02 Buck Naked (7 page)

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Authors: Desiree Holt

Tags: #Naked Cowboys

BOOK: 02 Buck Naked
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“Neither of them was too well,” Amy told him. “They just wanted to get to Arizona, where their son and daughter-in-law live. I understand they’ve got a small place not far from them.”

“Lucky for both of us the way things turned out.”

He took her elbow as he urged her up the steps, taking a minute to admire how the carving on the front door shone after all his work on it before he slipped the key in the lock. The downstairs was still mostly empty, but he’d salvaged a table and lamp from what the Hayeses had left behind, the lamp a beauty in dull brass and the table obviously old and intricately carved, like the front door. Now the lamp cast a warm glow on the plank flooring.

“Haven’t done much furniture shopping yet.” He made a joke of it, trying to cover his sudden attack of nerves. “You’re my first visitor.”

Pleasure washed over her face. “Then I feel honored. Anyway, from what little I can see at night, you’ve been spending your time and money on getting the buildings and land in shape. And I certainly know you’re working to build up your herd. I’d say you’ve got your priorities straight.”

“Hope so. Anyway, I’m not even sure how I want to furnish the house. Got the bedroom set and that’s all.” Then, not wanting her to get the wrong idea, he added, “Need a good bed to sleep on at night.”

“I agree.” She nodded. “Anyway, it pays to take your time. Get exactly what you want.”

He turned her to face him and cupped her face in his hands. “I know exactly what I want. Do you?”

Her eyes stared back at him clearly, with no sign of indecision. She ran her tongue over her lips as she’d done in the restaurant, and he was lost. He pulled her against his body, bent his head and took her mouth in a kiss that scorched him to the soles of his feet. She wound her arms around his neck and lifted herself on her toes to bring herself closer to his head.

She tasted of chocolate and coffee and just pure Amy, a heady combination of flavors that made his blood race and his pulse pound. He skated his tongue over every inch of the inside of her mouth, even her teeth and gums and the inside of her lips. He was so hungry for her he didn’t think he’d ever break the kiss, except he was running out of breath. They both were.

When he lifted his lips from hers, he stared into her eyes again. All day he’d been thinking about the fact he’d never actually brought a nice woman home to a nice place. Since he’d lost his virginity behind the Smoky Saloon when he was sixteen, the only women he’d been with were buckle bunnies and, later, women only looking for one night in a motel. By that time sex had been more exercise than anything. He wasn’t sure how to act or what kind of etiquette was involved in this kind of situation, and he definitely didn’t want to screw this up.

, he told himself.
It’s all you’ve got. Go with it.

He swung her up into his arms and carried her down the hall to his bedroom. He’d left both bedside lamps on, turned low, and they cast a warm glow over the room. At least he’d figured out how to set the scene. He hoped. And in the nightstand drawer were the brand-new condoms he’d stored with great hopes and expectations.

He set Amy on her feet, letting her slide down the length of his body. He skimmed his fingers down her cheeks and threaded them in the silk of her hair.

“You’re beautiful,” he murmured. “Just beautiful.”


A thrill ran through Amy’s body. Not just because of Buck’s words, but at the way he looked at her. Touched her. His moves weren’t those of a man who’d done this so often it came across as practiced and slick. And if she wasn’t mistaken, his hands were shaking a little. Who’d have thought that a man as sexy and good looking, as strong and confident, as Buck Montgomery would actually be nervous? Unless it was a damn good act—and she didn’t think it was—it gave him a lot of points in her book. Maybe she’d misjudged him, put him in the wrong category because that was what she was used to.

When his lips touched hers again, the remnants of rational thought fled from her brain. His tongue was a hot flame dancing over hers in seductive movements. Stealing her breath. She clutched his forearms, slipped her hands around to touch his broad back, feeling the hard muscles beneath the fabric of his shirt.

She almost didn’t notice it when he slid his hands from her hair to the edge of her top, his fingers finding their way up her rib cage to cup her breasts in his big palms. He found the peaks of her nipples beneath the satin of her bra and rasped his thumbs slowly back and forth over them. She was wet, instantly, her thong soaked and the muscles of her pussy clenching in need.

A soft moan drifted on the air and she realized it was coming from her. God, his touch was like magic, skillfully bringing to life every nerve in her body. Emboldened by his mood and his actions, she broke the kiss long enough to grab her top and yank it over her head. Toss it to the side. But it was Buck who undid the clasp on her bra and dropped it on her top. Buck’s hands that caressed her breasts. His fingers that lightly pinched her nipples.

He trailed his lips down her neck, sending shivers along her spine before settling at the hollow of her throat. She knew he could feel how madly her pulse was beating, especially when he licked the skin lightly with the tip of his tongue. She wove her fingers into his thick hair, holding his head in place, moaning when his lips closed over one taut nipple and tugged it into the heat of his mouth. She could feel the pull clear through her body to her pussy, all her muscles clenching in response.

As he moved his head to her other breast, his big hands found the button and zipper on her skirt and made quick work of them. Amy barely had time to register the fact that his hands were still trembling, she hoped as much from passion as from nerves. Then her skirt pooled at her feet, leaving her only in her thong. He cupped the cheeks of her ass, squeezing gently as he continued to suck her nipples.

She could barely stand when he lifted his head, took a step back and ripped open the snaps on his shirt. His chest gleamed in the lamplight, copper skin over washboard abs with just a bare sprinkling of hair. His muscles rippled as his arms moved, unzipping his jeans and sliding them down along with his boxer briefs. The most impressive erection she’d ever seen sprang free, hard and thick and pointing straight at her, the head already a dark plum.

“Damn boots,” Buck cursed, managing to sit on the edge of the bed to pull them off.

Then his clothes fell into the pile with hers and he tumbled her down to the bed with him. His skin was hot next to hers, his hands igniting flames on her body wherever they danced over her. He managed to maneuver them on the bed so they were stretched full length, and the awkwardness of it again reinforced her belief that this wasn’t just an everyday thing with him.

Then her brain shut down—not thinking—as his hands worked magic on her body. Every place his fingers touched—breasts, nipples, arms, navel—nerves fired and shivers skated over her. His mouth was hot on hers, his tongue thrusting and demanding. His muscular thigh pushed her legs apart, allowing his hand to cup her pussy. Her inner muscles clenched—hard—as his clever fingers manipulated her clit, brushing and pinching and tugging, before he slipped two of them into her wet, waiting channel.

Amy moaned and bit down on his lower lip as he found her sweet spot and dragged a fingertip over it again and again. She rocked her hips, trying to increase both the penetration and the pressure, but Buck kept his touch light and teasing. The hot, hard length of his cock seared her skin where it touched her thigh, and Lord, how she wanted him inside her.

When he withdrew his hand, she whimpered in protest, but in the next moment he changed their positions again. Now he lay flat on his back, his head resting on a pillow, and he’d positioned her so she was straddling his chest. He used his thumbs to open the lips of her cunt, staring at it hungrily before dragging her just a little closer.

“Hold on to the headboard, sugar.” His voice was thick with lust. “And hold on tight. I’m taking you on the trip of your life.”

She barely had time to grip the top edge of the wood before his tongue flicked over her clit and lightning bolted through her. Again he teased, swirling his tongue around her swollen nub, lapping lightly at the flesh surrounding it, tracing the line of her slit top to bottom and back again. He sucked, he nibbled, he lapped until she was sure she’d go crazy with lust.

“Oh, please,” she begged. “Please, please, please.” Over and over again like a litany.

“Mmm,” was his only answer as his busy tongue lit every nerve of her sensitive pussy.

“Oh, God,” she groaned, gritting her teeth when he dug his fingers into the flesh of her hips and his tongue finally—
stabbed inside her. Pushing down as hard as she could, she rode the slippery spear of flesh, crying out with pleasure as her entire body responded to him.

He drove her mercilessly, taking her just to the edge before pulling her back again, his tongue retreating from her hot, slick flesh only to begin the teasing all over again. His wicked tongue drove her to erotic places she’d never been before until she begged for release. When she was sure she couldn’t survive one more second, he thrust his tongue inside her again, moved one hand so he could inch her clit between thumb and forefinger and pushed her over the edge.

He held her in place while the shudders racked her body and she rode and rode and rode that skillful tongue. At last she collapsed forward, her breasts on his forehead, her lungs screaming for air. Her heart pounded so furiously she was sure he could hear it.

He stroked and caressed her body, soothing her, murmuring to her. When the trembling subsided, he kissed each of her breasts and then reached up to tug her head down to his. His mouth was soothing as much as it was demanding, and she tasted herself on his tongue.

“Good ride, baby?” His lips curved in a smile.

“Good hardly describes it.” Her words came out almost as a whisper.

Buck lifted her and rolled her to the side so she was again lying next to him. “Rest a minute. Take it easy. I have so much more I want to do to you.

But even in her spent state, she wanted to touch his body this time. To stroke him as he had done to her. As she lifted her face to him, brushing her lips over his in the gentlest of kisses, she trailed her hand along the line of his hip, feeling the solid muscle beneath the skin. Almost casually, she let her hand drift down to where the solid length of his cock impressed itself on her. She wrapped her fingers around it and stroked it slowly up and down, reveling in the steel hardness of it beneath the soft skin.

His groan rumbled up from his chest, a deep, masculine sound that vibrated through her body. She kissed a path down to his navel, pausing to swirl her tongue in the furled flesh before reaching the thick nest of curls surrounding his cock. She tugged on the wiry hair with her teeth before turning her attention to the velvety head of his shaft. It was dark, plum-colored, and a tiny bead of fluid sat temptingly at the slit. With a slow sweep of her tongue, she licked away its salty goodness and then took him in her mouth.

“Oh, Jesus.” Buck threaded one hand through her hair and wound it around his fingers, holding her head in place. “Your mouth. It’s so hot and sweet.”

The more deeply she took him into her throat, the more intense his sounds of pleasure, the more her own body responded. She squeezed her thighs together, feeling the sticky wetness of her own arousal. The pulse deep inside her pussy grew in power until she felt it in every part of her body.

Spurred on by his uninhibited response, she stroked faster, took him deeper, until with a growl, he jerked her head away from his body and tumbled her to her back.

She caught her breath and stared at him. “What is it? What’s wrong? I thought you liked it.” She gave a nervous little laugh. “I know I did.”

“I liked it too damn much. The first time I come with you, I want to be as deep inside your body as I can get. We’ll have more time for other things. Don’t you worry, sugar. That’s a treat I don’t intend to miss.”

He reached into the nightstand drawer and pulled out a condom. She watched him rip the foil with his teeth, spit it away, then roll the sheath expertly on one-handed. For a moment, she let herself wonder how many times he’d done this to be so skilled at it. Then she brushed the thought away. He was no kid. Of course he’d had his share of sex. And none of that really mattered. What was important was the here and now. Which she had to admit to herself was better than anything else in her life since she’d first discovered the difference between boys and girls.

Positioning himself between her thighs, he pressed her knees back, exposing her to him completely. He stared at her, hunger burning in his dark, dark eyes.

“So beautiful,” he whispered. “Such a gorgeous shade of pink. And so wet.” He lifted his eyes to hers, and Amy was sure he could see all the way into her soul. “Wet for me, sugar. And ready for me.”

He positioned the head of his cock at her opening and filled her with one long, slow thrust. Amy sucked in her breath as her muscles stretched to accommodate his size. She shifted her legs to wind them around his waist, digging her heels into the small of his back. He held himself there for a very long moment before beginning a smooth ride. In and out he pistoned, his width dragging against her inner flesh in a way that set fire to every nerve in her body.

, she wanted to shout.
More! Harder!

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