an even louder round of applause, primarily from the women in attendance.
“Archmage Zoran Vladislov, Adapazan.” Zoran stepped forward. The room erupted in a
thunderous round of applause. Everyone knew that for the first time in history a Duska
had achieved Archmage status! He noticed that even Kazimir clapped, though just

Baron Alvaro then resumed control of the meeting. “Next on our agenda is the
formal recognition of the newest Circle of Ascension and thus the newest House and
baron to be officially proclaimed as such and allowed to join our High Council. As we all
know, last Yuletide, a new Circle of Ascension has been created — sky blue its color. The
Circle has been inspected personally by us and there can be no argument that it is not a
real Circle of Ascension. Likewise, its owner, Zoran Vladislov is certified as a Duska, of
that there again is no doubt. Hence, Zoran requests that he be formally proclaimed
Baron Zoran Vladislov and be given his rightful seat on our High Council with full voting
rights as the rest of us.”

Baron Kazimir rose, “We object. This cannot be allowed. It violates our centuries
old rule of one House, one Baron, per world. He should not be so recognized. I speak for
many of us. Allowing this farce will only weaken and destroy our High Council. It goes
against centuries of our illustrious history. I say veto this request.” All of the other
barons at his table yelled out in agreement, along with two others at the Neutral’s table.

Baron Milan rose, “I hate to be the objector to Baron Kazimir’s request, but there
clearly are no such rules in place. Since the disappearance and death of Bandar Zar over
centuries ago, there have been no further opportunities for any of us to build new Circles
of Ascension. Thus, you may call it tradition, but the actual fact of the matter is that the
technology to build them has been lost to us for over two centuries. There is no such rule
in place.”

He continued in a formal manner, “On the contrary, Rule 13 states that ‘Once a
Circle of Ascension has been verified as fully operational, that Circle becomes part of the
Federation of Planets and its ruling High Council.’ Rule 14 states that ‘If the owner of
said new Circle of Ascension is certified as a Duska, then said owner becomes its Baron.’
Rule 15 states that ‘Said Baron then becomes a full voting member of the High Council.’
Barons, the rules are quite clear on this matter. Zoran should be fully recognized per our
own rules.”

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