01 Winters Thaw (6 page)

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Authors: Mari Carr,Jayne Rylon

Tags: #Compass Girls

BOOK: 01 Winters Thaw
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He raised his hands in a gesture of surrender. “It’s okay, Sienna.”

“No. It’s not. I don’t cheat on my boyfriend. This is wrong.”

He couldn’t argue with that. He’d been an ass to push her. “I’m sorry. I promise it won’t happen again.” He prayed to God he could keep that vow. Problem was he still longed to kiss her. Badly.

She studied his face and he suspected she was searching for deceit.

“I mean it, Sienna. I won’t touch you again until you ask me to.”

“I’ll never ask for that.” Her voice was shaky.

He was tempted to call her on the lie. She’d ask. He’d make damn sure she did, but until then…

He remained silent.

She looked toward the door, anxious for an escape. “I have to go.”

He didn’t try to stop her. “Thanks for the salve and the massage.”

She nodded, then left without another word.


Sienna rushed from Daniel’s trailer, her head whirling. Why had she let that get so far out of hand? She’d never been tempted to let another man touch her, let alone kiss her. So why had she granted Daniel such liberties?

Because you wanted it. You were dying to know what it would feel like to have his lips on yours.

Daniel pushed buttons she didn’t realize existed. She’d always thought herself lucky in love. She and Josh were compatible in bed as well as out. It had never been hard for her to achieve an orgasm. Josh was a considerate, patient lover, and she had no complaints.

Until Daniel Lennon showed up at Compton Pass. He made her imagine things she’d never considered, never desired with Josh. She and Josh had learned about sex with each other. They’d both been virgins when they met, so they’d fumbled through, found their own way. Just because they didn’t exactly set the sheets on fire didn’t mean it wasn’t good. It was comfortable, easy with Josh. Sweet.

Daniel struck Sienna as a man who could teach her things she’d only read about in erotic romance books. And suddenly, she was dying of lust, anxious to try them.

It bugged her that while she’d never longed to try those things with Josh, the same didn’t hold true for Daniel. Her body physically ached every time they were in the same vicinity. Her nipples tightened, her pussy tingled and her skin flushed.

Josh would be home in a few weeks. God. If she could keep her libido under control until then, she could get some of this pent-up sexual frustration out of her system. Maybe she’d even suggest to Josh that they spice up their vanilla sex life. Then she’d convince him to come home for Christmas so they could really explore some new things. She could do this.

She had to.

“Where are you going in such a hurry?”

Sienna jumped, startled when Jade emerged from the stable. “Jesus!”

Jade threw her hands up. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to scare you.”

Sienna put her hand over her heart, trying to calm it. It had been racing since she left Daniel’s trailer. “It’s okay. I didn’t see you there.”

Jade glanced to the left, following the direction Sienna had come. “Where were you?”

Sienna considered lying, but it was pointless. Jade could read her face too well. “Daniel overdid it today working with the horses and then teaching Doug barrel racing techniques. I offered some salve to soothe his stiff shoulder.”

Jade smiled. “Only the salve or did you rub it on too?”

Sienna rolled her eyes. “I’m a nurse, Jade. He was in pain and I helped alleviate it.”

“I bet there are a few other pains in Daniel Lennon’s body he’d let you ease if you’d let him.”

“Don’t be vulgar.”

“A little dirty fun with Daniel might be just what you need. I bet that man could teach you some new tricks. And it’s obvious he’s into you.”

Sienna frowned, disagreeing with Jade’s assessment. “Daniel’s into women in general. He’s a player. I’m sure you’ve heard the rumor about Lacey going down on him in the bathroom at Spurs last night. Hell, you work there. You must’ve seen it.”

Jade rolled her eyes. “It’s a complete lie. Lacey caught sight of Daniel when he came in with the hands. She likes to mark her territory whenever a hot new buck comes to town. She followed him to the bathroom all right, but I’d bet Compass Ranch nothing happened. For one thing, there wasn’t enough time. Secondly, I saw Daniel and Lacey’s faces when they came out. She was putting on a good front, but I could tell she’d been rejected, and he was annoyed, plain and simple.”

Sienna wondered why Daniel didn’t attempt to clear his name when she mentioned the rumor. “Regardless of what he did or didn’t do with Lacey, I’m not interested.”

Jade grinned. “Really? Tell me again, Sienna. When did you go completely blind? That guy is sex in blue jeans. I wouldn’t mind taking a tumble with him in the hayloft. I hope to hell he’s still here during the summertime. What’s he look like without his shirt on? Bet he’s built like a brick shit house.”

“You need to stop hanging out with ranch hands all the time.”

Jade didn’t back down. “Don’t hold out, See. Put me out of my misery.”

Sienna recalled the scars on Daniel’s chest. They seemed to make him uncomfortable. “He’s okay.”

Jade laughed. “You’re such a shitty liar.”

“This whole conversation is pointless. In case you’ve forgotten, I’m in a relationship. I’m not about to throw away what Josh and I have for a roll in the hay with some cowboy who probably won’t be here come spring.”

“Remind me again. What is it you and Josh have exactly?”

“What’s that supposed to mean? You know damn well we’re committed to each other. Our futures are set. Together.”

Jade smirked. “I understand that you think so, but I’m starting to doubt whether or not Josh is still on board with the Sienna Life Plan. Have you asked him lately?”

Sienna tried to ignore the little voice in the back of her head that said Jade was right. Josh had been distant since returning to college this year without her. She blamed it on the miles and the fact they were both busy, but her gut instinct told her it was more than that. “It’s not my life plan, Jade. It’s ours. Josh is as committed to me as I am to him.”

Jade stuffed her hands in her front pockets and started walking toward her car. “I hope that’s true. I gotta go. I’m bartending at Spurs again tonight. See you tomorrow.”

Sienna watched her cousin climb into her car and drive away. She reached up and touched her lips, recalling Daniel’s kiss. There was a part of her that couldn’t deny it was the best kiss she’d ever had.

God. When did life get so complicated?

And exciting?

Chapter Three

Daniel helped Jody and Vicky clear the supper table. Since the invitation to join them for dinner his first night on the ranch almost a month earlier, he’d found himself offered a regular spot.

“Thank you,” Jody said when he put a stack of dirty plates in the sink and began rinsing them. “I know you’re here to help the boys improve their rodeo skills, but do you think you could add kitchen duties to that list? I wouldn’t mind Doug and James learning how to pitch in around here.”

Daniel grinned. “I’m afraid I was pretty hopeless at all this stuff until I moved out of my parents’ house and started doing it for myself. My mom tried to assign it to me as a chore, but eventually she gave up when she realized it would only be done right if she did it herself. I never did learn how to load a dishwasher to please that woman. No matter how many times I tried.”

Vicky chuckled. “The washing machine gene seems to be lacking in the Compton males as well. Last time Doug tried to help me, he had all the dinner plates facing the wrong way.”

“I think you mean dishwasher, Vicky,” Jody corrected.

“What did I say?”

“Washing machine,” Daniel replied easily.

“Oh,” Vicky chuckled. “Well, the men in this family struggle with that appliance too.”

They all laughed.

Sienna entered the kitchen and tossed a dishrag in the sink. “Table’s wiped up. Need any more help in here?”

Jody shook her head as she put the last few pieces of silverware in the sink. “No. I think Vicky and I have everything in hand.”

“We sure do appreciate all your help, Levi,” Vicky said as she grabbed the coffeepot, filling it with water.”

“Levi?” Sienna asked. “Vivi, this is Daniel.”

Vicky was silent for a moment. “Oh, my goodness. I’m sorry, Daniel.”

Jody laughed. “Man, that’s a blast from the past. Levi hasn’t worked here in nearly a decade. Wonder what made you think of him, Vicky.”

“Who knows?” Vicky shrugged nonchalantly, but Daniel could see she was disturbed by the mix-up. She’d called him by the same wrong name a couple days earlier, but he hadn’t bothered to correct her. He could only assume Vicky had seen a lot of hands come and go during her fifty years on Compass Ranch.

Jody put detergent in the dishwasher. “Daniel, if you’ve got a few minutes to hang out with See and the guys, I’ve made a coconut cream pie for dessert.”

Daniel rubbed his stomach. “Few more weeks here and I’ll need to buy bigger pants. Even so, it’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make for a piece of your pie.”

He followed Sienna into the family room. Seth and the boys had plopped down on the large sectional and were watching a hockey game.

“Who’s playing?” Daniel asked as he took a seat.

“Kings and Rangers.”

Sienna claimed a comfortable chair near him, curling her legs beneath her. Since kissing her in his trailer two weeks ago, Daniel had made sure to keep his distance—physically—but that didn’t mean he hadn’t worked to regain her trust while building a friendship.

They all sat in silence for a few minutes until the Kings scored. Doug and James were rooting for L.A., so they started trash talking with Seth, a Rangers fan. Sienna smiled at their antics but didn’t take part.

“You like hockey?” Daniel asked her.

She shrugged. “It’s okay. I prefer it over baseball or basketball. Unfortunately, these guys—” she gestured to her brothers and dad, “—watch it all. I don’t think I’ve ever actually held the remote control in this house. Not once.”

“You ever think about getting your own place? You’re working now. I’m sure there must be an apartment near the doctor’s office you could afford to rent. That way you’d have control of the TV.”

She dismissed his suggestion. “I’m fine staying here and saving my money until Josh graduates in the spring. We’ll probably rent a place for a few years, but with me working and living at home for now, we’ll have a down payment for our own home sooner than we’d planned. I guess that’s one benefit to him changing his major and staying in school an extra year.”

“Yeah, but isn’t that extra year going to add to his student loans?” Daniel wondered about Sienna’s boyfriend, uncertain why he disliked the guy so much. Over the past two weeks, he and Sienna had spoken every night, always in the company of her family. Each time the subject of Josh had arisen, Daniel had learned something else about the man that annoyed him.

Sienna shook her head. “He won’t have any debt at all. His parents are paying for his education.”

Daniel fought to keep his face impassive, though her answer bugged the hell out of him. Another tick against Josh. He was spoiled.

Seth must have been listening to the conversation because he said what Daniel was thinking. “If I were his folks, I’d have made him start footing the bill this year. I think Josh would benefit from having to work for what he wants.”

Sienna didn’t reply. Daniel got the feeling this conversation wasn’t a new one.

Seth gestured to Sienna. “Take my baby girl there. She kept a 3.9 grade point average in college and held down a part-time job to help pay her way through school. She didn’t take her education for granted because she knew how much it cost and how hard she had to work to earn that money.”

“Dad,” Sienna said, “Josh appreciates his parents’ help. It’s not like he’s wasting their money. He’s getting an education that will help them manage the store better.”

Seth shrugged, letting the argument lie, though Daniel noticed his boss didn’t agree.

Daniel was curious to meet Josh, to see the guy who’d earned Sienna’s unwavering loyalty. She sure did spend a hell of a lot of time defending her boyfriend’s actions.

He let his gaze drift over her. She was wearing the same royal blue sweater she’d worn to his trailer when he’d kissed her. It made her chestnut hair seem redder, brighter, more vivid. He’d always been a sucker for a redhead and while he wouldn’t call Sienna’s hair auburn, she had just enough of the color to catch his attention. The sweater hugged her curves, showing off her generous breasts.

He shifted in his seat and willed away the erection threatening to make an appearance. What an idiot. He was sitting five feet from his boss and getting a boner from staring at Seth’s daughter. Daniel had worked hard to keep his attraction to Sienna a secret, but tonight he feared he was failing in the attempt.


First of all, he needed this job. Pissing Seth off didn’t seem particularly smart. Secondly, Sienna was committed to a jerk boyfriend who obviously didn’t deserve her. While he longed to shake up her well-ordered life, to show her there was a world full of men who would treat her better, Daniel couldn’t do that as long as she was with Josh.

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