Zurlo, Michele - Two Masters for Samantha [Awakenings 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (25 page)

BOOK: Zurlo, Michele - Two Masters for Samantha [Awakenings 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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She slid into the seat. Alexei closed the door. She thought he meant to get into the front—they
let her ride in the front on the way to the restaurant—but he rounded the car and got in the back seat with her.

Samantha stared at him. From the expression on his face, she knew the game had begun. He had far too much swagger to have nothing planned.

The car pulled away from the restaurant and the fingerlike projection in her pussy began to vibrate. The unexpected sensation had her jumping in her seat. Lex laughed, a quiet, evil chuckle. Wide-eyed, she shot him a look that asked what she knew better than to put into words.

“You had to leave us early last time, Samantha,” Alexei said. “We didn’t have much of a chance to talk.”

Sabrina had warned her about this. Doms liked to talk things over. Subs just liked to give up control and feel. That was another reason Sam didn’t consider herself a sub. She wasn’t willing to give up control.

“What would you like to talk about?”

Alexei smiled. “Stef said you admit to being a masochist. That’s a big step. Tell me what you liked and what you didn’t like about being whipped.”

Sam was ready for this. “I liked when you whipped me, but I thought you stopped much too soon.”

He nodded. “You didn’t achieve subspace. This time will be different. We have more time, more privacy, and better equipment. We’ll use the same rules as last time. If you ask us to stop, we will stop. During the play, we will pause periodically to check you over. We’ll use a color-coded system. Red means stop, you’ve had enough. Yellow means you need us to back off a bit, but you don’t want to stop. Green means everything is good and we should keep going.”

The vibrations between her legs, pleasant before, became distracting sometime during Alexei’s reading of the rules. Samantha shifted to alleviate the diversion, and the tip of the vibrator pressed the edge of her G-spot. Her sharp intake of breath brought out that sensual smile Alexei tried so often to hide.

“The blindfold,” Stefano said. His voice drifted back from the front seat.

“Yes,” Alexei said. He shifted, bringing his knee closer to her and slinging his arm along the back of the long seat. “What about the blindfold? How did that affect you?”

Samantha shrugged. She didn’t want to talk about the blindfold. She didn’t want to talk. The vibrator was too short, too thin, and too gentle to bring her to orgasm. The teasing turned to need, and she struggled to keep the annoyance from her voice as she answered him.

“I would have liked to have seen you while you worked me over, but that’s your call. I’m not sure whether it enhanced the experience or not. Perhaps that’s an area for experimentation.”

Alexei frowned. It wasn’t the kind of answer he wanted. “You didn’t mind not seeing us? Did it help you concentrate on the feelings?

She shrugged again, biting her lip. How could she tell them it hadn’t been enough? Lex’s finger stroked the ends of her hair, his touch so light it only added to the torment.


“I need more.” The words tore from her in a frustrated vehemence. “This isn’t enough, Alexei. It’s just not enough!”

The car stopped. Alexei clicked the release on his seat belt and slid closer. His fingers fisted in her hair, and he forced her face closer, holding her lips so close she could almost taste him but too far away to actually touch.

“Lex.” She was breathless, panting, and more desperate than she would have thought possible. Her attention bounced from his deep blue eyes to his lips and back. “Please.”

“You know better than to ignore a question, don’t you Samantha?”

She tried to nod, but he held her too tightly. “Yes.”

“I’ll always make sure you know the reason for your punishment before issuing it.”

Sam couldn’t bring herself to close her eyes or look away. The last time he’d punished her, it had been so pleasurable. She wouldn’t mind his hand on her ass right now. Tears pricked her eyes, a reaction to her hair being pulled, not the pain. The pulling sent shivers down her spine, a continuous ripple of sensation that didn’t hurt at all.

“It felt good, Alexei, but it didn’t go on long enough for me to know whether or not the blindfold made a difference. It was frustrating when you stopped. Just like this fucking vibrator.”

His lips moved, hovering over her cheeks, eyes, chin, and the curve of her neck, but he never actually touched her. It was a worse torture than anything else he’d devised so far.

“Alexei.” His name was a desperate plea. “This isn’t a nice kind of punishment.”

He chuckled, releasing her when she wanted his kiss. “This isn’t a punishment, honey. This is foreplay. You’ll count out your lashes when we get inside. Don’t worry, we’ll warm you up first.”

“Inside?” She blinked, noticing their surroundings for the first time. Stefano had parked the car in front of white steps that led to a sprawling ranch with lush landscaping. “This is your house?”

Alexei nodded.

“It’s very nice.” She meant the compliment, though she didn’t pay it much mind. “Should we go inside now?”

Her door opened. Stefano held out a hand to help her from the car. She accepted it as graciously as she could under the circumstances. Her legs shook as she tried to stand.

Stefano’s hand gripped her elbow. She looked up at him, smiling her thanks.


Her smile faded. “Out here?” Public displays were on her list of hard limits. Jonas had assured her these lines were never crossed.

He grinned. “This is private property. We own everything you see, including you.”

Swallowing her trepidation and her denial of his claim to ownership, she lifted her dress over her head, shimmied out of the underwear, and kicked off her sandals. She might have been more relieved to get that thing out of her if one of them had replaced it with something better.

Alexei took her things from her, folded them neatly, and put everything except the underwear in her bag. She hadn’t seen him come around.

“Your things will be returned Sunday when it’s time to leave.”

They allowed her to walk into the house. Jonas had taken her aside when Sabrina wasn’t around to warn her about some of the more extreme customs. Apparently, Sabrina became extra pouty whenever he talked about the things he would no longer do now that she was pregnant. Samantha didn’t understand why Sabrina would want to be forced to crawl into a house or anywhere else.

Samantha wasn’t surprised when Alexei closed the front door behind them and perused her with solemn eyes. “Kneel.”

In a practiced, graceful movement, she knelt on the floor in front of them. Her ass rested on her heels, her posture was straight, her hands clasped behind her neck, and she focused her gaze on the floor.

“You’ve been practicing.”

Not really, but she had begged Jonas to show her the basic poses a submissive was expected to assume. She figured if she could pass muster someone as particular as her brother, she could impress Alexei and Stefano. Still, she heard the question in his statement.

“I wanted to please you,” she said.

“Who do we have to thank for teaching you?”

She couldn’t tell whether the question came from Lex or Stef, but the tightly controlled voice betrayed a hint of jealousy. “My brother.”

A soft chuckle. That was Alexei. “Somehow, I can’t see Sabrina doing something like this.”

Samantha didn’t respond. She wouldn’t have thought it true, either, if she had never seen the dreamy way Sabrina responded to Jonas’s Dom voice.

“Stay here,” Stefano said.

Footsteps padded away, shoes slapping softly on the polished oak floor. The high-ceilinged foyer grew quiet. Samantha chanced a glance at her surroundings. In front of her, the wide hall opened to a large living area. Beyond that, floor-to-ceiling glass revealed endless sky. The heavy, salty scent of the ocean was so close. She knew if she could get to her feet, the view would be breathtaking.

But she knew better than to move.

To her left, curved stairs led down. She guessed at a walkout lower level. The majority of the house would be in the back where the view was the best. Part of her wished they had offered a tour. Most of her wished they would hurry with whatever they were doing. Just what were they thinking by making her hold this pose for so long?

After a long, long time, one set of footsteps returned.


Helping hands accompanied the command. Stefano held her waist. Samantha’s legs were surprisingly weak and stiff, but she was careful to not move her hands out of position. Holding her close with one arm around her midsection, Stefano massaged her thighs. Warm and strong, his fingers dug into muscles that melted under his ministrations.

“You’re very good at this,” she said. “Thank you.”

She felt his smile against the back of her neck. He released her waist, but he didn’t step away. His hands worked their way up her back, chasing knots from places that were sore from sitting for so long on the flight. When he made it to her shoulders, he disengaged her grip and guided her hands to her sides.

Sam leaned against him, closing her eyes and groaning as her body relaxed under his expert care.

Gradually, his lips joined his fingers. Kisses pressed to the sensitive skin of her shoulders, working their way to her neck. She shivered. The need that had receded while she waited returned.

“Stef…” His name emerged, barely a whisper on her breath.

Suddenly, his arms banded around her, his face pressed into her neck, and he held her close. “How did you know it was me?”

Mumbled against her skin, it took her a second to decipher his question. “I don’t know, exactly. A combination of things? It’s in the way you touch me, the way you kiss me…” She shrugged. “I just knew it was you.”

“You’re amazing,” he said, raising his face just enough so that his words were no longer muffled. “You’ve never confused us, not once.”

Pride began to rear its ugly head. Samantha tamped it down. “I didn’t necessarily know which one of you used which whip when you had me blindfolded. And when I woke up both times, it took me a minute to figure out who was who.”

He turned her around in his arms, never letting go. “But you figured it out, didn’t you?”

Again, she shrugged. “Why does this matter so much? Aren’t you used to people mistaking you for one another? You’re identical twins.”

Abruptly, he released her and turned away. He had changed his clothes. Dressed in a pair of loose-fitting, light blue jeans and a black T-shirt, his look morphed from polished sexiness to rugged handsomeness. The jeans hugged his ass without being tight in the hips. The shirt stretched over his chest and shoulders, molding to him like a second skin. She gasped and he turned back. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing, I-I-I…” She stammered and trailed off.

Samantha’s eyes drank in the feast before them. His thick dark hair, neatly styled for a day at the office, contrasted with the bad-boy appeal of his outfit. A heady, yet earthy, feeling gripped her. She wanted to throw him on the nearest bed, wrestle him naked, and rub her body all over his.


She tried again. “I like the way you look in jeans.”

His smile made his eyes sparkle. He jerked his head in the direction of the hall that ran along the front of the house. “Your room is this way.”

She followed him down the hall, wondering what he meant by “your room.” While she knew it was unusual for a sub to sleep with a Dom, especially when they weren’t in a relationship, his tone implied that he was leading her to something that wasn’t meant to be a guest room.

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