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Aurora 07 - Last Scene Alive by Charlaine Harris
Historia de Roma by Indro Montanelli
¿Estan en peligro las pensiones publicas? by Juan Torres Lopes Vicenç Navarro
Lies of a Real Housewife by Stanton, Angela
Shimmer by Noël, Alyson
Cuentos malévolos by Clemente Palma
What Hath God Wrought by Daniel Walker Howe
The World Without You by Joshua Henkin
Hook Up by Baker, Miranda
El círculo mágico by Katherine Neville
La costurera by Frances de Pontes Peebles
Commedia della Morte by Chelsea Quinn Yarbro
Night Kills by Ed Gorman
The Willows and Beyond by William Horwood, Patrick Benson, Kenneth Grahame
The Atlantic and Its Enemies by Norman Stone, Norman
Frail Blood by Jo Robertson
Jake by R. C. Ryan
Homecoming by Janet Wellington
Coming Home by Karen Kingsbury
The Killing by Robert Muchamore