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A Little Too Far by Lisa Desrochers
Zoombie by Alberto Bermúdez Ortiz
Reflection by Diane Chamberlain
Sin entrañas by Maruja Torres
Saints Of New York by R.J. Ellory
Under the Poppy by Kathe Koja
The Gargoyle in My Yard by Philippa Dowding
Marketplace by Laura Antoniou
Tormenta de Espadas by George R. R. Martin
The Do-Over by Dunnehoff, Kathy
Heiress by Susan May Warren
Deadly Election by Lindsey Davis
The Seven Hills by John Maddox Roberts
Escape from Alcatraz by J. Campbell Bruce
Ember by Kristen Callihan
Starfist: Firestorm by David Sherman; Dan Cragg
Annie's Adventures by Lauren Baratz-Logsted