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Secret Agent Boyfriend by Addison Fox
Everblue by Pandos, Brenda
Historia de los reyes de Britania by Geoffrey de Monmouth
Renegade with a Badge by Claire King
The Magic Wagon by Joe R. Lansdale
Twilight Falling by Kemp, Paul S.
La meta by Eliyahu M. Goldratt
Cowboys & Kisses by Summers, Sasha
Shadows by Amy Meredith
Mercy for the Fallen by Lisa Olsen
Náufragos by Miguel Aguilar Aguilar
With Cruel Intent by Larsen, Dennis
Fast, Fresh & Green by Susie Middleton
El Libro Grande by Alcohólicos Anónimos
Forgotten Soldier by Guy Sajer
The Bone Clocks by David Mitchell
Him by Carey Heywood, Yesenia Vargas