Just Like a Hero by Patricia Pellicane
What the Heart Wants by Kelli McCracken
Three Hundred Words by Cross, Adelaide
Destiny's Daughter by Langan, Ruth Ryan
Small Steps by Louis Sachar
His Reluctant Bodyguard by Loucinda McGary
Buried-6 by Mark Billingham
The Peculiars by Maureen Doyle McQuerry
Sisters in Law by Linda Hirshman
Romero by Elizabeth Reyes
Clive Cussler by The Adventures of Vin Fiz
Out of the Ashes by Kelly Hashway
Out of the Ashes by Lori Dillon
Grimm Tales by John Kenyon
Winter White by Jen Calonita
The Line Between Us by Kate Dunn
Invoking Darkness by Babylon 5
Logan's Lady by Becky Barker
The Club by Steele, Suzanne